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1、Welcometotheunit & & ResdingLead-in1.What do you know about art?2.Whats your favourite type of painting?3.Can you name some famous artists you like4.or you are familiar with?Letstalkaboutthefollowingpaintings.1.Whatisamural(壁画)壁画)?2.Whatarethecharacteristicsofamural?1.Whatisastilllifepicture?2.Whata

2、rethecharacteristicsofastilllifepicture?1.Whatdoyouknowaboutabstractart抽抽象艺术象艺术?2.Doyouthinkiteasyordifficulttounderstandabstractpainting?What do you know about paintings of nature?Whatdoyouknowaboutaportrait?Doyouknowanyfamousportraitintheworld?1.Nowadays more and more people would like to spend lo

3、ts of money buying some paintings to decorate their house. Do you know the reason?2.Do you think painting is also a kind of language?Discussion:Self-portrait(by Pablo Picasso)MonaLisaLeonardodaVinci Pond Lily 睡莲Lotus flowers floated on the surface of a pond(Claude Monet)StarryNight(VanGogh)星空星空TheNi

4、ghtWatchman(Rembrandt)Reading strategyReadingalifestorygointheorderwhenandwherethepersonwasborntheirchildhood,educationandearlyinfluencetheirmostfamousworksandstylesthedateoftheirdeath;whatpeoplethoughtabouttheirworksTrue or false?1). Pablo Picasso was born in England.2). The painting of Mona Lisa i

5、s in the Louvre Museum.3). Leonardo da Vinci is an Italian.4). Monet was an American painter.5). Van Goghs early paintings were abstract.FTTFFSkimmingSpaina FrenchImpressionismDetailed readingComplete a profile:Name:Birthplace:_Nationality:_Dates of birth and death: 1881-1973Number of his art works:

6、 _His profession:_Characteristic of cubism he created:_the city of Mlaga,SpainSpanishover 20,000painter, sculptor and photographera type of art where things are represented as geometric(几何)(几何) shapes.Pablo PicassoPara 2Detailed readingComplete a profile:Name:Nationality:_Dates of birth and death: 1

7、452-1519His masterpiece:_His profession:_ _The place where the painting is kept:_ItalianMona Lisa a painter, a sculptor, an architect, an engineer and a scientistthe Louvre Museum, ParisPara 34Leonardo da Vinci1.He created this masterpiece between 1503 and 1506.(line 17)Make each day your masterpiec

8、e.2.The painting is so valuable that it is difficult to calculate what its price would be if(line 19)A.evaluate B. guess C. figure out D. thinkDetailed readingComplete a profile:Name:Nationality:_Dates of birth and death:_The place where some of his paintings are kept:_The favourite things in his pa

9、inting:_French 1840-1926 lotus flowersthe Musee dOrsay, ParisPara 56Claude MonetDetailed readingComplete a profile:Name:Nationality:_Dates of birth and death:1853-1890Number of his art works: about 800 oil paintings and 1,600 drawings His masterpieces:_His early painting style:_Towards the end of hi

10、s life, he created _The place where some of his paintings are kept:_Dutch Impressionism The Potato Eaters, Starry Night ,Sunflowersthe Van Gogh Museummore abstract artwork Para 79Vincent van Gogh1.but towards the end of his life, he created more abstract work.(line 41)2.Theo,tried hard to sell and d

11、istribute Van Goghs paintings to buyersA.give out B. give awayn. distribution3.Although we adore his work today, Van Gogh was not successful while he was alive.not concreteDetailed readingComplete a profile:Name:Nationality:_Dates of birth and death:_His masterpiece:_The place where some of his pain

12、tings are kept: a museum in AmsterdamDutch 1606-1669The Night WatchmanPara 10RembrandtArtistArtistNationaNationalitylityDatesofbirthDatesofbirthanddeathanddeathFamousFamouspaintingpaintingYearofYearofpaintingpaintingPabloPicassoSpanishSelf-portrait1972LeonardodaVinciItalianMona LisaVanGoghClaudeMone

13、tFrenchlotus flowersDutchThe Potato Eaters Starry NightRembrandtDutchThe Night WatchmanConclusionaboutthemasters:1881-19731853-18901840-19261452-15791606-16691885188916421503-1506ConsolidationPicasso produced over 20,000 pieces of art during his lifetime._ being a painter, he was also a sculptor and

14、 a photographer.Cubism, a type of art where things are represented as geometric shapes, was developed by Picasso.The Italian artist was the creator of the invaluable painting Mona Lisa.He as not only a painter but also a sculptor, an architect,an engineer and a scientist,who made many scientific _,p

15、articularly in the field of astronomy.Title:Famous art museums and great artists in _Pablo PicassoA museum in Malaga, Spain, which _ to be the house where Picasso was bornLeonardo da VinciThe _ Museum in Paris,FranceEuropeusedBesidesLouvrediscoveriesHe enjoyed _ lotus flowers very much and even buil

16、t a special garden to keep lotus flowers.Van Gogh painted about 800 oil paintings and 1,600 drawings on everything _from people to nature.His early paintings used Impressionism,but later he created more _ artwork.Van Gogh was not well received and _ only one painting during his life,but his works ar

17、e adored today.He lived in the _ century,the painting Night Watchman painted in 1642.VanGoghAnother museum in AmsterdamabstractrangingpaintingThen Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam,the NetherlandsMusee dOrsay in Paris,FranceClaudeMonetRembrantsold17thWhat qualities will lead to success?HardworkingCreativ

18、eEnthusiastic(热情)(热情)CarefulImaginativeNopains,nogains.一分付出一份收获一分付出一份收获Everyminutecounts.分秒必争分秒必争Geniusisnothingbutlabouranddiligence.天才就是天才就是劳动劳动加勤奋加勤奋If I were a painter, I would like to paintIf I were a painter, I would like to paint Description of what I will paintFirst,Second,Reasons why I want

19、 to paint itFirst,Second,If I were a painterWould you like to name any artists?Pablo PicassoVan GoghFast reading Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the following questions.1.HowmanymastershasLiMingvisitedonhistrip?2.WhichcountrieshasLiMingvisitedonhistrip?Listen

20、ingListentothee-mailcarefullyandtrytofinishthefollowingtable.ArtistArtistNationalityNationalityMasterpieceMasterpieceSchoolandtypeofSchoolandtypeofartartPabloPicasso巴勃罗巴勃罗毕加索毕加索SpanishSelf-portraitCubism立体派立体派LeonardodaVinciItalianMona LisaVanGogh文森特文森特梵高梵高ClaudeMonet克劳德克劳德莫奈莫奈Frenchlotusflowers莲花Du

21、tchThe Potato Eaters Starry Night吃土豆的人吃土豆的人Impressionismabstractartwork印象派印象派Rembrandt伦勃朗伦勃朗DutchThe Night Watchman 守夜人守夜人Readthee-mailcarefullyandanswerthefollowingquestions.1.What is Cubism?2.Was Leonardo da Vinci just a famous painter?3.Why did Claude Monet build a special garden at his home?4.Wh

22、ats the sad of Van Goghs life?DetailedreadingGroupwork:1.Use your own words to introduce each artist mentioned in the passage to other group members. 2. Suppose you have a chance to interview one of the artists, who would you prefer to interview and what questions would you prepare?Whathaveyoulearne


24、dadjectiveatalentedfootballer/pianist 一个有才能的足球运动员一个有才能的足球运动员/钢琴家钢琴家2.amazeverbTtocausesomeonetobeextremelysurprised:他看上去气色很好我感到很惊异他看上去气色很好我感到很惊异.Iwasamazedbyhowwellhelooked.amazementnounU3.represent:verbT(1)tospeak,actorbepresentofficiallyforanotherpersonorpeople:Theychoseafamousbarristertorepresent



27、$250. intherangeof=withintherangeofoutof/beyondrange 6.distribute:verbTtogivesomethingouttoseveralpeople,ortospreadorsupplysomething:Thebookswillbedistributedfreetolocalschools.这些书被免费送给了当地的学校。这些书被免费送给了当地的学校。distributionnounCorUanunfairdistributionofwealth财富的不公平分布财富的不公平分布7.negotiate:verbIorTImnegotia





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