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1、theSpringFestivalandChristmasthreefactorsFromdifferentsourcesDifferentCustomsThereasonFromdifferentsources除夕的传说除夕的传说.flv守歲的傳統來自一個有趣的守歲的傳統來自一個有趣的守歲的傳統來自一個有趣的守歲的傳統來自一個有趣的民間故事。在中國古代有一民間故事。在中國古代有一民間故事。在中國古代有一民間故事。在中國古代有一個叫作個叫作個叫作個叫作“ “年年年年” ”的怪的怪的怪的怪兽兽兽兽。在春。在春。在春。在春節前的晚上,節前的晚上,節前的晚上,節前的晚上,“ “年年年年” ”會從地會

2、從地會從地會從地洞裡出來吃人洞裡出來吃人洞裡出來吃人洞裡出來吃人。The tradition of staying up late on New Years Eve originated from an interesting folktale. In ancient China, there lived a monster named Year. On New Years Eve, it always went out from its burrow to devour people.Whenthewinterisgoneandthespringiscoming,theYearrandown




6、村前燃起篝火,阿山和阿水投入一根根竹子,火堆里发出起篝火,阿山和阿水投入一根根竹子,火堆里发出“劈劈啪啪劈劈啪啪”的爆裂声。几只年跑下山。看到篝火,的爆裂声。几只年跑下山。看到篝火,听到响声,果然又往回跑了。就这样,一夜过去了,听到响声,果然又往回跑了。就这样,一夜过去了,乡亲们平安无事。第二天正月初一,乡亲们拿出红乡亲们平安无事。第二天正月初一,乡亲们拿出红柑、花生米等好吃的东西一道吃,互相祝贺:柑、花生米等好吃的东西一道吃,互相祝贺:“恭恭喜!喜!”从此,人们便把正月初一叫做从此,人们便把正月初一叫做“过年过年”。 所以所以所以所以在春節前夜在春節前夜在春節前夜在春節前夜, ,家人們都會聚

7、在一起吃晚飯。晚飯以後也沒有家人們都會聚在一起吃晚飯。晚飯以後也沒有家人們都會聚在一起吃晚飯。晚飯以後也沒有家人們都會聚在一起吃晚飯。晚飯以後也沒有人敢睡覺,大家坐在一起聊天壯膽。因此,慶祝春節也被叫作人敢睡覺,大家坐在一起聊天壯膽。因此,慶祝春節也被叫作人敢睡覺,大家坐在一起聊天壯膽。因此,慶祝春節也被叫作人敢睡覺,大家坐在一起聊天壯膽。因此,慶祝春節也被叫作“ “過年過年過年過年” ”,春節前夜的這頓飯春節前夜的這頓飯春節前夜的這頓飯春節前夜的這頓飯如今如今如今如今被稱為被稱為被稱為被稱為“ “團圓飯團圓飯團圓飯團圓飯” ”。Because of the monster Year, eve

8、ry household would have dinner together. After dinner, no one dared go to sleep, and all the family members would sit together, chatting and emboldening each other. Therefore, “celebrating the Spring Festival” is also called “passing the Year”, and the dinner is called “reunion dinner” now.守守歲歲Stayi

9、ngUpLateonNewYearsEveThe Origin of ChristmasChristmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States. Christmas- meaning celebration of Christ - honors the time when Jesus was born to a you

10、ng Jewish woman Mary. 圣婴圣婴.mp4According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other.Mary was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter,

11、Mary was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter, however before their wedding, she was found however before their wedding, she was found to be with child. Joseph was a righteous man to be with child. Joseph was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public and did not want to expose her to public

12、 disgrace ,so he had in mind to divorce her disgrace ,so he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he had considered this, quietly. But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared in his dream an angel of the Lord appeared in his dream and said, Do not be afraid to take Mary a

13、nd said, Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him give birth to a son, and you are to give him

14、 the name Jesus, because he will save his the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. people from their sins. Although the exact date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago is not known, the calendar on the supposed date divides all time into B.C. (Before Christ )and A.D.

15、For the first 300 years, Jesus birthday was celebrated on different dates. Finally, in the year 354, church leaders chose December 25 as his birthday.Different Customsthe Spring Festival ChristmastheSpringFestivalChineseLunarNewYearThebeginningoftheyearisknownastheSpringFestivalSpringFestival.Itisth

16、emostceremoniousandtraditionalfestivaloftheChinesepeople.Asymbolofunity&prosperity,ThefuturesustenanceofnewhopeforthefestiveseasonHow Do Chinese people Celebrate it ?FamilygettogetherLightcrackersGiveRedEnvelopestickcoupletstheSpringFestivalcustomAseriesofcolorfulcelebrationactivitiesbeginonthefirst

17、dayofthefirstlunarmonth.AftertheSpringFestival,allkindsofentertainmentprogramsusedtobegivenintherural areas in China. Just like the flowerexhibition in Beijing now, the entertainmentprograms include walking on stilts, taking aboatongroundandoperas. Nomatterinthecityorinthecountryside,allthepeoplewil

18、l do one thing that is to extend Spring Festivalgreetings. This activity begins at first between familymembers.圣诞节传统庆祝方式:圣诞节传统庆祝方式:1.圣诞老人圣诞老人2.圣诞树圣诞树3.圣诞帽圣诞帽4.圣诞服圣诞服5.圣诞卡片圣诞卡片6.圣诞美食圣诞美食7.圣诞歌圣诞歌MainlyFoodatChristmasdinner圣诞节西方主要食物是火鸡圣诞节西方主要食物是火鸡 Brusselssprouts(球芽甘蓝球芽甘蓝)Roastpotatoes烤土豆烤土豆Cranberrysa

19、uce(小红莓果酱小红莓果酱)The hanging of stockings by the fireplace before bedtime, to receive the presents from Father Christmas, is a much-loved tradition that is still practiced by many children and adults although stockings might now be replaced with hung in different locations such as by the childs bed.孩子

20、们在睡觉之前,将自己的长袜子挂在火炉边,其目的为了期待圣诞老人的礼物!这是个很受人尊敬的传统节日,仍受很多小孩喜欢,大人们常当孩子们睡觉时将礼物充入袜子里Something special for kids at Christmas 圣诞节,西方孩子们也有些特别的庆祝方式圣诞节,西方孩子们也有些特别的庆祝方式Something special for kids at Christmas 圣诞节,西方孩子们也有些特别的庆祝方式圣诞节,西方孩子们也有些特别的庆祝方式When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve , they hang a stocki

21、ng at the behind of their beds . Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas , or their parents will not leave them anything . When they wake up , they find their stockings filled with presents . As a result,children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.当

22、小孩子们在平安夜睡觉前,他们常在长袜子挂在床头,父母们常告诉孩子们不要看见圣诞老人,否则不能收到礼物当孩子们醒来时,他们的长袜子已充满了礼物!通常,孩子们很早起床,期待看到礼物In western countries, the Christmas Day is the time for families to get together, so every westerner does him best to go home for the reunite .Differences in Best WishesBest Wishes in Spring festival:Harmony brin

23、gs wealth 和气生财 May all your wishes come true 心想事成Safe trip wherever you go 出入平安Promoting to a higher position 步步高升Wishing you every success 一帆风顺Everything goes well 吉祥如意Best Wishes in Christmas:Wishing you a white Christmas. 愿你有一个白色圣诞。 Best wishes on this holiday season. 致以圣诞节最诚挚的祝福。Wishing you and

24、yours a merry Christmas this holiday season. 在此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐。 whySpringfestivalandChristmasissodiffrent?Two aspects!Firstly,the meaning of them is different!Each festival has its particular meaning and unusual story behind it.As is konwn to all,Christmas Day-December 25- is set to celebrate the birth

25、of Jesus Christ,who sanctify the people with his own blood.So Westerners,actually,are celebrate the god and the spirit of sacrificing himself to save the suffering of the world.二者含义不同: 圣诞节是为了纪念用自己的鲜血洗涤人们罪恶的的耶稣的诞生。因此,西方人事实上是在纪念那些救人类于水火的神和那种舍身助人的精神。However,Spring festival is not set to celebrate one p

26、articular god.In fact,Spring festival is mainly to celebrate the harvest and thanks to ancestors and gods for the blessing of the annual bounty.而春节则不是为了纪念某一个神而设立的。春节其实是为了庆祝丰收,并感谢先人和神灵的庇佑。Secondly,the nature of them is diffrent!Christmas Day is a religious festival,so there are many Christian rules a

27、nd these rules are identical.For example,most Westerners would go to church to attend Christmas mass. 二者本质不同: 圣诞节是一个宗教节日,所以有着相同的宗教仪式。例如,西方人一般会去教堂做弥撒。Spring festival is a folk festival and there is no canons to rule people.Custom is conventional sothat the internal difference is larger. Besides,the c

28、ustom may be not stable.That is why we often hear people around said that the festival atmosphere is less and less.春节是一个民俗节日,没有教规约束人们。风俗都是约定俗成的,因而内部差异会比较大。而且,这些风俗也可能不那么稳定。这就是为什么我们经常会听到周围的人说年味越来越淡了。What makes them different?Two reasonsThe difference of the attitude to the interpersonal relationships.

29、Chinese people pay more attention to elder family members.For example:New year money,pay a new year call,etc.中西方人民对人际关系的看法不同。中国人民更为尊重长辈,所以春节注重对长辈的尊敬。比如:压岁钱,拜年等等Western people pay more attention to God.For example:Christmas carol,the star on the chrietmas tree.西方人民则更为敬神,所以圣诞节充满了对神的敬仰。比如:圣诞歌的主题一般是赞美神的

30、,圣诞树上的星星是为了寻找耶稣。Geographical relationshipChina is an agricultural countrySo,the Spring Festival is a activity that welcome the spring which represent the hope of the farmer. 地理原因:中国是一个农耕国家,靠种地生活,所以春节象征着迎接春天的到来,播撒新年的希望。Western countrise are costal states which do many sailing activities,so they believe God could protect them.The Christmas is a festival that blessing themselves.西方国家一般都是沿海国家,靠出海为生,所以他们很看重上帝能保佑他们在海上的安全。圣诞节不仅是一个为上帝祈福的日子,同时也是一个为他们自己祈福的日子。thankyou!制作人员:制作人员:李云芳李云芳冯璐璐冯璐璐邢翠娟邢翠娟张霞张霞汤平汤平刘磊刘磊



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