高中英语 Unit 10 Money Lesson 2 The Right Price课件 北师大版必修4

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1、一二三一、把下列图片与对应的英文搭配 A.fax machineB.boot(s)C.scarfD.necklaceE.leather jacketF.vestC A D F E B 一二三二、学习下列形容词,选择正确的形容词补全句子 1.The behaviour of boys sometimes causes fighting.2.Jack replied with a polite but “no”.3.All the students are about the New Year party.4.I wont waste any more of your time.aggressiv

2、e firm enthusiastic valuable 一二三5.Everyone cries sometimesits nothing to be of.6.He is quite that there will be no problems this time.ashamed confident 一二三三、下面是几组发生在商场的对话,请判断它们是买家(buyer)还是卖家(seller)说的话1.A:Can you show me some jades,please?B:Yes,of course.Would you like a jade ring?2.A:Oh,this one is

3、 quite impressive.Ill take it.By the way,do you sell pearl necklaces?B:Yes.Natural pearls or cultured pearls?We have both kinds.3.A:Normally,we dont bargain.As you are coming to us for the first time,Ill make it an even figure,600 dollars.B:Thank you.By the way,can you have it delivered?答案:A:buyer;B

4、:seller 答案:A:buyer;B:seller 答案:A:seller;B:buyer 一二三4.A:Excuse me,could you tell me how much this brooch(胸针) costs?B:I dare say,you really have a good eye,Miss.It costs only 118 yuan.5.A:Lets see how much thatll all cost.246 yuan.B:Look at this book,please.There seems to be something wrong with it.答案

5、:A:buyer;B:seller 答案:A:seller;B:buyer 1234561.Today were going to talk about bargains.今天我们将要谈论砍价。Most people in Britain dont bargain for things,you know,argue about the price of something.大多数英国人不会就物品讨价还价,也就是对物品的价格进行争论。考点 bargain n.& vi.交易,讨价还价Weve made a bargain that he will do the shopping and I wi

6、ll cook.我们已讲定,他买东西,我做饭。She is good at bargaining.她擅长讨价还价。Shop in small local markets and dont be afraid to bargain.到当地的小市场去购物,别害怕砍价。123456bargain用作名词时还常表示“减价品,便宜货”。There are no bargains in this clothes shop in (the) high season.在旺季的时候这家服装店没有减价商品。The lady walked around the shops,keeping an eye out fo

7、r bargains.那位女士在商店里走来走去,寻找着减价商品。123456活学活用语法填空(1)I bought a dress for only 10 dollars;it was real bargain.翻译句子(2)I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.(3)Ive done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the bargain.a 答案:我在减价期间买了几样挺不错的便宜货。 答案:我已经履行约定,希望你也能遵守协议。 1234562.In the stud

8、io we have Helen Cooper,a journalist,and a very enthusiastic shopper.在演播室里,我们请来了记者海伦库珀,她也是一个热衷购物的人。考点 enthusiastic adj. 很感兴趣的,热情的【高考典句】The failure was a big blow to him,but he wasnt discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.这次失败对他来说是一个很大的打击,但是他没有泄气,很快变得和以前一样热情。She was even less enthusiastic a

9、bout going to Spain.她对去西班牙更不感兴趣。归纳:enthusiastic常与介词about连用,表示“对热心,对感兴趣”。123456enthusiasm n. 热情,热心I love my major very much and devote all my enthusiasm and energy.我非常喜欢我的专业,并为此投入全部热情和精力。He had a real enthusiasm for the work.他的确热衷于这项工作。归纳:enthusiasm常与介词for连用,表示“对的热情”。123456活学活用语法填空(1)My father likes

10、playing golf;hes really enthusiasticit.(2)His enthusiasm music has stayed strong throughout his life.(3)All the staff are enthusiastic about (go) there.(4)Employers showed little (enthusiastic) for the work.about for going enthusiasm 1234563.Well,its very important to be friendly.Friendly,but firm a

11、t the same time.嗯,友好非常重要。要友好,但同时也要坚决。剖析第一句中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to be friendly;第二句是省略句,完整的句子形式可以是“You should be friendly,but you should be firm at the same time.”。考点 firm adj. 坚定的,坚决的【高考典句】Ive been able to keep firm friendships with them.我能与他们保持牢固的友谊。123456【高考典句】I tried being firm,but it didnt work.我

12、试着保持镇定,但根本不起作用。We must take firm measures to prevent our environment from being polluted.我们必须采取坚定的措施来防止环境污染。123456(1)firm还有“稳固的;严格的;牢牢控制的”等意思。Make sure the ladder is firm before you start to climb.在爬(梯子)之前要确保梯子稳固。Parents sometimes have to be firm with their children.有时父母得对孩子严格一点。(2)派生词:firmly adv. 坚

13、定地;坚固地;牢牢地I firmly believe that we must act at once.我坚信我们必须马上行动。123456活学活用翻译句子(1)We have no firm evidence to support the argument.(2)He made a firm decision to leave at once.(3)You need to be firm with her.(4)The little boy held his mothers hand firmly when crossing the street.语法填空(5)Keep your eyes

14、(firm) fixed on the road ahead.答案:我们没有确凿的证据支持这个论点。 答案:他下定决心马上离开。 答案:你得对她严格一点。 答案:过马路时那个男孩紧紧牵着妈妈的手。 firmly 1234564.Well,the best thing is to say that you havent got much money,which might be true and you dont need to be ashamed of that!嗯,最好的办法是说你没带多少钱,这可能是事实,你不必为此觉得惭愧!剖析不定式短语to say.作表语,say后接that引导的宾语

15、从句。which引导非限制性定语从句。and后的分句与前面的内容并列,不定式短语to be.作need的宾语。句末的that指代to say that you havent got much money这件事。123456考点 be ashamed of 为感到惭愧/羞耻He is terribly ashamed of what he did.他为自己的所作所为愧疚不已。In class,students should not be ashamed of asking the teacher questions.在课堂上,学生们不应该羞于向老师发问。She was ashamed of he

16、rself for telling such lies.她为说这样的谎而感到羞耻。归纳:be ashamed of doing sth.因为做某事而感到羞愧123456(1)ashamed adj. 羞耻的,惭愧的I am ashamed to tell him that I have failed the exam.我不好意思告诉他我考试不及格。归纳:be ashamed to do sth.羞于做某事(2)辨析:ashamed和shamefulI am ashamed of myself for being so stupid.我因自己这么愚蠢而感到惭愧。Such shameful con

17、duct should be stopped.这种可耻的行为应该被阻止。归纳:ashamed意思是“羞耻的,惭愧的”,一般用作表语,主语是人;shameful的意思是“可耻的”,通常修饰事物或行为,既可作表语,也可作定语。123456活学活用用ashamed的相关结构填空(1)I myself having stayed so long.(2)He ask such easy questions.(3)He he had lied.(4)Mary having failed.am ashamed of for was ashamed to was ashamed that felt/was a

18、shamed of 1234565.If the person says “no”,she is annoyed.如果那个人说“不”,她会很恼火。考点 annoyed adj. 愤怒的,生气的He was beginning to get annoyed with me about my carelessness.因为我粗心大意,他已开始恼火了。I bet she was annoyed at having to write it out again.我敢说她对不得不重写一遍感到恼火。Im a bit annoyed that he didnt phone me.He promised me

19、he would!他没给我打电话我有点生气。他答应我要打的!归纳:annoyed常用作表语,后接with sb.表示“生某人的气”,后接at (doing) sth.或that引导的从句表示“因而生气”。123456(1)annoy vt. 打搅,使烦恼【高考典句】People were always doing things that annoyed her,and nothing was ever good enough.人们总是做让她恼火的事,没有一件事让她觉得足够好。What annoys me is that he wont even listen to other peoples

20、suggestions.令我生气的是,他甚至不会听取别人的建议。(2)annoying adj. 使恼怒的,使生气的【高考典句】It was really annoying;I couldnt get access to the data bank you had recommended.这真让人烦恼。我进不了你推荐的资料库。123456活学活用用annoy的适当形式填空(1)Its that we knew nothing about it before.(2)Hell be if we dont finish it by eight.(3)It me that Ann never retu

21、rns the books she borrows.单句改错(4)What annoy me is that he always tells lies.(5)He was annoying with me for my forgetting to phone.annoying annoyed annoys 答案:annoyannoys 答案:annoyingannoyed 1234566.Comment on the object.评价物品。考点 comment vi. 评论,评价comment on 对进行评论I wont comment on this matter.我对此事不予置评。Th

22、e spokesman said their company do not comment on future product plans.一名发言人说他们公司对未来产品计划不作评论。123456(1)comment用作及物动词,后接that引导的从句作宾语。Jean commented that it was a better play than usual,and I agreed.琼评论说,这场比赛比以往打得好,我表示同意。(2)comment可用作名词,意为“评论,评价;意见”。He made a comment on/about my performance.他对我的表现进行了点评。

23、【高考典句】These comments came in response to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.这些评论是为了回应当地的新闻记者们经常问的具体问题。123456活学活用语法填空(1)I think there is no need for us (comment) on his action:it speaks for itself.(2)Mr President,can you predict who will win in the election? comment!I will not say anything about it at present.句型转换(3)I dont feel I can comment on their decisions.I dont feel I can their decisions.to comment No make a comment on 123456翻译句子(4)She made useful comments on my work.(5)He refused to comment.答案:她对我的工作提出了有益的意见。 答案:他拒绝评论。



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