八年级英语下册 Module 4 Discovery Unit 7 The unknown world 牛津深圳版

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1、Module4Unit7TheunknownworldUnit 7Module4DiscoveryPeriod1GettingreadyGettingreadyReading(I)Reading(I)TheunknownworldGettingready Look at the cartoon and answer the questions. Where are Hi and Lo? Where are Hi and Lo? What is Lo worried about? What is Lo worried about? What does Hi think of the planet

2、? What does Hi think of the planet? What do you think of the planet? What do you think of the planet? /5kri:tF(r)/creaturecreatureDo you want to travel to another planet? Why?Do you want to travel to another planet? Why?Brainstorm Look at the pictures on page 98 and answer the following questions.Do

3、 you believe in aliens? Do you agree with the following sentences? Discuss them with your classmates.Whatdoyouknowabout?receivereceiveDo you believe in aliens? Do you agree with the following sentences? Discuss them with your classmates.Whatdoyouknowabout?.BeforeyoureadWhatsthepassagemainlyabout?Wha

4、tsthepassagemainlyabout?LookandlearnLook at the pictures, the title and the first paragraph of the story on page 99. Then answer the questions below. You may need to guess some of the answers.BeforeyoureadShewokeupatmidnight.Perhapsitwasaspaceship.Itsuddenlydivedtowardstheground.Sheprobablywentandlo

5、okedforaspaceship.D1 Tina and Tom are telling a police officer what they have seen. Complete their answers to the police officers questions.ComprehensionThenextmorning,TinamentionedittoherbrotherTom.“ImsuresomethinglandedintheforestnearthehillsasIheardaloudnoiselastnight,”shesaid.“Letsexploreaftersc




9、chooltogether.Dadlookedatthepieceofpaperwiththestrangemarksonit.“Itlooksstrange,”hesaid,ashelookedattheword“EARTH”.1What are Tina and her family?_2Who are the aliens?_3Where did the spaceship come from?_D2 Read the story again and answer the questions below in complete sentences.Find sentences in th

10、e story to support your answers in D2.ReadandfindForQuestion1:“They were very ugly. They had some hair, but they didnt have any feathers,” said Tina.The children spread their wings and flew to school together.ForQuestions2and3: It was tall, with a round head and a silver body. “It looks strange,” he

11、 said, as he looked at the word “EARTH”.ReadandfindoutSheIt They It It They It heheRead the story again and find out what the pronouns refer to.She = TinaIt = The yellow light They = Tina and TomIt = The astronaut/The first astronautIt = The second astronautThey =The aliensIt =The lines/The markshe=

12、Tina and Toms dadC1 Read the following sentences from the story on page 99. Circle the correct meanings for the words in italics below.Vocabulary 1.模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2.抄写单词和短语:unknown,alien,astronaut,receive,hill,loud,explore,bush,quiet,round,damage,crash,frightened,discover,terrible,fear,creature,fea

13、ther,wonder,line,refuse,spread,mark;keep quiet,because of,in fear。3.思考问题:Do you believe aliens are real? Why or why not?,并为自己的观点搜集论据。4.完成练习册第98页Vocabulary和第105页Reading A的练习。Unit 7Module4DiscoveryPeriod2Reading(II)Reading(II)Theunknownworld1ReadthetextC2Completethefollowingnewspaperarticlewiththeword




17、nknownunknownfeathersfeatherslinelinereceivedreceivedterribleterriblewonderswondersunknownlinequietreceiveddiscovered2LookandreviewBaseformBaseformLineLine3Read Paragraphs 2 to 5 of the story. Then, answer the following questions.ReadandanswerBecause she saw a yellow light in the sky and it suddenly

18、 dived towards the ground.They explored the forest after school.At 6 p.m.They heard some voices speaking a strange language. They didnt understand it.It was tall, with a round head and a silver body.They felt frightened.Another alien.They ran away in fear.Read Paragraphs 6 to 8 of the story. Then, t

19、ell whether the following statements are T (True) or F (False).FFTFRead Paragraphs 9 to 10 of the story. Then, answer the following questions.Theyflewtoschool.Birds.TheEarth.4SummarizeRead the story again and summarize the main idea of each part.PartParagraph(s)Mainidea1Paragraph 12Paragraphs 253Par

20、agraphs 694Paragraph 10Tina saw something unusual at midnight.Tina and Tom explored the forest and found two aliens.Tina and Tom told their father what they saw and he refused to believe them.Tina and Toms father looked at the piece of paper with the word “EARTH” on it.5Retell the story using the ke

21、y words and the pictures to help you.RetellAt midnight, a yellow lightThe next morning, exploreAt 6 p.m. , reachThe next morning, tell their father*D3 In pairs, discuss whether you believe aliens are real. Why or why not?6ComprehensionHHomework1.根据时间线索,复述主阅读篇章的故事。2.把小组讨论Comprehension部分练习D3的结果整理成发言稿。

22、3.完成英语(八年级下册)B第121至122页ReadingB,C的练习。Unit 7Module4DiscoveryPeriod3TalktimeTalktimeListeningListeningSpeakupSpeakupTheunknownworld1RetellthestoryAt midnight, a yellow lightThe next morning, exploreAt 6 p.m. , reachThe next morning, tell their fatherReport1Name: TinaTime:The day before yesterday, at (

23、1) _Place: Flat 7, Floor 20, Tall BuildingOtherpeople: None. I was alone.Report:I (2) _ and looked out of the window. In the sky, I saw (3) _. The light dived towards the ground and then I saw (4) _. I heard (5) _too. I think something landed (6) _ near the hills.Complete the following reports after

24、 reading the story.ReadandcompleteReport2Name:Tina Time:Yesterday, at (7) _Place: The forest near the hillsOther people:With (8) _Report:We flew to the forest. Then we walked around. We heard (9) _, so we hid behind some bushes. We saw (10) _. It was talking but we could not understand it. It was ve

25、ry ugly. It had a round head and (11) _. It had some hair but it did not have (12)_. We saw the aliens (13) _. It was damaged. There was something written on the spaceship. It was not likeour writing. The writing was like this: EARTH. Then (14) _appeared in front of us. It made a terrible noise so w

26、e ran quickly away.2TalktimeRead the conversation below.Tony:I think aliens must be more intelligent than humans.Jenny:I dont agree. Tony:But if they could fly to the Earth, their spaceships must be faster than ours.Jenny:I agree with you. Their technology must be more advanced than ours.Answer the

27、following questions about the previous conversation. What is Tonys opinion about aliens? What is Tonys opinion about aliens? What does Tony think of aliens spaceships? What does Tony think of aliens spaceships? Does Jenny agree that aliens must be more intelligent than humans? Does Jenny agree that

28、aliens must be more intelligent than humans? Does Jenny agree that aliens spaceships can travel faster than humans? Does Jenny agree that aliens spaceships can travel faster than humans? What can we say to express agreement? Yes, indeed.Yes, indeed. Yes, (thats) exactly what I think.Yes, (thats) exa

29、ctly what I think. I agree totally/one hundred per cent /completely.I agree totally/one hundred per cent /completely. Thats just what I was going to say.Thats just what I was going to say. I think so.I think so. Yes, thats right.Yes, thats right. How true!How true!What can we say to express disagree

30、ment? Im not so sure about that.Im not so sure about that. Do you really think so?Do you really think so? Im a bit surprised you said that.Im a bit surprised you said that. Well, thats a matter of opinion.Well, thats a matter of opinion. I wouldnt say that.I wouldnt say that.In pairs, make a convers

31、ation like the example above. Choose one of the following topics.People will be able to meet aliens from People will be able to meet aliens from other planets in the future.other planets in the future.AgreeinganddisagreeingWe will live with aliens in We will live with aliens in the future.the future

32、.We can control We can control aliens.aliens. UFOs UFOs do exist.do exist. Aliens Aliens do existdo existCrop circles were created by Crop circles were created by people.people.A spaceship crashed at A spaceship crashed at Roswell.Roswell.3ListeningA Listen to the captains instructions and help Liz

33、and Gus label the map with the words from the box.B Listen to the recording again and complete the notes below. Write one word in each blank.Retell Captain Troys instructions using the map and your notes.Suppose you are Liz and Gus. In pairs, talk about the route you will choose to reach the landing

34、 site. 4SpeakupLook at B on page 102 again. The two astronauts must get to their mother ship as soon as possible. They have the following things, but they can only take five of them.Come up with your own list of five things you want to take with you. Then compare your list with your partners list. E

35、xplain to your classmate why you need these things and why you agree or disagree with him/her on what you should bring.You can use the following expressions for reference.Offeringsuggestions:Offeringsuggestions:Acceptingsuggestions:Acceptingsuggestions:Rejectingsuggestions:Rejectingsuggestions:Discu

36、ss the things you will take and complete the table below.ThingReasonAgree/Disagree Liz GusFellow students,We have decided to carry these five things. Firstly, we will carry because Secondly, Thirdly, Then, Lastly, Have you got any questions?Make a report about the five things you want to take with y

37、ou and give reasons. Use the expressions below to help youTwoastronauts,LizandGus,arelotonPlanetX.TheircaptainTroyistalkingtothemfromthemothership.ListentothecaptainsinstructionsandhelpLizandGuslabelthemapwiththewordsfromthebox.desertlandingsitespaceshiplakemountaintowndesertlakelanding sitemountain

38、stownListentotherecordingagainandcompletethenotesbelow.Writeonewordineachblank.CaptainTroy:Wecannotlandthemothershipintheforestbecauseofthe(1)_.YourspaceshipisinB4.Wearegoingto(2)_inD1.YoumustgettoD1_.treeslands in two daysYoumust(4)_behind.Youcanonlycarry(5)_.Youmustnthurtor(6)_anyoneonthisplanet.l


40、ingthings,buttheycanonlytakefiveofthem.Workinpairs.ImagineyouandyourclassmatesareLizandGus.H 1.抄写单词和短语:desert,tent,knife,explain;as soon as possible,agree with,disagree with。2.列出如果去外星球你最想带的五件物品,并陈述理由。3.完成英语(八年级 下册)B 第117至第118页Listening和第119页Speaking的练习。HomeworkUnit 7Module4DiscoveryPeriod4GrammarGra

41、mmarTheunknownworldAdverbial clauses of reason because ofToknowtheusageofadverbial clauses of reason because ofTolearntousethem1.HedistrustedmebecauseIwasnew.2.Asalltheseatswerefullhestoodup.3.Thecountryisnotstrongbecauseitislarge.4.Since/Aswevenomoney,wecantbuyit.以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,下面就让

42、我们根据之前练习的考察情况进一步选择讲解该语法项的重难点。原因状语从句引导词用法Becauseof句型状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。当状语为句子时即为状语从句,一般可以用来表示时间、地点、原因、结果等概念。原因状语从句常用引导词:because,since,as,Mark is absent today because he is ill.马可今天没来,因为他病了。As he was in a hurry, Jack left his bag home.由于走的匆忙,杰克把包落在了家里。because1.because表示的原因是必然的因果关系;语气最强;通常在主句之后,有时也在主句之



45、seofsickness.他因病不能上学。Becauseofhiswoundedleg,hecouldnotwalksofastastheothers.因为一条腿受了伤,他不能和其他人走得一样快。 .单项选择。 1.-Tomisntfeelingverywell.-Heseemstohaveacold_theweatherchangessuddenly.(2012安徽)安徽)A.beforeB.soC.becauseD.though2._youvegotachance,youmightaswellmakefunuseofit.A.NowthatB.AfterC.AlthoughD.Assoon





50、eaterriblenoise;infear;refusetodosth.;powerlinePatterns:Ithink/believethatHomework1.抄写单词和短语:keepquiet/becauseof/infear/landingsite/assoonaspossible/agreewith/disagreewith2.完成英语(八年级下册)本部分对应的练习。Unit 7Module4DiscoveryPeriod5MorepracticeMorepracticeCulturecornerCulturecornerStudyskillsStudyskillsTheunkn

51、ownworldastrangenoiseCaptainTroybird-likepeoplewithwingsmothership1Some useful wordsLizwantedtomakefriendswiththepeopleofBirdWorld.Discusswithyourclassmateshowshemightdothis.Usetheideasfromtheboxandtheexamplebelowtohelpyou.Thenfillinthetablewithyourideas.WritethestoryofLizandGuswithyourideafromAandB

52、.LizandGusfinallyreachedthelandingsiteandsawCaptainTroy.“Liz!Gus!Welcomeback!”saidCaptainTroy.“Imverypleasedtoseeyou.Nowletsgetonthemothershipand”Suddenly_they all heard a strange noise. They looked up into the sky. Some_Nooneknewwhattodo.ThenLizhadagoodidea.bird-like people with wings were flying i

53、n the air. Many of them landed near the mother ship.She smiled at them and started to dance as she wanted to show the people of Bird World that she was friendly. She danced beautifully. Everybody from BirdAndsothepeoplefromtheEarthandBirdWorldbecamefriends!World liked her dancing very much. They sta

54、rted dancing too. They were happy.2More practiceMore practiceSkim the article and answer the questions.A Read the article and answer the questions below.HeHeweweit itRead the article again and find what the pronouns refer to.Who do you think said each of these? Write the names of the people in the b

55、lanks.PersonDMajorMarcelPersonAorhiswifePersonB/WilliamBrazelDecide whether the following statements are True(T) or False(F). FFFFFB What do you think of mysteries such as UFO. In groups, give your opinions.3CulturecornerHave you read any other science fiction books? Tell your classmates about one o

56、f them. Studyskills4NameNameTimeTimeReadandanswer The key information The key information. . Names, times, numbers, thoughts or ideas Names, times, numbers, thoughts or ideas. .Read the instructions on page 110. Then answer the following questions.*A Listen to a book review and make notes below. Remember to write down key information only. Do not write complete sentences.*B Complete the following sentences using your notes in A.The Time MachineH. G. WellsLondon1866some creatureswonderful5Self-assessment



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