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1、Lesson 96The dead returnWhat kinds of festivals in China do you know about ?the Spring Festivalthe Lantern FestivalTomb Sweeping Festival (Ching-Ming Festival)the Dragon Boat Festivalthe Mid-Autumn Festivalthe Double Seventh Festivalthe Double Ninth Festivalwhat festivals of foreign countries do you

2、 know?Valentines DayEaster (Mar-Apirl)Apirl fools DayMothers Day (may)Fathers Day (June)Halloween(Oct.31)Thanksgiving Day(November)ChristmasDo you know Ching-Ming festival?What do people do on that day?-Grave -Sweeping day .Put out weeds around the headstone Cleaning the stone Replacing wilted or de

3、ad flowers with fresh ones.Burn incense and joss paper.The joss paper is for the deceased to use in the afterlife .You will even see food arranged on headstones.The food is an offering to the spirits.three stes of chopsticks and three Chinese wine cups also placed above the food,close to the headsto

4、ne.Do you know there is also a festival for the Dead in Japan?What do people do on that day?It is held from of July 13 to july 16 for farewell.Obon (盂兰盆节)盂兰盆节)is the Japanese version of the Ghost Festival,which has since been transformed over time into a family reunion holiday during which people fr

5、om the big cities return to their home towns and visits and cleans their ancestors graves.They dance and sing They also place many lanterns into the riversNew wordsfestival lanternspectacle drift guiden. 节日节日n. 灯笼灯笼n. 景象,壮观,场面景象,壮观,场面v. 漂流,漂移漂流,漂移v. 给给领路领路 festival (1) n. 节日节日the Spring Festival春节春节

6、 在中国节日前在中国节日前+ the ; 西洋节日不加定冠詞西洋节日不加定冠詞They hold a festival on Independence Day . 他们在独立紀念日举办庆祝会他们在独立紀念日举办庆祝会(2)(定期举办的)文化性活动)(定期举办的)文化性活动节节Our school holds a musical festival every year. lantern (1) n. 灯笼、手提灯灯笼、手提灯light a lantern 点亮灯笼点亮灯笼Ice lantern冰灯冰灯the Lantern Festival元宵节元宵节(2) 天窗天窗 spectacle (1)

7、 n. 景象景象a fine spectacle 绝佳的景象绝佳的景象 哀伤的景象哀伤的景象The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.狂欢节游行是个很壮观的景象狂欢节游行是个很壮观的景象(2)壮观,壮观场面、奇觀)壮观,壮观场面、奇觀The sunrise I saw from the top of Mt. Tai was a tremendous spectacle .从泰山上居高远望从泰山上居高远望,日出景象蔚为奇观日出景象蔚为奇观. spectacles 眼镜眼镜 a pair of spectacles 一副眼鏡一副眼鏡make a

8、 spectacle of oneself 出洋相出洋相;當場出丑當場出丑 drift vi. 漂流,漂移漂流,漂移Small clouds drifted through the sky.一小块云彩飘过天空。一小块云彩飘过天空。 vi. 漂泊,游荡漂泊,游荡He has lost his job and just drifts in the city all day long.他丢了工作,成天就在城里游荡他丢了工作,成天就在城里游荡He drifted from France to Italy.他从法国漂泊到意大利。他从法国漂泊到意大利。guide vt. 给给领路领路The old man

9、 guided the explorers through the forest.这个老人把探险者领出了森林。这个老人把探险者领出了森林。 vt. 指导(指导(的行动);影响(的行动);影响(的决的决策等)策等)Dont let your wifes opinion guide your actions.不要让你妻子的意见影响你的行为。不要让你妻子的意见影响你的行为。We should be always guided by truth. 我们应该永远受真理的指导。我们应该永远受真理的指导。Today we will listen to a story about the Festival f

10、or the Dead in Japan Listen to the tape and answer the questions1.How often is it helds there?2.Why is food laid out for them ?3.Why are Specially-made lanterns hung there?4.Why dont they eat the food theyve prepared for the dead?课文讲解课文讲解A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This fes

11、tival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them. Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way

12、. All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night b

13、efore, are placed into the water when the festival is over. Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no mor

14、e.1.How often is it helds there?Once a year.2.Why is food laid out for them ?Because they are expected to be hungry after their journey.3.Why are Specially-made lanterns hung there?To help the dead to find their way.4.Why dont they eat the food theyve prepared for the dead?Because it is considered u

15、nlucky for anyone living to eat it.A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan.日本每年过一次日本每年过一次“亡灵节亡灵节”。1)Festival for the Dead 亡灵节。亡灵节。2) 定冠詞用在某些形容詞前,可用來表示定冠詞用在某些形容詞前,可用來表示某类人某类人the dead 死人死人 the living 活著的人活著的人the poor 穷人穷人 the rich 有钱人有钱人3)Hold a festival 过节过节This festival is a cheerful oc

16、casion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living.Occasion(1)场合,时候)场合,时候on the occasion of 在在的时候的时候,值此值此之际之际He was presented with the certificate of honor on the occasion of his retirement.在他退休的时候,给他颁发了荣誉证书。在他退休的时候,给他颁发了荣誉证书。(2)特别的大事,庆典)特别的大事,庆典i

17、n honor of the occasion 为表示庆祝为表示庆祝(3)机会)机会I have little occasion to use my English.我很少有机会用到英文我很少有机会用到英文1)be said 据说据说it is said that it was said that 据说据说改造句子:改造句子:It is said that the dead will return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living .It is said that we are going to have a warm win

18、ter this year.据说今年冬天会比较暖和据说今年冬天会比较暖和2)be welcome 被欢迎被欢迎Youre welcome . 不客气不客气Youre always welcomed at our house .我們家随时欢迎你。我們家随时欢迎你。 3)receive a warm welcome 受到热烈欢迎受到热烈欢迎give sb a cold welcome 給某人一個冷漠的欢迎給某人一個冷漠的欢迎As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them. 因

19、为预料到他们在经过长途旅行之后会感到饥饿,所以为他们摆放好了食品。因为预料到他们在经过长途旅行之后会感到饥饿,所以为他们摆放好了食品。expect sb to do (expect sb to be) (1) 预料预料.会会.I expect him to come soon . 我预计他能很快到來。我预计他能很快到來。(2)期望)期望 (某人)做(某人)做.What do you expect me to say ?你期望我說什麼你期望我說什麼?England expects every man to do his duty.英国期望每一位国民尽他的义务英国期望每一位国民尽他的义务1)jou

20、rney (常途陆路)(常途陆路) 旅行旅行make a journey take a journey go on a journeybe away on a journey 离开去旅行、 在旅行中go on ones last journey 最後旅程、去世voyage (海上)旅行(海上)旅行 trip 英:通常指短程的观光旅行英:通常指短程的观光旅行 ; 美:所有旅行美:所有旅行2)lay out (1) 摆开、展示、摆设摆开、展示、摆设The shop assistants were busy laying out their windows for the National Day(

21、2)设计(庭园、都市等)、編排版面)设计(庭园、都市等)、編排版面 This house is laid out sensibly . 这房子的设计颇具巧思。这房子的设计颇具巧思。(3)n. 布置布置I have changed the lay out of our workshop.我已经改变了厂房的布置。我已经改变了厂房的布置。Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way.1)specially-made 特制的特制的 man-made 人造的;人为的人造的;人为

22、的 home-made 家常的家常的All night long, people dance and sing. 2)All night long 整晚整晚 all day long 一整天一整天 She stayed with her grandfather all summer long.day and night 日日夜夜日日夜夜I think of you day and night . 我日夜想你我日夜想你day by day 逐日逐日In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is throw

23、n into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it.一大早,人们便把为死者摆放的食品扔进河中或海里,因为人们认为活着一大早,人们便把为死者摆放的食品扔进河中或海里,因为人们认为活着的人吃了这些东西是不吉利的。的人吃了这些东西是不吉利的。in the early morning early in the morning 一大早一大早In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in

24、the streets the night before, are placed into the water when the festival is over.在靠海的城镇中,头天夜里挂在大街小巷的小灯笼在节后就放在了水里在靠海的城镇中,头天夜里挂在大街小巷的小灯笼在节后就放在了水里Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world.成千上万只灯笼慢慢漂向大海,指引着亡灵返回另一个世界。成千上万只灯笼慢慢漂向大海,指引着亡灵返回另一

25、个世界。 guide (1)向导)向导He guided the tourist through the park.(2) 指导某人、領导(国家、事业等)指导某人、領导(国家、事业等) 、治理、治理He guided his new business to success .他管理他的新公司走向成功。他管理他的新公司走向成功。(3)v.(思想、感情等)(思想、感情等) 支配支配 (常为被动结构)(常为被动结构) Guided by his sense of duty, he helped the poor.他出于责任感向贫困的人提供援助他出于责任感向贫困的人提供援助(4) n. 导游导游Can

26、 you hire a guide to show us around the city ?1) the other world 阴间阴间She believes that she will meet her dead parents in the other world.她坚信她会在阴间见到她的父母。她坚信她会在阴间见到她的父母。2)for all the world 无论怎样看都、完全绝对(强调否定)无论怎样看都、完全绝对(强调否定) I wont give up for all the world .我絕不會放棄的我絕不會放棄的3)in the world (1) 在世界上在世界上(2)

27、 究竟究竟 (強调疑問句)(強调疑問句) What in the world happened ?究竟发生什麼事了?究竟发生什麼事了?(3) 根本(強调否定句)根本(強调否定句)eg:Shell never in the world say no . 她根本不会说不她根本不会说不 .4)make the best of both worlds 左右逢源、两面讨好左右逢源、两面讨好 This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more.这是一个感人的场面,人们成群地伫立在海岸上,注视着灯这是一个感人的场面,人们成群地伫立在海岸上,注视着灯笼远去,直到再也看不见为止。笼远去,直到再也看不见为止。moving adj. 动人的,感人的动人的,感人的It was a moving story that touched many of us to tears.这是个感人的故事,使我们大多数人都感动落泪了。这是个感人的故事,使我们大多数人都感动落泪了。



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