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1、写作点拨系列(三) 段落写作之主题句和支持句 【核心点核心点拨】一、主一、主题句句 概概括括段段落落的的主主要要内内容容,确确定定段段落落的的主主题,限限定定该主主题在在本本段段落落详细讨论的的范范围,是是整整个个段段落落的的纲领,此此句句即即为主主题句句。围绕主主题句句,作作者者通通过列列举事事实、提提供供例例证、描描写写细节、说明理由等逐步展开段落。明理由等逐步展开段落。 1. 主主题句的位置句的位置 (1)主主题句句通通常常置置于于段段落落开开头,开开门见山山摆出出问题,随随之之辅以以细说。其其作作用用是是便便于于读者者迅迅速速地地把把握握主主题,抓抓住住段段落落的的中中心思想。此心思想

2、。此为演演绎法法(deduction),便于初学者仿效。,便于初学者仿效。 Nowadays, every student pays enough attention to study habit because of its importance. As for me, I have three ways to improve my study habit. 段段落落第第一一句句是是主主题句句,道道出出了了全全段段的的中中心心思思想想学学习习惯。study habit是关是关键词。 (2)主主题句句也也常常置置于于段段落落末末尾尾。作作者者先先不不说出出本本段段的的中中心心思思想想,一一直直

3、留留到到最最后后才才披披露露。这可可以以给读者者设置置一一种种悬念念,迫迫切切想想要要读下下去去,同同时给读者者的的印印象象也也特特别深深刻刻。放放在在段段末末的的主主题句句,通通常常还有有对前前面面所所述述作作总结的的作作用用。这可可称称为归纳法法(induction)。 As the saying goes, genius is the product of the loneliness. Einstein is a good example. Therefore, on the one hand, the only child feels lonely. On the other han

4、d, one can enjoy loneliness when thinking. Loneliness brings more chances to think of meanings about life and future. In a word, the only child not only feels lonely but also can get some benefits. Learning to enjoy loneliness, one would beeasier to taste the real life. 最最后后一一个个段段落落为总结性性段段落落,最最后后一一句

5、句为结论性性主主题句句,点点出出了了本本篇篇文文章章作作者者写写作作的的目目的的就就是是让人人们学学会会享享受受孤孤独独,品品尝真正的人生。真正的人生。 (3)有有时主主题句句会会出出现在在段段落落中中间,也也有有时主主题句句含含而而不不露露,隐藏在全段的字里行藏在全段的字里行间。 2. 主主题句的写法句的写法 主主题句句的的句句子子结构构和和思思想想内内容容必必须完完整整、清清楚楚、具具体体,不不能能模模棱棱两两可可、空空泛泛。要要避避免免不不完完整整(incomplete)、不不清清楚楚(unclear)、过于于笼统(general),如如作作文文题目目是是The Advantages o

6、f Travel(旅旅行的好行的好处)。试比比较其中一段的主其中一段的主题句,前三种写法均不可取。句,前三种写法均不可取。 不完整不完整: Enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places 不清楚不清楚: To travel,one needs to know something about it 太太笼统: By travelling one enjoys a lot 较 好好: By travelling one can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places二、支持句二、支持句 通通过给

7、出出一一些些例例子子、原原因因、事事实、统计数数据据或或引引文文等等,对主主题句作句作进一步的一步的阐述、述、说明的句子即明的句子即为支持句。支持句。 特特点点: 通通常常包包含含若若干干个个句句子子,置置于于段段落落的的中中间,是是段段落落的的主主体体部部分分。在在文文章章写写作作时,支支持持句句的的多多少少、长短短要要适适中中,重重点突出。点突出。 【对点点训练】. 请找出下面短文段落的主找出下面短文段落的主题句和支持句句和支持句 Nowadays, drinking and driving is becoming a heatedtopic among people in China.

8、Here, Id like to air my views about it. As is known to us all, drinking and driving is a sort ofterrible behavior that will threaten the safety of people,including the driver himself.答案:答案:主题句主题句 支持句支持句 Many of the traffic accidents caused by drinking anddriving have brought about traffic jams, inju

9、ries and evendeaths. Besides, a great deal of money has to be spent treatingthe injured and repairing the broken cars, which means awaste of money.答案:答案:支持句支持句 支持句支持句. 用恰当的主用恰当的主题句和支持句句和支持句补全短文全短文 In modern times, more and more parents devote their energy to their career due to fierce competition, t

10、hus caring less about their children. _(许多多人人选择用用钱来来奖励励孩孩子子)for the progress they have made in their studies. Many of them choose to reward theirchildren with money However, I dont think this is a proper way. Firstly, if the children are always rewarded with money when they get high marks, _(他他们的的注注

11、意意力会集中在力会集中在钱上上)instead of the pleasure of studying. _(他他们中中的的一一些些人人就就会会不不努努力力学学习)as soon as they get what they want. Secondly, _(钱太太多多了了会会惯坏坏孩孩子子), for they are too young to make good use of the money. I think _(对孩孩子子们来来说,拥抱抱的效果比的效果比钱好好). their attention will be focused on moneySome ofthem will sto

12、p working hardtoo muchmoney will spoil the childrena hugwill work better for children than money. 请用恰当的主用恰当的主题句和支持句把下面句和支持句把下面这篇文章写出来篇文章写出来(2013西安模西安模拟) 近近来来我我们学学校校正正准准备创建建和和申申报“省省绿色色学学校校”,请你你据据此此给某英文某英文报写一篇短文,内容包括:写一篇短文,内容包括: 1. 绿色校园不色校园不仅是指是指绿色的色的环境境; 2. 建建设绿色校园的重要性色校园的重要性; 3. 为了建了建设绿色校园,我色校园,我们应该

13、注意:注意:1. 词数数120个左右;个左右; 2. 可以适当增加可以适当增加细节, 以使行文以使行文连贯; 3. 开开头已已为你写好,不你写好,不计入入总词数。数。 Recently, our school is aiming at building a green school. What is a green school? _【答案答案】 Recently, our school is aiming at building a green school. What is a green school? It means not only a green campus, but a “g

14、reen” atmosphere for our study and life. (主题句主题句) For one thing, a green campus means more plants, less pollution and no waste.(支支 持持 句句 )Each of us can do something, such as planting trees and flowers or just saving electricity and water in our daily life. It will make a big difference. For another

15、 thing, it is necessary for us students to make great efforts to create a harmonious atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between teachers and students.(支支持持句句)Besides, it is important to keep a friendly and supportive attitude towards each other. (支持句支持句) Accordingly, if everyone does one thing for our school, well surely turn our school into a better one.



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