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1、 金华市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解练习题 一、英语任务型阅读 1根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 What do you do when you begin to read an English newspaper? Youd better know what sections there are. Usually, there is international news, business, science and technology, entertainment or lifestyle, sports and cartoons. You can choose your favourite

2、 section to read carefully. That you come to the article itself. If you dont have time to read the whole article, the headline( 标题 ) and photo give you a general idea of the story. Different kinds of articles A news article includes body text and a photo with a short piece of text under it. It usual

3、ly puts the most important information at the very beginning. If you dont have much time to read the story, just have a look at the first paragraph. A feature article is an in-depth( 深人的 ) report on an event or a person. It usually has an interesting opening. You get to know the idea of the article

4、as you read. Another kind of article is an opinion article. Usually, some famous people give their own opinions about an important issue in a fun way. Opinion article is different from news stories that are all facts. Be a critical( 批判性的 ) reader There are advertisements in newspapers. They can prov

5、ide useful information about products, places, food or jobs. Remember that people make advertisements to sell you things. You dont have to do everything advertisements tell you to do. You should be critical enough to judge which advertisements are useful and which are not. (1) How can you catch the

6、general idea of an article in a short time? ( 不超过 6 个词 ) (2) Where is the most important information in a news article? ( 不超过 4 个词 ) (3) How many kinds of articles does the writer talk about in the passage?( 不超过 1 个词 ) (4) What is the passage mainly about? ( 不超过 6 个词 ) (5) What do you usually do as

7、a critical reader? ( 请自拟 句话作答 ) 【答案】 ( 1) By reading the headline and photo. (2) In the first paragraph. (3) Three. /3. (4) Tips for reading an English newspaper. (5) I only read the information which is useful to me. /I just read the advertisements I am interested in, /I dont do everything advertis

8、ements tell me to do. /. ( 1)根据 If you dont have time to read the whole article, the headline( 标题 ) and photo give you a general idea of the story. 可知如果你没有时间阅读整篇文章,标题(照片)和照片给你一个故事的总体思路。故填 By reading the headline and photo. 。 ( 2)根据 If you dont have much time to read the story, just have a look at th

9、e first paragraph. 如果你没有太多的时间读故事,那就看看第一段。可知最重要的信息在第一段,故填 In the first paragraph. 。 ( 3)根据 A news article includes body text and a photo with a short piece of text under it.A feature article is an in-depth( 深人的 ) report on an event or a person.Another kind of article is an opinion article. 可知讲了新闻文章、专

10、题文章和观点文章,一共 3 种文章,故填 Three. /3. 。 ( 4)根据全文可知主要讲了开始读英语报纸时做什么,故填 Tips for reading an English newspaper. 。 ( 5)根据 They can provide useful information about products, places, food or jobs. Remember that people make advertisements to sell you things. You dont have to do everything advertisements tell you

11、 to do. You should be critical enough to judge which advertisements are useful and which are not. 可知它们可以提供有关产品、地点、食物或工作的有用信息。记住 人们做广告是为了卖给你东西。你不必做广告告诉你做的每件事。你应该足够挑剔,判断 哪些广告有用,哪些不有用,故填 I only read the information which is useful to me. /I just read the advertisements I am interested in, /I dont do ev

12、erything advertisements tell me to do. /. 【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂题意,然后从文中仔细寻找答案。 2阅读下面一则小故事,将描述故事发展的五个段落重新排列,使故事完整。 A The terrible news made Jolie frightened And just at that moment , a man wearing a brown coat suddenly appeared and stood in front of her B There came the sound of a police car moments later

13、 Then someone rang the doorbell The robber said , with a gun pointing against Jolies back ,“ Open the door and say that you have gone to bed Do not let anyone in C So when Mr Collins, a policeman , asked Jolie whether there was something unusual there, Jolie told him there was nothing wrong and she

14、was watching TV with her brother Mr Collins went away However, a few minutes later, some policemen broke the window and caught the robber immediately D “ Putyour money on the table, said the robber “ Ifyou call the police , you are just asking for trouble ” Jolie felt more frightened, but she tried

15、to calm herself down E“ Heres an important notice from the police At about 9 p m ,a lady was robbed and killed by a man in brown If you know anything about the man , please call the police Jolie Ray was watching TV alone at home when the program suddenly stopped _ _ _ _ _ “ You really did a good job

16、, Miss Ray When you told me that your brother was in the room , I realized there must be something unusual ,” said MrCollins, “ because we knew your brother had been killed in a robbery half a year ago 【答案】 E; A; D;B; C 【解析】 【分析】短文讲述了一个人在家的 Jolie 遭遇在逃的强盗,冷静应对,最终使自己 得救的故事。 A.可怕的消息让 Jolie 吓坏了,而在那一刻,穿着

17、一件棕色外套的男人突然出现,站在她面前。 B.一会儿有一辆警车的声音。有人敲门铃,强盗说,用枪指着朱莉的背, “打开门,说你睡 觉了,不要让任何人进来。 “ C.当 Mr Collins, 一名警察,问 Jolie 是否有异常的事情时, Jolie 告诉他,没有任何错误, 她正和她的哥哥一起看电视。 Mr Collins 离开了。然而,几分钟后,有些人警察打破了窗户,立即抓住了强盗。 D. “把你的钱放在桌子上, ”强盗说, “如果你打电话给警察,你只是要求麻烦。 ” Jolie 感到更加害怕,但是她试图冷静下来。 E. 这“是警方的一个重要通知。大约晚上 9 点,一名女士被一名棕色的男子抢劫

18、杀死,如果 你知道有关男子的话,请打电话给警察局。 由第一段电视节目突然中止可以推测,可能有重大的突发事件发生。 A、 B、 C、 D 都不足以是电视节目中止,故 E 排在第一始;杀人的强盗仍然在逃,是一件可怕的事。 A 选项符合题意,故 A 排第二; D 选项应该是发生在警察没来之前, B 选项发生在警察正赶来时。根据时间顺序, D 在前, B 在后。故 D 排第三, B 排第四。根据短文最后一段可知,强盗应该已经被抓住。所以本段可能是强盗被抓,故 C 排第五。正确的排序为: EADBC。 【点评】本题需要学生理解每段的大意,仔细分析段落之间的前后关系。 3阅读以下内容,并完成句子,每空词数

19、不限。 Do some colours make you feel calm while others give you energy? Scientists have studied the connection between colours and mood for a long time. Many believe that colour can influence our moods. Warm, bright colours such as yellow and red are positive colours. They can give people a pleasant fe

20、eling. Cool colours such as blue, purple, and green are relaxing colours. They help people experience calm feelings. Many public places are decorated with certain colours in order to create certain moods. Orange makes people feel hungry, and many restaurants are painted this colour. People use colou

21、r in their homes to create moods as well. Blue is a peaceful colour. It helps you rest, so it is a very good colour for a bedroom. Colours can create bad moods too. Some types of blue make people feel sad. Red can make people feel angry. What is your mood right now? Now look at the colour of the wal

22、ls round you. Does it match your mood? ( 1) Cool colours are relaxing colours and they help people experience _. ( 2) Orange makes people_, and many restaurants are painted this colour. ( 3) People use colour in their homes to _ as well. ( 4) Some types of _ make people feel sad. ( 5) This passage m

23、ainly tells us how colour _. 【答案】 (1) calm feelings ( 2) feel hungryhungry ( 3) create moods ( 4) blue ( 5) influences our moods/ can influence our moods 【解析】 【分析】这篇短文主要讲了颜色对于情绪的影响。 (1)依据短文中的句子 “Cool colours such as blue, purple, and green are relaxing colours. They help people experience calm feeli

24、ngs. ”知,冷颜色如蓝色、紫色和绿色是放松的颜色。他可 们帮助人们体验平静的感觉。故答案为 calm feelings 。 (2)依据短文中的句子 “Orange makes people feel hungry, and many restaurants are painted this colour. 可”知 , 橙 色 让 人 感 到 饿 , 许 多 餐 馆 都 涂 成 这 个 颜 色 。 故 答 案 为 feel hungryhungry 。 (3)依据短文中的句子 “People use colour in their homes to create moods as well.

25、 可”知,人 们在家使用颜色营造一种情绪。故答案为create moods 。 (4)依据短文中的句子 “Some types of blue make people feel sad. 可知,”某些类型的蓝色让 人感到悲伤。故答案为 blue 。 (5)依据短文中的句子 “Many believe that colour can influence our moods. 以及短”文中的介 绍:黄色和红色是积极的颜色。他们可以给人一种愉快的感觉;蓝色、紫色和绿色是放松的颜色,他们帮助人们体验平静的感觉;橙色让人感到饿;蓝色是一个和平的颜色。它帮助你休息;颜色也可以创建心情不好。蓝色让人感到悲伤

26、;红色可以让人们感到愤怒。故答案为 influences our moods/ can influence our moods 。 4根据短文内容从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处使短文内容通顺完整。 We have found plastic in the ocean and in animals like birds, fish and whales. But for the first time, scientists have found plastic in human poop ( 大便 ) , USA Today reported. The findings came from

27、a study led by scientists from Environment Agency Austria _ The volunteers wrote down what they ate for a week and then provided a stool sample ( 大便样本 ) for testing. _About 20 small plastic particles (IM) were found in every 10 grams ( 克 ) of stool. The smallest plastic particles can enter the blood

28、, the lymphatic system, and may even reach the liver (肝脏 ), said Philipp Schwabl, who took part in the research. _Theyre not sure how the plastic got in the volunteers bodies, either. But most of the volunteers said they drank from plastic bottles and also ate seafood that could include plastic from

29、 ocean pollution. In fact, plastic is everywhere around us. Every year, lots of plastic waste goes into the ocean._ Most of the particles stay in the ocean. Others can spread into the soil, and air. Could plastic in the air fall onto food and get into the human body? Some past studies may also give

30、us a clue. _And even some drinking water has been found to have tiny plastic particles in it. A. There, sunlight and waves (海浪 ) break the plastic waste down to very small pieces. B. The scientists are sure that the plastic must be harmful to humans. C. According to USA Today, 90% of sea salt which

31、is sold in the world includes plastic. D. The scientists followed eight healthy volunteers from different parts of the world. E. However, the scientists arent sure if the plastic is harmful to humans. F. Scientists found nine different kinds of plastic in the stool samples, according to the study. 【

32、答案】 D; F; E; A; C 5下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项( A、 B、C、 D、 E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。 A. You probably sit right at the front of the class if you re longing for knowledge. B. Research suggests that the seat you choose in the classroom says a lot about you and your personality. C. Do you sit in the mid

33、dle of the classroom? D. This means its a good idea to sit in a different place every day. E. People often think that students who sit at the back are lazy. F. Students who sit at the side of the classroom are normally interested in class. Where you sit and how you fit _ For more than seventy years,

34、 researchers and teachers have studied the link between the place where students choose to sit in class and what they are like as people and learners. Where do you usually decide to sit? Have you ever really thought about the reasons for your decision? _ But is this really true? Well, some researche

35、rs say it is not. In fact, shy students often choose the back row because it is far away from the teacher and they dont want to answer questions. At the back, students probably wont speak much, but in big classrooms, it can be hard to see the board and hear what the teacher is saying. This could be

36、the reason why students who sit here often get lower grades on tests and exams. For students with poor eyesight or hearing, a seat at the back of the classroom is not a good choice. _ However, they like watching and listening rather than joining in. These students are usually also very good at takin

37、g notes. Next time you miss a class, borrow notes from someone who sits here. On the sides of the classroom you will generally find modest and thoughtful people. These people usually get good grades in school and are interested in learning. _ Then the statistics ( 统计数据 ) say you probably like your t

38、eacher. You probably also have a good relationship with your classmates. Caring, outgoing, and cheerful people usually sit in the middle. They are normally serious about learning and feel disappointed with low grades on tests and exams. _ Students who sit here usually want to discuss things with the

39、 teacher and are often very interested in the subject. They want to be in the best place to see and hear everything the teacher does and says. The only problem with sitting here is that it can be difficult to see and hear what other students do and say in class. So, if you really want to hear what e

40、veryone says in class, choose a different place to sit. 【答案】 B; E; F; C; A 6任务型阅读 ( 1)阅读下面短文,从方框中所给的 A-E 五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项)。 A. Remember there is hope for everyone! B. Open your eyes and you are ready to go! C. Your mind goes blank! D. Be more silent! E. Well, dont do that! Public speaking is o

41、ne of the top three fears among adults in both the UK and the US. Here are some suggestions that deal with some of the most common problems people experience with public speaking. Do you hate that moment when you stand up in front of a group to speak and everybody looks at you? _. Its a sign that pe

42、ople are interested and want to hear what you have to say. Welcome those looks! Beat the brain freeze Have you ever been in the middle of speaking and suddenly freeze!brain _. It is possible that you forgot something for the moment. And you are holding your breath! All you need to do is to trust you

43、rself, clear your mind, focus and breathe. The thoughts will come rushing back to your mind in no time. Phew! Increase your confidence Use this exercise to get in touch with the naturally confident ( 自信的 ) you inside. Close your eyes and remember a special time you felt really relaxed and confident.

44、 Imagine the feeling of relaxation rushing through your whole body. It will pass information to your brain that you are confident and happy. _ Whether you are someone who just wants to move from good to great with your speaking, or someone who feels too afraid to stand up and speak, the great news i

45、s that you can move forward, be relaxed, and turn into a great speaker. _ (2) Write down another suggestion on how to become a good speaker. ( 答案不多于 5 个单词 ) 【答案】 ( 1) E; C;B; A (2) Make a speech everyday.(答案不唯一,合理即可) 7请阅读下面图文内容,按要求完成所给任务。 In a school, you may hear a student saying in Chinese, 我对汉语很感

46、兴趣“。 “but youre not in China. Youre in a foreign country. Like the student, many foreigners are learning Chinese. But its not easy. The Chinese use a different character( 汉字 ) for each word. People have to memorize about 600 characters before they can do even basic reading and writing. For foreigner

47、s, its hard to memorize them. And the following chart shows the top 3 difficulties for foreigners while learning Chinese. Writing Chinese characters Understanding the same word in different sentences Reading Chinese poems April 20 Chinese Language Day As one of the six official working languages of

48、the United Nations(UN)( 联合国 ), Chinese Language Day has been celebrated since 2011. The UN holds colorful activities on this day. This helps spread Chinese and Chinese culture. However, Chinese is more popular around the world today. The long history and colorful culture of China attract many foreig

49、ners to learn Chinese. With the rapid development, China is staying ahead in many fields and is playing its role in the world. Chinese is becoming a global ( 全球的 ) language and its popularity has risen around the world. Many countries set up Chinese courses in their schools. For example, in the UK,

50、students used to choose between Spanish, Latin, French and other foreign languages. But now schools encourage their students to study Chinese. The increase in popularity of Chinese has been surprising. 1031 people took Chinese language exams in 2001, and the number was 2062 last year, while 2561 peo

51、ple chose Spanish. Its predicted that studying Chinese in the UK could overtake ( 超过 ) Spanish in less than five years. Just like the foreigners do, we also learn foreign languages. Different languages carry different cultures. So exchanges are necessary. By learning a foreign language, we not only

52、have a useful tool of communicating, but experience a new culture, whats more important, learning a foreign language well will help us tell our own stories to the world. ( 1) Please translate the underlined sentence into English. ( 2) According to the passage, why is it difficult for foreigners to l

53、earn Chinese? ( 3) Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. ( 4) How does the UN celebrates Chinese Language Day? ( 5) Compared with 2001, how many more people took Chinese language exams in the UK last year? What does the result tell us? ( 6) What can you do by learning a foreign lang

54、uage? 【答案】 ( 1) Im very/ really/ quite interested in Chinese./ I take / show a great interest in Chinese/. ( 2) Because they have to memorize a large number of characters./ Because Chinese characters are not easy to write./ Because the same word has different meaning in different sentences./ Because

55、 they have difficulties in reading poems. ( 3)中国悠久的历史和灿烂的文化吸引了许多外国人学习中文。 ( 4) It holds colorful activities./ By holding colorful activities. ( 5) 1031. (It tells us) the increase in popularity of Chinese is surprising in the UK./Chinese is becoming more and more popular in the UK. ( 6) We / I can te

56、ll our own stories to the world./ We/ I can spread colorful Chinese culture to the world. / We/ I can teach foreign people Chinese./ We/ I can have more chances to find a good job. 8信息归纳 It is believed that social networks allow people to make their online social circle larger. But having 150 friend

57、s on WeChat is not the same thing as having 150 friends in real life. In last weeks Chitchat, we asked our readers how many friends did they have in their WeChat account( 账户 ), and how many of them were actual friends. Here are some of the top comments( 评论 ). left and right I have more than 1,000 fr

58、iends in WeChat. However, the number of friends I communicate with daily is less than 50, most of whom are my classmates and families. So many friends are just there and we never speak any word. I have almost 300 friends in my WeChat. However, people who I often send messages to is just 10. Most of

59、these friends are classmates or people who work with me. Except work or studying, we hardly talk with each other during our spare time. Monica To be honest, as an English teacher since 1981, I have more than 400 WeChat friends, most of whom are my students, students parents, and workmates. Although

60、we seldom meet face to face, our ties still remain normal. You see, they often ask me questions online, which I answer happily. Of course, sometimes I feel upset when they ask me to vote ( 投票 ) online or give likes. However, I generally do as requested, because it serves to glue our ties. Informatio

61、n Card The things that make peoples online social circle larger _ The persons who left and right talks with in daily life _ The topic that Kris talks with his WeChat friends in his free time _ The number of teaching years of Monica _ The reason why Monica does as requested although she feels upset _

62、 【答案】 social networks ;his classmates and families ; work or studying ; 38 years ; Because it serves to glue their ties. 9任务型阅读 A different culture keeps my eyes and mind open. When I stayed in Russia (A)an exchange student, I learned about it. One day, a Russian trend invited me to a (B)well-known

63、restaurant in Moscow( 莫斯科 )I looked forward to trying local ( 当地的 )food. After arriving there, I found nothing on the table but several small plates, on which there were nuts, a few slices( 片 )of tomatoes, and several pieces of onions. Although the dishes were simple, we drank a lot and I felt the p

64、assion( 热情 )from the bottom of his heart. In China, when we invite friends or relatives, we always treat them to a big dinner. We prepare as much food as we can(C) show our friendliness. What a different culture it is l Even though we try our best, its very (D) difficult to get used to their customs

65、. Another Russian custom also impresses me deeply. As we know, it is very cold in winter there. When winter comes, (E) 俄罗斯人喜欢游泳 .They even take their kids outside together. Like their parents, (F)Russian kids rub ( 擦 )their bodies with snow before jumping into the water. Although the water is freezi

66、ng cold, they all play happily in it. What fun it is to know about a different culture. (1)在文中 (A)和 (C)的空白处填入适当的单词: (A)_ (C)_ (2)写出文中划线部分 (B)和 (D)的同义词或近义词: (B)_ (D)_ (3)将文中划线部分 (E)译成英语 ( 4 ) 将 文 中 划 线 部 分 (F) 改 写 为 : Russion kids rub their bodies with snow before_ _into the water. ( 5)从文中拔出能说明本文主旨大意

67、的短语。【答案】 ( 1) as ; to ( 2) famous ; hard ( 3) Russians like/love to swim/swimming./ Russians enjoy/are fond of /are keen on swimming ( 4) they ;jump ( 5) A/a different culture 10 根据短文内容填写表格。 For those of us who are studying at school, the time of exams is very stressful ( 紧张的 ) and difficult. Some p

68、eople find exam times so bad that they become ill, because they are afraid of failing; they are afraid of letting their parents and family down. If exams are really making you ill or worried, dont hide your feelings. Talk to someone about it. Maybe you can speak to a friend, or someone in your famil

69、y, or teachers at your place of study. If one person doesnt help you, ask someone else. How to get through exams? Here is some advice: Ask a teacher or tutor about how to review your lessons, and exam skills how to work when you are in an exam. Take short rests during your time of work. If your mind

70、 is tired, it will not remember well. Plan your work: study at times when you know you will work at your best. Get enough sleep, and eat healthy food. You need exercise to work well. Walk, run, play sports whatever you enjoy. Stop thinking about the future and failing. If you feel ill, talk to someo

71、ne about your worries. But don t be too relaxed! Some stress ove exams makes you work hard for them. If it upsets( 使某人不安 ) you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished, dont do it! In fact, dont even think about the exam you have finished. What is done is done. You cannot change wha

72、t you have written! To this advice, we could add: If you are studying in the evening, dont go straight to bed. Your mind will still be “ going round and roundthiking too”much. Do something else, maybe walk or get exercise. Choose something that will relax you, and make you think of other things. The

73、 stressful and difficult time of _ Cause Be afraid of _and letting their parents and family down Thinking too much _ Being ill or _before an Being upset after an exam after studying in the exam _ Don t go _to Don t talk to your friends about Talk to someone about your the exam after _it. Advice bed

74、and choose worries. But being too relaxed something to Because you cannot change isnt _for the exam _ you. your_ 【答案】 exams ; failing ; Results/Conditions/ Feelings; worried ; evening; good ; straight ; relax; finishing/completing ; answers 【解析】 【分析】本文讲述我们如何应对考试紧张和压力,顺利通过考试。 根据第一段 the time of exams

75、is very stressful ( 紧张的 ) and difficult 可知填 exams 。 根据第一段 because they are afraid of failing; they are afraid of letting their parents and family down 可知紧张的原因是害怕失败,害怕让父母家人失望。故填 failing 。 根据 If exams are really making you ill or worried, dont hide your feelings. 可知填 Feeling ,或 者根据文章意思填 Results 或 Cond

76、itions 。 根据 If exams are really making you ill or worried, dont hide your feelings. 可知填 worried 。 根据最后一段 If you are studying in the evening, don t go straight to bed. Your mind will still be “ going roundand round ”thinking too much 可知填 evening 。 根据 But dont be too relaxed! Some stress over exams ma

77、kes you work hard for them 可知太 放松对考试没有好处,故填 good 。 根据最后一段 dont go straight to bed 可知别直接上床睡觉,故填 straight 。 根据最后一句 Choose something that will relax you 可知填 relax 。 根据倒数第二段 If it upsets( 使某人不安 ) you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished, don t 可 do 知 it!填 finishing 。 根据倒数第二段最后一句 You cannot change what you have written! 可知无法改变答案,故 填 answers 。 【点评】任务型阅读的关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。



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