高考英语一轮复习 part1 unit5 Meeting your ancestors课件 新人教版选修8

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件新人教版全国通用 interrupt v. 根据语境猜词义(1) Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog. (2) It is not polite to interrupt when others are talking. 根据语义找匹配A. 中断B. 打断(讲话)AB短语短语cut in / break in 插嘴, 打断without interruption 不间断地 interrupt v. 链接链接interruption n. 中断,打断辨析辨析interrupt / disturbinte

2、rrupt sb. 打断某人讲话或正在做的事。disturb sb.打扰 / 妨碍 / 扰乱某人(使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序)。 interrupt v. 活用活用 用interrupt / disturb的正确形式填空(1) Dont _ her; she is puzzling over something important. (2) His speech was constantly _ by applause. 答案答案 (1) disturb(2) interrupted interrupt v. arrest vt. 根据语境猜词义(1) The agent wa

3、s arrested for carrying a false passport. (2) The bright colors of the flowers arrested Susans attention.根据语义找匹配A吸引B逮捕AB短语短语get / be arrested 遭逮捕arrest sb. for doing sth. 因而逮捕某人arrest ones attention 吸引某人的注意力under arrest 被捕make an arrest 进行拘捕 arrest vt. significance n. 意义;重要性根据语境感悟其用法(1)Few people re

4、alized the significance of the discovery. 极少人能够意识到这个发现的重要性。(2)This invention is of great significance to this areas economy. 这项发明对此地区的经济具有重大意义。链接链接significant adj. 重要的;有意义的短语短语be of great / no / little significance非常重要的/不重要的/不太重要的“beof抽象名词”结构 “beadj.” (这些名词前可用great,some,no, little 等词修饰) significance

5、 n. 意义;重要性短语短语be of importance be important 重要的be of help be helpful 有帮助的be of use be useful 有用的be of value be valuable 有价值的be of benefit be beneficial 有益的;有好处的 significance n. 意义;重要性 somehow根据语境猜词义(1)I think we can manage that somehow. (2)Somehow he was afraid of her. (3)Somehow or other we became

6、friends. I never knew just why it was. somehow根据语义找匹配A. 以某种方式B. 也不知是什么原因;不知怎么搞的C. 由于某种原因;以某种方式答案答案 (1)A (2)B (3)C somehow链接链接somehow or other 不知是什么原因;由于某种原因;以某种方式anyhow 不管怎样;反正;不管以什么方式;随便怎样;随随便便somewhat 有一些;在某种程度上(可修饰动词、形容词、副词等) somehow活活用用 将somehow, anyhow, somewhat填入下列空 格中。(1)The idea _ alarmed he

7、r. (2)I had _ got the bone lodged in my throat. (3)_, this dress is really elegant.答案答案 (1)somewhat (2)somehow (3)Anyhow somehow活用活用 单项填空(4) How about this one? Wellit is too expensive and _ the color doesnt suit me. A. somewhat B. however C. somehow D. anyhow解析解析 这件怎么样? 太贵了,不管怎样,颜色不适合我。D regardless

8、 of 不管; 不顾根据语境感悟其用法(1)I will go there regardless of the weather. 无论天气如何,我都会去那里。(2)They continued to work regardless of the fact that it was raining hard. 尽管大雨如注,他们继续工作。链接链接in spite of / despite不管,不顾;尽管,虽然regardless of / in spite of / despite 后加名词或代词,不能直接跟从句though / although“虽然;尽管”, 引导让步状语从句 regardle

9、ss of 不管; 不顾活用活用 单项填空So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, _ the cold. A. regardless of B. instead of C. in terms of D. by means ofA regardless of 不管; 不顾 be fed up with根据语境猜词义(1)Im fed up with this wet weather. (2)Im fed up with talking to you. You never listen to me. (3)

10、Mother will be a bit fed up that you didnt telephone. be fed up withbe fed up ( with) 意为受够了;腻了;厌烦;不高兴链接链接feed on 靠吃维持生命; 用喂养; 给吃feed back 反馈;反应;回给 be fed up with活用活用 汉译英(1)我已经受够了等他。(2)她对这件事已经厌烦了。答案答案(1)Im fed up with waiting for him. (2)Shes fed up about it.根据语境猜词义(1) His sons death cut him up badly

11、. (2) Alice cut up the meat and began to cook it. cut up 根据语义找匹配A. 使悲痛, 使伤心B. 切碎AB短语短语cutinto pieces 把切成碎片cutin half cutinto halves 把切成两半 cut up 活用活用 根据句意填入cut 相关的正确短语(1) Your article is too long please cut it _ to 1,000 words. (2) You are supposed to cut _ vegetables before you cook. (3) I wish Mar

12、ie would stop cutting _ our conversation all the time. 答案答案 (1) down (2) up (3) in cut up We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. (P38) 我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰, 几乎有6米厚。这意味着他们可能整个冬天都在烧火。 本句中使用了现在完成进行时,其构成是“have / has b

13、een 现在分词”。 现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某个时候开始一直持续到现在,可能刚刚结束,也可能持续下去;也可以表示动作的重复或带有强烈的感情色彩。该时态通常强调的是动作的持续性。 She has been writing a report, but she hasnt finished it yet. 她一直在写一篇报道,但现在还没写完。 I have been waiting for you for about half an hour. 我等你大概半个小时了。活用活用 单项填空 Weve spent too much money recently. Well, it isnt surp

14、rising. Our friends and relatives _ around all the time. A. are coming B. had come C. were coming D. have been coming D Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing,shouting sister,Luna. (P43) 突然间她坐了下去,但又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹卢娜一把搂了起来。 “only不定式”结构通常在句中作结果状语,表示出乎意料或令人失望的结果。当不定式与句子的主语是被动关系时,不定式要用被

15、动形式。 He hurried home only to find the guests had left. 他匆匆忙忙赶回家,结果发现客人们已经走了。 She wanted to do a good deed,only to be scolded by her teacher. 她想做件好事,不料反而受到老师的斥责。活用活用 单项填空(1) The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _ the film stars had left. A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told(2) He hu

16、rried to the station only _ that the train had left. A. to find B. finding C. found D. to have foundBA一、写作词汇一、写作词汇1.身体健康 _2.满足健身需求 _3.丰富文化生活 _4.提高健康意识 _5.公共体育设施 _6.提高全民健康水平 _physical wellbeingmeet peoples need for doing sportsenrich cultural lifeincrease peoples awareness about healthpublic sports f

17、acilitiesraise the level of national health一、写作词汇一、写作词汇7.定期锻炼 _8.均衡的饮食 _9.好身材 _10.保持体态 _11.减肥 _12.塑身 _exercise regularlya balanced dieta good figure/shapekeep/get fitlose weightshape your body二、句型操练二、句型操练1.他现在体型适中非常高兴,并积极参加体育运动。(in very good shape)2.肥胖已经成为危害人们健康的严重问题之一。(have a bad effect on)3.当前青少年的

18、问题更加严重。(at present)答案答案1. He is now a very happy boy in very good shape, and he is always so active in sports.2. Fatness is one of the serious problems which have a bad effect on our health.3. And at present the situation in the teenagers is even worse.二、句型操练二、句型操练二、句型操练二、句型操练4.有人说对于在长身体的青少年,减肥会影响身体

19、发育,也会影响学习。(as well as)5.此外,人们可以参加各种各样以他们的兴趣爱好为基础的体育活动。(participate in)二、句型操练二、句型操练答案答案4. Some people say losing weight will be bad for the teenagers during their growth course, as well as their studies.5. Besides, people can participate in varieties of sporting activities based on their own interest

20、s.三、实战演练三、实战演练 最近,国家教育部要求中小学生参加冬季长跑活动:建议小学生每天跑1000米,初中生1500米,高中生2000米。对此,有些人表示支持,有些人表示反对。请你根据以下材料,写一篇以“Should we give more attention to students health or grades?”为题的短文,谈谈你的看法。支持方的理由反对方的理由你的看法及理由1.可以促进对 体育的重视;2.可以增强学 生的体魄;3.更有利于提 高学习效率。1.学生以学习 为主,考试成 绩决定个人的 前途;2.过高的要求 学生难以达到;3.长跑可能引 起感冒或伤害(自行发挥23点)注

21、意:注意:1词数120左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 Should we give more attention to students health or grades? The Ministry of Education of China has urged all the students to participate in the winter longdistance running activity._One possible version: Should we give more attention to studen

22、ts health or grades? The Ministry of Education of China has urged all the students to participate in the winter longdistance running activity. It is suggested that primary school students should run 1,000 meters a day, junior school students, 1,500 and senior school students, 2,000. However, it arou

23、sed various arguments among people including education specialists, teachers, parents and students. Some people say “yes” to this activity. They think, for one thing, it can make more people care about physical education; for another, running can improve students health and promote their learning ef

24、ficiency so they can have good grades. However, others hold opposite opinions about the activity. They believe that learning is the most important task for students and their future depends on what they will achieve in their subjects. Meanwhile, high requirements dont mean good health and many cant do it every day. Whats worse, some will suffer cold and injuries. In my opinion, its all right for schools to pay more attention to students health and carry out the activity step by step. Remember a good body helps make high efficiency.



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