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1、Unit TenAgency(1)Dear:We are obliged to you for your inquiry regarding sole agency for the sale of our Table Cloths in Sweden.After serious consideration, we decided not to commit ourselves at this stage, when the record of transactions shows only a moderate volume of business.Please do not misinter

2、pret the above remarks. They do not imply dissatisfaction. We are quite satisfied with the amount of business you have done with us. However, we are of the opinion that a bigger turnover must be reached to justify establishing an agency. We think it advisable to postpone this matter until your futur

3、e sales warrant such a step.We hope that you will appreciate our position and continue giving us your cooperation.Sincerely,We are obliged to you for your inquiry regarding sole agency for the sale of our Table Cloths in Sweden.感谢贵方函询有关在瑞典独家代理销售我方台布的事宜。感谢贵方函询有关在瑞典独家代理销售我方台布的事宜。be obliged to sb. for

4、sth. 为某事感谢某人为某事感谢某人We are much obliged to you for giving us so much advice.贵方提出许多意见,我方非常感激。贵方提出许多意见,我方非常感激。We should be greatly obliged if you would send us your offer by return mail.如蒙迅速寄来报盘,则感激不尽。如蒙迅速寄来报盘,则感激不尽。After serious consideration, we decided not to commit ourselves at this stage, when the

5、 record of transactions shows only a moderate volume of business.经过慎重考虑,我方决定目前不能批准,(因为)记录显示交易量并不大。经过慎重考虑,我方决定目前不能批准,(因为)记录显示交易量并不大。commit oneself 让(自己)承担责任,承诺(定货)让(自己)承担责任,承诺(定货)We wish to be able to ship the goods well ahead of the shipping schedule, but we cannot commit ourselves.我方希望能按装船计划提前装运,但不

6、能为此承担责任。我方希望能按装船计划提前装运,但不能为此承担责任。The supplier commits himself to ship the goods in 3 equal lots in the next quarter.供方允诺在下个季度内分三批平均交货。供方允诺在下个季度内分三批平均交货。The manufacturers have now heavily committed themselves to substantial orders for a few months ahead.制造商已接受大量定货,未来几个月的任务很繁重。制造商已接受大量定货,未来几个月的任务很繁重。

7、Please do not misinterpret the above remarks. They do not imply dissatisfaction. We are quite satisfied with the amount of business you have done with us. However, we are of the opinion that a bigger turnover must be reached to justify establishing an agency. We think it advisable to postpone this m

8、atter until your future sales warrant such a step.请不要曲解上述评价。它们并不含有责怪的意思。我方对贵方完成的贸易额请不要曲解上述评价。它们并不含有责怪的意思。我方对贵方完成的贸易额非常满意,但(我方认为)要想成为代理必须完成更大的营业额,建议非常满意,但(我方认为)要想成为代理必须完成更大的营业额,建议将此事推迟直到贵方能证明这一点为止。将此事推迟直到贵方能证明这一点为止。postpone v. 延迟,延期延迟,延期It must be understood that our agreement to postpone the payment

9、 does not amount to an acceptance of your opinion of the goods supplied.必须了解,我方同意延期付款并不等于接受贵方关于所供货物的意见。必须了解,我方同意延期付款并不等于接受贵方关于所供货物的意见。If you do not need the goods immediately, we can postpone delivery until (to) next month.如贵方不立即需要该货,我方可延至下月交货。如贵方不立即需要该货,我方可延至下月交货。We hope that you will appreciate ou

10、r position and continue giving us your cooperation.希望贵方能理解我方处境并继续给予合作。希望贵方能理解我方处境并继续给予合作。appreciate v.理解,谅解理解,谅解We hope that you will appreciate our situation and cooperate with us.希望能谅解我方的处境并予以合作。希望能谅解我方的处境并予以合作。We appreciate that you do not want to use these damaged machines as they are.我方理解贵方不愿使用

11、损坏成现在这样的机器。我方理解贵方不愿使用损坏成现在这样的机器。(2)Dear:We wish to thank you for your cooperation and assistance over these past years in the sales of our embroideries.You may recall that Mr. John Nathan, then he was in Beijing, brought up the question of our representation as your sole agent for Chinese embroideri

12、es in Sweden. It was agreed upon at that time that we were to postpone an agreement until the total had reached Stg. 100,000.We should like to discuss again this question of acting as your sole agent in Sweden. Such an agreement would not only facilitate our sales promotion, but would also eliminate

13、 unnecessary discrepancies between your offers when quoting through different channels. We would like to have your comments on this matter.We shall continue our efforts to canvass the Swedish market for more orders of Chinese embroideries so as to further expand the market.We hope that you will appr

14、eciate our position continue giving us your cooperation.We await your favorable reply.Sincerely,We wish to thank you for your cooperation and assistance over these past years in the sales of our embroideries.感谢贵方过去这些年在销售绣制品上所给予的合作和帮助。感谢贵方过去这些年在销售绣制品上所给予的合作和帮助。You may recall that Mr. John Nathan, the

15、n he was in Beijing, brought up the question of our representation as your sole agent for Chinese embroideries in Sweden. It was agreed upon at that time that we were to postpone an agreement until the total had reached Stg. 100,000.贵方也许会记起贵方也许会记起John Nothan 先生在北京时提出的关于担当贵方在瑞典中先生在北京时提出的关于担当贵方在瑞典中国绣制

16、品德独家代理的建议。当时同意总销售额达到国绣制品德独家代理的建议。当时同意总销售额达到100,000英镑时才英镑时才签订代理协议。签订代理协议。We should like to discuss again this question of acting as your sole agent in Sweden. Such an agreement would not only facilitate our sales promotion, but would also eliminate unnecessary discrepancies between your offers when q

17、uoting through different channels. We would like to have your comments on this matter.我方想再次讨论关于担当贵方在瑞典的独家代理事宜。签订这样的协议,不我方想再次讨论关于担当贵方在瑞典的独家代理事宜。签订这样的协议,不仅可以促进销售,而且还能排除由于不同渠道报价而产生的不必要的差仅可以促进销售,而且还能排除由于不同渠道报价而产生的不必要的差异。希望得到贵方对此事的看法。异。希望得到贵方对此事的看法。facilitate v. 使容易,促进使容易,促进The packing cases are light an

18、d strong. They facilitate the storage and distribution of the goods.包装箱既轻便又结实,便于货物的储存和销售。包装箱既轻便又结实,便于货物的储存和销售。This will facilitate our settlement of the matter.这将有利于我方处理此事。这将有利于我方处理此事。(注意:不能说成注意:不能说成This will facilitate us to settle the matter.)comment n. 评论,意见评论,意见Our goods have been accorded favor

19、able comments by overseas friends.我方货物受到海外客户的好评。我方货物受到海外客户的好评。What are the buyers comments on the quality?买主对质量有何评论?买主对质量有何评论?What comments have you about our managers behavior?你对我们经理的态度有何评论?你对我们经理的态度有何评论?We shall continue our efforts to canvass the Swedish market for more orders of Chinese embroide

20、ries so as to further expand the market.为了拓展市场,我方将继续致力于向瑞典推销更多的绣制品订单。为了拓展市场,我方将继续致力于向瑞典推销更多的绣制品订单。canvass v. 兜揽,推销兜揽,推销We have well-established channels of distribution and we canvass the retailers direct, without any middleman.我方有良好的销售渠道,不通过中间商而直接向零售商推销。我方有良好的销售渠道,不通过中间商而直接向零售商推销。Will you please ca

21、nvass your market (buyers, customers, clients) for orders.请向贵方市场(买主,客户)兜揽定货。请向贵方市场(买主,客户)兜揽定货。We hope that you will appreciate our position and continue giving us your cooperation.We await your favorable reply.希望贵方能理解我方处境并继续给予合作。希望贵方能理解我方处境并继续给予合作。盼惠复。盼惠复。(3)Sole Agency for Embroideries in SwedenWe

22、have received your letter of the 15th and are favorably impressed with the proposal you make. You are kindly informed that we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our Embroideries in the territory of Sweden.The Agency Agreement has been drawn up for a duration of one year, automatica

23、lly renewable on expiration for a similar period unless a written notice is given to the contrary. Enclosed you will find a copy of the draft. Please go over the provisions and advise us whether they meet with your approval.We shall do all in our power to assist you in establishing a mutually benefi

24、cial trade.We have received your letter of the 15th and are favorably impressed with the proposal you make. You are kindly informed that we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our Embroideries in the territory of Sweden.贵方贵方15日来函已收到。(贵方)所提建议给我方留下了很好的印象。现告知日来函已收到。(贵方)所提建议给我方留下了很好的印象。

25、现告知我方已决定委任贵方为我方在瑞典地区绣制品的独家代理。我方已决定委任贵方为我方在瑞典地区绣制品的独家代理。 be impressed with (by) 对对有印象有印象We were much impressed with (by) the high quality and fine workmanship of your products.我方对贵方产品的质量高超和工艺精湛曾有过非常好的印象。我方对贵方产品的质量高超和工艺精湛曾有过非常好的印象。We visited your stand at the Paris Trade Exhibition last month, and wer

26、e very impressed by your display of blankets.上个月我们参观了巴黎贸易展览会中贵公司的展台,对贵公司毛毯的展出有上个月我们参观了巴黎贸易展览会中贵公司的展台,对贵公司毛毯的展出有很好的印象。很好的印象。entrust sb. withentrust sb. to do sth.委任某人(做)某事委任某人(做)某事We have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our Tiantan brand Shirts in Egypt.我方已决定授予贵方在埃及销售我天坛牌衬衫的独家代理权。我方已决

27、定授予贵方在埃及销售我天坛牌衬衫的独家代理权。We entrust this important order to your careful attention.我方将此重要定货提交你方,请慎重处理。我方将此重要定货提交你方,请慎重处理。The Agency Agreement has been drawn up for a duration of one year, automatically renewable on expiration for a similar period unless a written notice is given to the contrary. Enclo

28、sed you will find a copy of the draft. Please go over the provisions and advise us whether they meet with your approval.代理协议已经拟定,期限一年。期满后自动延长一年,除非有书面通知取消代理协议已经拟定,期限一年。期满后自动延长一年,除非有书面通知取消协议。随函附上草案一份,希查收。请审核各项条款并告知我方是否同协议。随函附上草案一份,希查收。请审核各项条款并告知我方是否同意。意。to the contrary 相反的,相反地相反的,相反地Unless we hear fro

29、m you to the contrary, we will deduct your commission from the value of the shipment.除非贵方来函提出相反意见,我方将从货价中扣除佣金。除非贵方来函提出相反意见,我方将从货价中扣除佣金。We shall do all in our power to assist you in establishing a mutually beneficial trade.我方将竭尽所能帮助贵方建立互利贸易我方将竭尽所能帮助贵方建立互利贸易Sentence PatternsI. Asking for agency1. Ask

30、to be an agentWe asked to be the sole (exclusive) agent for your lacquer wares in our country.2. To offer to act as an agentWe write to act as your agent for the sale of your products in Spain.Being a reliable firm with wide and varied experience in the line, we offer to act as your sole agent in ou

31、r territory.3. to offer ones service as an agentSince you are not directly represented in our area, wed like to offer our service as your agent.With many years marketing experience and good connections in the trade, we offer our service as your agent in Kuwait.4. to recommend sb. as an agentHaving h

32、ad an experienced staff of sales representatives and spacious and well-equipped show rooms, we recommend ourselves to act as your sole agent for your Forever Brand Bicycles in Iran.As we have learned that you are anxious to extend your business in our market, we would like to recommend ABC Company a

33、s your selling agent for your merchandise.5. to propose an agency agreementWe have a mind to expand the business and propose a sole agency agreement for your footwears for a duration of 5 years.II. Appointment of Agency1. to appoint sb. as an agentRegarding your proposal to represent us for the sale

34、 on our canned foods, we have decided to appoint you as our agent in Hongkong.We are quite willing to appoint you as our exclusive agent for Red Lantern Brand Radios in your country on condition that you realize the annual turnover of US$500,000.2. to entrust sb. with agencyAfter a careful review of

35、 our business relations and your past efforts in pushing the sale of our products, we have decided to entrust you with the exclusive agency for our willow-wares in your country.III. Refusal to application for agency1. to be prematureRegarding the question of agency, we should think it is premature f

36、or us to consider it.We appreciate your suggestion that you sell our products on an exclusive basis, but we think it premature for us to enter into agency agreement at the present stage.2. to defer discussion ofWeve noted your request to act as our agent in your country, but we feel it would be bett

37、er to defer discussion of it.3. not to warrant (justify) an agency appointmentThe total amount of your order last year was moderate, which does not warrant an agency appointment.We dont think the past records of transactions justify establishing the agency. However, we shall refer to it when busines

38、s develops to our mutual satisfaction.4. to recommend sb. as an agentHaving had an experienced staff of sales representatives and spacious and well-equipped show rooms, we recommend ourselves to act as your sole agent for your Forever Brand Bicycles in Iran.As we have learned that you are anxious to extend your business in our market, we would like to recommend ABC Company as your selling agent for your merchandise.



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