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1、新版人教版新版人教版unit5-SectionB-2-Beauty-in-Common-ThingsChinesefolkortraditionalartstiger-headshoesshadowfiguresChineseknotrootcarvingChinesefolkortraditionalartssugarpaintingChinesefolkortraditionalartspapercuttingscissors/szz/剪刀剪刀skylanternBeijingOperaChineseclayart /klei/陶土,黏土陶土,黏土Traditional art forms

2、 传统艺术传统艺术形式形式What do you think of traditional art forms(传统艺术形式传统艺术形式), , like sky lanterns?Readquicklyandanswer.1.Whatisthepassageabout?2.Whichformsarementioned(提到的提到的)?Traditional art formsSky lanternsPaper cuttingClay artTip :读图:读图 Tip:注意首段:注意首段Readquicklyandanswer.Traditional art formsSky lantern

3、sPaper cuttingClay artPara.1.1.Whichpara.(段段)givesageneralintroduction(总体介绍总体介绍)? Para.1.2.Wherecanyoufindspecificdetails(具体细节具体细节)? Para.2, Para.3 and Para.4.Para.2Para.3Para.4MOVINGFROMGENERALTOSPECIFIC从概括到具体从概括到具体从概括到具体从概括到具体Ageneralintroductionofthetopicisusuallyfollowedbyspecificdetailsandexamp

4、les.主题的总体介绍后往往跟着具体的细节和例子。主题的总体介绍后往往跟着具体的细节和例子。主题的总体介绍后往往跟着具体的细节和例子。主题的总体介绍后往往跟着具体的细节和例子。1234A general introduction of the topicspecific details and examplesWhatdotraditionalChineseartformstrytoshow?Readandmatchthegeneraltopicwitheachparagraph.Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4C.Chinese clay art is famous beca

5、use the clay pieces are so small but they look very well.A.Paper cutting has been around for over 1,500 years.D.According to the Chinese history , sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming.B.Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.Tip:快速,注意首句:快速,注意首句ReadPara.1a

6、ndanswerthequestion.Tip :注意关键词句:注意关键词句WhatdotraditionalChineseartformstrytoshow? Traditional Chinese art forms try to show the things that are important in the life, such as _, _ and _. beauty love familyReadPara.2&3&4andfindoutmaterialused(制作材制作材料料)andsymbolmeaning(象征意义象征意义)ofeachform.Tip: :注意关键词句注

7、意关键词句Traditional Chinese art forms try to show the things that are important in the life, such as love, beauty and family.Traditional Traditional Chinese art Chinese art forms formsSkylanternsPapercuttingClayartMaterialsusedMaterialsusedMaterialsusedSymbolmeaningsSymbolmeaningsSymbolmeaningsbamboo,

8、paperhappiness, good wishesThey are made of _. They are seen as bright symbols of_.bamboo and paperhappiness and good wishes paper good luck, a happy new yearThe pieces are made of _. They are put on as symbols of _ . paperwishes for good luck and a happy new yearclay love for life and beautyThe pie

9、ces of clay art are made from _. They show_.special clay love for life and beautyReadPara.2andcompletetheinformationaboutskylanterns.Before Now They were usedto_ _ _.They are used at_ _ _.When they are lit,They slowly _ _ the air like _ _. ask for help rise into hot-air balloons festivals and celebr

10、ationsskylanternsTip: :注意关键词句注意关键词句1.Whatwereskylanternsusedforbefore?2.whataretheyusedfornow?3Whatdoyouknowaboutskylanterns? The sky lanterns are made of_ . Then they_paper. When they_, they slowly _the air just like _for all to see. are covered withBefore,theywerefirstusedbyZhugeKongmingtoaskforhe

11、lpwhenintrouble.Now,theyareusedatfestivalsandothercelebrationsassymbolsofhappinessandgoodwishes.bambooare litrise into hot-air balloons ReadPara.2andcompletetheinformationaboutskylanterns.ReadPara.3andcompletetheinformationaboutpapercutting.uThe paper is _.It is _with _.uThe common pictures are _,_

12、and things about history.uDuring Spring Festival, they _ _on windows, _ and _.papercutting folded cutscissors flowers animals are put doors wallsTip :注意关键词句:注意关键词句ReadPara.4andnumberthesteps(步骤步骤)ofmakingclayartpieces.shaped by handallowed to air-dryfiredpolished and paintedTip : :注意关键词句注意关键词句/pl/ v

13、.磨光磨光Whichartformdoyouthinkisthemostinteresting?Commonthingscanbeturnedintoobjectsofbeauty.Whichartformdoyouthinkistheeasiest?Whichisthemostdifficult?Why?Canyousaysomethingaboutit?Readandretell!It takes several weeks to complete everything.Labor created beauty.劳动创造了美。劳动创造了美。ABChas been around for ,

14、be folded, be cut with, be put on windows, the symbols of, wishes for good luck and a happy new yearRetellstoryaboutpapercutting1.传统艺术的特别形式传统艺术的特别形式2.例如例如3.最寻常的物品最寻常的物品4.把把变成变成5.根据根据6.放出、发出放出、发出7.当遇到困难时当遇到困难时8.被被覆盖覆盖9.升入升入10.小的热气球小的热气球11.被视为被视为12.美好的祝愿美好的祝愿13.的象征的象征14.剪纸剪纸15.用用剪剪切切16.在春节期间在春节期间17.把把

15、贴在贴在18.神话故事,神话故事,童话故事童话故事19.风干风干20.高温烧制高温烧制21.几个星期几个星期1.special forms of traditional art2.such as3.the most common things4.turninto5. according to6. send out7. when in trouble8. be covered with9. rise into10.small hot-air balloons11. be seen as=be regarded as12. good wishes13. a symbol of14. paper c

16、utting15. cut with16. during the Spring Festival17. put on18. fairy/feri/ tale /teil/19. air-dry20. be fired at a very high heat /hi:t/21. several weeks 2dCompletethesentencesusingthecorrectformsofthephrasesinthebox.1.Peopleusedto_skylanternswhentheywereintrouble.Buttoday,peoplelightthelanternsandwa


18、tories.Theyarethen_paint.suchasturnintosendoutcoverwithriseintoputonsuchasturnintosendoutcoverwithriseintoputonturnsintoputoncoveredwithWhat are some special things that Rizhao is famous for? These can be food, artwork or any other products. Discuss them with a partner and take notes.3aWhat the prod

19、uct isWhat it is made of / fromWho it is made by Where it is made What it can doWhy it is special3aGreen Tea tea plants workers factories drink, lose weight, be good for skin be good for both health and businessWrite an Article about Green Tea3bWriteaparagraphabouttheproduct.Useyournotesin3a.3bUse the following expressions to help you:My town/city is famous foris famous in my town/city.is/are made of/from/with/by/inis/are used foris/are special because谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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