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1、应用型大学英语综合教程四unit5Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Language in Use Enhancement of Language Abilities Unit FiveTable of Contents Language SkillsDevelopmentBackNext2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1 contentStarterText: Big Bang Working with word

2、s and phrasesDiscussionPractice: interpretingPractice: translationPractice: writingSurfing the InternetHighlightsTable of ContentsPart 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1highlightsHighlightsS:TheoriesabouttheoriginoftheuniverseL:Buylandonthemoon R:BigBangW: Patternsoforga

3、nization(3):causeandeffect:blockorganizationInternet work: Searching for information aboutworldmysteries Part 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starterA. Which of the following theories about the origin of the universe do you agree with?1.Godcreatedtheu

4、niverse.2.Theuniversecameintobeingofitself.3.Theuniversehasalwaysbeenthere.Ofthethreetheories,Iagreewiththethirdone,becausenoonecanprovethebeginningoftheuniverse,norcananyonelivelongenoughtoreachtheendoftheuniverse.5B. Listen to a short passage entitled Buy Land on the Moon and answer the following

5、questions.focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNextMind Maplunar /()/ a. 月亮的parcel / n.(土地的)一块deed / n. 证书,契约treaty / n. 条约,协定astronaut / n. 宇航员attorney / n. (尤指代表当事人出庭的)律师trespasser /()/ n. 非法侵入者 6focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNext1.Howmuchdoeseachparceloflunarpropertycost?

6、 2.Whatdoyougetifyoubuyadeed,accordingtoanAmericanastronaut? 3.Howmuchmoneyistheownerofthisbusinessmakingaday? $16 a parcel. Only a piece of paper. $3,000 to $4,000 a day.7focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNext8focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Organization9focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大

7、学学出版社出版社 Text OrganizationBackNext10focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Organization11focus1text2. Text: Big BangIn the Beginning1TheBigBangmodeloftheuniverses birth is the mostwidelyacceptedmodelthathasever been conceived for thescientific origin of everything.Noothermodelcanpredictasmuchwit

8、hashighadegreeofaccuracy as the Big Bangmodelcan.Translation宇宙大爆炸宇宙之初 1 宇宙起源于大爆炸是迄今为止对万物起源最广为认可的一种科学解释。其它理论都不如大爆炸理论对宇宙起源推测得那么详细和精确。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Question about Para. 1Meaning: The Big Bang theory is able to tell more and with greater precision about the universes birth than other theo

9、ries.12focus1text1. Why is the Big Bang model the most widely accepted model explaining the universes birth? Because no other model can predict as much with as high a degree of accuracy as the Big Bang model.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Big Bang13focus1text2 A common question thatpeople ask i

10、s “What happenedbefore the Big Bang?” Thephrase“inthebeginning”isusedheretorefertothebirthofouruniverse with the Big Bang. Inthe creation of the universe,everythingwascompressedintoan infinitesimally small point inwhich all physical laws that weknow of do not apply. (To becontinued)Translation2 人们经常

11、问的一个问题是:大爆炸以前发生过什么?“宇宙之物”这个词在这里指的是宇宙随着大爆炸而生成。宇宙在形成过程中,万物被压缩成无穷小的一个奇点,在这个奇点中,我们所知的所有物理定律一概无效。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext compress: vt./vi. 压缩;压紧e.g. Poor posture can compress the bodys organs. Her lips compressed into a thin line. Note the word “law” here refers to the fact that something always hap

12、pens in the same way in nature or society. e.g. the law of supply and demand 供求法则the laws of nature 自然法则 the law of gravity 万有引力定 2. Text: Big Bang14focus1textNoinformationfromany“previous”stuffcouldhaveremained intact. Therefore,forallintentsandpurposes,theBig Bang is considered thebeginningof ever

13、ything,for wecan never know if there wasanythingbeforeit.Translation宇宙大爆炸前的所有信息都无法原封不动地保存下来。因为我们永远无法知道大爆炸前是否存在着什么,因此,几乎完全可以认为大爆炸是万物的起源。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning: It is difficult to find out the truth about what existed before the Big Bang because nothing of it would have not been damaged.

14、 intact: a. 没有损坏的,完整的 e.g. Only the medieval tower remained intact. His reputation survived intact. 2. Text: Big Bang15focus1textHistory of the Big Bang Model3TheBigBangmodelhaditsbeginningswithEdwinHubblesdiscoveryin1929that,onlargescales,everythingintheuniverse is moving away fromeverythingelse.Th

15、eonlyexplanationforthiswasthattheuniversewasexpandingineverydirection, and it was takinggalaxies along with it. This isknownasHubblesLaw.Translation大爆炸理论的历史 33 大爆炸理论萌芽于1929年埃德温哈勃的一个发现,他发现在宏观宇宙中,万物都在互相偏离,距离越来越远。对此唯一的解释就是宇宙正在向四面八方不断地膨胀,星系也随之扩张。这被称为“哈勃定律”。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Question about Par

16、a. 3Meaning: and galaxies were also expanding with the universe. This is what we call Hubbles Law. Note that in the sentence beginning is in its plural form, denoting the first or early ideas, signs, or stages of something.e.g. Did democracy have its beginnings in ancient Greece? He built up his mul

17、ti-million-pound business from small beginnings.2. Text: Big Bang16focus1text2. Why is everything in the universe moving away from everything else?Because the universe is expanding in every direction, and it is taking galaxies along with it.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Big Bang17focus1text4 T

18、he next step towards theBigBangmodelwastotakethisprocessinreversethatis,togobackintime.Iftheuniverseisblowinguplikeaballoonastimeprogresses, then what wouldhappen if you were to run thetimeline backwards? What wastheuniverselikeinthepast?Translation4 关于大爆炸理论的下一步就是将这一过程逆转,即让时光倒退。如果说随着时间向前推进,宇宙像气球一样在“

19、胀大”,那么让时间倒退会发生什么呢?宇宙过去是什么样呢? 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext in reverse: 相反,反向 e.g. US video recorders, due to different systems, cannot play European tapes, and the same applies in reverse. blow up: 膨胀;爆发;爆炸e.g. My stomach had started to blow up. A storm suddenly blew up. The ship blew up. 这个短语还可以加宾语。e

20、.g. The architect had blown up his bridge before the German troops crossed it. 2. Text: Big Bang18focus1text5 If the universe is currentlygrowing, then the universe wassmaller in the past. There musthave been some point in timewhen the universe was half itscurrent size. Then there musthave been a ti

21、me when it washalfthatsize.Ifyoucontinuetorun time backwards, there musthave been a time when theuniverse was an infinitesimallysmallpoint.Translation5 如果说宇宙现在正在膨胀,那么它以前就比现在小。在某个时间点上,宇宙肯定只有现在的一半大。也一定有个时间点,宇宙只有那时的一半大。如果继续将时间向后推移,那么一定有个时间点,当时宇宙是无穷小的。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Text: Big Bang19focu

22、s1text6 This is the basic ideabehind the Big Bang. All matterandenergyexistedinaninfinitelysmall point of infinite density along time ago, and has sincebeenexpandingasouruniverse.One important note here is thatthe Big Bang was not anexplosion in the universe, butrather it is an explosion of theunive

23、rse. Therefore, there is no“center” of the universe fromwheretheBigBangstarted.Translation6 这就是大爆炸理论的基本观点。很久以前,所有的物质和能量都以无穷大的密度以一个无穷小的奇点形式存在,之后这个奇点作为我们的宇宙就不断地膨胀。这里要重点说明的是大爆炸并不是指宇宙中的一次爆炸,而是指整个宇宙的爆炸。因此,宇宙中并没有一个大爆炸开始的“中心”。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Questions about Paras. 5-62. Text: Big Bang20focus1t

24、ext3. If we imagine reversing the timeline, what must the universe have been like in the past?There must have been a time when the universe was an infinitesimally small point. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext4. Is there a “center” of the universe from where the Big Bang started? Why or why not?No, becaus

25、e the Big Bang was not an explosion in the universe, but rather it was an explosion of the universe.2. Text: Big Bang21focus1textMain Evidence7TheBigBangistheleadingtheorythatalmostallastrophysicists believe explainstheoriginoftheuniverse.Thisisbecause all observations so farmade support the Big Ban

26、gtheory;therearefourmainlinesof evidence that are most oftenused.Translation主要证据主要证据7 大爆炸是一条重要理论,几乎所有的天体物理学家都认为它解释了宇宙的起源。这是因为目前所有的观察记录都支持这一理论,经常用到的有四条证据。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Note that “that almost all astrophysicists believe” in this sentence is a parenthesis (插入语). e.g. This man, as you kno

27、w, is good for nothing. He was to me at least, if not to you a figure that is worth having pity on.2. Text: Big Bang22focus1text8Thefirstwasdiscussedabove:theexpansionoftheuniverse.Theuniverseisexpandingnow,sointhepast it must have been smaller. If itwere smaller in the past, then thereprobably was

28、a time when it wasinfinitesimally small. One could askwhy we dont think that it might beexpandingnowbutitcouldhavebeenshrinking before and we just dontknowaboutit.Theansweristhatthereis simply no known mechanism thatcould accomplish this transition on auniversalscale.Translation88 第一条前面已经讨论过:宇宙的膨胀。宇

29、宙在不断地膨胀,所以过去一定比现在小。如果过去比较小,很可能在某一时间它是无穷小的。可能有人会问:为什么我们不可以理解成宇宙现在正在膨胀,但过去可能一直在收缩,只不过是我们不知道罢了?对这一问题的回答是,没有任何已知的方法可以完成这种宇宙规模的转化。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Text: Big Bang23focus1text9ThesecondlineofevidenceistheCosmicMicrowaveBackground radiation (CMB),which was discovered in 1965by Arno Penzias an

30、d RobertWilson from Bell Labs. Theywereworkingwithamicrowavereceiver used to communicatewith the Telstar satellite, butwere getting noise from everydirectiontheypointedthereceiver.(Tobecontinued)Translation99 证据之二是宇宙微波背景辐射,由贝尔实验室的阿尔诺彭齐亚斯和罗伯特威尔逊于1965年发现。有一次,他们正在操作一个用于与“通讯星”联络的微波接收器,但是却发现,无论将接收器指往哪个方向

31、,都会接收到噪音。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning: No matter which direction they pointed the receiver to, they always received noise.In this sentence, the preposition “to” is omitted. The complete sentence should be “but were getting noise from every direction that they pointed the receiver to.”2. Text

32、: Big Bang24focus1textItwascomingfromalloverthesky at what seemed to beexactly the same frequency.This was the first evidence fortheCMB,andtheylatersharedaNobelPrizeforthisdiscovery.Translation而噪音来自整个天空,似乎他们的频率都相同,这是关于宇宙微波背景辐射存在的最初证据。后来二人因为这一发现而获得了诺贝尔奖。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Question about Par

33、a. 95. For what discovery did Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson win the Nobel Prize?The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB).2. Text: Big Bang25focus1text10TheCMBisan“echo”leftoverfromwhentheuniversewasapproximately300,000yearsold,as predicted by the Big Bangmodel.Assomethingbecomescompressed,as

34、matterwaswhentheuniversewasyoung,itbecomes hot. The actual heatcomesfromparticlesmovementsthefastertheymove,themoreenergetic they are, and so themore heat we see. (To becontinued)Translation1010 大爆炸理论断定,宇宙微波背景辐射是宇宙在大约30万岁时留下的“遗迹”。物体受压缩会变热,而这正是宇宙年轻时物质所处的情况。实际上,热量来自于粒子运动粒子运动得越快,产生的能量就越大我们感知的热量就越多。 上海交

35、通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning: According to the Big Bang theory, the CMB reflects what the universe was like when it was about 300,000 years old. The literal meaning of echo is “repetition of a sound by reflection of sound waves from a surface”. But in this context, it denotes a repetition or an

36、imitation (of the universe at the age of 300,000 years). Hence the word has been extended to mean “a remnant or vestige (残留物,遗留的痕迹)”. e.g. The archeologists found echoes of past civilizations while examining artifacts in the Middle East. Note that in this sentence, the first as introduces an adverbi

37、al clause of time modifying the main clause “it becomes hot”. Also note that the second as is a conjunction, denoting comparison.2. Text: Big Bang26focus1textTheuniversewassohotbeforeitwas 300,000 years old thatatomscouldnotform.Becauseofthis,photonsparticlesoflight could not move around, fortheykep

38、treactingwithelectrons the negatively charged partsofatoms.Translation宇宙30万岁前非常热,因此不能形成原子。由于这个原因,光子即光粒子持续不断地和电子即原子的负电荷发生反应,导致无法四处移动。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Text: Big Bang27focus1text11Therefore,duringthisperiod,theuniversewaseffectivelyopaque. Once the universe hadreached300,000yearsold,atom

39、scouldform,andelectronswere now bound to a nucleus.Once this happened, photonscould move about freely. This“first light” is the CMB, and itsexistenceisaverystrongindication that the Big Bangoccurred.Translation11 因此,这一时期的宇宙实际上是不透明的。一旦宇宙达到了30万岁,原子就能形成了,而电子和原子核就束缚在一起。这时光子就可以自由移动了。这个“原初之光”就是宇宙微波背景辐射,它的

40、存在强有力地支持了宇宙大爆炸的发生。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Question about Para. 11 be bound to: 受束缚,约束 e.g. It is not bound to the ground, and is not directly affected by physical objects. 注意不要与固定搭配 be bound to(注定要,肯定会)混淆。e.g. When one is young, he believes he is bound to change the world; when he grows to be a

41、n adult, he sees the world has changed. 2. Text: Big Bang28focus1text6. When could photons move about freely? When the universe had reached 300,000 years old.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Big Bang29focus1text12ThethirdmajorpillaroftheBigBangtheoryliesintheabundanceofthedifferentelementsoftheun

42、iverse.The theory predicts that certainamounts of hydrogen, helium, andother elements should be made.Observations have shown almostexactlytheamountsthatarepredicted.13ThefourthpieceisthattheBigBang theory is the only one thatcomprehensivelylaysdownaframeworkfortheeventualevolutionof the universe as

43、we observe ittoday.Translation12 宇宙大爆炸理论的第三个主要支撑点是宇宙间存在大量不同元素。大爆炸理论推测大爆炸时产生了一定量的氢、氦和其他元素,而观察到的元素数量和推测的数量几乎完全一致。 13 证据之四,正如我们今天观察所得,只有大爆炸理论为宇宙的最终演变设立了一个完整的框架。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext pillar: n. 1) C 核心,基础,支柱e.g. the central pillar of this theory 2) C 栋梁;主要支持者e.g. The young people will be the pill

44、ars of society. lay down: 规定,制定;放弃e.g. The prices have been laid down by the manufacturers. The enemy troops were ordered to lay down their arms. 2. Text: Big Bang30()1.expandintoa.rules()pressb.agoal()3.blowupc.oneslips()4.conceived.thenextroom()5.accomplishe.adangerousbridge()6.laydownf.anideaFocu

45、s1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases A. Find appropriate words or phrases (16) in the text which fit the items (af). 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextdcefba311. Having collected the data and analyzed it thoroughly, wehaveconfidenceinthea ofthestatistics.2.Allofasudden,thedriverputthelorryinr t

46、obackitintothegarage.3.Thereareb tobechangeswhenthenewsystemisintroduced.Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases B. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words in the text. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextccuracyeverseound324.Theinterviewertendstopreferthosecandidateswhoareyoung,

47、bright,e ,andwithstrongambition.5.Asformusicsemotionalinfluence,therearesomei that music can affect the levels of varioushormones.6.Darwinspentmorethantwentyyearsworkingonhistheoryofe ,anditstirredupheateddebateintheWesternworld.Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社

48、 BackNextndicationsnergeticvolution331.Haveyouevertriedtofigureouttheoriginoftheuniversebeforestudyingthistext?Whatwereyourideas?Focus1discussion 5. Discussion Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group of 4 to 6 students. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextYes, I have. I am very cur

49、ious about the origin of the universe and have read quite a lot about this issue. For example, I came across a theory in my reading which holds that the universe was created by God and that only through Gods eternal power could all the substances be created and come into being. Of course, I also lea

50、rned about the Big Bang theory. Before that, I never thought the universe could have evolved out of a big explosion.34Focus1discussion 5. Discussion 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextI dont believe the Big Bang model will prove to be the ultimate theory about the evolution of the universe, because a single

51、 theory cannot possibly answer all the questions concerning the origin and evolution of the universe. Besides, any scientific theory is always open to new information that leads to its revision or even rejection.2. DoyoubelievethattheBigBangmodelwillprovetobetheultimatetheoryabouttheevolutionoftheun

52、iverse?Whyorwhynot?35Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Two college students are visiting the Liverpool Museum, which is holding an exhibition of the Big Bang and they have a conversation as follows. Interpret it into English with your partner. BackNext罗宾: 这个博物馆真大!克鲁尼: 是啊

53、,宇宙大爆炸的图片真多!罗宾: 快看,这张照片是埃德温哈勃,是他发现了银河系以外还有宇宙。克鲁尼: 真了不起!哈勃望远镜是以这位伟大的科学家命名的吗?罗宾: 是啊。那张图片是贝尔实验室。To be continued36Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext克鲁尼: 贝尔实验室跟宇宙大爆炸理论有什么关系吗?罗宾: 听说过宇宙微波背景辐射吧?克鲁尼: 嗯。难道是在这个实验室发现的?罗宾: 可不是嘛。1965年,贝尔实验室的阿尔诺彭齐亚斯和罗伯特威尔逊发现了这一辐射,后来他们因为这一发现获得了诺

54、贝尔奖。克鲁尼: 你知道的不少嘛。看,那是氢原子和氦原子。罗宾: 对啊。是放大了的两种原子。克鲁尼: 等等,这次轮到我“演讲”了。大爆炸理论对这两种元素数量的推断和 观察到的几乎完全一致。罗宾: 没错,你也挺在行嘛。 For Reference AnswerClick Here37Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext381.Inthecreationoftheuniverse,everythingwascompressed intoaninfinitesimallysmallpointin

55、whichallphysicallawsthatweknow ofdonotapply.Focus1translation7. Practice: translation A. Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized expressions.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext宇宙在形成过程中,万物被压缩成无穷小的一个奇点,在这个奇点中,我们所知的所有物理定律一概无效。2. Theremusthavebeensome poin

56、t in timewhentheuniversewashalfitscurrentsize.在某个时间点上,宇宙肯定只有现在的一半大。39Focus1translation7. Practice: translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext4. As something becomes compressed, as matter was when the universe was young,itbecomeshot.物体受压缩会变热,而这正是宇宙年轻时物质所处的情况。3. TheBigBangistheleading theorythatalmost al

57、l astrophysicistsbelieveexplainstheoriginoftheuniverse.大爆炸是一条重要理论,几乎所有的天体物理学家都认为它解释了宇宙的起源。5. Oncetheuniversehadreached300,000yearsold,atomscouldform,andelectronswere nowbound toanucleus.一旦宇宙达到了30万岁,原子就能形成了,而电子和原子核就束缚在一起。401.Afterthedevastatingearthquakestruckthisregion,(很少有建筑完好无损).2.(虽然这个问题在理论上得到了解决

58、), the solution is hard to put intopractice.Focus1translationB. Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.fewbuildingsremainedintact上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7. Practice: translation BackNextAlthoughthisproblemhasbeensolvedtheoretically413. (你准备付出的越多),th

59、emoreyouwillget.4.Peopleareadvisedtokeepawayfromthismetal,asitgivesoffakindof (对身体有害的辐射).5.Theinscriptiononthetabletisvaluableasit (记录着中国书法的演变).Focus1translationThemoreyouarepreparedtogive上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7. Practice: translation BackNextradiationthatcanharmthebodyrecordstheevolutionofChinesecalli

60、graphy42Focus1writing8. Practice: writing A. Write a summary of the text (max. 180 words), referring to the outline below. For Reference AnswerClick HereSummary outline:1.BriefintroductiontotheBigBangmodel;2.ThehistoryoftheBigBangmodel;3.ThefourmainlinesofevidenceinsupportoftheBigBangmodel.上海交通大上海交通

61、大学学出版社出版社 BackNext43Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext44Focus1writing8. Practice: writing B. Basic writing techniques: patterns of organization (3)Exercise:Thefollowingisacause-and-effectessay.Afterreadingit,youareaskedtodothefollowing:Step1Underlinethecause.Step2Numberthe

62、effectsofthecause.Step3Writesomesupportingdetailsforthelasteffect.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextFor Reference AnswerClick Here45Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextThe Effects of Being an Athlete(Cause) Practicing a sport is much more than the sole act of pushing your body thro

63、ugh exhaustion or using your skills to reach your goal.Therearemanyeffectsthatshowafteryougetinvolvedinasport:physical,human,andsocial.Thepurposeofthispaperistodiscusstheseeffects.(Effect 1) The first major effect of practicing a sport is that you will develop physical abilities. Yourbodywillbeinbet

64、tershape,andyoullbe able to achieve things that physically you couldnt accomplishbefore.Forinstance,yourspeed,muscularmass,stamina(耐力),lungcapacity,andelasticitywillallincreaseenormously.Byexercisingonaregularbasisyourbodywillbehealthier,whichmeansfewerdiseasesandfewerinjuries.Peoplewithahealthylife

65、tendtolivelongerandbehappier.To be continued46Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext(Effect 2) The second effect has to do with your personal life.Yes,sportswillgetverydeepintoyourlife.Practicingasportrequiressometime,soyouwillbeentertainedforawhileeveryday instead of watching

66、 television or surfing the Internet. Bypracticingasportyoullgetthechancetotraveltonewplaceswheresportsmeetsareheld.Andthatsnotall,becauseonceyou enter a better level of competition, you may compete innationalorinternationalmeets,attractsponsors,andevenmakeaprofitoutofit!To be continued47Focus1writin

67、g8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext(Effect 3) Most important is the effect that practicing a sport has on your social side. You will meet a lot of people in the business, from beginners to professionals; however, only a small group of individuals will become your friends to the point o

68、f turning into your second family. That is having a team. As an athlete you will develop a strong character and a competitive spirit. Besides, youll become more disciplined and responsible, which will certainly help you in your professional life.Theeffectsofbeinganathleteshapeyourbody,yourlife,andyo

69、urmindingoodways.Practicingasportkeepsyouentertainedandfarawayfromboredom.Inaddition,youwillhavethechancetoexperience the amazing feeling of beating your opponents orcrossingthefinishlineaheadofeveryoneelse. 48Focus1internet9. Surfing the Internet Go to http:/, http:/www.bermuda-triangle.org, http:/

70、www.loch-ness.org, and http:/www.world- to obtain information about theBermuda Triangle, the Loch Ness Monster, and the strangestones of Costa Rica. On the basis of this, prepare an oralpresentationaboutonemysteryoftheworld.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextFor Reference AnswerClick Here49Focus1internet9.

71、Surfing the Internet TheLochNessMonsterisacreaturebelievedtoinhabitLochNessinthe Scottish Highlands. It is similar to other speculated lake monsters inScotlandandelsewhere,thoughitsdescriptionvariesfromoneaccounttothenext.Popularinterestandbeliefintheanimalhasfluctuatedsinceitwasbroughttotheworldsat

72、tentionin1933.ThescientificcommunityregardstheLochNessMonsterasamodern-daymyth,andexplainssightingsasamixofhoaxesandwishfulthinking.Despitethis,itremainsoneofthemostfamousexamplesofcryptozoology. Thelegendarymonsterhasbeenaffectionatelyreferred to by the diminutive Nessie (Scottish Gaelic: Niseag) s

73、ince the1950s.Therehavebeenmanyexpeditionssince,butnoneassuccessfulasto prove its existence. The sightings, photos, and films have beeninconclusive.TheLochNessMonsterislargelyconceivedasastorytoattracttouristsfromallaroundtheworldtovisittheScottishHighlands.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext50Focus2 conten

74、tDialogue: booking an exhibition booth Pair work: booking a boothText: HD 2009 Expo & Conference Working with words Research project Listening-based writing HighlightsTable of ContentsPart 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext51focus2highlights HighlightsR&L:Dialogue:bookinganexhibitionboothS

75、:BookingaboothLanguageforbookingaboothR:HD2009Expo&ConferenceResearch project:IntroducingtheCambridge800thAnniversaryCampaignL&W:WritingasummaryofplanstoliveonMars Part 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext52focus2dialogue 1. Dialogue: booking an exhibition booth上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 A customer

76、wants to book an exhibition booth. He is talking with a staff member from Claude Exhibition Center over the phone. Read and listen to the dialogue. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate information to complete the summary. BackNext Thecustomerwantstobookaboothat(1) International Art Show. Some of

77、the works of art to be shown are delicate and theconditionsneedtobe(2) .Thetemperatureshouldbeabout21withinonedegree;andthe(3) issupposedtobe55percentwithin5percent.Boothsofdifferentsizeshavedifferentprices.The(4) spaceis1,000yuanpersquaremeteraday.Decorationswithdraperies,rugsand(5) willcostmore.If

78、thecustomeriswillingtobook,itsbetterto(6) soon.the5thcloselycontrolledmedium-sizedfurniturepre-registerhumidity53focus2dialogue 1. Dialogue: booking an exhibition booth上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext54focus2 dialogue Notes to the Dialogue1. Id like to reserve a space at the 5th International Art Show. 我

79、想订一个第五届国际艺术展的展位。 To reserve exhibit space, an application must be submitted to the Exhibit Sales Manager. Once approved by the show management, space will be allocated based on preferences noted on the application, as well as current availability of such space. The space will be priced per square me

80、ter and may also take into account the stands prominence within the hall and will also vary with the take-up of space by exhibitors and how close the show date is getting; some organizers will give away space close to the opening date rather than having empty areas in the hall.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Bac

81、kNext 1. Dialogue: booking an exhibition booth55focus2 dialogue 1.2. We have several different sizes of booth, and each, of course, has a different price. 我们有几种不同尺寸的展位,当然,每种尺寸的价格也不一样。 The size of booth depends on the purpose of exhibiting. Before booking a space, the exhibitor should consider the fo

82、llowing factors: the types and numbers of their exhibition products, the space for exhibitors activity, consulting desk, storage space, the reception area, etc. Besides, it should not exceed their budget. 3. The basic booth is 100 yuan a day, but with special requirements, it depends. 基本的展位是一百元一天,当然

83、如果有特殊要求,价格也不同。 There are basically three types of space: standard space, module space, self-designed space. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue: booking an exhibition booth56focus2 dialogue 1.4. We have a series of booth identifications prepared, but you can also make your own design. 通常我们已准备了一系

84、列的展位标志,但你们也可以自己设计标志。2.series: 一系列,连续3.1) C, usu. sing. several things of the same kind 4.e.g. A series of Nokia cell phones were displayed at the show. 5.2) C, usu. sing. several events or actions of a similar type that happen one after the other: 6.e.g. A series of events led to the outbreak of Wor

85、ld War II. 7.Booth identifications are usually provided by the exhibition organizer to help exhibitors find their booth space during move-in and to identify themselves to show attendees. Booth identifications can also be customized with colors, fonts, and the event or organization logo. 上海交通大上海交通大学学

86、出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue: booking an exhibition booth57Focus2 pairwork上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Language for booking a boothWed like to get some details about it. It mainly caters to clients inWhat about the expenses of?The price of every standard booth isYou must fill in a registration form and sendPle

87、ase reserve a booth for us.Could you let me know how I can contact you? Learning Mr. Jiangs companyDaqi Utensil Companyhas never taken part in an exhibition before. This year, the company wants to participate in the International Household Utensil Exhibition. Therefore, Mr. Jiang is calling Ms. Brow

88、n. Please create a dialogue concerning this topic.BackNext 2. Pair work: booking a boothFor Reference AnswerClick Here58Focus2 pairwork上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Pair work: booking a booth592009酒店产品设计展2009年5月14日16日金沙会展中心内华达州,拉斯维加斯市1 2009酒店产品设计展集酒店产品创新、各种设计思路以及无可比拟的人际关系拓展机会于一体,是(本行业)最大的展览。酒店产品设计展

89、将以上元素与综合性会议计划相结合,成为酒店设计界精英荟萃的盛会。Focus2 text Translation 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference HD2009Expo&ConferenceMay14-16,2009SandsExpo&ConventionCenterLasVegas,Nevada 1TheHospitalityDesign(HD)2009 Expo & Conference is thelargestshowcaseforhospitalityproduct innovations, design ideas,andunparalleledn

90、etworkingopportunities. Combine that with thecomprehensive Conference Programand you have the premier industryeventforhospitalitydesignprofessionals. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext True-false statements about Para. 1 HD: 酒店产品设计The HD Expo and Conference was established in 1992 and has become the premie

91、r trade show for hospitality design professionals. It connects buyers of design with the newest and most innovative product offerings, as well as provides a venue for industry networking. 60Focus2 text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext()1.ThisexpositionistobeheldattheSandsExpo&ConventionCenterinLasVegas,N

92、evada.()2.ThisHD2009Expo&Conferenceisforinstitutionsprovidingmedicalandsurgicaltreatment. F T 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference612 2009酒店产品设计展是一个绝好的机会,在这里你可以和顶尖的设计师和具有创新型思维的人才建立关系网以激发你的动力;这里将展示最新的产品,激发你的灵感;这里将呈现最前沿的设计理念,让你处于创新领域的前沿。你将会体验到行业的现状,感受到行业的未来。2009酒店产品设计展有一万一千多名参观者和一千两百多家参展商,是本行业最主要的一个展览。F

93、ocus2 text Translation 2HD2009istheperfectplacetonetworkwithleadingdesignersandinnovativethinkerstomotivateyou,showcasethenewestproductstoinspireyou,andrevealcutting-edge ideas that will helpyou stay on the forefront of thecreativelandscape.Youllexperiencethebestintheindustrytoday,andwhatsonthehoriz

94、on.With more than 11,000attendeesand1,200exhibitors,HDExpoisthe premier hospitality design-networkingevent. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference623 在酒店产品设计展上,你可以和酒店业最成功的人士一起占据前沿地位。我们的展会不仅仅被视为一种工具,更是了解和学习本行业最先进的资源现状必须参加的盛会。从参展的一千多件展品和服务公司中了解最新动态,并在公认的权威会议中捕捉最新信息。Focus2 text

95、Translation 3StayaheadofthecurvewiththemostsuccessfulpeopleinthehospitalityindustryatHDExpo&Conference.TheExpoandConferencearenotonlyviewedasatool,butamust-attendeventforstate-of-the-artresourcesandlearning. View whats new frommorethan1,000exhibitingproducts and service companiesandlearnwhatsnewinac

96、creditedconferencesessions. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTrue-false statements about Paras. 2-3 Note that must as an attributive noun here forms with a verb (attend) as a compound word, functioning as an adjective that modifies the noun “event”. e.g. This is a must-read book. Beijing is a must-see pla

97、ce when you are traveling in China. 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference63Focus2 text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext( ) 3. With more than 11,000 attendees and 1,200exhibitors,HD2009isthesecondleadinghospitalitydesign-networkingevent.()4.Morethan1,000productsandcompanieswillappearatthisexposition. F T 3.

98、Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference64Whyattend?4 The HD 2009 event is theone-stop resource for the ever-changing and evolving world ofhospitality design. With over1,200 world-leading exhibitors,HD captures the energy of ourdynamicindustry.为何参展? 44 2009酒店产品设计展为不断变化发展的酒店产品设计界提供一站式资源。展会汇聚一千两百多家世界领先级参展商,集聚了

99、我们这个充满活力的行业的能量。Focus2 text Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextone-stop: a. (商家等)一站式的,全方位服务的Note that one-stop is also a compound word used as an adjective. e.g. funeral-related economy pregnancy-oriented economy 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference655 With legendary speakersandconferencesessionsto

100、motivate you, innovative newproducts and services to inspireyou, and cutting-edge ideas tohelpyoustayontheforefrontofthecreativelandscape,HD2009Expoprovidesyouwiththebestexperienceintheindustrytoday,and the vision for a successfultomorrow.(Tobecontinued)5 这里有著名的演讲者和会议带给您动力,革新的产品和服务激励您,尖端的理念助您站在设计领域的

101、前沿。2009酒店产品设计展让您体验行业优秀的今天,构想行业成功的明天。 Focus2 text Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference66More than1,200 exhibitors: Amixofmanufacturersandartisans of hospitality productsand services benefit from themostcomprehensiveresourceforthe latest trends, innovations,andser

102、vicesyouneedtoovercomeyourdesignchallengesTheNewExhibitorShowcase:aselectgroupofcompaniesmakingtheirdebutatHD2009一一千千两两百百多多家家参参展展商商:来自于酒店产品和服务业的制造商和手工艺人都得益于它提供的最新流行趋势和创新服务。您若要克服设计上的困难,也需要这一综合性的资源。新新展展商商亮亮相相:一些精选公司将在2009酒店产品设计展上首次亮相。Focus2 text Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: HD 2009

103、 Expo & Conference67 12th Annual IIDA Best ProductAwards:acompetitionhighlightingthebestinhospitalityproductsPartybythePool:theindustrys“see and be seen” networkingeventoftheyearThe22ndAnnualPlatinumCircleAwards:celebrateovertwodecades of industry legends andtheir remarkable careers at thisgalaevent

104、andpresentationceremony第12届国际室内设计协会最佳作品奖: 一个推出酒店产品设计精品的比赛泳池酒会:本行业建立人际关系网的年度盛会第22届年度铂金圈奖:在这一盛典上,将为二十多年来的行业传奇人物及他们的杰出事业庆祝。Focus2 text Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & ConferenceTrue-false statement about Para. 5 68Focus2 text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext( ) 5. HD 2009 Exp

105、o provides you with wonderfulexperience in the industry today, and the vision for apromisingtomorrow. T 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference696Dontmissoutontheinformation-packed,idea-generating sessions in the onlyconferencethatis100%focusedonhospitalitydesign.Thesepeer-based courses are whereyou will

106、 discover whats new inthemarketanddiscussthelatestandmostpertinentissuesfacingourindustry.6这一会议百分之百集中于酒店产品设计,不要错过这一拥有海量信息、促进思维创新的盛会。通过参加同行的讲座,您将发现市场的新趋势,研讨本行业最新出现的相关问题。Focus2 text Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference707 Dont miss out on yourBEST opportunity to c

107、onnectand network with the mostinfluentialandexclusivegroupofhospitalityowners,operators,anddesignprofessionals who dominatethemarket.Reserveyourexhibit space NOW at HD2009!(Tobecontinued)7 这里汇聚了最有影响力的酒店业老板、经营商和专业设计人士,他们控制了这个市场,不要错过和他们结交的绝好机会。现在就预定您的展位吧!Focus2 text Translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Back

108、Next 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference71 91% of HD Expo attendeesindicatedthattheywouldpurchasefromanHDexhibitorinthenext12months. 97% of HD Expo attendeesconsideredHDExpotheleading trade show in theHospitalityDesignmarket.91%的参会者在一年内会购买参展商的产品。97%的参会者认为这一展览是酒店产品设计市场最重要的贸易展览。Focus2 text Translation上

109、海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTrue-false statement about Para. 7 ()6.AgreatmajorityofHDExpoattendeesindicatedthattheywouldpurchasefromanHDexhibitorinthenext12months. T 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference728Theoutstandingandestablishedattendeebasewillincludeleadinghospitalitydesign professionals involvedw

110、ith:restaurants,hotels,spas,casinos, condominium-hotels,seniorlivingfacilities,nightclubs,golf/countryclubs,vacation ownership venues,cruiseshipsandtimesharing.8 参会者均为杰出的专业人士,引领酒店设计业。他们涉足以下行业:餐饮业、酒店业、健身娱乐场所、赌场、公寓式酒店、高级生活设施、夜总会、高尔夫/乡村俱乐部、度假专有场所、游船和分时段度假住房。Focus2 text Translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Bac

111、kNext 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference73How to exhibit9 If this is your first timeexhibiting,pleasecalloursales representative for moreinformation.10Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingyourapplication,pleasecontactyoursalesrepresentative.如何参展如何参展9 如果您是第一次参展,请联系我们的销售代表以获取更多信息。10 倘若您对申请程序有任何疑问,请联系您的销售代表。F

112、ocus2 text Translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: HD 2009 Expo & Conference74Focus2 working with words4. Working with words Match the English terms (18) with their Chinese counterparts (ah). 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext( )1.spaa.休假专有场所( )2.condominium-hotelb.赌场( )3.hospitalityproductc.酒店业经营商

113、( )4.vacationownershipvenued.健身娱乐场( )5.hospitalityoperatore.分时度假( )6.timesharingf.公寓式酒店( )7.casinog.酒店产品( )8.state-of-the-arth.最先进的dfgacehb75Focus2researchproject 5. Research project 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Issue/Event/Context: Suppose you are a representative of theUniversityofCambridgeandyouwillattendt

114、heShanghaiInternationalEducationExposition2010.Thousandsofstudentsandtheirparentswillattend this expo. You are required to introduce the 800th AnniversaryCampaignofthisuniversitytotheattendees.Research Goal: To introduce the Cambridge 800th AnniversaryCampaign.Research Method & Route: Search for inf

115、ormation on the 800thAnniversaryCampaignoftheUniversityofCambridgeviatheInternet.Result: IntroducetheCambridge800thAnniversaryCampaigntotheexpositionattendees.BackNextFor Reference AnswerClick Here76Focus2researchproject 5. Research project 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextCambridge is one of the worlds g

116、reatest universities. It providesoutstanding education for over 18,000 students, drawn from allcorners of the globe, and its 5,000 academic staff produce world-class researchthat frequently transforms the way the world worksand thinks. Cambridge is also the steward of a remarkablearchitectural herit

117、age and of libraries and collections of globalsignificance. The Cambridge 800th AnniversaryCampaign aims toraise 1 billion to help ensure that Cambridge can make theinvestmentsneededtosecurethislongtraditionofexcellenceforthefuture. The University has raised over800 million towards thattarget. The C

118、ampaign aims to mobilize still greater philanthropicsupport from alumni and friends worldwide to help underpinCambridgesfuture.771.TheintroductiontohumansmovingtoMars;2.ThequestionsraisedaboutmakingMarsours;3.YourcommentsonhumansplansfortransferringtoMars.Focus2L&W 6. Listening-based writing 上海交通大上海

119、交通大学学出版社出版社 Listen to a speech about living on Mars twice and write a summary with your comments, referring to the following outline.BackNextMind Map78Focus2 L&W 6. Listening-based writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextMind MapApollo / n. 阿波罗(登月计划)NASA Ames Research Center (美国)国家航空航天局艾姆斯研究中心symposium /

120、 n. 研讨会breathable / a. 可呼吸的habitable / a. 可居住的terra / n. 土地 79Focus2 L&W Tapescript上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNextFor Reference AnswerClick Here80Focus2 L&W上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNextIt is thought that someday humans will settle down permanently onMa


122、blethanitiswithoutlife.Butwewillfaceaseriousethicalproblemiflife, especially intelligent life, exists on Mars. Would we be justified inexploding atomic bombs in the atmosphere to cause the greenhouseeffectforterraforming,regardlessofallthepossiblelifethere?Ithinkwehuman beings should never take any

123、destructive action at any planetbefore we are absolutely sure that it is both justified or moral andnecessaryforthebetterlifeandfutureofhumanbeings.81Focus3content Translation Skills Pleasant Surprises in LanguageTable of ContentsPart 3 Enhancement of Language Abilities上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext82P

124、ut the following sentences into Chinese.Focus3translationskills 1. Translation Skills 1. Driven by the governments desire for a credible autoindustryandbytheirownneedtoachieveeconomyofscale,auto-makershaveembarkedonexpansionprograms.2.Amidmountingsocialdiscontentoverinflation,governmentleadershaveus

125、edswiftpoliceactiontodrivehomethefutilityofpublicprotest.政府希望建立可靠的汽车工业,企业也需要实现规模经济,因此,汽车生产商开始实施一系列扩张计划。由于通货膨胀,社会不满情绪日益高涨,政府迅速动用警力,让人们认识到举行公众抗议活动不会有任何作用。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext83他对50岁到59岁年龄段的工人做了调查,结果发现女性要比男性更不赞成退休。Focus3translationskills 1. Translation Skills 3.Theyareproudoftheirindependence,th

126、eirrighttomakeuptheirownminds.4.Theexpenseofhouseholdserviceandofskilledlaborandthetradition of working with ones own hands have contributed tokeepingalivethespiritofDIY.5.Hisinquiryamongindustrialworkersintheir50sshowedthatthewomentendedtoviewretirementlessfavorablythandidthemen.他们行事独立,自己的事情自己做主,并以

127、此为荣。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 请人做家务或雇用技术工人的价格高昂,加上人们一直都有靠自己双手劳动的传统,因此“自己动手”的精神经久不衰。BackNext84Focus3PleasantSurprisesinLanguage 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language Put the following sentences into Chinese.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1.Hegavehissonalookofburninganger.2.Sheblewupatme.他恼火地看了他儿子一眼。她冲我大发脾气。他怒气冲冲。3.Hewasblazingwithrage.在驾车回家吃午饭的路上,约翰心中窝着一股怒火。4.Johnsmoulderedashedrovehomeforlunch.社会紧张状态依然没有得到缓解。5.Tensionscontinuedtosimmerinthecommunity.85L/O/G/OThank You!上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应用型大学英语综合教程应用型大学英语综合教程Application-oriented College English Course



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