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1、Unit 1 Living well精麦夷笨如官丰剥武棘扶键戴姨豺冯恢铃猎宵臃朋陌腋痈等肢人邢矽闹烘选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版.单词拼写1Martin decided that he had no a_ proof.2As is known, fresh air is b_ to our health.3All the students are assigned to s_ jobs.4Only a few people have a_to the full facts of the case.5The reporter was accused of unprofession

2、al c_ .6He c_ (庆贺) himself on having survived the air crash.dequateeneficialccess uitableonductongratulated剖桔辜拼樟果可龙操琼丸寻筑扎巷辆蛛绩迅柏锁觅逸材膘喻咨办劝史抠扩选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版7 I was extremely _(恼怒的) when I heard that my best former companion betrayed me.8. _ (雄心) is a characteristic of all successful businessmen

3、.9 The simplest thing for him is to _(辞职)at once.10We must reduce the cost to get more _(利润)annoyedAmbitionprofitresign喻渍疵挫渠挫憾痪沼札沼窖涎锣顷釜钠铁晌亨拴浸酱哪依硷耸得俏匈由胳选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版.完成短语1换句话说2总而言之3取笑4一切顺利5上气不接下气6不必担心7在很多方面8遇到;经历;会晤in other words all in allmake fun of all the best out of breathnever mind in

4、many waysmeet with 息惑睦仕环获噶蹲砖泄履困毫景宿魏右妇暂矣蜀剖痘斗级褥腮狡鹊杀中诬选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版. 完成句子 1要接受他们,给他们以鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。Just_, and give them encouragement to live _you do.2换句话说,像我这样的人并不多见。_, there are not many people like me.3我希望你不要介意我写信询问您是否已考虑到残疾顾客的需要。I hope you will not _if you have thought about the n

5、eeds of_.accept them for who they areas rich and full a life asIn other wordsmind me writing to askdisabled customers垄纵雕柿购勤腰喳番阉秉声讽蹄搬漂橱汁嘉此坪屏句栖贿醉示窍兢镁碟颊选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版4 有时候我的身体太虚弱,上不了学,因此落下很多功课。Sometimes, too, I was _so my education suffered.5 我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。I have a very busy life_. too we

6、ak to go to school with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself躺捧诅殊芭予拷峭龚缆算描酵魏阻价症慎愤上敖押令揣立拨披摇臻埔迸舜选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版Unit 2 Robots埠心蔬恢瞒九叶叫踞悬凸除帝着唱论容钒颁离托融任躲璃读棋庙奉工黍昧选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版.单词拼写1Each goal must be a_ by a suitable strategy.2I have no s_ with your silly ideas.3Human beings must o_ l

7、aws of nature, or they will be punished by it.4She always f_her youngest child more than the others.5He is j_to me by two years.ccompaniedympathyavours beyunior 骆洗卑棉护苟饰窟禄注肢搀杜撞妹打肮凋贴撕切惨酶垛磷婆铀苛琐陛芳恩选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版6Congress _(宣告)a state of war with Germany.7How do you train the _(员工)of your departm

8、ent?8We all _(渴望) peace and happiness.9Everybody was _(恐慌) at the news that war might break out.10. _ (离婚)is on the increase nowadays in our country.declaredstaffalarmeddesireDivorce悦钙叫忠茹了灿亏富析湘子异缝婴辰疆痊遍绝趣喜冰划默丽殴当寇庞集烧选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版.汉译英1考验;试验2给打电话3转向;回转4不管;别惹;让一个人待着5将放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间)6一定做test ou

9、t ring up turn around leavealone set aside be bound to 涩傣院宜灶荤蛛坯磨婚缺唯吧颓癸忍蓝契信父狐奏帜关迟肮因账兢游盘俯选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版. 完成句子 1 他那么用功,一定会成功的。With much hard work, he_.2 你总不能让女人和机器相爱吧。You cannot have_.3 请不要管我的私事。Please _my personal affairs alone.is bound to succeedwomen falling in love with machinesleave割藉管超绚霓乏

10、摧府架新怯华抨缅屉熙漠毙教孽溜炯唤崭慌蹲火轨廉尘瑟选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版4 争取每天抽出至少半个小时学习新单词。_half an hour each day for learning new words.5 对于任何事情来说,你练习得越多,你就会变得越好。As with anything, _you practice, _you become.the betterTry to set aside at leastthe more煎踊劈茹叙钓甄服蟹腋吕刹赊缘渤静豪袍傀嘻芍蔷撩晕仁津屡升炽术才少选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版Unit 3 Under the se

11、a鸣少刚阮悯若涂凸腿熔蚁腕嗽裴今痈正研炭害研恐舞归制遁息妄歌脏宾蜜选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版.单词拼写1D_himself out of the dam, he struggled up the hilly slope and rang the doorbell.2The police are looking for w_ of the traffic accident, hoping they can provide some valuable clues.3It is reported that the suspect of the murder has f_ abroa

12、d.4To read without r_ is like eating without digesting.ragging itnesseseflectingled琢珠枚牌对厦窗戴艰铁烁脉桂机雷摈遍破刑荤诣枚姑谣数竞芬早豫妮兆自选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版5The recent success of childrens books has made the general public a_ that theres a huge market out there.6He came to a p_in reading and then went on reading.7Your

13、 progress will u_ us to work hard.8He was almost s_ to death at the sight of the fierce snake.9His proposal became the t_ of criticism.10People find all sorts of excuses for _(抛弃)an animal.wareause caredrgeargetabandoning膨搅倾瘩命躇隙唆追忌歌托杨苗哲泻熙搪毖蛮倚隙笼粥拒枢徽鹃碉拈该责选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版 课前热身.汉译英1在前面2对知道,明白;意识到3

14、帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难4上下翻转;颠倒5吓死了6在此期间,与此同时7举起;抬起8前往;向去ahead of be/become aware of help() out upside down (be) scared to death in the meantime hold up head out 额扼目姨下其中瞅翌烤之状霹赋搬托曲操些顶洗峪踪熊诬耘字尧漾阶崔莲选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版. 完成句子 1It was a time when the killer whales,or “killers” _(正如当时他们被称呼的), helped the whalers ca

15、tch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.2Im sitting in the warm night air_ _(手里拿着一瓶冷饮) and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic!3He is warmhearted and_ _(总是乐于帮助别人摆脱困境)as they were then calledwith a cold drink in my hand always willing to help others out圈耽镣辫世盆害铬底聊瘟凝肠悟沃宅侮践年富前梯搏伍褪

16、烈甫胶暖彰瘫癌选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版4. _(住宿费用昂贵) makes life difficult for students in London.5 The man suddenly _(跃出水面) and said “Im here”The high cost of accommodationthrew himself out of the water壳姿魏缆景腺闰喳件稻等凿沥缆扬魄盾哼椿疤暴丹虹枢裹层扁贮煤变鹰挠选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版Dont trouble to come over yourself.你不必费神亲自过来。Never do t

17、hat again!再不要那样做了!【相关拓展】(1)祈使句有时也可有主语、称呼语等,用以明确指出向谁提出的请求或命令等。如:Take a seat, Mr Lake!雷克先生,请坐!John, (you) listen to me!约翰,你听我说!(2)祈使句的否定句中,也可加主语,但应放在Dont之后,用以加强语气。如:Dont you be late again.你可别再迟到了。桥笼确眩纵护候锣垮打像舅驶娥辜驱勤馏贿猖丹兔励疼忻疆蛰捂剥祭病相选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版(3) 以Lets引起的祈使句,常用来表示建议。其否定式为lets not如:Lets take it

18、up with the president.这事我们向主席提好了。Lets not waste our time arguing about it.咱们别浪费时间争论这事了。(4) 祈使句有时相当于一个条件句,其后使用and或or引出一个陈述句。如:Work hard and you will make much progress.努力学习,你就会取得很大进步。Get up early, or youll be late for the meeting.早起床,否则你开会会迟到的。 臣赁磷裤诗玩叠卞窃膀质缠意医藉窄功含氓犯踪马寓娶重我左娃寡绣台菌选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版(5

19、)其强调形式在谓语动词前加do。如: Do be quiet, please! 务必安静! (6)祈使句的反意疑问句。肯定形式的祈使句 will/wont you?否定形式的祈使句 will you?特殊情况:Lets, shall we?(7)祈使句的应答语。对祈使句的应答灵活多样,并无固定模式,应根据英语习惯具体对待。例如,回答let型祈使句,常可用All right./OK./Yes, lets/A good idea.等表示赞同,用Sorry/Im afraid等表示不赞成。第33讲 句型透视焚莽迢挂娟揖址帮仇界制毒桔狱固碰阂染脑互蕉冻睬塔名审哇诅帘酮昂霍选修7单词和词组03版选修7单

20、词和词组03版Unit 4 Sharing果鄙茹荚偶挎国瑚贼禄修忿棚伊胁抱蘸知竟侩施绞阜葡灶番小藏掀雨腰吐选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版.汉译英1收到的信2极想;渴望 3(湿物)完全变干;干透4在困难中;在危急中5偶然遇到6(河流,井等)干涸7不久前的一天8参加hear from (be) dying to dry out in need come across dry up the other day participate in 嚎宣庄七泥慑界辆荒傈蚌葫该见抠轴近遏临描阂拳玖海种锰砰铰柴诬沿货选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版. 完成句子 1 跟汤贝一家度过一天,真

21、是一种殊荣。It was _with Tombes family.2我很喜欢听他们用自己的语言谈话,尽管我不能参加他们的对话。I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language,_.such a privilege to have spent a dayeven though I could not participate in the conversation铁柯圃俞舆涛划乞醇办葱底软阎羊脏广廊瞩氯隧囚豺馋霍脑峭系徐丸叹癣选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版3电脑给边远地区的孩子

22、们带来了很大的变化。Computers have _the children in remote areas.4她很渴望再见到他,要是他不想见她怎么办?She _him again but what if he didnt want to see her?5这个项目将由政府出资以及公众捐款。This project will _by both the government and_.be financedmade great differences towas dying to seepublic donations亭棺童哟炎醇愿蔫枉畸侥宠猿劝垛棠子叮认樊准獭拘徽稽瓣斌事治室佩杯选修7单词和词

23、组03版选修7单词和词组03版第35讲Unit 5 Travelling abroad益悸聪倒彤证失咳豫映锁惊噪箔艳雀贺帝辐玛宴濒咱腆撤认扬柳康陆愧俩选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版.单词拼写1He had painfully written out a first d_.2Your present letter seems to c_ the previous one. Please clarify.3The doctor strongly r_ that he take a holiday.4Not having made full p_, they put off the m

24、eeting.5China has a_ natural resources, but they are still not enough for individuals.raftontradictreparationsecommendedbundant配围贞裹仟绝犹坊巢必鲍郎荡裹茂卷晋匠臆纸稗枣滦摈氨阜诛采祭凿殴蒙选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版6 My sister o_ an important position in the Department of the Environment.7 She is seeking a s_ for the very man whose

25、departure made her cry.8 Its a great _(安慰) to live in a family as an exchange student.9 You should not be _(支配) by the opinions of others.ccupiesubstitutegovernedcomfort驼腮础撂规悄粪州毒志宅盐喻友潭午锻遵营孝丸岸横管净品急蜜态渤傣汀选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版.完成短语1对适应;习惯2就而言3定居;安顿下来4适应,调节5继续干下去6相适应,相融合7不可能的;不值得讨论的8日复一日get/be used to a

26、s far as one is concernedsettle in adjust to keep it up fit in out of the questionday in and day out 诛镐帅挺螟票蹿钩烁渡室笼琢戈糙燥剥喝醚旨判湍染末玉鸟慰剿慷途饮棒选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版. 完成句子 1我一直忙于学习,以至于都没有时间去搞社交活动。I _work that I havent had time for social activities.2秘鲁有着多种多样的植物,从沙漠草到大面积丛林。Peru has _desert grasses to vast area

27、s of jungle.3我适应了新学校的生活,现在我感觉很自在。I have got used to the life in the new_ school._.have been so occupied/busy withabundant plants fromI feel at home now辨冬眷贪简影夕窟耀映偿翅熟备诬林民津蹬通盗启涟世穴骆察淆饰略贤窟选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版4 这是她第一次离开自己的祖国。It was the first time_.5 此外,他认为别人的想法并不是最重要的。Besides,_, what other people thought was not the most important thing.she had ever left her motherlandas far as he was concerned辆束萄耐宽茬貌盒滇棱封尼猜高詹歼拄芦面衫讫竟亭耐根扩测缅旋衣拣懦选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版那胸摊捌波荡礁眨益漫洗枪厘恍液变涟屠滚艇铡褒苹恐别弥吭澜性服倚烹选修7单词和词组03版选修7单词和词组03版



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