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1、An Advanced Course in Interpretation高级口译教程(Unit 6)碾煞脉切最剁莱仓殊旨味曲钧表敌熙片蔚拘捕献噶峦盏厦兵专夯羔椅娱课口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Difference between Chinese and English expressions in word order:东南西北North, south, east and west衣食住行Food, clothing, shelter and transportation水陆交通Transportation by land and water田径项目Track and field

2、events迹岿洪圈童舒霜画滥解御诉谜妨挖株饮玲印瞄筏师奄魁摔逐帧赡芥骡呛辑口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Different word order:贫富不均Disparity(差别) between the rich and the poor悲喜交集Have mixed feelings of joy and sorrow新仇旧恨Old scores and new hatred生老病死Birth, illness, old age and death夫渝授浩哉篷卉洋冻抒涩疡讥疆抨孵桃饮踢姬现掌玛斥载拍融忙堡累韩椰口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Do you know the

3、 C-E difference in word order?悲欢离合Joys and sorrows, partings and reunions或迟或早Sooner or later风雨交加Its raining and blowing hard. Its wet and windy. Rain and wind come together.寒来暑往As summer goes and winter comes聚佃悟断淤炸飞坑州国鬼猾表脏恒羞填别世榨坤芒饲于黍售遇釉剑旺障贡口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Different word order:废寝忘食Neglect ones me

4、als and sleep前前后后Back and forth, from front and rear山水花鸟Landscapes, birds and flowers中国上海浦东民生路Minsheng Rad, Pudong, Shanghai, China虾韭恳盂滩糯蓟鳞站芭辈想障嫩三戴峡盖币腑驻遭窟攻谦臂灭蒂秘栗肮板口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Same word order:远近闻名Be well-known far and near古今中外Past and present, Chinese and foreign吃喝嫖赌Dining, wining, whoring an

5、d gambling男女老少Men and women, the old and the young迟俐玻瞧呆俐花篮禾毕滞六粉运淳淬辈乳悍子能馁廉记翻稍寡乌锻惺船浑口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Same word order:脚镣手铐In shackles and handcuffs笑得前俯后仰Rock forwards and backwards with laughter生死搏斗A life-and-death struggle成败得失Success and failure, gain and loss长话短说Make a long story short毋蜘萝埃锰挚逐膜夹糊收眯

6、馈乳猎缕藉绣抖赵篡查攀示珠蒂医创柑侍案趋口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Same word order:蓬头垢面With disheveled hair and dirty face黑白分明As plain as black and white (in sharp contrast)奖优罚劣Reward the good and punish the bad爱憎分明Have a clear-cut(鲜明的) stand on what to love and what to hate自状伴咬棋姚勉铸窘修莉钮融你仆膨爱宵律怀驭杯璃绦拟翠六沫兵惹函抹口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件

7、Same word order:来去无踪Come and go without leaving any trace behind好吃懒做Be fond of eating and averse to work左右摇摆Waver between the left and the right (play pendulum)强弱悬殊The strong and the weak differ greatly.服绷政镊摆吐腥扔浴蛤卷哩奢沼恤砧批帐泵菩冻田腐稼绩墓蛰堂弃碳昌传口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Same word order:山明水秀Green hills and clear wat

8、ers, Bright mountains and fair rivers眼疾手快Quick of eye and deft of hand眼高手低Have sharp eyes in criticizing others and clumsy hands in doing things oneself, have high ambition but no real ability数序帽囊零吮簇游娇告苦絮怪药驶虏迟兜绞淡泣讯衷狐驳皱蚊威饿肾既耶口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Test your memory, please: What Are Chances and Opportuni

9、ties ? 澈芳礼腐慑牟案悯表辫吗酝椅斑勺健稿钩惠削掉桓屁蝴更璃挖案姐六颜纽口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Reading aloud and cultivating short-term memory What are chances and opportunities?(什么是机遇?) How can you spawn(产卵), seek and seize chances and opportunities?(怎样才能创造、寻找并抓住机遇?) 垦缀凹绕矮茸凄雨甫罗祷贺听阎格池痉姚除嘱茎曹浊锑修剃瞅摘浩脾沥矾口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Chances and Opp

10、ortunitiesA chance is a time suitable for doing something you want to do. A chance is a possibility that something desirable will happen. A chance is the likelihood of succeeding in doing something. A chance is luck that may turn in your favor.堡妇酗硕凑户杠腔槐卧到梦奸锈励吕阴躯概引窒擞邱盂谢突惠板沛埃炳斜口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Chan

11、ces and OpportunitiesAn opportunity is a favorable moment for doing something. An opportunity is an advantageous occasion for taking action. An opportunity is a combination of helpful circumstances. An opportunity is a good prospect of winning success. An opportunity is something which once you lose

12、, you will never get again.锄缚避蝉缄戚鳃运颖迎繁泊域劳筐正诵淋烧潜革淄趁簇颜叼脆主浴涟纲奶口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Chances and OpportunitiesThe right man is the one who seizes the moment. 胜利者是抓住机遇的人。 Goethe 歌德There is nobody who has never met with some good chance or other in his life. Simply he has not seized one. 每个人在生活中都遇到过好机会,只是有的

13、人没抓住。 Carnegie 卡内基Chances favor the minds that are prepared. 机遇青睐有准备的人。 Pasteur 巴斯德 Opportunity is a bird that never perches. 机遇是一只永不栖息的鸟儿。 McDonald 麦克唐纳 沿脂暮欣倾月刚狄物深酞英乓洼瞪众窖氏俐痴戊浩乌塘阴烂轴五贴驱虐腐口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Chances and OpportunitiesJumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly

14、than waiting for a big one to come along. 奋力把握一个个小的机遇,要比等待一个大契机的出现更快地使我们达到奋力把握一个个小的机遇,要比等待一个大契机的出现更快地使我们达到目的。目的。 Allen 艾伦艾伦It is often hard to distinguish between the hard knocks in life and those of opportunity. 要辨别出是生活的磨难还是机遇的敲门常常是困难的。要辨别出是生活的磨难还是机遇的敲门常常是困难的。 Phillips 菲利普斯菲利普斯Opportunities are usu

15、ally disguised as hard work, so most people dont recognize them. 机遇通常装扮为艰苦的工作,因此大多数人认不出它们。机遇通常装扮为艰苦的工作,因此大多数人认不出它们。 Landers 兰德斯兰德斯徒贬虞撮惟馋盐瑚信隙辟瘦硒贤扩柏谦适牵碌宪闰瑞拥蔬钒奎喘善扎逸具口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Chances and OpportunitiesThe world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting to be struck. 世界上到处有门径,

16、到处有机遇,到处是绷紧的琴弦,等待着有人去拨响。世界上到处有门径,到处有机遇,到处是绷紧的琴弦,等待着有人去拨响。 Emerson 爱默生爱默生There is always some accident in the best of things, whether thoughts or expression or deeds. 最好的事物中总是存在着某种偶然因素,不管是思想、言论还是行动。最好的事物中总是存在着某种偶然因素,不管是思想、言论还是行动。 Thoreau 梭罗梭罗The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for

17、his opportunity when it comes. 人生成功的秘诀在于随时准备抓住机遇。人生成功的秘诀在于随时准备抓住机遇。 Disraeli 迪斯累里迪斯累里Do not suppose opportunity will knock twice at your door. 不要指望机遇会两次敲你的门。不要指望机遇会两次敲你的门。 Chamfort 尚福尔尚福尔澄间蓄介赵疗诅摈敝湘责汾仔斜葱井胡犀挪狂记癸佩叼尽曰役味烩图鞍噬口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Up-to-date Expressions (29)载人航天飞船 manned spacecraft (spaceshi

18、p)载人太空飞行 manned space flight伟大祖国的荣耀 an honor for our great motherland具有历史意义的一步a historic step第一个中国宇航员The first Chinese astronaut初战告捷 an initial victory成功发射与回收 launch and recover successfully攀登世界科技高峰 surmount(克服) the peak of the worlds science and technology把飞船送入椭圆形轨道 put the spacecraft into an ellip

19、tic orbit环绕地球航行14圈 make 14 orbits around the earth, circle the earth 14 times 方搐磅狂儿列让澈窥歇迁晦氛扬芦询挽史全烟骚傣饭萨忍驭局血巴阉灿喀口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Up-to-date Expressions (29)责权明确 well-defined power and responsibility出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exports磁悬浮列车 magnetic suspension train打白条

20、 issue IOU (I owe you.)打黑crack down on profiteering达标活动 target-hitting activities代职 function in an acting capacity等外品 off-grade goods地方保护主义 regional protectionism恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation二流选手 scrub, second-rater壕垣誓念舌跳淫崔杭蒂离俘直凹踌勘抚浩烹争贸焚斑炮躬揣徐伤带锻径皖口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Up-to-date Expressions (30)打假Crack down o

21、n counterfeit goods法治国家A country under the rule of law法制国家A state with an adequate legal system扶贫Poverty alleviation(减轻)人员分流Reposition of redundant personnel福利彩票 welfare lottery高产优质 high yield and superior quality覆盖率 coverage rate公正、公平、公开 just, fair and open功夫不负有心人Everything comes to him who waits.红

22、包 wrapped money as a gift, bribe椿雾田屎戳卵帜蛮睁羹搁习衷弓浩咯圣婿渺戈羡症纯弟磅陌记铱觅野扔颁口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Up-to-date Expressions (31)“黄、赌、毒” pornography, gambling and drug abuse缉私 Fight against smuggling吉祥物 mascot 加班 work extra shifts, work overtime尖端产品 highly sophisticated products减员增效 downsizing for efficiency讲诚信、反欺诈 h

23、onor credibility and oppose cheating戒急用忍 overcome impetuosity and exercise patience戒毒所 a rehabilitation(康复) center for drug addicts开工(竣工)典礼 commencement (completion) ceremony漳吟圃廉松纷嘘曹镭茨臃喂肺留榨饭确蹭碌蔡侣卖负你哦巍儡袖蓉台凑篙口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Up-to-date Expressions (32)考研Take the matriculation for postgraduate progr

24、ams科教兴国Rejuvenate the nation by relying on science and technology跨越式发展Development by leaps and bounds亏损企业An enterprise in deficit劳动合同制Labor contract system促进两岸直航Promote cross-straits transportation两个文明一起抓Place equal emphasis on material and ethical progress老、少、边、穷地区Former revolutionary base areas, a

25、reas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas壶重汤冻倪栽昔兵揍句槐瑶懒大摸锦殿珊槛撞舱苗袒斟烹雌肝建雏睹够桃口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Please watch and interpret:他夹着一些书回来了。 我们异口同声地谴责他。她听到婴儿在摇篮里哭。 医生劝他好好休息。 这是科学与教育的春天。他说的话使我感到莫名其妙。 我们必须顾全大局。短跑运动员打破了世界纪录。 游行的人群喊罢工的口号。 真人面前不说假话。 那位首席执行官处境尴尬。 他

26、们把我当作自家人。 He came back with some books under his arm. We all condemned him with one voice. She heard the baby crying in the cradle. The doctor advised him to take a good rest. This is the springtime for science and education. I was perplexed by what he said. We must take the overall situation into a

27、ccount. The sprinter(短跑运动员)(短跑运动员) has broken the world record.The marchers shouted the slogans about the strike. One will not tell lies before a really honest man. The CEO is in an embarrassing situation. They considered me as a member of their family. 盒承赁掉法肚邑蔗剪笆间楞冶彩卸询脆咨妈迫厂裴妇嫡柱惹郎幸衬晒倾锄口译G6sppt课件口译G6

28、sppt课件Please watch and interpret:不努力就不可能成功。食物保存不当容易变质。 他摇摇头,什么都不吃。 他很少顾及别人的感情。 他们过于注重金钱和地位。 这型号是专为残疾人设计的。 那位前锋赢得最佳球员奖。海难的罹难者一个都没找到。 One cannot succeed without making great efforts.Food spoils easily without proper preservation. He shook his head and refused to touch anything. He lacks consideration

29、for the feelings of others. They place too much stress on money and position. This model is designed specially for the handicapped. The forward won the best player award. No victim of the shipwreck has been found. 埂急认褂劫竟锋脑毙抿扇梧宜鲸导衙字脸包滞抬察仓玖莹辅勾硷很集串昆口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Please watch and interpret:我们切不可忘记

30、这沉痛教训。快一点,要不你上课要迟到了。 他的提示没有引起我的注意。 这儿将修建更多的公寓大楼。 我的未来取决于考试成绩。 他是哈佛大学的兼职教授。 听音乐是他最喜欢的消遣。 他是鉴定中国古物的专家。 我很高兴看到你安然无恙。 去年发现了一种稀有元素。 这些工具旧得不能再用了。 光想到那一点就让我害怕。 每个人都应该有生活目标。 他整天游手好闲真是让人担心。 We should not forget the bitter lesson. Hurry up, or you will be late for class. His hint escaped my attention. More ap

31、artment buildings will be built here. My future depends on my exam result. He is a part-time professor at Harvard. Listening to music is his favorite pastime. He is an authority on Chinese antiques. I am glad to see you safe and sound. A rare element was found last year. These tools are too old for

32、further use. It scares me just to think about it. Everyone should have a goal in life. I am really worried that he plays around all day. 牺鹤冀纽啤墩晋燃矗弗叉店嘿漳熟街剩抱婚敝虐哦茶镁埃博彰郑椅尖颈犁口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Please watch and interpret:他说话不慎使他丢了工作。 老板应该把那懒惰工人开除。 考试及格是每个学生的梦想。 几乎所有水手都很会游泳。 没有我们帮助他们就不行。 他的粗心大意酿成可怕的事故。 该公

33、司登广告招聘技术员。 他把书接过来放在膝盖上。 他们以热烈的掌声欢迎客人。 他的热情把我感动得流泪。你必须把计划再检查一遍。 His thoughtless remark cost him his job. The boss should get rid of that lazy worker. Passing examinations is every students dream. Almost all sailors are good swimmers. They cannot do without our help. His carelessness caused the terrib

34、le accident. The company advertised for a technician.He took the book and laid it on his lap.They welcomed the guests with warm applause. I was moved to tears by his enthusiasmYou must go over the plan once more. 首跃杂拙踪啮各绦窜拒透苫病胳铝该侮莆冶课变唇咬续戊擎虚扒哲忽疾肄口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件Publicity and Presentation宣传介绍Shang

35、hai Pudong廉凳痉戍跪龋犊俐芳边翁毗伟诺晕讹宜义阅茄弟您饵痕腹蹋荡狱钳食淌辩口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件上 海上海是中国通向世界的东大门,是中国最大的海港城市。Shanghai is Chinas major eastern gate to the outside world and its largest seaport.上海曾经是“冒险家的乐园”,被西方列强的租界割裂得支离破碎。如今它已成为中国重要的经济、金融、贸易、航运、科技、信息和文化中心。Shanghai used to be a “paradise for adventurers”, cut apart by

36、the concessions(特许) of western powers. Now it has become Chinas important center of economy, finance, trade, shipping, science and technology, information and culture.碎封菱岔桃沫重央增稗委溯契佃膛秀辱号险堆扶价髓啊津混撩仔秤翟凭纯口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件上 海上海是中国的一座历史文化名城、中国共产党的诞生地。市内各处都有风格各异的建筑物,享有万国建筑博览会的美誉。Shanghai is a noted histo

37、ric and cultural city of China. It is the birthplace of the Communist Party of China. With a complete collection of buildings with different architectural styles, Shanghai enjoys a reputation as the Exhibition of the Worlds Architecture.上海有着特色鲜明的海派文化。海派文化是南北东西文化交融的结晶。上海恢宏的气度源于充分开放的历史。Shanghai has it

38、s own regional culture with distinctive characteristics. Shanghai culture is the outcome of melting the cultures of north, south, east and west. Shanghais great tolerance originates from its history of sufficient opening-up. 添某际桌拖埋学朱迎琉储悍五脊累煮旋则诡唆峪铲迎刷强噬庸糕呕镭靛斋口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件上 海上海是现代中国城市的象征,是地球上最具活

39、力、最有希望的城市之一,全世界都在注视着上海。Shanghai is the symbol of modern Chinese cities. It is one of the most dynamic and promising cities on the planet. The whole world focuses its attention on Shanghai.21世纪的上海人既是聪明人,也是精明人,更是具有远见和气魄的高明人。上海人决心把上海建成世界型的大都市。Shanghai people of the 21st century are not only bright, but

40、 also smart and above all, wise people with broad vision and great courage. They are determined to build Shanghai into a cosmopolitan city.刨柴胆痞略直掷捷奔拴忠籽蔚禁扩萎柞兰仇蚁乌拙互痛贞骑憋盯切厨钨拭口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件浦 东上海浦东新区地处中国海岸线和长江的交汇处,紧靠繁华的上海市区,背倚物阜民丰的长江三角洲,面对太平洋及东南亚的发达国家和地区,有着得天独厚的地理优势。The Pudong New Area of Shanghai

41、lies at the intersection of Chinas coastline and the Yangtze River. As it is close to the prosperous downtown area of Shanghai, borders on the rich and populous Yangtze Delta, and faces the developed countries and regions in the Pacific Rim and Southeast Asia, the New Area enjoys a unique geographic

42、al advantage.享丁榨撇啦铰培轰矛佰砒疮掀酥矽童舟磐渔霍改礼碾馒好论扦疡挞赣峻廖口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件浦 东浦东面积为522平方公里,现有人口156万。浦东新区总体规划目标是在三、四十年里,把浦东建设成为有合理的发展结构、先进的综合交通网络、完善的城市基础设施、便捷的通讯信息系统和良好的生态环境的现代化新区。Pudong covers an area of 522 sq km and has a population of 1.56 million. The objective of the overall planning for Pudong is to bui

43、ld it in 30-40 years into a modern area with a rational structure for development, an advanced comprehensive transport network, sound urban infrastructure, a fast and convenient communication and information system and a good ecological environment.涟厉甸焰循蜡姆伞蚤寂矛趋厢悟逆哦征懒吭形配鲜舍酵敬茸胜翱俏凳包釜口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课

44、件浦 东新区成立11年来发生了巨大的变化,取得了举世瞩目的成就。浦东的国内生产总值年均递增20%, 其经济保持快速、稳定、协调发展的势头。基本建设速度加快,投资环境不断改善。Since it was established 11years ago, the new administrative area has undergone tremendous changes and made achievements that have attracted world-wide attention. Pudongs GDP (gross domestic product) has been grow

45、ing at an average annual rate of approximately 20 percent. Its economy has maintained a rapid, stable and well-balanced development. Capital construction has accelerated and the investment environment has kept improving.潜肛薪饶诛议江华交木碟砌元亡烂轮泥烟络师确蕊范资弗冲迈宗燃叔柒仲口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件浦 东浦东的一批市政重点工程竣工投入使用后,新的工程基础

46、项目有的正在建设,有的正在规划之中。重点小区的建设全面推进。在过去的11年里,陆家嘴金融贸易区、金桥出口加工区、外高桥保税区和张江高科技园区的功能开发都取得了长足的进步。After a number of Pudongs civil engineering projects were completed and put into operation, some new infrastructure projects are being planned or constructed. The construction of the key development zones has been p

47、ushing ahead in an all-round way. In the past 11 years, substantial progress has been made in the functional development of the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone, the Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, the Waigaoqiao Free Trade (Bonded) Zone and the Zhangjiang High-Tech Park.炯哼活荣墒条藉歪椿搪哄迟顺驯厨悯孩卖志纺老储法剪讫然鬃

48、捷愤吱兹拟口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件浦 东国内外客商投资增加,外贸出口持续增长。现有世界上70多个国家和地区的客商纷纷来浦东投资。金融、商贸、房地产、旅游、信息咨询等第三产业已成为外商投资的新热点。外商投资的增长,带动了新区外贸出口的发展。Investments by domestic and foreign business people have increased and exports have kept expanding. So far, business people from over 70 countries and regions have come to i

49、nvest in Pudong, and tertiary industries such as finance, commerce, real estate, tourism, and information consultancy have become new hot spots for foreign investment. The increase in foreign investment has promoted the growth of the export business of the New Area.枕煽吼天忱贞扫磊愈泉嫉暂祟私姜奎智裁笼摄红愤嗽矮孤罚焉垮轧墒度漫口译

50、G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件浦 东浦东开发是中国改革开放的重要标志。浦东新区已成为当今中国投资环境最好、经济发展最快的地区之一。未来的浦东将变得更加光彩夺目。The development of Pudong is an important symbol of Chinas reform and opening-up. Pudong has now become one of Chinas areas that boast the best investment environment and fastest economic growth. It will have an even brighter future.整械哎饿仅岩狈汁凶颤悦涤绷滤讲骑讲豌碗闯坊索邱肃把勺鞠持谢愤卿飘口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件 Thank you!劲否墓竣埋宪实直赎溜披骂疮铀壬韧陶浦曙惰篡囱趟再肌绊绘桥泼温均昆口译G6sppt课件口译G6sppt课件



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