2023-2024学年 冀教版(三起)英语五年级下册期末试题( 有答案)

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《2023-2024学年 冀教版(三起)英语五年级下册期末试题( 有答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023-2024学年 冀教版(三起)英语五年级下册期末试题( 有答案)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 小学英语 五年级下册期末学业水平测试卷题号一二三四五六七总分得分 一、按要求写单词。 (10分) l. women(单数) 2. know(同音词) 3. fall(现在分词) 4. men(单数) 5. fast(对应词) 6. easy(反义词) 7. tweive(序数词) 8. left(对应词) 9. sun(形容词) 10. has(原形) 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Thats (I) computer.2. Look, Li Ming! It (be)a letter from Jenny!3. This picture is for (your).4. Le

2、t (our) go to the hotel.5. Jim and Betty will (walk) to the park.三、单项选择。(30分)( )1. I liked Wangfujing to buy gifts. A. go B. to go to C. going( )2.How did you go to the park? bus. A. Buy B. By C. On( )3. Our English teacher is talking to . A.we B.our C.us( )4. I want to read the newspaper, . A. too

3、B. to C. two( )5. Please look the blackboard. A. out B. at C. to( )6. Li Ming needs a stamp his letter. A. to B. for C. in( )7. There many men and women in the park. A. am B. is C. are( )8. The water is hot. A. too B. to C. two( )9. Im writing a letter my pen. A. with B. on C. for( )10. Everyone exc

4、ited. A. feels B. to feel C. feeling( )11. He is a letter to his sister. A. writes B. write C. writing( )12.What would you like? A. Some soup B. A milk C. Some milks( )13. Jenny sees . A. tall many trees B. many tall trees C. trees many tall( )14. Lets out of the window. A. see B. watch C. look( )15

5、. I some fruit yesterday. A. ate B. eat C. eating四、连词成句。(15分)1. and, buses, cars, there, many, are, too .2. water, mother, she, some, for, buys, her .3. you, drink, what, like, would, to ?4. forget, letter,a, dont, write, to .5. fun, you, have, in, did, Canada ?五、情景交际。(10分)( )1.如果朋友建议你喝瓶汽水,你想喝时,应说:

6、A. Here you are. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, please.( )2.想知道对方出了什么事,应说: A. How are you? B. Are you okay?C. What happened?( )3.当你想买一枚邮票,询问一枚邮票多少钱时,应说: A. What is a stamp? B. How much is a stamp?C. How is the stamp?( )4.当你的朋友饿了,你建议朋友吃些三明治时,应说: A. Are you hungry? Have some noodles.B. What would you like?C.

7、Would you like some sandwiches?( )5.当我们想问北京现在的天气怎么样时,应说: A. Whats the weather in Beijing now?B. Hows the weather in Beijing now?C. Is it sunny in Beijing now?六、补全对话。(10分)(Jim is going to the post office. But he is lost.)Jim:1. Policeman:Yes. Go straight down the street and turn left at the traffic l

8、ights.You can see a tea shop.2. Jim:Thanks.Policeman:Youre welcome.(Jim finds the post office. He goes into it. )Clerk:3. Jim:Yes,I want to send these letters to Beijing.4. Clerk:Two yuan.Jim:OK.5. Clerk:Sure. Here you are.A. How much is a stamp, please?B. Can I help you?C. The post office is beside

9、 the tea shop.D. Excuse me, do you know where the post office is?E. Ill take four, please.七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(15分)This is my bedroom. Its small but very nice. The walls are pink. But the door and the window are blue. This is my bed. There is a teddy bear on the bed. Its a gift from my mother. There i

10、s a football under the bed. My computer is next to the bed on the desk. I often study with it. Across from the bed, you can see a picture of my family on the wall.( )1. My bedroom is nice but small.( )2. The door is blue.( )3. The teddy bear is a gift from my father.( )4. There is a basketball under the bed.( )5. I often study with my computer.期末学业水平测试卷答案一、1. woman 2. no 3. falling 4. man5. slow 6. hard 7. twelfth 8. right9. sunny 10. have二、1. my 2. is 3. yo



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