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1、备考2025贵州省贵阳市息烽县中学教师公开招聘考前自测题及答案一单选题(共60题)1、关于共情,以下说法中不正确的是( )A.共情就是必须与来访学生拥有共同的情感B.共情就是体验来访学生的内心世界C.共情就是把握来访学生的情感、思维D.共情有利于建立积极的咨询关系【答案】 A2、()是通过德育活动在受教育者品德形成发展上所要达到的总体规格要求,亦即德育活动所要达到的预期目的或结果的质量标准。A.德育内容B.道德行为标准C.德育方法D.德育目标【答案】 D3、下列关于细胞呼吸产物的叙述中,只适用于有氧呼吸的是()。A.产生ATPB.产生丙酮酸C.产生C02D.产生水【答案】 D4、Parents

2、 and toddlers who read paper books together speak and interact more when compared with those who read e-books,researchers foun D.Reading with a child is a hugely important developmental activity as it helps youngsters learn new words, broadens their knowledge and provides time to bond with loved one

3、s. So scientists wanted to see if parents and children acted differently when they read books together using traditional media versus electronic devices like tablets.To investigate, the researchers found 37 pairs of parents and healthy toddlers between two and three years ol D. They asked them to re

4、ad from three different types of media: enhanced electronic books with sound effects or animation, a basic electronic book, and a print books Researchers found parents and toddlers spoke more when interacting with a paper book rather than a story on an electronic tablet. Whats more, parents used ric

5、her language when using print books compared with tablets, and collaborated more with their children. But parents were less responsive and children were less engaged with their parents when reading e-books, said Dr. Tiffany Munzer, corresponding author of the study at the University of Michigan C.S.

6、 Mott Childrens Hospital. The findings were published in the journal Pediatrics.Munzer pointed out. however, that the study was limited in several ways, including that the team did not test the toddlers reading comprehension. It was also limited by the small sample size, and the fact that the team u

7、sed only one commercially-available app for the e-books. That isnt to say there is no benefit to electronic book reading compared with doing nothing. Just less compared with print books. Print books are just better for promoting rich language from their parents and more conversations between parents

8、 and children, said Munzer.Munzer said that parents always know their children best, so they should feel empowered to adjust the reading experience to what they know their children areA.To find out how they behave when they read from different medi AB.Help youngsters learn more words and broaden the

9、ir knowledgeC.To provide more time to develop relationships with loved onesD.To prove that electronic devices help them to interact more【答案】 A5、下列属于巴洛克时期的代表人物是()。A.莫扎特B.亨德尔C.勋伯格D.舒伯特【答案】 B6、工业革命在西欧开展以后,资本主义经济迅速发展,资本主义制度所固有矛盾和弊端逐渐暴露,真实地反映现实生活、揭露和批判社会黑暗的文学作品逐渐发展成为文学的主流。这里的文学作品主要指( )作品。A.浪漫主义文学B.批判现实主义

10、文学C.现代荒诞派文学D.古典主义文学【答案】 B7、渔光曲是中国电影20世纪30年代的代表作品之一,它的曲作者是()。A.马思聪B.贺绿汀C.黎锦晖D.任光【答案】 D8、提出德育的体谅模式的学者是()。A.科尔伯格B.彼得麦克费尔C.班杜拉D.皮亚杰【答案】 B9、德育的特殊途径是( )。A.劳动B.课外活动与校外活动C.团队活动D.班主任工作【答案】 D10、根据以下材料,回答题A.are employedB.are employingC.were employedD.were employing【答案】 A11、根据以下材料,回答题A.third timesB.third timeC.

11、three timesD.three time【答案】 C12、教学工作中的中心环节是()。A.备课B.上课C.作业的检查与批改D.教学评价【答案】 B13、圣经中没有提到马铃薯,教会禁止人们食用。马铃薯来自美洲的安第斯山脉,欧洲人认为这种未开化民族吃的食物也不是什么好东西,甚至说是给魔鬼吃的食品。然而后来饥不择食的荷兰人打破禁忌,此后马铃薯在欧洲迅速普及。马铃薯在欧洲普及可能发生在( )。A.13世纪之前B.14世纪C.15世纪初期D.16世纪之后【答案】 D14、个体的动作发展的规律,遵循自上而下,由躯体中心向外围、从大肌肉动作到精细动作的发展规律,这种规律现象说明心理发展具有()。A.差

12、异性B.顺序性和定向性C.不平衡性D.连续性和阶段性【答案】 B15、中小学教育的基本目标是(?)。A.专业B.职业C.育人D.育才【答案】 C16、文绣是清朝末代皇帝溥仪之妃,1931年不堪溥仪的凌辱,请求法院出面,并于同年十月份和溥仪解除婚姻,震动社会,是近代史上中国妇女之典范。此事说明( )。A.清政府彻底腐朽没落B.中国女性逐渐摒弃落后的封建观念C.法院权力高于皇权D.婚姻自由,一夫一妻制已经确立【答案】 B17、成绩较差的李明和尖子生钟亮吵架,就把李明叫到办公室,批评了一顿,王老师的行为是受到( )不利影响。A.特质印象B.近因效应C.晕轮效应D.首因效应【答案】 C18、雌体不经交

13、配、受精即可繁殖后代的生殖方式称为()。A.幼体生殖B.孤雌生殖C.有性生殖D.无性生殖【答案】 D19、The California region boasts a wide variety of climates and geographical features, rivaling any other area of comparable dimensions. Nearly all but the eastern-edge California Native Americans lived where environmental conditions were favorable, m

14、aking food relatively accessible. Along the Pacific Coast, they hunted fish and sea mammals by boat. Included were such California tribes as the Chumash, Yurok and Pomo. The Maidu and Pomo principally ate acorns, which have a higher calorie rating than wheat. They pounded the hard nuts with stones and washed out the bitter taste with water.A.Baskets and housesB.Climates and geographical featuresC.Handicraft and colorful languagesD.California tribes and their cultures



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