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1、备考2025贵州省遵义市湄潭县中学教师公开招聘考前自测题及答案一单选题(共60题)1、专家型教师通常是用()方法,慢慢地引入要讲的教学内容。 A.开门见山式B.迂回曲折式C.导人式D.实验式【答案】 C2、职业道德是从业人员在职业活动中( )。A.必须遵循的命令要求B.应该积极履行的行为规范C.衡量绩效的核心标准D.决定前途命运的唯一要素【答案】 B3、关于我国古代对外交往的表述,不正确的是( )。A.西汉时陆上海上“丝绸之路”都已开通B.唐朝不仅和亚洲国家频繁往来,和非洲也有往来C.宋元时期中国四大发明开始外传,促进了世界文明的进步D.明清时期,反侵略成为对外关系的重要内容【答案】 C4、根

2、据以下材料,回答A.pressureB.temptationC.applicationD.order【答案】 B5、人本主义理论所采用得咨询技术是( )。A.自我暴露。B.暗示。C.人际关系分析。D.角色扮演。【答案】 D6、关于高中生.表述,不正确的观点是( )。A.高中生的情绪体验更多强烈,具有冲动性B.高中生的情绪缺乏稳定性,具有两极性C.高中生的情绪理解力弱,具有不可控性D.高中生的情绪管理能力有所提高【答案】 C7、Lisa was running lateLisa,25 ,had a lot to do at work,plus visitors on the way: her p

3、arents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometownBut as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warnBy the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired- maybe it hadn t been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thoughtShe rested herself again

4、st a post close to the tracks.A.Because they would miss their trainB.Because he didnt see the train comingC.Because she was sure Lisa was hard to liftD.Because she was afraid the train would kill him【答案】 D8、根据以下材料,回答A.consistedB.composedC.concludedD.comprised【答案】 D9、It is no good on dwelling the pas

5、t. Whatexisted or happened in the past may have been beautiful or exciting and may nowbring profound and precious memories, but the past is dead, and it is nothealthy for living spirits to linger over a world inhabited by ghost. The pastmay also be a place of horror, of regret, of spilled milk, of u

6、nfortunate deedsthat cannot be undone, of sad words like might have been. However,it is painful and pointless to fixate on a period that cannot be relieved orrepaired. It is unproductive self-punishment. The past must be kept in itsplace, outlive and outgrow.A.The sore throatand backache he is havin

7、gB.Any living thingshe gets along with everydayC.The healthy lifehe will enjoy after he recoversD.The wild-cherrycough drop he drank a moment ago【答案】 B10、-What are you doing this weekend A.WhatB.All rightC.WhyD.Pardon【答案】 C11、根据以下材料,回答A.hair loss cant be repairedB.hair cut can be harmfulC.everyone m

8、ust experience hair lossD.baldness can be ruinous for the victims【答案】 D12、( )不属于提高挫折承受力的基本方法。A.对挫折进行正确归因。B.迁境移情,淡化消极情绪C.培养较强的挫折耐受力D.抑制挫折情绪。【答案】 D13、This kind of glasses manufactured byexperienced craftsmen _ comfortably.A.is wornB.wearsC.wearingD.are worn【答案】 B14、班杜拉将观察学习分成注意、保持、生成和动机四个学习子过程。其中( )是指

9、将观察到的信息转化为符号的形式并贮存在长时记忆中。A.注意过程B.保持过程C.生成过程D.动机过程【答案】 B15、已知函数f(x)=(x+3)(x-a)为偶函数,函数g(x)=x3+4sinx+b+2为奇函数,则a+b的值为( )。A.1B.2C.3D.4【答案】 A16、小提琴协奏曲四季的曲作者是意大利作曲家()。A.维瓦尔第B.吕利C.比才D.莫扎特【答案】 A17、She teaches in a remote area, where_ a lake.A.liesB.laysC.does lieD.does lay【答案】 A18、Scientists havelong argued

10、whether hypocrisy is driven by emotion or by reason. In other moraljudgments, brain imaging shows, regions involved in feeling, not thinking,rule. The role of emotion in moral judgments has overturned the Enlightenmentnotion that our ethical sense is based on high-minded philosophy and cognition.Tha

11、t brings us to hypocrisy, which is almost ridiculously easy to bring out inpeople.A.is inevitableB.can be harnessedby willC.is by instinctivereactionD.is proof theEnlightenment notion【答案】 B19、下列反射中,()A.吸允反射,B.屈肌反射,C.动态牵张反射,D.静态牵张反射【答案】 B20、音乐术语中“accel”的含义是()。A.渐弱B.渐慢C.渐快D.渐强【答案】 C21、“举一反三”“闻一知十”等属于以

12、下哪种迁移?()A.同化性迁移B.顺应性迁移C.重组性迁移D.具体迁移【答案】 A22、下列细胞中含有同源染色体的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 D23、俄罗斯民歌伏尔加船夫曲速度徐缓,旋律朴实,格调忧郁深沉,由()演唱。A.男高音B.男低音C.男中音D.男生合唱【答案】 B24、马克思主义伦理学认为,道德产生的主观方面的前提和关键环节是()。A.信仰B.情感C.人的自我意识的产生和发展D.直觉【答案】 C25、下列最能体现运动员有氧耐力水平的是()A.5千米跑B.花样游泳C.100米跑D.三级跳远【答案】 A26、音乐是实践性和操作性很强的学科,尤其是其表演领域更体现出一种()特点。A.知

13、识B.表演C.实践D.技能【答案】 D27、以下哪一项教学手段属于奥尔夫教学法?()A.奥尔夫乐器合奏B.首调唱名法C.字母记谱法D.柯尔文手势【答案】 A28、外观为三组巨大的壳片,又像两艘巨型的白色帆船的澳大利亚建筑是( )。A.乔治蓬皮杜国家艺术文化中心B.阿拉伯塔酒店C.帝国大厦D.悉尼歌剧院【答案】 D29、二十世纪初,俄国风景画题材发展迅速而确立“情绪风景”画的画家是( )。A.希什金B.苏里科夫C.列维坦D.雷洛【答案】 C30、充分利用学生头脑中生动而鲜明的形象来帮助记忆,这是使用了()。A.组织策略B.精细加工策略C.元认知策略D.复述策略【答案】 B31、我国“地理”一词最早见于()。A.易经系辞B.山海经C.禹贡D.汉书地理志



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