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1、备考2025贵州省遵义市仁怀市中学教师公开招聘全真模拟考试试卷A卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、 2018年,热播电影无双在人民电影院上映的票价为60元,打完折后张先生支付了30元人民币买到了电影票。在这里,人民币执行的职能分别是( )。A.价值尺度、流通手段B.流通手段、价值尺度C.支付手段、流通手段D.价值尺度、支付手段【答案】 A2、某人棕发中有一块白色或淡黄色头发,这可能是由于()引起。A.染色体变异B.生殖细胞突变C.基因重组D.体细胞突变【答案】 D3、企业编制经营计划的方法包括()。A.滚动计划法B.PDCA循环法C.弹性的计划法D.综合平衡法E.实际计划编制法【答案】 A4、王

2、阳明曾镇压过江西等地的人民起义并由此心生感触:“破山中贼易。破心中贼难。”由此可见,王阳明的“心学”本质上是( )。A.要求人们注重自身修养B.主张以“致良知”求理C.要求人们服从专制统治D.主张良知和行动的统一【答案】 C5、教师成长与发展的最高目标是( )。A.特级教师B.专家型教师C.双师型教师D.优秀教师【答案】 B6、下列动物中属于脊椎动物的是()。A.蜜蜂B.青蛙C.蚯蚓D.蜗牛【答案】 B7、 作家包天笑曾回忆道:“那个时候,中国和日本打起仗来,而中国却打败了。割去了台湾之后,还要求各口通商,苏州也开了日本租界。这时候,潜藏在中国人心底里的民族思想,便发动起来。”当时“民族思想的

3、发动”主要体现在( )。A.开眼看世界B.主张中体西用C.宣传维新变法D.倡导实业救国【答案】 C8、2016年8月16日,中国发射了全球首颗量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”,这使得我国成为世界上首个实现太空和地面之间量子通信的国家,同时也建成了我国天地一体化的量子保密通信与科学实验体系。这对于我国着眼未来空间安全挑战,调整空间安全战略,创新发展航天装备与技术,拓展商业航天应用领域,具有重要意义。这说明科学技术的发展( )。A.促进了生产工具的改进B.提高了劳动者的科学文化素质C.拓展了劳动对象的范围D.促使了生产关系的调整和变革【答案】 C9、Homers Iliad, one of the gr

4、eatestworks of Greek Literature, relates stories about the _War.A.WaterlooB.TrojanC.IndependentD.Civil【答案】 B10、网上关于合肥旅游资源的信息非常丰富,学生利用网络信息开展设计“合肥一日游”旅游方案的活动。教师对该活动进行评价时,应重点评价学生()。A.设计和实施野外观测活动的能力B.获取和处理信息的能力C.提出假设并进行论证的能力D.地理审美与鉴赏能力【答案】 B11、根据以下材料,回答题A.laziness is a diseaseB.laziness is more benefici

5、al than harmfulC.a good definition of laziness isemotional illnessD.some people appear lazy because they areinsecure【答案】 C12、下列作品中不属于古琴作品的有()。A.高山流水广陵散B.酒狂梅花三弄C.离骚平沙落雁D.潇湘水云大浪淘沙【答案】 D13、 下面速度记号由慢到快的是()。A.Lento-Allegro-ModeratoB.Lento-Moderato-AllegroC.Andante-Adagio-ModeratoD.Grave-Vivace-Andante【答案

6、】 B14、宋代为监督地方官设立( )。A.知州B.郡守C.通判D.刺史【答案】 C15、21世纪以来,中国服装工业实施“大进大出、以进养出”的策略,进口美国的棉花、澳大利亚的羊毛、印度和巴基斯坦的棉纱和坯布、日本和韩国的面料加工后出口成衣。在当今全球服装出口总值中,“Made in China”的服装占到三分之一。A.国家政策B.市场C.生产技术D.原材料【答案】 B16、根据以下材料,回答A.contributeB.shareC.explainD.spread【答案】 D17、 以下属于问题解决的是()。A.欣赏音乐B.每天练太极拳C.做几何证明题D.对黑暗的适应【答案】 C18、Pare

7、nts and toddlers who read paper books together speak and interact more when compared with those who read e-books,researchers foun D.Reading with a child is a hugely important developmental activity as it helps youngsters learn new words, broadens their knowledge and provides time to bond with loved

8、ones. So scientists wanted to see if parents and children acted differently when they read books together using traditional media versus electronic devices like tablets.To investigate, the researchers found 37 pairs of parents and healthy toddlers between two and three years ol D. They asked them to

9、 read from three different types of media: enhanced electronic books with sound effects or animation, a basic electronic book, and a print books Researchers found parents and toddlers spoke more when interacting with a paper book rather than a story on an electronic tablet. Whats more, parents used

10、richer language when using print books compared with tablets, and collaborated more with their children. But parents were less responsive and children were less engaged with their parents when reading e-books, said Dr. Tiffany Munzer, corresponding author of the study at the University of Michigan C

11、.S. Mott Childrens Hospital. The findings were published in the journal Pediatrics.Munzer pointed out. however, that the study was limited in several ways, including that the team did not test the toddlers reading comprehension. It was also limited by the small sample size, and the fact that the tea

12、m used only one commercially-available app for the e-books. That isnt to say there is no benefit to electronic book reading compared with doing nothing. Just less compared with print books. Print books are just better for promoting rich language from their parents and more conversations between pare

13、nts and children, said Munzer.Munzer said that parents always know their children best, so they should feel empowered to adjust the reading experience to what they know their children areA.Using electronic booksB.Using commercial appsC.Using print booksD.Using electronic devices【答案】 C19、根据以下材料,回答A.r

14、ecognizing and defining the problemB.looking for information to make theproblem clearerC.having suggestions for a possiblesolutionD.finding a solution by trail or mistake【答案】 D20、They decided to chase the cow away_ it did more damage.A.althoughB.beforeC.untilD.unless【答案】 B21、下列表现符合心理防御机制中文饰的是( )。A.明明内心自卑感很重,但却总表现出自高自大,傲慢不羁B.考试不及格,则说考试太难超出要求C.把失恋的痛苦转化为发奋学习的动力D.学习成绩平平,但体育成绩突出



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