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1、备考2025江西省九江市瑞昌市中学教师公开招聘提升训练试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、根据以下材料,回答A.It can battle fungal and bacterialinvasionsB.It promotes the growth of all cellsC.It can serve as a physical barrierD.It can treat tumors, inflammation andwounds【答案】 B2、对于培养学生智力技能最具有现实意义的途径是()。A.独立开设思维训练课B.培养一般的观察力、记忆力和思维力等能力C.结合教材知识教学训练学生掌握智力

2、活动规则和课题解答程序D.在教学中侧重学生的思维过程而不侧重思维的结果【答案】 C3、根据以下材料,回答A.throughB.forC.inD.towards【答案】 B4、领会超越了单纯的记忆,代表最低水平的()。A.信息加工B.学习活动C.复杂记忆D.理解【答案】 D5、乌尔比安的论告示中记载:“如果洗衣人收到了一件交付清洗的衣服,而老鼠将衣服咬坏了。那么,洗衣人要对此依照承揽之诉承担责任。”这一案例体现的罗马法原则是( )。A.重视证据B.公平公正C.契约至上D.注重程序【答案】 C6、下列最能体现运动员有氧耐力水平的是()A.5千米跑B.花样游泳C.100米跑D.三级跳远【答案】 A7

3、、提出“和平共处”“和平过渡”“和平竞赛”的“三和路线”的前苏联领导人是()。A.斯大林B.赫鲁晓夫C.勃列日涅夫D.戈尔巴乔夫【答案】 B8、里斯本、雅典两地气候类型相同,但两地测得的气温和降水量呈现一定的差异。、A.纬度位置较低B.受西风影响较弱C.地势相对较高D.距地中海较近【答案】 B9、在原型内化阶段。对学生言语培养的重点应放在()上。A.考查言语的动作效应B.使学生了解动作本身C.巩固学生对动作的认知D.使学生学会利用言语来标志练习【答案】 A10、Faces, like fingerprints, are unique.Did you ever wonder how it is

4、possible for us to recognize people? Even ask illed writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pigeon-can learn to recognize faces, we all take this ability for granted.A.Why it is necessary to id

5、entify peoples personalityB.Why it is possible to describe peopleC.How to get to know peopleD.How to recognize people best【答案】 B11、 In the word interchangeable,the root is _.A.interB.interchangeC.changeD.changeable【答案】 C12、下列不属于施光南的作品的是()。A.我爱你中国B.在希望的田野上C.打起手鼓唱起歌D.祝酒歌【答案】 A13、The translator must ha

6、ve an excellent,up-to-date knowledge of his 11 languages, full facility in the handlingof his target language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitualuse, and knowledge and understanding of the 12 subject-matter in his field ofspecialization. This is, as it were, his professional equ

7、ipment. In addition tothis, it is desirable that he should have an 13 mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quicklythe basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work on hisown, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough to 14 othersshould his own kno

8、wledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He shouldbe able to type fairly quickly and accurately and, if he is working mainly forpublication, should have more than a nodding 15 with printing techniques andproof-reading. If he is working basically as an information translator, let ussay,

9、for an industrial firm, he should have the flexibility of mind to enablehim to 16 rapidly from one sourcelanguage to another, as well as from one subject-matter to another, since thisability is frequently required of him in such work. Bearing in mind the natureof the translators work, i.e. the proce

10、ssing of the written word, it is,strictly speaking, 17 that he should be able to speak the languages heis dealing with. If he does speak them, it is an 18 rather than a hindrance, but this skillis in many ways a luxury that he can do away with. It is, however, desirablethat he should have an approxi

11、mate idea about the pronunciation of his sourcelanguages even if this is restricted to 19 how proper names and placenames are pronounced. The same applies to an ability to write his sourcelanguages. If he can, well and good; if he cannot, it does not matter. Thereare many other skills and 20 that ar

12、e desirable in a translator.A.targetB.sourceC.originD.pidgin【答案】 B14、根据以下材料,回答A.approachB.accessC.modeD.manner【答案】 A15、体育教学评价中收集评价信息的方法有( )。A.观察法问卷法测验法B.访谈法问卷法测验法C.观察法访谈法测验法D.观察法问卷法访谈法【答案】 A16、We consider it important that everycitizen _ good manners.A.hasB.should beC.haveD.is【答案】 C17、学习者为了提高学习的效果和效

13、率,有目的、有意识地制定有关学习过程的复杂方案,称为()。A.学习计划B.学习策略C.学习方法D.学习规律【答案】 B18、女驸马是()的经典剧目。A.越剧B.花鼓戏C.黄梅戏D.昆曲【答案】 C19、根据以下材料,回答A.take flowers to the hostB.send an expensive gift to the hostC.have sauna with the hostD.present a business card【答案】 C20、教育心理学初创时期的时间大致为()。A.19世纪20年代以前B.19世纪80年代C.20世纪20年代以前D.20世纪80年代【答案】 C21、欧洲人最早穿上中国丝绸制成的衣服是在( )。A.秦B.汉C.唐D.宋【答案】 B22、 从明太祖朱元璋废除丞相制到清雍正帝设置军机处,所反映出的历史发展趋势是( )。A.社会秩序动荡B.边疆防御巩固C.皇权高度集中D.军政实现合一【答案】 C23、下列选项中,属于不可分散风险的是()。A.战争B.经济波动C.非系统风险D.公司特有风险E.只影响个别投资对象的事件引起的【答案】 A24、下列不符合青少年的心理特点的是( )。A.精力旺盛B.感情丰富C.渴望独立D.认识能力高,看问题全面【答案】 D25、学校应将心理健康教育始终



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