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1、应用型大学英语综合教程四unit8Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Language in Use Enhancement of Language Abilities Unit EightTable of Contents Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1contentStarterText: The danger of lying in be

2、d Working with words and phrasesDiscussionPractice: interpretingPractice: translationPractice: writingSurfing the InternetHighlightsTable of ContentsPart 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1highlightsHighlightsS: Insurance programsL: Brief introduction to insuranceR: The d

3、anger of lying in bed W: Patterns of organization (6): opinion essay: argumentationInternet work: Searching for reasons for buying insurance Part 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starterA. Suppose you are in one of the following occupations, which insu

4、rance program(s) listed below would you choose for yourself? Why? OccupationInsurance Programmanualworkerlifeinsurancefarmerhealth/medicalinsurancebusinessmanaccidentinsurancedriverautoinsurancestudentrobberyinsuranceteacherfireinsuranceathletemarineinsurancepolicemanunemploymentinsurancesoldierbusi

5、nessinsuranceactorinvestmentinsuranceForReferenceAnswerClick Here5上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starterI have been a driver for more than twenty years and auto insurance is my No. 1 choice. With the boom of the car industry and the increasing number of car owners, there are more chances

6、 of having a car accident. It is good that auto insurance covers not only damage to cars and loss from theft but also injuries to pedestrians, passengers, and drivers.Health insurance is my No. 2 choice. No one can protect themselves from being ill. Due to the high cost of medical treatment, a sever

7、e illness could put most of us in severe financial trouble should we have no health insurance.6B. Listen to a short passage and answer the following questions according to what youve heard.focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNextMind Maphedge/vi.避免损失contingent/ a.偶然发生的,意外的transfer/()/ n.转移

8、policy/ n.保险单premium/ n.保险费7focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNext1. What is the primary function of insurance?Itisusedtohedgeagainsttheriskofacontingentloss.2. What is general insurance? General insurance, including automobile and homeowners policies,providespaymentsdependingonthelossfr

9、omaparticularfinancialevent.Generalinsurancetypicallycomprisesanyinsurancethatisnotdeterminedtobelifeinsurance.3. How does life insurance work? Lifeinsuranceworksinthisway:theinsureragreestopayasumofmoneyupontheoccurrenceoftheinsuredindividualsorindividualsdeath or other event. In return, the policy

10、 owner agrees to pay apremiumatregularintervalsorinlumpsums.8focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNextInsurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the fair and reasonable transfer of the risk of a loss, from on

11、e entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss. It can be divided into general insurance and life insurance.General insurance, including automobile and homeowners policies, provides payments depending on

12、the loss from a particular financial event. General insurance typically comprises any insurance that is not determined to be life insurance.Life insurance is a contract between the policy owner and the insurer, where the insurer agrees to pay a sum of money upon the occurrence of the insured individ

13、uals or individuals death or other event, such as terminal illness or critical illness. In return, the policy owner agrees to pay a stipulated amount called a premium at regular intervals or in lump sums.9focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Organization10focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Text Org

14、anizationBackNext11focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Organization12 1 The man in the ticket office said, “Have an accident insurance ticket, also?” 2 “No,” I said, after studying the matter over a little. “No, I believe not; I am going to be traveling by rail all day today. However, tomorro

15、w I dont travel. Give me one for tomorrow.”focus1text2. Text: The Danger of Lying in BedTranslation躺在床上的危险1 1 售票处的售票员问我:“意外险要不要也买一份?” 2 2 “不,”我考虑了一会儿后回答道,“我想不用了,今天我要坐一天火车。不过,明天我不旅行,给我来张明天的吧。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Note that the word “also” isusuallyusedbeforethemainverbor after the linking ver

16、b in asentence,butoccasionallyitmayalso be used at the end of asentenceorevenatthebeginningofasentence.e.g.Iwillhavecream,andsugaralso. I believe not: I believe that Iwonthaveanaccidentinsuranceticket.Theword“not”hereisusedafter“believe” to replace a negativeclausebeginningwith“that”.Similarly:Ihope

17、not;Iamafraidnot;Iguessnot.cf.Idontthinkso. In this sentence, the presentindefinitetenseisusedtoindicatethatsomethingwillhappenaccording to the arrangement /plan.e.g.Theirdelegationarrivesheretomorrow.School begins the day aftertomorrow. 13 3 The man looked puzzled. He said, “But it is for accident

18、insurance, and if you are going to travel by rail ” 4 “If I am going to travel by rail I shouldnt need it. Lying at home in bed is the thing I am afraid of.”focus1textTranslation3 3 售票员一脸迷茫。他说:“这保的可是意外事故险,如果您要坐火车旅行的话” 4 4 “如果我是坐火车旅行,就不需要买保险。我怕的是在家里躺在床上。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Questions about P

19、aras. 1-4 Notethattheword“should”inthissentenceisusedtogivetentativeopinions.2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed14focus1text 1. Why did the narrator want to buy an accident insurance ticket for the next day when he didnt plan to travel?Because the narrator believed that it was relatively safer to go

20、travelingbyrailthantostayathome.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Why did the man in the ticket office look puzzled?Normally,peoplewouldbuyaccidentinsuranceticketswhentheywenttraveling,andtheywouldnotneedonewhentheystayedathome.Butthenarratorsbehaviorwentcontrarytocommonsensehewantedaninsuranceticketfor

21、lyinginbedasopposedtotravelingbyrail,andthatseemedsomethingquiteabnormaltothemanintheticketoffice.2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed155 I had been looking into this matter. Last year I traveled twenty thousand miles, almost entirely by rail; the year before, I traveled over twenty-five thousand mil

22、es, half by sea and half by rail; and the year before that I traveled in the neighborhood of ten thousand miles, exclusively by rail. I suppose if I put in all the little odd journeys here and there, I may say I have traveled sixty thousand miles during the three years I have mentioned. AND NEVER AN

23、 ACCIDENT.focus1textTranslation5 5 之前我一直在研究这个问题。去年我的行程有两万英里,几乎全是坐火车;前年行程有两万五千多英里,一半乘船一半坐火车;大前年大约是一万英里,全部坐火车。我想,如果再把零零散散的行程加起来的话,这三年当中,我的行程已达六万英里,而且从没出过意外从没出过意外。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed16 6 For a good while I said to myself every morning: “Now I have escaped th

24、us far, and so the chances are just that much increased that I shall catch it this time. I will be shrewd, and buy an accident ticket.” And to a dead moral certainty I drew a blank, and went to bed that night without a joint started or a bone splintered. I got tired of that sort of daily bother, and

25、 fell to buying accident tickets that were good for a month. I said to myself, “A man cant buy thirty blanks in one bundle.”focus1textTranslation6 6 有好一阵子,我每天早晨都会自言自语:“到目前为止,所有的意外我都逃过了,那么这次让我撞上意外的机率又大了点。现在我得聪明点,给自己买一份意外险。”但是,一切还是白搭。晚上我上床睡觉时还是好手好脚的,既没脱臼也没骨折。这样日复一日,我也厌烦了,于是,我索性一次购买了可以保上一个月的意外事故险。我对自己说

26、:“一次买三十张,总不见得都是空票。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning: I have avoided manyaccidentssofar,sotheprobabilityofmy being caught in an accidentthistime has much increased. I will bewiseand sensibleenough to buy anaccidentticketbeforetraveling. 注意文中的“thechancesare.”与固 定 搭 配 “(the) chances are(that)+从句”不同

27、,后者意思是“itislikelythat(有可能)”。e.g. Chances are that they willtravelbycar.Chancesarethatyouwillbefiredifyouignorethebossswarning. shrewd: a.1)高明的;判断准确的e.g.Heisashrewdmerchantandknowswherehisprofitis.I have a shrewd idea who themysteriouscallerwas.2)狡猾的e.g. Hes a shrewd lawyer whoknowsallthetricks.Meani

28、ng: It is quite sure thatnothinghappenedtome,andIwenttobedthatnightsafeandsound. Meaning: Iwasfedupwithbeingbothered by such things every day,andbegantobuyaccidentticketsthatlastedforamonth. dead:ad.完全地,绝对地e.g. Having driven for ten hourswithoutabreak,Imnowdeadtired.Imdeadsurethatshefailedthejobinte

29、rview. moral certainty:确信无疑的把握,绝对的把握e.g.Theteachertoldhimthatitwasamoralcertainty thathedpasstheexam. draw a blank:白搭;失败;抽空签e.g. I tried looking him up in thedirectorybutIdrewablank.Shetriedtomakehimrecognizeher,butdrewablank. start:vi./vt.(使)松动,脱开e.g. The doctor suspected that thejoints of his righ

30、t wrist had beenstartedinthecollision. fall to (doing sth.):开始做某事e.g.Shefelltobroodingaboutwhathadhappenedtoher. 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed17focus1text 7 But I was mistaken. There was never a prize in the lot. I could read of railway accidents every day the newspaper atmosphere was foggy wi

31、th them; but somehow they never came my way. I found I had spent a good deal of money in the accident business, and had nothing to show for it. (To be continued)Translation7 7 然而我错了,我从没中过任何彩头。我每天都能从报纸上读到铁路事故。尽管报纸上的报道总是云里雾里的,可不知怎的,这些事故从未降临到我头上。我发现自己投在保险上的钱不少,却连个气泡也没看见。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Mea

32、ning:IfoundthatIhadspentalot of money in buying accidentinsurancetickets,butImadenoprofitatall. (have) nothing / something to show forsth.:在方面没/有结果,在方面没/有成绩e.g.Allthoseyearsofhardwork,andnothingtoshowforit. 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed18focus1textMy suspicions were aroused, and I began to hun

33、t around for somebody that had won in this lottery. I found plenty of people who had invested, but not an individual that had ever had an accident or made a cent. I stopped buying accident tickets and went to ciphering. The result was astounding. THE PERIL LAY NOT IN TRAVELING, BUT IN STAYING AT HOM

34、E.Translation我不免心生疑窦,开始到处寻访中了彩头的人,结果发现投资的人虽然不少,但却没有一个人发生过意外或赚到一个铜板。从此,我不再购买意外险,而是做起了算术。结果令人大吃一惊:危险不在旅途上,而是在家中危险不在旅途上,而是在家中。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Question about Para. 72. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed19focus1text 3. What does “prize” in the sentence “There was never a prize in the lot” refe

35、r to?Theword“prize”inthissentencereferstoprofitorrewardfromtheaccidentbusiness,afterspendingagooddealofmoneyinit.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed20focus1text 8 I hunted up statistics, and was amazed to find that after all the glaring newspaper headlines concerning railr

36、oad disasters, less than three hundred people had really lost their lives by those disasters in the preceding twelve months. The Erie road was set down as the most murderous in the list. (To be continued)Translation8 我四处搜寻数据,结果惊奇地发现,尽管报纸上关于铁路事故的标题触目惊心,然而,在过去的十二个月里死于铁路灾难的人数还不足三百。榜单上最凶险的夺命线路是伊利线。 上海交通

37、大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed21focus1textIt had killed forty-six or twenty-six, I do not exactly remember which, but I know the number was double that of any other road. But the fact straightway suggested itself that the Erie was an immensely long road, and did more bus

38、iness than any other line in the country; so the double number of the killed ceased to be matter for surprise.Translation该线路已致死四十六人,或者是二十六人。具体是哪个数字我记得不太清楚,但我知道这至少是别的线路致死人数的两倍。然而很明显的是,伊利线极其漫长,而且是全国最为繁忙的线路,因此,两倍的致死人数就不足为怪了。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning:Butitimmediatelyoccurredtomethatthefactwas

39、thatthe Erie was quite a long road, andcarried more passengers than anyother line in theUnitedStates;asaresult, it was no wonder that thenumberofpeoplekilledonthislinewasdoublethatofanyotherline. straightway:ad.立刻,马上;直接地e.g. The waitress took the orderfromthecustomerstraightway.Notethatstraightwayha

40、sthesamemeaningasstraightaway. suggest itself:(想法等)出现在的心中e.g. His silence suggested itselfthat he was unwilling to lend hermoney. 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed22focus1text9 By further figuring, it appeared that between New York and Rochester the Erie ran eight passenger-trains each way every d

41、ay 16 altogether, and carried a daily average of 6,000 persons. That is about a million in six months the population of New York City. (To be continued)Translation 9 9 经过进一步计算,我发现在纽约和罗切斯特之间的伊利线每天两地互发八趟客车,共十六车次,日均载客六千人次,半年累计载客一百万左右相当于纽约市的总人口。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Text: The Danger of Lying i

42、n Bed23focus1textWell, the Erie kills from 13 to 23 persons of its million in six months; and in the same time 13,000 of New Yorks million die in their beds! My flesh crept, my hair stood on end. “This is appalling!” I said. “The danger isnt in traveling by rail, but in trusting to those deadly beds

43、. I will never sleep in a bed again.”Translation那么,伊利线路上六个月的死亡总人数为一百万分之十三至二十三;而同期,纽约市死在床上的人数为一百万分之一万三千!简直令人不寒而栗,毛骨悚然。“太可怕了!”我说,“危险的不是坐火车出行,而是把自己托付给致命的睡床。我绝不再在床上睡觉了。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning:Iwasterrifiedandsaid,“Thisishorrifying!Thedangerdoesnot lie in traveling by train, but inhaving fa

44、ith in beds which willprobablycausemydeath.Iwillneversleepinabedagain.” “Myfleshcrept”comesfromtheidiom “make ones flesh creep”which means “to make one feelnervous,frightened,orfilledwithloathing(使某人感觉紧张、害怕或厌恶)”.e.g. The mere sight of snakesmakesmyfleshcreep. “Myhairstoodonend”isderivedfrom the idio

45、m “make ones hairstandonend”whichmeans“tofillonewithfrightorhorror(使人毛骨悚然)”.e.g.Thathorrormoviemademyhairstandonend.2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed24focus1text10 I had figured on considerably less than one-half the length of the Erie road. It was plain that the entire road must transport at leas

46、t eleven or twelve thousand people every day. There are many short roads running out of Boston that do fully half as much; a great many such roads. There are many roads scattered about the Union that do a prodigious passenger business. (To be continued)Translation10 我继续盘算着,上述数据还远远不到伊利线的一半。可以肯定,整条线路每

47、天至少运送旅客11000到12000人。波士顿有许多短途铁路通往各地,它们的客运量加在一起,也足有伊利线客运量的一半了。这样的铁路还有很多,它们散布在全国各地,承担着巨大的客运量。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed25focus1textTherefore it was fair to presume that an average of 2,500 passengers a day for each road in the country would be almost correct. There

48、 are 846 railway lines in our country, and 846 times 2,500 is 2,115,000. So the railways of America move more than two million people every day; six hundred and fifty million people a year, without counting the Sundays. (To be continued)Translation这样算来,美国每条铁路日均客运量应该有 2500人;那么,美国现有846条铁路,846乘以2500,等于

49、2115000;也就是说,美国的铁路每天运送旅客200多万人。不算星期天的话,每年运送旅客可达6.5亿人。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed26focus1textThey do that, too there is no question about it; though where they get the raw material is clear beyond the jurisdiction of my arithmetic, for I have hunted the census thr

50、ough and through, and I find that there are not that many people in the United States, by a matter of six hundred and ten million at the very least. They must use some of the same people over again, likely.Translation但毫无疑问,星期天它们也是照常运行的。至于它们从哪里弄到那么多的“原材料”,这个问题显然不是靠我加减乘除就能弄清的。 我翻来覆去地查阅了人口普查资料,发现美国并没有那

51、么多人口,实际相差至少6.1亿人,这些线路想必是把某些人反复运送了多次。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning:becauseIhavesearched and studied the officialcounting ofourcountrystotalpopulationagainandagain,andIfindthattherearenotsomanypeople(sixhundred and fifty million) in theUnited States, by a margin of sixhundredandtenmillionatleas

52、t. jurisdiction 在此处意为“theright to use the power of anofficial body, esp. in order tomakedecisionsonquestionsoflaw司法权;审判权;管辖权”。2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed27focus1text11 San Francisco is one-eighth as populous as New York; there are 60 deaths a week in the former and 500 a week in the latter i

53、f they have luck. That is 3,120 deaths a year in San Francisco, and eight times as many in New York say about 25,000 or 26,000. The health of the two places is the same. So we will let it stand as a fair presumption that this will hold good all over the country, and that consequently 25,000 out of e

54、very million of people we have must die every year. (To be continued)Translation11 旧金山的人口是纽约的八分之一。前者平均每周有60人死亡,而后者则有500人死亡如果它们走运的话。照此计算,旧金山每年有3120人死亡,纽约死亡人数则是其八倍,大约是2.5万到2.6万。两地人口的健康状况一样,因此,我们可以假设这个比例适用于全国人口的状况,那么,每年每一百万人口中会有2.5万人死亡。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Pay attention to the comparativestruct

55、ures of “number + times asas”and“number+times+comparativedegree+than”.e.g.NewYorkistentimesasbigasmyhometown.Theirrigatedareainthisprovinceisfourtimesbiggerthanin1978.(four times bigger than = fivetimesasbigas)Thislakeisfourtimesthesizeofthatone.Meaning:Sowemayassumethatthiscanalsobeappliedalloverth

56、ecountry,andthatwouldmean25,000outofeverymillionofourpopulationaresuretodieeveryyear. hold good:适用;有效e.g. This rule holds good at alltimesandplaces.2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed28focus1textThat amounts to one-fortieth of our total population. One million of us, then, die annually. Out of this

57、million ten or twelve thousand are stabbed, shot, drowned, hanged, poisoned, or meet a similarly violent death in some other popular way, such as perishing by kerosene-lamp and hoop-skirt conflagrations, getting buried in coal-mines, falling off house-tops, breaking through church or lecture-room fl

58、oors, taking patent medicines, or committing suicide in other forms. (To be continued)Translation100万相当于我们总人口的四十分之一。照这样算,我国每年就有100万人死亡。在这100万死者当中:有大概1万到1.2万是死于刀戳、枪击、溺水、绞刑、中毒或是其他常见的暴毙,如被煤油灯与圈环裙引起的大火烧死,被埋在矿井中闷死,从屋顶上掉下来摔死,因教堂或演讲厅地板断塌而跌死,服用专利药品或以其他形式自杀等. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext amount to:相当于,等于e.g.

59、His answer amounts to arefusal. 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed29focus1textThe Erie railroad kills 23 to 46; the other 845 railroads kill an average of one-third of a man each; and the rest of that million, amounting in the aggregate to that appalling figure of 987,631 corpses, die naturally in

60、their beds!Translation在伊利铁路上因交通事故而死亡的人数为23到46人;在其他845条铁路上因交通事故死亡的人数,每条线平均为三分之一人。这样一来,那 100万 死 者 中 , 总 共 还 剩 下987631名都是躺在床上自然死亡的,实在太可怕了! 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Question about Para. 11 aggregate: n.C总数,合计e.g. The football team had alowgoalaggregatelastseason.vt./vi.总计,合计e.g.Theaudiencesaggregated

61、amillionpeople.Her earnings from all sourcesaggregatedtoUS$100,000. 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed30focus1text 5. What common causes of death are listed in this story?Apartfromdyinginaccidentswhiletravelinganddyingnaturallyinbeds,someothercausesofdeathwerealsomentionedinthisstory.People may die

62、 because they are stabbed, shot, drowned, hanged,poisoned, or meet a similarly violent death in some other popularways, such as perishing by kerosene-lamp and hoop-skirtconflagrations, getting buried in coal-mines, falling off house-tops,breaking through church or lecture-room floors, taking patentm

63、edicines,orcommittingsuicideinotherforms.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed31focus1text 12 You will excuse me from taking any more chances on those beds. The railroads are good enough for me. And my advice to all people is: dont stay at home any more than you can help; bu

64、t when you have got to stay at home a while, buy a package of those insurance tickets and sit up nights. You cannot be too cautious.Translation12 现在您该明白为什么我不愿冒险躺在床上了。坐火车旅行对于我来说应该更为安全。而且我要奉劝所有的人,尽可能少呆在家里,如果非要在家中小住,那就买一叠保险然后通宵打坐。小心点总是没错。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning: Myadvicetoallpeopleis:avoid

65、stayingathomeasmuchasyoupossiblycan;butwhenyouhavenochoicebuttostayathomeforawhile, you are advised to buyinsuranceticketsinbulkandnottogoto bed at night. The more cautiousyouare,thebetter.Question about Para. 122. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed32focus1text 6. Would you take seriously the advice o

66、f buying a package of insurance tickets for staying at home, and sitting up nights? Why?Normally,Iwouldnottaketheadviceseriously.Theauthorwasbeinghumorouswhenhegavetheadvice.Thehomeisregardedastheplaceforustorelaxafteradayshardwork.Itislikeaharborprotectingusfromallthestressoutside.Itisnotthatriskyt

67、ostayathomeactually.Moreover,buyinginsurancetostayathomewouldsurelycostagreatdealofmoney,becausemostpeoplespendalotoftimeathome.Asfortheadvicetositupnights,itisevenmoreridiculous,becausewehumanbeingssimplycannotliveanormallifewithoutenoughsleep.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Danger of Lying

68、 in Bed33focus1text13 The moral of this composition is that thoughtless people grumble more than is fair about railroad management in the United States. When we consider that every day and night of the year full fourteen thousand railway-trains of various kinds, freighted with life and armed with de

69、ath, go thundering over the land, the marvel is not that they kill three hundred human beings in a twelvemonth, but that they do not kill three hundred times three hundred!Translation13 13 本文说明:那些不动脑筋的人,老是抱怨美国铁路经营管理不安全,这是很不公平的。想想看,足有14000辆各式列车,载着生者,带着死神,一年到头日日夜夜在大地上隆隆奔驰,令人称奇的并非是铁路交通在一年十二个月当中造成了300人的

70、死亡,而是它们在一年里造成的死亡人数竟然还不到300的300倍! 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Question about Para. 13Meaning: Thelessonwecandrawfromthewritingisthatthosewhodonotusetheirbrainsarenotjustifiedincomplaining a lot about railroadmanagementintheUnitedStates. Notethattheword“than”hereisagrammatical particle serving as acon

71、junction.Hereitisusedafteracomparativeadjectivetointroducethe second clause of an unequalcomparison.Andinthiscomparativeclausethesubject“it”isomitted.e.g.Youtalkedmorethannecessaryatthemeeting. not that but that: combine two predicative clauses in thissentence.Notetheword“that”isarelativepronoun.e.g

72、.NotthatIloveCaesarless,butthatIloveRomemore. 2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed34focus1text 7. What does the author intend to reveal to us in the story?TheauthorintendstorevealtousthatthoughtlesspeoplegrumblemorethanisfairaboutrailroadmanagementintheUnitedStates,andthatitisunwisetoinvestmoneyinthe

73、insurancebusiness.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Danger of Lying in Bed35( ) 1. creep a. a man who is always blowing his own horn( ) 2. get tired of b. in an air crash( ) 3. arouse c. a lot of money in real estate( ) 4. perish d. up the stairs ( ) 5. grumble e. with good appetite( ) 6. spli

74、nter f. a wood( ) 7. fall to g. at the low pay( ) 8. invest h. widespread anger among consumers Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases A. Find appropriate verbs or phrases (18) in the text which fit the items (ah).上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextedhbagfc361. Some elder people enjoy Beijing

75、opera i .2. This is a distasteful place, even the flowers seem to be p .3. I p youre tired after the long ride.4. The sales manager felt a c optimism that the ambitious plan would be accepted by the board members.5. From the end of the month, this regulation will c to have effect.6. A newspaper h ca

76、ught his attention.Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases B. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words in the text. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextmmenselyresumeautiousoisonedeaseeadline371. Is it necessary for people to invest in the accident business, according to the narra

77、tor of the story? Why or why not? Focus1discussion 5. Discussion Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group of 4 to 6 students.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextIt is not necessary for people to invest in the accident business,accordingtothenarrator.Chancesarethatyouwillspendlotsofm

78、oneyinit,butyouwillhavenothingtoshowforitintheend.Fewpeoplecanmakeacentfromit.38Thestorywastoldinaserioustoneasifthepersontellingthestorydidnt know that he was funny, but we could still sense the authorshumor. ThisisinaccordancewithMarkTwainsbeliefthattheartofhumorisinthetellingofthestory.Heusuallyt

79、ellsstoriesina“ramblinganddisjointed”fashionandpretendsthathedoesnotknowthattheyarefunnyatall.IlikeMarkTwainssenseofhumorverymuchandheisknown for his wit and humor. He once wrote, “I have had a call toliterature,ofaloworderi.e.humorous.Itisnothingtobeproudof,butitismystrongestsuit.”Thebestandmostamu

80、singofMarkTwainshumorisfoundinhistales,sketches,andstories.Readers,ultimately,willrespondtothepersonthatmakesthemlaugh.MarkTwainisoneofthegreatestauthorsandhumoristsinAmericanliterature.Focus1discussion 5. Discussion 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Do you like Mark Twains sense of humor? Why or why no

81、t?39Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 A young man named John has just bought a car. He plans to buy auto insurance for his car, but does not know how to do it. His friend, Mary, offers some suggestions to him. They have a conversation as follows. Interpret it into Englis

82、h with your partner. BackNext玛丽:这辆车真漂亮!是你新买的那辆吗?约翰:是的,我上周在汽车展销会上买的。玛丽:买得真挺不错的!你给车办保险了吗?约翰:还没。我准备去办理,但不知道具体该怎么办。你能给我一些建议吗?玛丽:对车主来说,合理投保很重要,你必须了解当前有哪些险种。约翰:我也是这么认为的。但我怎么查询这些信息呢?玛丽:你可以上网搜一下。网上有关汽车保险的资料应有尽有,只要键入关键词,你想要什么就有什么。To be continued40Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社

83、 约翰:好主意!那么,保费一般要交多少呢?玛丽:这要视情况而定。新车的保费从三千元到六千元不等。保险公司有各种各样的汽车保险套餐,不同的套餐价格是不一样的。约翰:还挺复杂的!那么如何选择套餐呢?玛丽:你必须把个人需要和保费考虑在内。不同的保险公司报价可能不同,你得仔细比较一下再决定。约翰:我会的,非常感谢你的建议!玛丽:另外,如果你是汽车俱乐部会员的话,车险可以打八折。约翰:那蛮诱人的!谢谢你的好意和帮助!ForReferenceAnswerClick HereBackNext41Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting 上海交通大上海交通大学学出

84、版社出版社 BackNext421. I could read of railway accidents every day the newspaper atmosphere was foggy with them; but somehow they never came my way.Focus1translation7. Practice: translation A. Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized expressions. 上海

85、交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext我每天都能从报纸上读到铁路事故,尽管报纸上的报道总是云里雾里的,可不知怎的,这些事故从未降临到我头上。43Focus1translation7. Practice: translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext3. So we will let it stand as a fair presumption that this will hold good all over the country, and that consequently 25,000 out of every million of peop

86、le we have must die every year. 因此,我们可以假设这个比例适用于全国人口的状况,那么,每年每一百万人口中会有2.5万人死亡。2. But the fact straightway suggested itself that the Erie was an immensely long road, and did more business than any other line in the country; so the double number of the killed ceased to be matter for surprise.然而很明显的是,伊

87、利线极其漫长,而且是全国最为繁忙的线路,因此,两倍的致死人数就不足为怪了。44Focus1translation7. Practice: translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext5. The moral of this composition is that thoughtless people grumble more than is fair about railroad management in the United States. 本文说明:那些不动脑筋的人,老是抱怨美国铁路经营管理不安全,这是很不公平的。4. And my advice to

88、all people is: dont stay at home any more than you can help; but when you have got to stay at home a while, buy a package of those insurance tickets and sit up nights. You cannot be too cautious.而且我要奉劝所有的人,尽可能少呆在家里,如果非要在家中小住,那就买一叠保险然后通宵打坐。小心点总是没错。451. Once the food chain is destroyed, (许多动物可能面临灭绝的危险

89、) and mankind will have to face the challenge of survival as well. 2. (事实明摆着是) that the process is practical, and it also can bring significance benefits to the economy, society, and environmental protection.Focus1translationB. Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese

90、 given in the brackets.chances are that many animals will be faced with extinction 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7. Practice: translation BackNextThe fact straightway suggested itself 463. According to official figures, Chinas investment (高达GDP的45以上) and is growing at 25% a year. 4. Not until the balance of th

91、e ecosystem is destroyed do human beings feel shocked. Therefore, (环保的重要性再怎么强调也不为过).5. While traveling in the USA she took every chance to go shopping and soon found herself (买了一些不需要的东西). Focus1translationamounts to over 45% of its GDP 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7. Practice: translation BackNextthe importan

92、ce of environmental protection cant be over-emphasized buying more than necessary47Focus1writing8. Practice: writing A. Write a summary of the text (max. 180 words), referring to the outline below. ForReferenceAnswerClick HereSummary outline:1. The narrators unusual behavior in buying accident insur

93、ance;2. The narrators finding and his justification for it;3. The narrators advice.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext48Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextIn the story, the narrator wanted accident insurance not for traveling by rail, but for lying at home in bed, which went contra

94、ry to common sense there always exists the likelihood of losing ones life in traveling by air, by train, or in any vehicle. This is because the narrator found that the peril lay not in traveling, but in staying at home.The narrator compares the danger of traveling in a vehicle, especially by train,

95、with that of lying in bed. Availing himself of considerable hard statistics he shows the reader that chances are greatest for human beings to die in bed. Therefore, the narrator suggests it would be wise of us to stay away from home unless we have to, unless we have bought ourselves a package of ins

96、urance tickets and sit up nights without going to bed.49Focus1writing8. Practice: writing B. Basic writing techniques: patterns of organization (6)Exercise: Write an opinion essay according to the structure given below.The theme: Should animals be used in testing new drugs and procedures? Opinion: A

97、nimal testing is absolutely beneficial for human beings. Argument 1: Animal testing allows scientists to test and develop new drugs.Argument 2: There are enough similarities to apply information from animals to humans. Argument 3: Animal testing is cheap.Argument 4: It would be much crueller to test

98、 new drugs on people. Conclusion: Animal testing is needed in the world we live in. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext ForReferenceAnswerClick Here50focus1text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext8. Practice: writing 51Focus1internet9. Surfing the Internet Go to http:/ or http:/.au/insurance-is-important.php to obt

99、ain information about why such insurance as life insurance, disability insurance, motor insurance, health insurance, and home and contents insurance is important and make a list of the reasons for an oral presentation to your class.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextForReferenceAnswerClick Here52Focus1inter

100、net9. Surfing the Internet 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext53Focus2 contentDialogue: purchasing insurance Pair work: Talking about health insurance Text: Life insurance process flow Working with words Research project Listening-based writing HighlightsTable of ContentsPart 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学学出版

101、社出版社 BackNext54focus2highlights HighlightsR&L: Dialogue: purchasing insuranceS: Talking about health insuranceLanguage for talking about health insuranceR: Life insurance process flowResearch project: Searching for information on insuranceL&W: Summarizing and commenting on the US governments actions

102、 to save US banks Part 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext55Agent: Mrs. Simpson, have you planned for (1) ?Mrs. Simpson: Are you joking? Im still young, and retirement seems so far away. Agent: As one serves long enough in a company and gains more experience, his or her (2) . However, at th

103、e retiring age of sixty, income usually drops, or there might be no income at all if one doesnt work. Retirement doesnt mean the end of living. On the contrary, it is the (3) to enjoy life, like traveling and engaging in hobbies. This plan can enable you to have a retirement fund in the future. focu

104、s2dialogue 1. Dialogue: purchasing insurance上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 The following conversation is between an insurance agent and Mrs. Simpson, a potential customer. The agent emphasizes the necessity of an insurance plan and talks Mrs. Simpson into buying insurance. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the

105、 blanks with the words or phrases you have heard. Then read it aloud.BackNextyour retirementincome increasesgolden time 56focus2dialogue上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Mrs. Simpson: My company has offered me a (4) . Agent: Even if you participate in a pension scheme, it would be better to have another scheme of

106、your own, no matter who you work for and where you are in the future. Mrs. Simpson: That (5) . What does the plan cover?Agent: The plan basically serves the following purposes: family protection, education fund, personal savings, emergency cash, and retirement fund. Is there a particular area that (

107、6) ? Mrs. Simpson: Im interested in family protection. As my two sons are living far away in Hawaii, my husband and I need (7) after our retirement.BackNextpension schemesounds reasonablesolid financial protection concerns you most 1. Dialogue: purchasing insurance57Agent: For family protection, you

108、 can start your coverage at $100,000. Then, every other year for the next ten years, you will have the opportunity to increase your coverage in increments of $50,000 to a maximum of $500,000.Mrs. Simpson: Do I need to (8) now if I want to take this plan?Agent: Yes, but first, Mrs. Simpson, I need so

109、me basic information about you. When were you born? Do you smoke? How much money do you intend to (9) each month or year? And fill in this form please so that I can take it into (10) when I design a proposal for you, which usually takes two days. Shall I meet you again Wednesday afternoon at two ocl

110、ock?focus2dialogue上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextfill in the policy put aside further consideration 1. Dialogue: purchasing insurance58focus2 dialogue Notes to the dialogue1.Mrs.Simpson,haveyouplannedforyourretirement? 辛普森太太,您有没有考虑过退休后的计划? NotethatintheUSA,thefullretirementage(alsocalled“normalretiremen

111、tage”)was65formanyyears.However,beginningwithpeoplebornin1938orlater,thatagegraduallyincreasesuntilitreaches67forpeoplebornafter1959.AccordingtolawinChina,menretireat60,femalecadresat55andotherwomen at 50. Statistics have shown that the average life expectancy ofChinesepeoplehasrisenbymorethan20year

112、ssincethefoundingofthePeoplesRepublicofChina,whiletheirretirementagehasnotchangedformorethan50years.ChinesescholarsrecentlyproposedthatChinashouldnotonlydelaypeoplesretirementageto65orevenolder,butalsoshortentheretirementagegapbetweenmalesandfemales.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue: purchasin

113、g insurance59focus2 dialogue 1.2.Mycompanyhasofferedmeapension scheme. 我们公司已经提供了一项退休金计划。2.pension scheme:退休金计划3.Ingeneral,apensionisanarrangementtoprovidepeoplewithanincomewhentheyarenolongerearningaregularincomefromemployment.Apension created by an employer for the benefit of an employee iscommonly

114、referredtoasanoccupationaloremployerpension.Arecipientof a retirement pension is known as a pensioner or retiree. Types ofpensionsgenerallyincludeemployment-basedpensions(retirementplans),social/statepensionsanddisabilitypensions.4.Notethattheso-calledretirementplansintheUSAaremorecommonlyknown as p

115、ension schemes in the UK and Ireland, and superannuationplans in Australia. Retirement pensions are typically in the form of aguaranteedannuity(年金).上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue: purchasing insurance60focus2 dialogue 1.3.Forfamily protection,youcanstartyourcoverageat$100,000. 对于家庭保障,您可以从十万


117、lagerate.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue: purchasing insurance61Focus2 pairwork上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 As an insurance agent, you (Student A) are going to convince a potential customer (Student B) that buying health insurance is very important. How can you explain health insurance clearly to this

118、 person and turn him / her into your client? Please with a partner, work out a dialogue concerning this issue.BackNext 2. Pair work: talking about health insuranceStudent AStudent BYouareaninsuranceagentandyouaretryingtopersuadeoneofyourpotentialcustomerstobuyhealthinsurance.He/Shecomestoyouathis/he

119、rwifes/husbandsrequestandhassomequestionstoaskyou.Youandyourwife/husbandworkforthesamecompany.Yourwife/husbandwantstopurchasehealthinsuranceforyou,butyouarereluctanttobuyit.Youarenowseekingadvicefromanagentatyourwifes/husbandsrequest.62Focus2 pairwork上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Language for talking about hea

120、lth insuranceHealthinsuranceisameansbywhichpeoplepoolmoneytoguardagainstthesuddeneconomicconsequencesofsicknessorinjury.Healthinsuranceisinsurancethatpaysformedicalexpenses.Medicalcarehasbeenveryexpensivelately.ThatswhyIsuggestthatyoualsopurchasehealthinsuranceonyourown,incaseyourcompanydoesntcovera

121、llyourbillsfordiseaseorinjury.What is the insurance premium if both of us buy the healthinsurance?Learning BackNext 2. Pair work: talking about health insuranceForReferenceAnswerClick Here63Focus2 pairwork上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Pair work: talking about health insurance64寿险投保流程1 以下是最简单的寿险业务流程

122、:2 投保人通过保险代理人将投保书交予保险公司。投保书包含个人详细资料、收入情况、病历、保险产品(产品描述了保险公司提供的险种特点,诸如到期分红、索赔范围等。 Focus2 text Translation 1 The simplest life insurance business cycle looks like this. 2 The client approaches the insurer through an agent with a proposal containing his personal details, income details, medical history,

123、 products (the product describes the features provided by the insurer like maturity bonus, claims allowed, etc. (To be continued)上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: Life Insurance Process Flow life insurance (人寿保险):protectionagainst financial loss resulting fromdeath. It is an insurance companyspro

124、mise to pay your beneficiary aspecific amount of money when youdie in exchange for payment ofpremiums.Other insurance programs include:social insurance (社会保险), healthinsurance (健 康 保 险 ), propertyinsurance(财产保险). maturity:n.U到期(应付款)Notethatmaturitybonusisalsocalledterminalbonus,referringtoanaddition

125、albonusoradditionalsumofmoney paid at the maturity of thepolicyordeathoftheinsuredpriortothe maturity to indicate the overallperformance (投资情况) of a with-profitslifeinsurancepolicy.Insimplewords,thematuritybonusisthesumaddedtothepolicyatthetimeofitsmaturity. 65每种产品有各自的特色)、保额(投保人获保金额)、保期(投保人参保年限)以及保费

126、(投保人以分期付款方式向保险公司缴纳的金额)。代为拟定该投保书的中介人称作该投保书的代理人或者服务代理。 Focus2 text TranslationThese features vary from product to product), sum assured (the amount for which the client is covered), term (number of years for which the client is to be covered), and premium amount (installment amount to be paid by the c

127、lient to the insurer). The agent who brings this proposal is termed the base / servicing agent for the proposal.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: Life Insurance Process FlowQuestions about Para. 2 premium:n.C(定期缴纳的)保险费Notethataninsurancepremiumistheactual amount of money charged byinsurancecompan

128、iesforthecoverage,and it can vary widely amonginsurance providers for the sameservice. An insurance premium isgenerallycollectedinmonthlyorsemi-yearly payments. If the policy holderfailstomakeascheduledpayment,theinsurance company can choose tocancelthepolicyentirely. 66Focus2 text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版

129、社 BackNext1. What information should be included in a proposal? Theclientspersonaldetails,incomedetails,medicalhistory,products,sumassured,termandpremiumamount,etc.shouldbeincludedinaproposal.2. What does “premium amount” mean when we talk about insurance? “Premiumamount”referstotheinstallmentamount

130、tobepaidbytheclienttotheinsurer. 3. Text: Life Insurance Process Flow67 3 3 投保书要经过保险公司的中央处理中心对各个环节的审批和风险评估。一旦终审通过,保险公司会准备一份与投保人的法律合约,即保险合同。保险公司依据此保单承保投保人所投保金额。(待续)Focus2 text Translation 3 The proposal will go through various stages of approval and risk evaluation by the insurance companys central p

131、rocessing center. Upon final approval, a legal agreement, termed a policy, between the insurer and the client is prepared whereby the insurer covers the client for the sum assured. (To be continued)上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 3. Text: Life Insurance Process Flow68依据保险合同所签定险种的特点,如果该险种还有额外利益的话,投保人还有权享

132、受相应的额外收益。保险代理人可从保单中获取提成。 4 投保人定期交付保费,此后的保费称为续保费。代理人从续保费里也能获得提成。Focus2 text TranslationThe client is also entitled to some additional benefits, if any, depending on the features of the product taken in the policy. The base agent gets a commission for the policy. 4 The client pays a premium at regular

133、 intervals. These subsequent premiums are termed renewal premiums. The base agent gets a commission on the renewal premium also. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Question about Paras. 3-4 if any:假若有;即使有e.g.Pleasecorrectmymistakes,ifany. (Pleasecorrectmymistakesifthereareanymistakes.)Thereislittlewater,if

134、any. 3. Text: Life Insurance Process Flow69Focus2 text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext3. Who gets a commission when an insurance policy is signed or when the policy holder pays a renewal premium?Thebaseagent(ortheservicingagent)oftheproposal. 3. Text: Life Insurance Process Flow705 5 投保人可以回头对保单进行更改,即增加或

135、减少保额、延长或缩短保期等。保险公司将对保单做出相应变更,并发布备注信息,声明此项变更及其对保单的影响。Focus2 text Translation 5 The client may come back with some alterations to the policy viz. increase / decrease in sum assured, increase / decrease of the term of policy, etc. The insurer will make the relevant changes to the policy and will issue

136、endorsements stating the alterations made and their effect on the policy. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext viz.:即,就是注意其后的点“.”不可省略。 3. Text: Life Insurance Process Flow716 在保险期限内,投保人可以索赔。保险公司在核实后会理赔,并根据赔付类型决定保单是否终止或依然有效。Focus2 text Translation 6 During the term of the policy, the client can submit claims.

137、 The insurer makes payment against the claim after verification. Depending on the type of claim the policy is either terminated or is kept in force. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext submit claims: 索赔Notethatafteraclientsubmitshisor her claim, the insurer firstconfirmswhetheritistrueandthenpaysagainstthec

138、laimifso. 3. Text: Life Insurance Process Flow727 7 保单期满时,依据寿险条款,保额是期满收益的一部分,投保人可以获得保额。除此以外,根据该险种的具体特点,投保人还将获得相应的到期分红以及其它利润。Focus2 text Translation 7 At the end of the term of the policy, the client gets the sum assured as part of the maturity benefit under life insurance policies. In addition to th

139、is the client will get the maturity bonus and any other benefits, depending on the products features. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Questions about Paras. 5-7 3. Text: Life Insurance Process Flow73Focus2 text 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext4. What are included in the endorsements of the policy? Theendorse

140、mentswillstatethealterationsmadeandtheireffectonthepolicy.5. Will the insurer make payment immediately after the client submits the claims? No.Theinsurermakespaymentagainsttheclaimsonlyafterverification.6. When can the client get the sum assured? Attheendofthetermofthepolicy. 3. Text: Life Insurance

141、 Process Flow74Focus2 working with words4. Working with words A. Match the terms (15) in the text with their definitions (ae).上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext( ) 1. insurer a. coverage( ) 2. product b. duration of insurance( ) 3. policy c. insurance contract ( ) 4. term d. insurance costs( ) 5. premium e

142、. insurance companyeabdc75Focus2 working with words4. Working with words B. Match the Chinese insurance terms with their English counterparts.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext( ) 1. 人寿保险 a. renewal premium( ) 2. 到期红利 b. commission( ) 3. 索赔 c. life insurance( ) 4. 风险评估 d. risk evaluation( ) 5. 佣金 e. maturi

143、ty bonus( ) 6. 续保费 f. claimcefdba76Focus2 research project 5. Research project 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Issue/Event/Context: Suppose you are getting interested in the variety of insurance, especially in life insurance. Find out the types of insurance, then summarize the differences between term life insur

144、ance and whole life insurance in about 120 words.Research Goal: Find out the types of insurance and the differences between term life insurance and whole life insurance.Research Method & Route: Search for information about insurance, especially life insurance, via the Internet.Result: Produce a char

145、t and a one-paragraph statement.BackNextForReferenceAnswerClick Here77Focus2 research project 5. Research project 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTypes ofinsuranceHealth AccidentaldeathanddismembermentinsuranceDentalinsurance Disability insurance Total permanentdisability insurance Income protection insu

146、ranceLong-termcareinsuranceVisioninsuranceLife TermlifeinsuranceUniversallifeinsuranceVariableuniversallifeinsuranceWholelifeinsuranceBusinessBond insurance Errors and omissions insuranceFidelity bond Professional indemnity insuranceProfessional liability insurance Protection andindemnityinsuranceTo

147、 be continued78Focus2 research project 5. Research project 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTypes ofinsuranceResidential Contents insurance Earthquake insurance FloodinsuranceHomeinsuranceLandlordsinsuranceMortgageinsurancePropertyinsuranceOther CasualtyinsuranceCrimeinsuranceCropinsuranceGroupinsuranceLi

148、abilityinsuranceMarineinsuranceNo-faultinsurancePetinsurancePhoneinsuranceReinsuranceTerrorism insurance Vehicle insurance WageinsuranceWeatherinsuranceWorkerscompensationTo be continued79Focus2 research project 5. Research project 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextDifferences between term life insurance a

149、nd whole life insurance:Termlifeinsuranceislifeinsurancewhichprovidescoverageatafixedrateofpaymentsforalimitedperiodoftime.Afterthatperiodexpirescoverageatthepreviousrateofpremiumsisnolongerguaranteedandtheclientmusteitherforgocoverageorpotentiallyobtainfurthercoveragewithdifferentpaymentsand/orcond


151、emiumstobepaideveryyearintothepolicy.80Focus2 L&W 6. Listening-based writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Listen to an economic report twice and summarize how the US government is going to save US banks, then comment on whether the US government should take these actions. BackNextMind Maptrillion/n.万亿,兆federa

152、l/ a.联邦政府的theResolutionTrustCorporation清债信托公司nationalization/ n. 国有化81Focus2 L&W Tapescript上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNextForReferenceAnswerClick Here82Focus2 L&W上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNext83Focus3content Translation Skills Pleasant Surprises in Lang

153、uage Table of ContentsPart 3 Enhancement of Language Abilities上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext84Put the following sentences into Chinese. Focus3 translation skills 1. Translation Skills 1. As we all know, a computer is no better than the information stored in it.2. Sunlight is no less necessary than fres

154、h air to a healthy body. 众所周知,储存在计算机里的信息与计算机同样重要。健康的身体离不开新鲜空气,同样也离不开阳光。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext853. The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.4. Nothing is more important right now than the signal to the White House for a negotiation.5. Next to health, love, and home, happiness for A

155、mericans depends upon the automobile. 对于美国人来说,生活是否幸福,除了健康、爱情和家庭的因素之外,还取决于汽车。Focus3 translation skills 1. Translation Skills 海洋分割了世界,但更连接了世界。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 眼下最重要的事情莫过于给白宫传递谈判的信号。BackNext86Focus3 Pleasant Surprises in Language 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language Put the following sentences into Chin

156、ese.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. He was alive with joy.2. That put some life into them.快乐使他充满活力。那件事给他们注入了活力。幸福完全控制了他他完全沉浸在幸福之中。3. Happiness took complete control over him.我陶醉在欢乐之中。4. I was drunk with joy.87Focus3 Pleasant Surprises in Language 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext5. They were crazy with happiness.6. He is happy as a horse in hay.他们高兴得发疯。他像站在草料堆中的马一样快乐。88L/O/G/OThank You!上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应用型大学英语综合教程应用型大学英语综合教程Application-oriented College English Course



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