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1、Unit 5 Bible Stories11. Answers to exercises in Unit 4 Word pretest: CCCB ACABWord match (P. 53) drizzled boil bake brewed staple flavor dairy stewed Prefix (P.54) disagrees misunderstands disappearance misleading disadvantage misfortune discourage misinterpretedClose (P. 55) seeds foods ingredients

2、 called hands increase rising allowed final ovenSection B (P. 56) AD, CB, AD, CB2 2. Revision of Unit 4Words & phrases dairy products, steamed crab, regional cuisine, a hearty meal, canned food, agricultural produce, a summer resort, the real flavor of American food, barbecued food, 3Sentences 1. Wh

3、en we were kids, a trip to the beach was a real treat . 2. The traveler across the U.S. will find the food as worthy as of attention as the scenery -and full of unexpected surprises, too. 44. Reading skill: Understanding Sentences (P. 63)1.How to understand long sentences with complex structure?2.Un

4、familiar use of language 1) Figures of speech 2) Idioms 55. Lead-in QuestionsQuestion 1. what are the most influential religions in the world? Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism, Taoism, Question 2. How much do you know about the Bible?6nBible, also called the Holy Bible, the sacred bo

5、ok of Judaism and of Christianity. The Bible is in two parts, the Old Testament (旧约) and the New Testament(新约). 7Old Testament The Old Testament, the Jewish Bible, contains 39 books originally written mainly in Hebrew(希伯来文). Much of it, such as poems and stories, are thought to have been handed down

6、 by word of mouth for many generations. Very few manuscripts(手稿) are said to have survived the destruction of Jerusalem(耶路撒冷) in A.D. 70.nThe Old Testament lays the foundation for the coming of the Messiah (救世主) who would sacrifice Himself for the sins of the whole world . 8New TestamentnThe New Tes

7、tament relates the life and teachings of Jesus. The New Testament is a collection of 27 books with Jesus as the central figure. It was originally written in Ancient Greek. It focused especially on the new covenant(契约) created between God and the followers of Jesus. 9Christian theology nAt some point

8、 in the past, humanity departed from Gods will and began to sin. nBecause no one is free from sin (原罪), people cannot deal with God directly, so God revealed (显灵) Himself in ways people could understand. nGod called Abraham and his progeny(后裔)to be the means for saving all of humanity. nTo this end,

9、 He gave the Law to Moses (摩西). nBy His death and resurrerection (复活), all who believe are saved and reconciled to (接受)God. 10基督教的主要教义(1)“三位一体”上帝说。上帝是独一无二、无所不能、创造有形和无形万物的神。由于他具有三个位格一圣父、圣子、圣灵,所以称他为“三位一体”的上帝。因圣父在天,称他为天父,被认为是至高无上、主宰一切的力量。他是“三位一体”中的第一位。圣子为耶稣基督,受圣父的派遣降临人间,以自已在十字架上的流血牺牲拯救世人的苦难。他是“三位一体”中的第

10、二位。圣灵是上帝与人的中介,启迪人的智慧和信仰,使人弃恶从善。他是“三位一体”中的第三位。这三个位格不是各自独立的三个神,而是同一本体,三者组成上帝的统一整体。 (2)上帝创世说。基督教认为,宇宙万物(包括人类)都是上帝创造的。旧约创世记记载:上帝用5天时间创造出了自然界万物,第6天造人,第7天歇息。上帝创世说是基督教的核心。因为上帝创造一切,他才被说成是至高无上、全能全知、无所不在的唯一真神,是宇宙的最高主宰。(3)原罪说 。基督教认为,人本性有罪。亚当和夏娃的罪一直传到他们所有的后代,成为人类苦难的根源,即整个人类的原始罪过。即便是刚出世即死去的婴儿,虽未犯何罪,但因其有与生俱来的原罪,仍

11、是罪人。n 11(4)救赎说。基督教认为,人类既然有了原罪,又无法自救,于是上帝派遣其独生子耶稣降世人间,为人类的罪代受死亡,流出鲜血,以赎人类的原罪。只有相信和依靠一个救世主耶稣为人类赎罪,人才能求得死后永生。(5)天堂地狱说。基督教认为,人世间充满了罪恶,将来基督从天降临、审判地上的活人和死人,信基督者将进入天国获永生,不信基督者将被抛入地狱受永罪。基督教会把天堂描绘成一个极乐世界。地狱则到处是不灭之火,蛇蝎遍地,可怕到了极点。天主教和东正教还在天堂与地狱之间设立了炼狱 ,认为有一定的罪,但不必下地狱者,就被暂时放在炼狱里受苦,等所有罪过炼净,补赎完了,方可进入天堂。 (6)忍耐顺从说。基

12、督教号召人们做到忍耐、顺从、听话,不反抗。新约马太福音说,要爱你们的仇敌,不要与恶人作对,有人打你的右脸,连左脸也转过来由他打。有人拿你的内衣,连外衣也由他拿去。新约罗马人书讲,要人们顺从掌权者,因为权是神给的。因此,抗拒掌权的就是抗拒神的命令,抗拒的必自取刑罚。新约彼得前书又说,你们作仆人的,凡事要忍耐,顺从主人,不但要顺从那善良温和的,就是那厉害的也要顺从。 12(7)因信称义 绝大多数华人所称的“基督教”常指“基督教新教”,新教强调因信称义。因信称义是德国神学家马丁路德的神学思想核心。他认为,基督徒之所以是自由的,是因为他们“因信称义”,他们通过自己的信仰而与基督建立了新的个人关系。灵魂

13、的得救不是教会的工作,是上帝把恩赐给了他的信仰者。因此,信徒不必依靠教会极其繁琐的宗教礼仪,只凭对上帝对的虔诚信仰就可以得到灵魂的拯救。13 About Genesis Genesis contains some of the best-known biblical stories 1) the creation of the world; 2) the descent of the children of Israel into Egypt; 3) the death of Joseph; 4) Adam and Eve; 5) Noahs Ark; 6) the Tower of Babe

14、l, etc.14Themes of GenesisThe first theme in Genesis is to record Gods creations. It is about the beginning or the origin. of humans and the world.The second theme in Genesis is about the beginning of sin and the beginning of Gods plan for salvation. 15nThe 3rd theme is about obedience and disobedie

15、nce. Genesis tells us that obedience is the opposite of sin(原罪). That is all it takes to avoid sin, obey God.The disobedient like Adam and Eve who disobey God were kicked out of paradise. The obedient like Noah and his family survived the flood. 166. Word pretest 17Obstacles in your reading P.1 Hove

16、r v. be suspended in the air P.3 expanse a wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky 18nP.4 put forth 1. To grow: Plants put forth new growth in the spring. 2. To offer for consideration: put forth an idea.nP.7 bring forth1. To give rise to; produce: plants bringing forth fruit.2. To

17、give birth to (young).19P.6 swarm n. 1. A large number of insects or other small organisms, especially when in motion. 2. An aggregation of persons or animals, especially when in turmoil or moving in mass: A swarm of friends congratulated him.v. swarmed, swarming, swarms nv.intr. 1. To move or emerge in a swarm. 2. To move or gather in large numbers.nv.tr. To fill with a crowd: sailors swarming the ships deck.20 7. Discussion nA better title for the passage? Six days of creation and Sabbath21 Homework n1. Revision of Unit 5 n2. Exercises in Unit 522



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