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1、1.He is the tallest boy in his class.2.The apples here are big and sweet.指出下列句中的定语成分: 定语从句定语从句1.什么叫定语从句?2.为什么要有定语从句?形容词,修饰boy,副词,修饰apples,比较:The apples that he bought for his daughter on his way back yesterday were big and sweet. 修饰名词的成分叫定语 这里的苹果定语从句,修饰apples,他昨天在回来的路上为他女儿买的(苹果) 以句子形式作定语叫做定语从句. 从句能表

2、达一个动作概念的修饰成分 个子最高的男孩More 定语从句2. 它的作用相当于形容词形容词3. 被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词5. 从句引导词: 关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that, as, 关系副词when, where why4. 关系代词和关系副词,也叫引导词 . 联系定语从句和先行词. 充当从句中的一个句子成分 6. 定语从句必须跟在先行词后面. as 从句例外基本概念:1.修饰名词或代词或整个句子的,起定语作用的从句叫做定语从句1. 修饰修饰名词名词或或代词代词或或整个句子整个句子1.The woman is a doctor.2. Anyone

3、 will be fined.3.The earth provides us with heat and light, which makes it possible for plants to grow._那位妇女是一位医生. 任何_人将被处罚. who从句修饰_太阳为我们提供光和热,_. which从句修饰_和他在谈话的who从句修饰_名词名词the woman修饰who在中文中未体现,但它是从句的引导词,不可缺少不遵守规则的代词代词he整个主句整个主句这使得植物生长which 意为“这、这件事、这一点”who is talking with himwho doesnt obey the

4、rules2.定语从句的作用定语从句的作用相当于相当于形容词形容词1.The woman who is talking with him is a doctor.2.All that glitters is not gold.和他在谈话的妇女是一位医生. who部分相当于一个_修饰修饰闪光的不全是金子. that glitters相当于一个_3. 被被定语从句修饰的定语从句修饰的名词或代词名词或代词叫做叫做先行词先行词1. All that glitters is not gold. all被that glitters修饰, all是先行词2. I dont know the girls wh

5、o are from Japan.修饰the girls是先行词形容词形容词修饰4. 关系代词和关系副词叫做关系代词和关系副词叫做从句的引导词从句的引导词 a. 联系定联系定语从句和先行词语从句和先行词 b.充当充当定语从句的一个定语从句的一个句子成分句子成分任何一个从句都必须有它的引导词1. He is the man whom I want to see.他就是我要见的人. whom联系定语从句和the man, whom充当定语从句中see的宾语2. The woman who is talking with him is a doctor.和他在谈话的那位妇女是一位医生.who联系定语

6、从句和_who充当定语从句中的_the woman主语5. 从句引导词从句引导词: 关系代词关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that, as, 关系副词关系副词when, where why1.Do you know the man who can speak English?.2. Thats the woman whom the policeman is looking for .3. We have some students whose parents are college teachers4. I can lend you a box in which y

7、ou put you books.5. Last week he read a novel that was very interesting6. He studied here in the year when he was only fifteen.8. I dont know the reason why he is angry.7. He found his ball-pen in the room where we had a meeting9. As we all know, Taiwan is a part of the Chinese mainland.翻译成中文 定语从句必须

8、跟定语从句必须跟在在先行词后面先行词后面.as从句例从句例外外1.They passed the village where his grandparents lived.2.A bookstore is a store that sells books.先行词/被修饰词在前修饰句首句中句尾1.As is known to all, Taiwan is a part of of China.2.Taiwan, as is known to all, is a part of of China.3.Taiwan is a part of of China, as is known to all.

9、不要了 他们经过了住着他们祖父母的那个村庄.修饰修饰汉语与英语中定语的位置正好相反定语从句在后书店就是 售书的 店.修饰As从句who指人,是主格,在从句中作主语1. The woman who is talking with him is a doctor. 2. Where is the man who was here?正在和他交谈的那位妇女是医生.刚才在这儿的那个人现在在哪儿?从句中作主语从句中作主语3. I dont know the girls who _(be)from the No. 2 middle school. are who 的单复数取决于先行词whom 指人,是宾格,

10、在从句中作宾语,可以省略1. The young writer ( whom ) we visited last week has left for Paris.who 可以代替 whom 也可以说: The young writer who we visited last week has left for Paris.因此,此句共有三种说法从句中作宾语介词可以放在whom前面, 这时whom不可省略 , who不能做介词宾语 The woman (whom / who ) you spoke to is our class teacher.The woman to whom / to wh

11、o you spoke is our class teacher.2. Thats the man (whom /who) you should pay attention ( ?)漏了 to , (whom /who) 是 pay attention to的宾语请翻译: 你和她讲话的那位妇女是我们的班主任.又如: 昨天我和他一起回家的那个男孩是约翰. (五种说法)The boy whom I went home with is John.The boy with whom I went home is JohnThe boy I went home with is John.The boy

12、who I went home with is John错to.The boy that I went home with is John. that 可以指人3. The teacher you saw him in the park teaches physics. ( )saw的宾语是whom, 这里省略了, him多余说出其他三种正确的说法:whose是所有格, “的” , 指人,也指物,可与of which互换使用1. The boy whose sister is a singer sings well. 2. The classroom whose windows (= the

13、windows of which ) face south is large and bright. 那个姐姐是歌唱家的姐姐是歌唱家的男孩歌唱的很好. 指人那个窗子朝南的窗子朝南的教室又大又明亮. 指物又: 我借了一本红封面的书. (两种说法)1.I borrowed a book whose cover is red.2. I borrowed a book the cover of which is red. 无区别错More 1 whose+名词=the名词+of whichMore 2 which / that 指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可以被省略 1. The ball

14、-pen which / that lies on the desk is mine.2. The necklace ( which / that ) she lost yesterday was a gift from her mother.3. He showed me the pictures which /that _ ( be ) interesting.书桌上的圆珠笔是我的. (作主语, 是单数)昨天她丢失的项链是她母亲给的生日礼物. (作宾语可以省略) were which /that 指 pictures 因此复数只能用which时在介词后面, 作介词宾语时只用whichThe

15、 pen with which he wrote the letter was expensive.不能说with that 只能用 that 时 1. 代替who / whom, 指人 Who is the girl that is standing there? which不能指人 2. 在从句中作表语He is not the man ( that ) he was before. 表语时不能用whoIt was the only school ( that ) there was then. 也不用 which 3. Who / Which 问句中不能用thatWhich is the

16、 book ( that ) you bought yesterday? who 见上例4 . 当先行词为something, anything,nothing, everything, little all, much 时1. There is little that the enemy could do besides surrender. was的表语 Those _ want to go please stay behind. those后只接whowho八种情况2. Only Mr. White could understand all ( that ) she said.比较: S

17、he told us all what she did during the summer vacation. all 不做先行词,是 us 的同位语, what 引导的是宾语从句 3. Im sure she has something ( that / which ) you can borrow. 实际使用中something后面也可用which5. 当先行词any, no, all, little, every, much, some被修饰时All little namesIve read all the books that you lent to me.注意: Anyone who

18、 smokes on the ferry will be fined. 任何人在渡船上吸烟都将被罚款. 指人时仍用who 7. 当先行词被 the only , the very, the same, the last 修饰时Solve the 41. Thats the very book ( that ) I want find. 2. The last place ( that ) we visited was the chemical works.这正是我要找的书.我们最后参观的地方是化工厂. 8. 当先行词指人又指物时He talked about the teachers and

19、the schools that he had visited.他谈到了他所参观的老师和学校.1.This is the first composition ( that ) he has ever written in English.2.Thats the best novel ( that ) Ive ever read.6. 当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时More As 在从句中作主语或宾语用法一: 必须与such, the same, as, so 一起连用,作主语宾语表语,as 代表 the same, such, as, so 开始的整个短语1. He is not the

20、 same man _ he used to be.2. Let children read such books _ will make them better and wiser.3. Here is so big a stone _ no man can lift. 4. As much money _is necessary must be collected. asasasas他不再是从前的那个样子了. ( 作表语 )让孩子们读那些使他们更好更聪明的书. ( 作主语 )这儿有块石头很大没人能举起. ( 作宾语 )必须凑足所需的钱. ( 作主语 )两种用法I want to borro

21、w the same book as you have .I want to borrow the same book that you bought yesterday.我想借一本和你的那本一样的书。 (两本书)我想借你昨天买的那本书。 (一本书)注意as 指蓝字部分More 用法二: 1. as 从句与主句用逗号分开, 指整个主句或主句 的一部分, 解释 “这一点,这件事 ” 2. 位于句首、句中、句尾, 3. as 作从句的主语, 宾语或表语1.As we have seen, oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth.2.As is

22、known to all, Taiwan is a part of of China.3.He was late for school, as often happened.4.It was, as he later admitted, a stupid thing to do.5.He was late again, as he used to be. 作宾语, 在句首, 也可以在句中、句尾作主语, 同上句作主语, 同上句作宾语, 同上句作表语, 同上句As we now know that the moon makes its journey in about thirty days. (

23、 )As 指the moondays. 整个主句,在从句中做know的宾语去掉that,加逗号常见 as 从句还有:1.as anybody can see2.as has been said before3.as is well known4.as was expected5.as we had expected6.as may be imagined 正如任何人都可以看出的如上所述众所周知正如预料的那样正如我们所预料的那样正如可以想象的那样More 1 More 2 when 表示时间, 在从句中做时间状语先行词往往是表示时间的名词: time, hour, morning, day, w

24、eek, month, year 2. The diary was written by John in 1997. In the year he was a middle school student.日记是约翰在1997年当他是一个中学生那一年写的.when指代1997, “在那一年”,在从句中作时间状语July 1, 1921 was the day when the Chinese Communist Party was founded.He was very lonely in the week when he was left alone at home.when指the day,

25、 “在那一天”注意: when可以用介词+which来表示He was very lonely in the week _ _he was left alone at .in which1. July 1, 1921 was the day. 3. 他独自一人被留在家里的那个礼拜很孤独.On that day the Chinese Communist Party was founded. 合并成一句The diary was written by John in 1997 when he was a middle school student1.He will never forget th

26、e day. On that day he joined the League.2.The professor came back to China in 1949. The mainland had just been liberated in the year. 合并成一句, 并改成介词+ which 句型 He will never forget the day when he joined the LeagueHe will never forget the day on which he joined the League The professor came back to Chi

27、na in 1949 when the mainland had just been liberated . The professor came back to China in 1949 in which the mainland had just been liberated in the year.还有三种说法,但不如前两种好He will never forget the day which he joined the League on.He will never forget the day that he joined the League on He will never f

28、orget the day he joined the League on.注意区别:1.We will never forget the days _we worked on the farm.2.We will never forget the days _we spent together on the farm.when whichwhen 指the days, “在那些日子里”, 表示劳动的时间 which 指the days, “那些日子”, 做spent的宾语时间状语宾语判断标准: 3.作从句的时间和地点状语用when, where, 作及物动词宾语时用which1.August

29、 6 was the day _ she was born in a poor family.2.August 6 is the day _ they will always remember.whenwhichwhen 指出生的那一天,在从句中做时间状语which作及物动词remember的宾语3. 2008 is the year _the Chinese people are looking forward to.whichWhere 表示地点,在定语从句中做地点状语先行词往往是: place, table, room, spot, house, school, country, vil

30、lage, city, town, street, shopThis is the factory where we worked last week.这就是上星期我们在那儿劳动的那家工厂.where指代the factory, “在那儿”,在从句中作地点状语1.The teachers office is a small room. There are some computers there.2.She is on business in that city. Her sister is studying there. The teachers office is a small room

31、 where there are some computers . She is on business in the city where her sister is studying.1.这就是他出生的地方。2.在我们居住的城市里发生了巨大的变化。3.昨天我在上次我们见面的那个图书馆里看到了我们的班主任.This is the place where he was born.Great changes have taken place in the city where we live.I met our class teacher in the library where we met

32、last time.Note:The laboratory is the place _students do their experiments.Shanghai Museum is the place _ we visited last week.wherewhich关系副词关系副词where 意为意为 “在那个地方在那个地方”, 作从句的地点状语作从句的地点状语关系代词关系代词which 作作及物动词及物动词visited 的宾语的宾语I found the desk in the room _needed repairing.They waited in the room _there

33、 is nothing but some bencheswhichwhere注意: where可以用介词+which来表示1. Thats the house where we found the kidnapped child .2. Thats the house in which we found the kidnapped child . 还可以说: (介词后移)3. Thats the house which we found the kidnapped child in.4. Thats the house that we found the kidnapped child in.

34、5. Thats the house we found the kidnapped child in.我们参观了约翰叔叔在那儿工作的那个农场.We visited the farm where Johns uncle worked .We visited the farm on which Johns uncle worked .We visited the farm that Johns uncle worked on.We visited the farm Johns uncle worked on.We visited the farm which Johns uncle worked

35、on.小结1. when, where分别在从句中引导从句、作从句的时间和地点状语2. when, where可以用介词+which来表示,介词还可以后移3.作从句的时间和地点状语用when, where;作及物动词宾语时用whichThey came to a place where was found some pollution.They came to a place where lived some local farmers.错对引导词where不能做从句的主语,改为_where some pollution was found第二句从句部分是倒装句, where是状语, some

36、 local farmer是主语Why 表示原因,做原因状语状语先行词只有一个 reason1.I should like to know the reason why he changed this plan.2.Do you know the reason why he was late?3.The reason why he was late is that he got up too late. 我想知道他为什么改变计划的原因.你知道他为什么迟到的原因吗?他为什么迟到的原因是因为他起床太晚了. 注意: 这一句里的“因为”不能说成 because because填空:The reason

37、 _ we want to know is now clear.我们想知道的理由现在清楚了. know是及物动词that/whichthat/which 做know的宾语whichwhich why 改错1.The reason why he was absent is because he was ill.2.The reason why he told us was unsatisfactory.3.Thats the reason that the horse refused to move. that that why 填空1.He gave us the reason _ was r

38、easonable.2. The reason _ we refused to come was _we were not well prepared.3.The reason _ he trembled was hard to explain.4.The reason _ he offered was hard to explain. why that when 和why在口语中可以省略, where不可以省略1.Be sure to call on us next time ( when ) you come to town.2.This is one of the reasons ( w

39、hy ) you may like to eat it.Is the woman who often gives us some kind of help?(wrong)Is the woman the one who often gives us some kind of help?Is that the woman who often gives us some kind of help?woman 被定语从句所修饰, 应为特指, 加 the right / wrong ?非限制性定语从句是对先行词的补充/附加说明, 与主句用逗号分开, 如果省去, 主句意思仍完整1.He lives in

40、 Lujiazui , which is about an hours ride from here.他住在陆家嘴, 离这儿大约有一小时的车程(附加说明)从句修饰_陆家嘴(名词)引导词: 非限制性定语从句中 指物, 用引导词which, 不用 that2.We all know Xu Hu , who is a 3. model worker. 我们都认识徐虎, 他是个劳动模范 非限制性定语从句中 指人,用引导词who/whom, 不用 that3. They arrived in Shanghai, where they would stay for a week. who, whom, w

41、hose, which, where, as逗号从句省去,主句依然完整不能理解为:离这儿大约有一小时车程的陆家嘴 非限制性定语从句的先行词多为专有名词或独一无二1.We came to Spain, which was a beautiful country.2. Abraham Lincoln, who was against slavery, was murdered at a theater in 1865.3.I, who am fond of swimming, go to the beach every day.Note: He who does not reach the Gre

42、at Wall is not a true man.没到过长城的人不算是真汉子。 He 泛指,“任何一个”也有用普通名词做先行词的,表示关系松散, 读时停顿一下1.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat a small boy. 2.His dog, which was old now, became ill and died.亚伯拉罕林肯在一家戏院被谋杀,他反对奴隶制度。我每天去沙滩。我喜欢游泳。非限制性定语从句练习1.他会操作电脑, 这一点大家都知道.2.我认识李教授, 她是我们的英语老师.3.教学大楼, 也就是我们上课的地方,

43、 有四层楼高.4.她上课老是开小差, 这使老师感到很失望.5.他有两个女儿, 两人都在国外念书.He can operate a computer, as is known to all.I know Professor Li, who is our English teacher.The classroom, where we have our lessons, is four stories high.She is often absent-minded, which makes the teacher very disappointed.He has two daughters, bot

44、h of who are studying abroad.限制性与非限制性定语从句用法区别I have two sisters who are still at school.I have two sisters , who are still at school.我有两个还在上学的妹妹. (不止有两个妹妹)我有两个妹妹,她们还在上学. (只有两个妹妹)Is that the woman who wants to buy your car?Ive just met that Mrs. Smith, who wants to buy your car. She said that her son

45、 would become an artist, which I thought possible.非限制性定语从句修饰短语。限制性定语从句不行句义不同 限制性修饰普通名词,非限制性修饰专有名词Tom is very active in sports, which his sister rarely is.非限制性定语从句修饰另一从句。限制性定语从句不行 The hillsides were covered with trees of red and orange, which extended as far as the eyes could see.The earth moves arou

46、nd the sun, as is known to all.非限制性定语从句修饰整个主句,限制性定语从句不行小结:非限制性定语从句与主句用_分开,引导词不能用_ _,从句如果省去, 主句意思仍_,非限制性定语从句修饰_, _, _或_,从句引导词不能_限制性定语从句只能修饰_逗号that why完整专有名词另一从句整个主句短语普通名词The hillsides were covered with trees of red and orange. They extended as far as the eyes could see.Combine the two sentences:省略 改错

47、1.They were standing beside a building which outer walls were originally painted yellow.2.I rarely know a musician whos father is a blacksmith.3.Is that the woman whom you guess will take your place?4.The engineer with who he carried out the experiment made no answer.5.Father as well as his children

48、 who was fond of sports was having a good time on the beach.Return whichwhosewhowho是定语从句的引导词和宾语从句的主语,需用主格whose1. with whom2.who/whom/thatwith3. /withwho指children, 应为复数, 故用werewereAs的正确理解return当 as 跟着从句时, as 作从句的主语,宾语或表语, 代表 the same, such, as, so 开始的整个名词短语1.Take as many books as you want.2.I hope to

49、 get such a tool as he is using. 3.He is the same man as always thinks of others first.4.He is so tall a man as can reach the top the blackboard.你想拿多少书就拿多少. 我想弄到象他在使用的一样的工具. as在从句中作宾语,代表as many booksas在从句中作主语,代表such a tool他就是那种总是先想到他人的人. 作主语,指the same man ( 略 )As后接名词,代词或相当于名词的从句时, as 是介词,解释“象”1.I ha

50、ve never seen such a lazy man as you.2.Thats not the same as what is learned in experience.我从没见过象你这么懒的人.as后接代词, as是介词, such as “象”那跟生活经历中学到的不一样.后接名词性从句what is learned, as 是介词1.Is there anything _ I can do for you?2.This is the tallest building _I have ever seen.3.Which is the book _ you bought last

51、week?4.Who is the man _ we can depend on?5.The student about _ you are talking is good at maths.6.He didnt find the bottle _ cover was red.7.He told them all _ he had experienced in Africa.8.Language is a tool by means of _ people communicate with each other.9.She is the same woman _ you talked abou

52、t yesterday.10.He is not such a man _ will leave his work half done. that that that that/what thatwhomwhosewhichas / thatasreturnwho,whom,whose,which, that, as 综合练习1.A library is a place in _ a large collection of books are kept for reading or reference.2.The doctor tried using antibiotics, _ often

53、cure infection following an operation.3.He bought a paw-paw fruit from a big grocery store in London, _ sells all kinds of exotic food.4.A drug called digitalis, _ is still used for treating heart diseases, originates from a wild plants.5.Ill never forget the day _ I was admitted into the Party.6.He

54、 didnt know the reason _ the remedy worked so fast.7.There are three main ways _ infections spreads.8.This is the way _ the human body works.9.It was a meeting _ importance I did not realize at the time.10.My father, _ had been on a visit to America, returned yesterday.whichwhichwhichwhichwhenwhywhi

55、chwhosewhothat11. Hes written a book the name of _ Ive completely forgotten.12. Its a family of eight children, all of _ are studying music.13. Hes driving a car _ can travel at 150 miles an hour.14. He tried to stand on his hands for five minutes, _ is rather difficult for most of us.15. There was

56、a certain old man in the village, _ none of us liked.16. All _ glitters is not gold.17. Can you suggest another time _ it will be convenient for me?18. We had a meeting the purpose of _ was completely unclear. 19. Shes married to a millionaire of _ you may have heard: his name is Johnson.20. He may

57、be ill, in _ case we ought to excuse him.whichwhomwhichwhichwhomthatwhenwhichwhichwhom21. Within a period of fifty years, airplanes were invented and improved to a point _ air travel was commonplace.22. It would be a period _ many sunspots and solar flares would occur.23. The time will come _ man ca

58、n fly to outer space freely.24. The reason _ a whole room can be warmed is because of the hot air.26. The offices, laboratory, and the museum are situated at the top of the hill _ they command a fine view.27. The painter lived more than a decade in Europe, _ he could be in close contact with other c

59、ubists.28. The seventeenth century was one in _ many significant advances were made in both science and philosophy.29. Is there no one among you to _ I can turn to for advice and comfort? 30. The Tartar chief controls a thousand men, all of _ must obey his orders in both war and peace.wherewhenwhenw

60、hywherewhenwhenwhomwhom30.In Sweden all real estate belongs to the Crown, and there is no such thing _ private land.31.It is the spirit of such men _ Captain Smith that makes me aware that flying is am enduring miracle and joy.33. Have you bought the same dictionary _ I referred to yesterday.34. The

61、re is no one _ loves his mother.35. He returned home much earlier _ was expected.36. Nobody knows exactly _ the Chinese people invented gunpowder.37. Ellis Haizlip began his stage career in Washington, D. C. ,_ he supervised the Howard University Players during their summer season.38. Her doctor, _

62、office was newly decorated, started to charge higher fees.39. That tree, _ branches are almost bare, is a very old one.40. He is a modest person, _ the broad-minded men are apt to be.41. He is a good leader, _ is clear from his manner.42.The exhibition _ my friend took me to see was not very interes

63、ting.43. The headmaster spoke to the boys _ work was below standard.44.The garage _ the managers of the company park their cars is very expensive.45.I cant lend you the only dictionary _ I have.46.The village church,in _ we were married, was built in 1460.47. Our dog, _ is usually very quiet, bit th

64、e postman.48. Our central laboratory _ you will do scientific experiments is on the left.49. We have altogether three teaching hospitals, one of _ is across the street and the other two are in the suburbs.50. A hospital affiliated to a medical college is called a teaching hospital,_ medical students

65、 go for clinical practice.51. World trade patterns are indicative of the important economic issues _ confront the world today.52. Early forms of life on Earth, _ lived in the absence of oxygen, required elements such as sulfur instead.54.The digestive enzyme pepsin breaks down proteins into componen

66、ts _ can be readily absorbed by the human body.55.The decibel is a unit _ expresses the ratio of the magnitude of two electric voltages.55. The science of horticulture,in _ the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences.56. Sturgeons are

67、 prized for their blackish roe, _ when salted and served as an appetizer is called caviar.57. Of the thousands of varieties of bird species in North America, those _ have bright red plumage, like the cardinal, are most often designated as state bird.58. Despite its wide range of styles and instrumen

68、tation,country music has certain common features _ give it its own special character.59. Noise in a room may be reduced by carpeting,draperies and upholstered furniture, all of _ absorb sound.60. The black-billed cuckoo has been known to steal eggs _ belong to other birds. Game Over !不要了who/whom/介词+

69、whom/whose/the n. of whom(which)填入适当的词, 可否省略? 有否变化形式?1.The fellow _ I spoke to made no answer at first.2.The comrade _was spoken to is a model worker.3.Where is the man was here a moment ago? ( )4.We live in a room _window faces north.5.My sister married the man she was engaged to. ( )6.I know a gir

70、l _ brother owns a bookshop.7.Youve met the writer we often talk about him? ( )8.她就是那以后你要和他一起工作的人. (五种说法)9.Thats the man _I think will win the game.whomwhowho was here a moment ago?whosewhose who(1. whom 2. 不可省略)Return 1. The boy wears a pair of glasses. He is good at maths 2. The soldiers picked so

71、me of the flowers. They could find flowers.3.John was delighted that he found someone. His face was square.4.He was late again. This was often the case.5.Thats the place. We worked there.合并成一句The boy who wears a pair of glasses is good at maths.The soldiers picked some of the flowers that they could

72、 find.John was delighted that he found someone whose face was square.He was late again, as was often the caseThats the place where we worked last week.Return that /which的练习, 并判断是否能省略:1.This is the only work _ I can do at the moment.2.He is no longer the man _ he used to be.3.The fifth lesson _ we ar

73、e to learn is very difficult.4.This is the local grocery _there was then.5.They tried to find a telescope through _ they could observe the stars. 6.Which are the latest magazines _deal with fashions?7.Who is the man _gave us all this information?8.Li Hua is the boy _can speak two foreign languages.9

74、.He lent me the mobile phone _ was brand new.thatthatthatthatwhichthatthatthatthat/which可省略可省略可省略可省略可省略As练习Return1.As we all know that a planet has no light of its own. ( )2.As it is known to all, the earth moves around the sun. ( )3. Ive seen such a robot which can talk like a human being.( )4.He i

75、s not the same man who he was ten years ago. ( )5.She is not happy. We can see this from her face. (合并成一句)6.Pandas, that we all, can only be found in the southwest of China.7. ( )8.7. What he saw was nearly the same that what he heard. ( ) asasasasAs,She is not happy, as we can see from her face.定语从

76、句和同位语从句的区别 1.They were excited at the news that their team had won the game.2.They were excited at the news (that) Tom told them. 区别一: 同位语从句说明先行词的内容,定语从句说明先行词的性质,加以限制、描绘、说明.区别二: 同位语从句的that为连词,在从句中不做任何成分; 定语从句的that为关系代词,在从句中做主语,宾语或表语.区别三:同位语从句的先行词是为数不多的具有内容含义的抽象名词, 定语从句的先行词没有限制.(消息的内容是) 他们的球队赢了比赛的消息汤

77、姆告诉他们的消息tell 需要双宾, tell somebody something that做 tell的直接宾语,可以省略that 引导从句,但不做从句成分,也不能省略同位语从句定语从句将下列句子翻译成中文,并指出定语从句1.The doctor who did the operation was an expert.2.The book that I bought at that shop is lost.3.We visited the school whose front gate faced Yanggao Road.4.I dont the reason why he was l

78、ate again.5.1949 was the year when the New China was founded.做手术的那位医生是个专家.我在那家店里买的书丢了我们参观了那所校门朝着杨高路的学校.我不清楚为什么他又迟到的原因.1949年是新中国成立的那一年.Return 用who ,whom, whose 翻译下列句子Return 1. 我们参观了那个名字叫旗忠的村庄. ( 两种)We visited the village whose name was Qizhong.We visited the village the name of which was Qizhong2. At

79、tributive clause1. the woman who can speak English会讲英语的会讲英语的那位妇女那位妇女定语从句必须跟定语从句必须跟在被修饰词后面在被修饰词后面2.the boy who comes from America3.the teachers who come from America 4.anyone who works in this factory5.no one who is nearby 6.the men who were injured in the accident7.The girls who / that can swim 8.Th

80、e nurse who / that works here 来自美国的男孩来自美国的男孩来自美国的老师们来自美国的老师们任何在这厂里工作的人任何在这厂里工作的人附近没有人附近没有人事故中受伤的男人们事故中受伤的男人们会游泳的女孩们会游泳的女孩们在这儿工作的护士在这儿工作的护士1.在唱英语歌的学生们在唱英语歌的学生们 2. _2.篮球打的很好的男孩们篮球打的很好的男孩们3. _3.每天上学去的那个女孩每天上学去的那个女孩4. _4.已经去过国外的教授们已经去过国外的教授们5. _5.明天将做演讲的那位老师明天将做演讲的那位老师6. _The students who are singing an

81、 English songThe boys who play basketball very wellThe girl who goes to school every dayThe professors who have been abroadThe teacher who will make a speech tomorrow1.the boy who/that can play bridge2.the woman who/that has lost a wallet3.the scientists who/ that have discovered a new element4.anyo

82、ne who is willing go there5.no one who knows the answer6.the employees who/that work in this office7.正确与否正确与否?会打桥牌的男孩会打桥牌的男孩丢了钱包的那位妇女丢了钱包的那位妇女发现了新元素的科学家们发现了新元素的科学家们任何想去那儿的人任何想去那儿的人没有一个知道这个没有一个知道这个答案的人答案的人在这办公室工作的雇员在这办公室工作的雇员1.the boy who study at Shanghai No.2 Middle School2.the girls who is often l

83、ate will be punished .3.anyone who come to the party will get a present.studiesarecomesThe woman who/that is talking with him is a doctor.I dont know the girls who/that are from the No. 2 middle school.Do you know the man who/that can speak English?.1.在和他谈话的那位妇女是一位医生在和他谈话的那位妇女是一位医生.2.我不认识那些来自第二中学的女孩

84、们我不认识那些来自第二中学的女孩们.3.你认识那位会讲英语的男士吗你认识那位会讲英语的男士吗?4.那位在踢足球的学生是学生会主席那位在踢足球的学生是学生会主席.5.那些在开会的校长都会讲一些英语吗那些在开会的校长都会讲一些英语吗 ?The student who/that is playing football is president of the Students Union.Can the headmasters who/that are having a meeting speak a little English?1.the boy who can speak English2.th

85、e boy whom we know我们认识的那个男孩我们认识的那个男孩whom 作从句中的宾语作从句中的宾语, 可以省略可以省略,可以可以who/that用代替用代替, 即即:the boy (whom)we knowthe boy who we know the boy that we know那位老师在和她谈话的女学生是一班的班长那位老师在和她谈话的女学生是一班的班长共有几种说法? 四种四种1. The girl student whom the teacher is talking with is monitor of Class One.2. The girl student ( w

86、hom) the teacher is talking with is monitor of Class One.3. The girl student who the teacher is talking with is monitor of Class One. 4. The girl student that the teacher is talking with is monitor of Class One.1.我们昨天拜访的那位科学家刚从国外回来我们昨天拜访的那位科学家刚从国外回来.2.你刚才看到的那位老师是我们的班主任你刚才看到的那位老师是我们的班主任.3.明天你们将要和他一起工

87、作的人是位党员吗明天你们将要和他一起工作的人是位党员吗?The scientist ( whom ) we visited yesterday has just returned from abroad.The teacher ( whom / who / that ) you saw just now is our class teacher.Is the man ( whom / who / that ) you will work with tomorrow a Party member?还有第五种说法还有第五种说法:Is the man with whom you will work

88、tomorrow a Party member?但不能说但不能说:with who/with that/ who/that1. 昨天我和他一起回家的那个男孩是约翰昨天我和他一起回家的那个男孩是约翰. The boy (whom / who / that ) I went home with is John.The boy with whom I went home is John.2. 刚才我和他握手的老师是教英语的刚才我和他握手的老师是教英语的.The teacher ( whom /who /that ) I shook hands with teaches English.The tea

89、cher with whom I shook hands teaches English.1.The man ( whom / who / that ) you were looking for just now is in the library now.2.(wrong) The man for whom you were looking just now is in the library now. 固定词组不能拆开固定词组不能拆开, 又如又如: look after, 拆开了就不是拆开了就不是“寻找寻找”之意之意了了1.那个我们不认识的人那个我们不认识的人 (四种)(四种)2.那个我们

90、刚才看到的人(四种)那个我们刚才看到的人(四种)3.那些他们非常憎恨的老板那些他们非常憎恨的老板4.那些你愿意帮助的学生那些你愿意帮助的学生5.那些他负责管理的工人那些他负责管理的工人the man ( whom/ who /that ) we dont knowthe man ( whom /who /that ) we saw just nowthe bosses ( whom / who / that ) they hate very muchthe students ( whom / who / that ) you are willing to helpthe workers ( w

91、hom / who / that ) he is in charge of1.那个我们不认识的那个我们不认识的人把我们带到了火车站人把我们带到了火车站.2.我们刚才看到的我们刚才看到的那个人是食品部的经理那个人是食品部的经理.3.任何目击这次事故的任何目击这次事故的人请与警方联系人请与警方联系.( get in touch with )4.那些你曾经帮助的那些你曾经帮助的学生已经考上了大学学生已经考上了大学. 5.没有一个知道答案的没有一个知道答案的人愿意把答案告诉他人愿意把答案告诉他.The man ( whom / who / that ) we didnt know took us to

92、 the railway station.The man ( whom / who / that ) we saw just now is manager of the food department.Anyone who / that saw the accident please get in touch with the police.The students (whom / who/ that ) you helped have passed the college entrance examination.No one who /that knows the answer wants

93、 to tell him the answer.1.你们在谈论我们刚才看见的那个人吗你们在谈论我们刚才看见的那个人吗?2.我不会把这告诉给任何一个认识你的人我不会把这告诉给任何一个认识你的人.3.他负责管理在这个车间工作的工人他负责管理在这个车间工作的工人.Are you talking about the person (whom / who/ that ) we saw just now?I wont tell this to anyone who knows you.He is in charge of the workers who / that work in this worksh

94、op.1.跟我一起旅行的那位朋友跟我一起旅行的那位朋友.2.他们在谈论的那些科学家他们在谈论的那些科学家.3.你寄信给他的那位老师你寄信给他的那位老师.4.从他那儿我们学到许多的那位老工人从他那儿我们学到许多的那位老工人.The friend (whom / who / that ) I was traveling withThe friend with whom I was travelingThe scientists ( whom / who /that ) we are talking aboutThe scientists about whom we are talking The

95、teacher ( whom / who / that ) you sent the letter toThe teacher to whom you sent the letterThe old worker from whom we have learned a lot1.和我一起旅行的那位朋友讲法语和我一起旅行的那位朋友讲法语.2.我在飞机场看见过你们在谈论的那些科学家我在飞机场看见过你们在谈论的那些科学家.3.你寄信给他的那位老师教数学你寄信给他的那位老师教数学.4.从他那儿我们学到许多的那位老工人住在黄浦区从他那儿我们学到许多的那位老工人住在黄浦区.5.有人要见我给他看报告的那位经理

96、有人要见我给他看报告的那位经理.The friend with whom I was traveling spoke French. I saw the scientists about whom you are talking at the airport.The teacher to whom you sent the letter teaches maths.The old worker from whom we have learned a lot lives in Huangpu District.Someone is asking for the manager to whom I

97、 showed the report. 四种说法四种说法1.你在找的那个人现在在图书馆里你在找的那个人现在在图书馆里.2.我想去看望那位你在照顾的老人我想去看望那位你在照顾的老人.The person (whom / who / that ) you are looking for is in the library.I want to visit the old man ( whom /who /that ) you are looking after.(R / W )1.The man from who we got a lot of help was a red army man.2.T

98、he girl we often ask her for help lives nearby.3.We dont know the villagers with that we work together.4.You may ask the man whom we came here with him.5.Does anyone that knows the answer say anything?whomwhomwho1.something that/which I can do for you2.the tall building that/which I have ever seen.3

99、.the book that/which you bought last week4.the work that/which I can do at the moment5.a car that/which can travel at 150 miles an hour6.the lesson that/which we are to learn7.the magazines that/which deal with fashions8.the book that/which I bought at that shop9.the happy look that/which appeared o

100、n his face10.the noise that /which came from above主语不可省略主语不可省略, 宾语可以省略宾语可以省略指物时用指物时用 that / which( )( )( )( )( )( )1.我们昨天买的那本书我们昨天买的那本书2.他们喜欢的那些游戏他们喜欢的那些游戏3.我们从未看过的一部电影我们从未看过的一部电影4.这本书论述的问题这本书论述的问题5.价值十万元的轿车价值十万元的轿车the book that / which we bought yesterdaythe games that / which they likea film that

101、/ which we have never seen beforethe problems that / which the book deals witha car that /which is worth ten thousand yuan ( )( )( )( )省略省略?1.用玻璃做的杯子用玻璃做的杯子2.我们在讨论的那个问题我们在讨论的那个问题3.和你无关的一个问题和你无关的一个问题4.适合你的一种新发型适合你的一种新发型5.很容易理解的一篇课文很容易理解的一篇课文a glass that / which is made of glassthe problem that / whic

102、h we are discussinga problem that / which has noting to do with youa hair-style that / which suits youa text that / which is easy to understand( )1.我们在讨论我们在讨论那个问题很重要那个问题很重要.2.他昨天买的他昨天买的那本书在他书包里那本书在他书包里.3.那辆那辆值十万元的值十万元的轿车是他们经理的轿车是他们经理的.4.康伲为她选了一种康伲为她选了一种适合她的适合她的新发型新发型.5.我们喜欢的我们喜欢的游戏是网球和篮球游戏是网球和篮球.The

103、 problem (that /which) we are discussing is very important .The book( that / which )he bought yesterday is in his bag.The car that / which is worth ten thousand yuan is their managers.Connie chose her a new style that / which suit her.The games( that / which )we like are football and basketball.1.他乘

104、的那辆公共汽车晚点了他乘的那辆公共汽车晚点了.2.你们要去的那个村子离这儿很远你们要去的那个村子离这儿很远.3.你可以看到那个教室已经被打扫过了你可以看到那个教室已经被打扫过了.4.你在用的那本字典是小张的你在用的那本字典是小张的.5.我们在学的语法是定语从句我们在学的语法是定语从句.The bus( that/ which) he took arrived late.The village (that / which) you want to go to is far from here. The classroom (that / which) you can see has been cleaned.The dictionary (that / which) you are using is Xiao Zhangs.The grammar (that / which) we are learning is attributive clause.



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