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1、MusicUnit 5 Im A BelieverI thought love was only true in fairy talesMeant for someone else but not for meLove was out to get meThats the way it seemedDisappointment haunted all my dreamsThen I saw her faceNow Im a believerNot a trace of doubt in my mindIm in loveIm a believer I couldnt leave her if

2、I triedI thought love was more or less a giving thingSeems the more I gave, the less I gotWhats the use in tryingAll you get is painWhen I needed sunshine, I got rainThen I saw her faceNow Im a believerNot a trace of doubt in my mindIm in loveIm a believerI couldnt leave her if I triedObjective了解各种各

3、样的音乐形式,深化对音乐了解各种各样的音乐形式,深化对音乐的全面认识,增添音乐欣赏趣味,提高的全面认识,增添音乐欣赏趣味,提高音乐修养,正确认识音乐的作用。音乐修养,正确认识音乐的作用。 What do you think of music in your daily life?It plays an role (起起作用)作用) in my daily life. important “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.” Ludwig van Beethoven “音乐是比所有音乐是比所有智慧和哲学都更为

4、重要的发现。智慧和哲学都更为重要的发现。” 贝多芬贝多芬 How does music affects you?出出生生死死亡亡unborn pregnant mother (孕妈妈)(孕妈妈)born lullaby(摇篮曲)(摇篮曲) school broadcast(广播)(广播)Society(社会)(社会): march(进行曲进行曲)at wedding ceremony wedding marchin church 教堂教堂 religious musicat the funeral 葬礼葬礼 dead marchSafetyWarmthloveRelaxedCalmhappyL

5、oveBeliefsfaithHuman & MusicDo you like music? If you love music ,you are a life lover.Just enjoy the music, Because it is the easiest way of enjoying the life.Without music, life is a journeythrough adesert.“”没有音乐,生活是通过沙漠的旅程没有音乐,生活是通过沙漠的旅程。Can you name some different kinds of music?classicalrollroc

6、k n rollorchestrarapfolkjazzchoraladj. 古典的古典的; 古典文艺的古典文艺的vt. & vi. 滚动滚动; (使使)摇摆摇摆n. 摇晃摇晃; 卷卷; 卷形物卷形物; 面包圈面包圈摇滚乐摇滚乐n. 管弦乐队管弦乐队n. 说唱乐说唱乐adj. 民间的民间的n. 爵士音乐爵士音乐adj. 唱诗班的唱诗班的; 合唱队的合唱队的Words reviewClassical musicClassical musicA type of music that A type of music that written in a written in a Western Wes

7、tern musical traditionmusical tradition and and considered to be considered to be seriousserious and to and to have have a lasting valuea lasting value. .MorzartMorzartChopinBeethovenSchubertChoralChoralA kind of music that written A kind of music that written for a for a group of singersgroup of si

8、ngers. . A traditional Christmas song, A traditional Christmas song, which is often sung in the church on Christmas Day.which is often sung in the church on Christmas Day.Folk musicFolk musicMusic in the Music in the traditional style traditional style of a countryof a country or or communitycommuni

9、ty. .SymphonySymphonyA A long complicatedlong complicated piece of music for a large group of piece of music for a large group of people playing people playing various musical various musical instrumentsinstruments. .OrchestraRocknRollRocknRollIt is also called rock It is also called rock and roll,

10、a type of music with a and roll, a type of music with a strong strong beatbeat and and si simplemple tunes, tunes, played loudly played loudly on on electrical instruments.electrical instruments.Jazz -It was born in the US around 1890. It was sung by black people and its roots in Africa.Rock n RollI

11、t was popular in the 1950s. It has very loud sound with strong beat.OrchestraA large group of people playing all kinds of musical instruments(乐器)(乐器) together.Talking and singing(说唱乐)(说唱乐)also means “Hip-Hop”Rap 25raporchestra83Folk4choralRock n roll Jazzclassical671Country music2.What kind of music

12、 do you like ,why?lI prefer/hate . because it make me feel.lI (dont) enjoy/appreciate/understand.because.lIf Im worried/frightened. I perfer to listen to.lI find that if I listen to . I feel .Homework1. Look up the new words and expressions of the Reading in the dictionary.2. Preview the Reading: TH

13、E BAND THAT WASNTband 乐队乐队Do you know any famous bands? List some if you do. Can you name these bands according to the following pictures?BeyondBackstreet boysThe Beatles 披头士披头士 (甲壳虫乐队甲壳虫乐队) Do you know anything about the Monkees?A different bandA different bandthe Monkeesthe MonkeesThe Monkees the

14、most popular band in the USA in 1966 1968!A big hit! Different: wasnt a real band at first; played jokes on each other when playing musicthe Monkeesthe MonkeesDo you know anything about “The Monkees”? It is a band with 4-person that was very popular in the 1960S in America and as well as a TV show o

15、f the same name and it based on “The Beatles”. The band used instruments rarely seen on TV at that time. Now it is still popular in the world today. 门基乐队是一只美国本土乐队,由四人组成,于二十世纪60年代兴起,最初,乐队成员是应一则电视广告走到一起的。电视制作人想寻找四位很活跃又很会演奏的乐手。他们在报上登了广告,想招摇滚乐手,但是只招到一位符合条件的也就是后来的乐队主唱David。乐队的其他人只能用演员,演员不会唱,因此起初演节目时由别的歌手

16、唱歌,而乐队其他成员假唱。门基乐队开始每个星期都要演唱由别的音乐家作的一两首歌曲。然而,经过大约一年,门基乐队逐渐对他们的工作严肃起来,他们像一支真正的乐队开始用自己的乐器演奏,并且自己作词作曲了。后来他们还出了自己的唱片,并开始旅行演出自己的乐曲。门基乐队虽然有模仿“甲壳虫乐队”的意思,但他们甚至比“甲壳虫”乐队还要受欢迎,出 售的录音专辑还要多。他们在英国的旅行演出同样获得了巨大成功,英国的年轻人也开始对The monkees变得疯狂然而,门基乐队在1970年左右解散了,到80年代中期才又重组起来。1996年他们出了一张新的专辑,庆祝他们一起合作的愉快时光。funnyattractivel

17、ivelypopularcrazyWhat do you think of “the Monkees”?What do you think of “the Monkees”?Now lets enjoy a song sung by the Monkees.THE BAND THAT WASNT Go over the passege and look for Go over the passege and look for the main idea of each paragraph.the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1:Para 1:Para 2

18、:Para 2:Para 3:Para 3:Para 4:Para 4:The Monkees started in a different way.Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians.How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band.This is how most bands start.Para. 2How do people get to form a band? MembersReasonsPlaces Forms Resul

19、ts High school students They like to write and play music. They practice their music in someones house. They may play to passers-by in the street or subway, and give performances in pubs or clubs. They can earn some extra money.They hope to make records in a studio and become millionaires. (The firs

20、t step to fame)Para.3&4began music & jokesafter a year or so in about 1970in the mid-1980sin 1996as ?based on ? became serious ?a real banda real bandPara. 3&4 Information about The Mooknees.a TV showThe Beatlesbroke upreunitedA. but only one person was accepted.B. but reunited in the mid-1980s.C. f

21、orm a band because they like to write and play music.D. to celebrate their time as a band.E. was a big hit.1.They produced a new record in 19962.Most musicians get together and3. They put an advertisement in 4. The first TV show5. However, the band broke up about 1970Read more details while listenin

22、g the textDCAEB1.The writer believes that lots of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous .2.Some bands in American must start as a group of high school students.3.It was The Beatles that started in a different way.4.It was hard for the TV organizers to look for good rock musician

23、s.5.At first, The Monkees didnt play their own songs.TTTFFThe MonkeesmayTrue or falseMost musicians often meet and (形 成) a band. Sometimes they play in the street to (路人)so that they can e some money and this also gives them a c to (实现)their dreams. There was once a band started in a way. The musici

24、ans of the bandformpassers-byhanceTask 7Task 7arnrealizedifferent played on each other as well as played music, whose music and jokes were loosely based “The Beatles”.Their exciting performances were copied byother groups. “The Monkees” played their own (乐器)and wrote their own music. Though it up in

25、 1970, it reunited in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today. jokesoninstrumentsbrokeWhy the title is - “The Band That Wasnt?” Discussion 答案答案 Write down the music in our life!Assignment并非乐队的乐队 你曾经想过要成为一个乐队里有名的歌手或音乐家吗?你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众演唱,观众欣赏你的歌唱为你鼓掌吗?你唱卡拉OK时是否假装自己就是像宋祖英或刘欢一样著名的歌星吗?说实在的,很多人

26、把名和利看得很重。那么,人们又是怎样一起组成乐队的呢? 许多音乐家聚在一起组成乐队,是因为他们喜欢自己作曲,演奏自己的音乐。他们开始可能是一组中学生,在某个人家里排练音乐是成名的第一步。有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路人演奏,这样他们可以为自己或自己要买的乐器多挣一些钱。后来,他们可能在酒吧或者俱乐部里演出,这样他们可以得到现金。当然,他们希望在录音棚里录音,然后卖掉上百万张碟,从而成为百万富翁。 然而,也有一个用不同方式组建起来的乐队。这支乐队叫“门基乐队”,它开始时是以电视节目表演的形式出现的。组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣都笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。电视制作人原计划想寻找四位会唱又会表演的乐手。他们在报纸上登了一则广告,想招摇滚乐手,但他们只招到一个满意的。乐队的其他三人只能用演员来代替。



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