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1、 Unit 6 Do you like bananas?1tennis batSoccer balltennis ballbasketballvolleyballping-pong batRevision(some sports things)2 ?ReviewDo you have a/an?Yes, I do./No, I dont.3abananabananas4ahamburgerhamburgers5atomatofivetomatoes6anorangetwooranges7astrawberry(草莓)manystrawberries8apearfourpears9acarrot

2、carrots10eggs anegg11icecream冰淇淋12salad(沙拉)13chicken 鸡肉鸡肉14rice15milk16bread171.hamburgers2.tomatoes3.oranges4.ice-cream5.salad6.bananas7.strawberries8.pears9.milk10.breaddifhbgcjea1a将词语与图中物品匹配。将词语与图中物品匹配。18I like bananas. I dont like pears.I like hamburgers. I dont like oranges.I like tomatoes.I li

3、ke eggs.I dont like strawberries.你能从下列句子中发现什么呢?你能从下列句子中发现什么呢?I like milk.I like ice cream.I dont like salad.从上列句子中你又能发现什么?从上列句子中你又能发现什么?从上列句子中你又能发现什么?从上列句子中你又能发现什么?可数名词可数名词不可数名词不可数名词+ s / es19可数名词和不可数名词可数名词和不可数名词可数名词可数名词(1)(2)(3)(4)定义:是定义:是可以可以计数的名词。计数的名词。可数名词前可数名词前可以可以用用 a , an 限定限定,表示一个表示一个.。 可数名词

4、前可数名词前可以可以用用 one, two , three 限定。限定。可数名词可数名词有有复数形式。复数形式。20可数名词复数形式的构成可数名词复数形式的构成 1加加-s1. -s在清辅音后读在清辅音后读s2. -s在浊辅音后读在浊辅音后读z3. -s在元音后读在元音后读z4. 以音素以音素 s , z , , 结尾的,结尾的,读读izdesksapplestreesoranges以以-s, -x, -sh, -ch 结尾的结尾的加加-es-es读读izboxeswatches以以 f 或或 fe 结尾的结尾的改改f或或fe为为v 再加再加-es-ves读读vz kniveswives21可

5、数名词复数形式的构成可数名词复数形式的构成 2改改y为为i 再再加加-es-ies读读iz familiesdictionaries 以元音字母以元音字母加加y结尾的结尾的 加加-s-s读读zboyskeys以以o 结尾的结尾的有生命的事有生命的事物加物加-es-es读读ztomatoespotatoes 以辅音字母以辅音字母加加y结尾的结尾的无生命的事无生命的事物加物加-s-s读读zphotos radios22可数名词和不可数名词可数名词和不可数名词不可数名词不可数名词(1)(2)(3)(4)定义:是指定义:是指不能不能计数的名词。计数的名词。不可数名词前不可数名词前不可以不可以用用 a

6、, an 限定。限定。 不可数名词前不可数名词前不可以不可以用用 one, two , three 限定。限定。不可数名词不可数名词没有没有复数形式。复数形式。23可数名词和不可数名词可数名词和不可数名词既可数又不可数名词既可数又不可数名词定义:在某些情况下定义:在某些情况下能能计数,在某些情况下计数,在某些情况下不能不能计数的名词。计数的名词。e.g. (1)a chicken 一只鸡一只鸡 chicken 鸡肉鸡肉 (2)an ice cream 一个冰淇淋一个冰淇淋 ice cream 冰淇淋(指成份)冰淇淋(指成份) (3)a salad 一碟沙拉一碟沙拉 salad 沙拉(指成份)沙

7、拉(指成份)24hamburgerstomatoesFrench friesorangesbananasstrawberrieseggsapples carrotspearsbroccoliwatermilkbreadice cream saladchickenteameat vegetables25二、写出下列单词的复数形式二、写出下列单词的复数形式1. tomato _ 2. girl _3. family _ 4. box _5. radio _ 6. volleyball _ 7. strawberry _tomatoesgirlsfamiliesboxesradiosvolleyba

8、llsstrawberries26 8. daughter _ 9. hamburger _10. orange _ 11. watch _12. photo _ 13. library _14. carrot _ 15. sofa _daughtershamburgersorangeswatchesphotoslibrariescarrotssofas27Who has good eyes?hamburgers28Who has good eyes?tomatoes29Who has good eyes?apples30Who has good eyes?oranges31Who has g

9、ood eyes?strawberries32Who has good eyes?eggs33Who has good eyes?pears34What are these?Theyre tomatoes.Do you like tomatoes?Yes, I do.No, I dont. 35What are these?Theyre oranges.Do you like oranges?Yes, I do.No, I dont.361bListeningA: Do you like bananas?B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like salad?B: No, I d

10、ont. A: Do you like oranges?B: Yes, I do. 2337A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. I like bananas. No, I dont. I dont like bananas.38hamburgerspearstomatoesFrenchfriesorangesice creamsaladbananas2a392b Listen again and fill in the blanksbroccolibroccoliice creamice creamtomatoestomatoesice cream ic

11、e cream401.like喜欢1)like sb. / sth.喜欢某人喜欢某人/某物某物2) like to do sth.喜欢喜欢/想要做某事(表一想要做某事(表一次性或特指的某一具体的动作)次性或特指的某一具体的动作)3) like doing sth喜欢做某事(表习惯性的喜欢做某事(表习惯性的动作或爱好)动作或爱好)我喜欢每天打篮球。我喜欢每天打篮球。I like playing basketball every day. 今天很冷,我喜欢呆在家里。今天很冷,我喜欢呆在家里。Today is cold, I like to stay at home.41 Rewrite the w

12、ords. 1. tomato (复数)(复数) 2.fry (复数)(复数) 3. strawberry (复数)(复数) 4. too (同音词)同音词) 5.have(单三)(单三) 6. she (复数)(复数) 7.boring (反义词)(反义词) 8. no (同音词(同音词 ) 9.you (形容词性物主代词)形容词性物主代词)10. this (复数)(复数) tomatoesfriesstrawberriestwo/tohastheyinteresting /funknowyourthese42 11.orange(复数复数) 12.banana(复数复数)13. phot

13、o(复数复数)14. family(复数复数)15. bus(复数复数)16. watch(复数复数)17.woman(复数复数)18. child(复数复数)orangesbananasphotosfamiliesbuseswatcheswomenchildren43Translate the phrases.1.一个鸡蛋一个鸡蛋 2. 一些水果一些水果 3. 三个胡萝卜三个胡萝卜 4. an apple 5. some vegetables 6. ice cream an eggsome fruitthree carrots一个苹果一个苹果一些蔬菜一些蔬菜冰激凌冰激凌44Do you li

14、ke salad?No, I dont.45Doyoulike_?_.strawberriesYes, I doDoes she like strawberries?Yes, she does46Do you like salad?No, I dont.Does he like salad?No, he doesnt.47Do you like apples ?肯定:肯定:Yes, I do .否定:否定:No, I dont .一、一般疑问句及其回答形式一、一般疑问句及其回答形式1、第一、二人称、第一、二人称48Do you and your brother like hamburgers?

15、Yes, we do .No, we dont .49Do they like eggs?Yes, they do.No, they dont.2、第三人称复数50Does she/he like French fries?肯定:肯定:Yes, she/he does .否定:否定:No, she/he doesnt.3、第三人称单数51Does your sister like oranges ?Yes, she does .No, she doesnt.52 否定:否定:I/we dont like chicken.肯定:肯定:I/we like chicken .二、陈述句形式:肯定句和

16、否定句1、第一人称53肯定:肯定:My mother and I like bananas .否定:否定: My mother and I dont like bananas.54You like vegetables.You dont like vegetables.No !2、第二人称55They like strawberries.They dont like strawberries.3、第三人称(1)复数56She/he likes pears.She/he doesnt like pears.(2) 、第三人称单数57Tomfriend likes ice cream.Tomfri

17、end doesnt like ice cream.58Work in pairsA:Does she/he like?B: Yes, she/ he does. She/He likes. No, she /he doesnt. She/He doesnt like59Exercises 1.-Does Tom like broccoli? -_, _ _. But Rose does.2.My mother _salad. But I dont like.(like)3.Do you like _? (strawberry)4.She _ like ice cream.5.They lik

18、e hamburgers.(一般疑问句)(一般疑问句)NohedoesntlikesstrawberriesdoesntDo they like hamburgers?60改写句子:1. His brother has lunch at home.否定句否定句 His brother lunch at home.doesnt haveDoes likeWhat do4. She likes bananas.划线提问划线提问What does she like?2 .He likes ice cream very much.一般疑问一般疑问 he ice cream very much?3. I

19、 have a pen and a pencil .划线提问划线提问 you have ?614. Kay likes her new hat . 一般疑问 Kay her new hat?5. Do they like salad for dinner?肯否定回答 Yes, No, 6 他喜欢蔬菜吗?是的,他喜欢。 he vegetables ? Yes, Does likethey do.they dont.Does likehe does.627. She has two eggs for breakfast.(一般疑问一般疑问) she two eggs for breakfast?

20、Does have are hamburgersWhat dodont like8. This is a hamburger.(复数复数) These . 9.We have chicken and eggs for dinner. (划线提问划线提问) you have for dinner?10. I like salad.(否定否定) I salad. 63Do the following exercise:1.My parents like strawberries.(否定句否定句)2. My parents _ _ strawberries.3.2. Tom and Bob like

21、 bananas.(一般疑问句并回答)一般疑问句并回答)4. _ Tom and Bob _ bananas? 5. Yes, _ _ . No, _ _.6.3. I like apples.(划线提问划线提问)7. _ _ you _?dont like Do like they do they dont What do like641.Ihave_eggand_broccoli.A.a,a;B.an,a; C.an,/2.Ilike_oranges.Idontlike_orange.A.these,thoseB.those,thisC.that,theseD./,an3-whatsthi

22、s?-Its_.A.banana.B.frenchfries.C.icecream.D.egg4.-theyhavesome_and_.A.tomatos,broccoliB.tomatoes,broccoliC.tomatoes,broccolis65Work in pairsA:Does she/he like?B: Yes, she/ he does. She/He likes. No, she /he doesnt. She/He doesnt like661.Its_birthday.A.JacksB.BillsC.Johns2._doesntlikesalad.A.TomB.Jac

23、kC.John3.Johnlikesburgers,salad,applesand_.A.strawberriesB.pearsC.bananaReadthedialoguein2d.Thenchoosetherightanswers.BCA67Jack: Hey, Johns birthday dinner is next week. Lets think about the food. Tom: Sure. How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit?Bill: Sounds good. John likes hamburgers.

24、Jack: Oh, I dont like salad.2d68Bill:ButJohnlikessalad,anditshisbirthday.Jack:Yes,youreright.Whataboutthefruit?Tom:IthinkJohnlikesstrawberriesandapples.Bill:OK.Letshavestrawberriesandapplesthen.695.dinnern.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐dinner指一日中的主餐,可中午吃,也可晚间吃。但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。dinnerparty宴会dinnertable餐桌dinnertime吃饭时间It

25、stimefordinner.该吃晚饭了。706.weekn.周;星期Sundayisthefirstdayoftheweek.星期日是一周的第一天。last week上礼拜this week本周next week下周717.think about思考,思索(一般是短时间的较仔细的考虑)Whatdoyouthink aboutthat?你认为怎么样?Illhavetothink aboutit.我得想一想。thinkof想到;想象;设想多用来指“想起,认为”。72Icouldntthink ofthenameofthatmananyhow.我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。Letsthink of


27、用,而在美国英语中常用certainly。Areyougoingwithus?你和我们一起去吗?Sure.当然啦。753.Letshave是一个祈使句,表示“让我们吃/喝吧。”Letshavesomeice-cream.让我们吃些冰激凌吧。归纳have是多义词,归纳如下:(1)有,拥有;如:Ihaveanewwatch.我有块新手表。76(2) 吃,喝;如:吃,喝;如: Lets have some milk and some bread. 让我们喝些牛奶,吃些面包。让我们喝些牛奶,吃些面包。(3) 构成固定短语:构成固定短语: have a look 看一看看一看77Lookatthepic

28、turesfor2minutes,thensaythefoodwords.(看图两分钟,说出食物名称)78BobBill3.Draw or in the chartLook at page 33 and 82.794Food Survey Do you like?hamburgersorangesmilksaladstrawberriestomatoes80breakfastlunchdinner7:00 a.m12:10 p.m6:30 p.m81What do you have/like for .?lunchdinner/supperbreakfast早餐早餐中饭中饭晚饭晚饭82For

29、breakfast, I like/have. For lunch, I like/haveFor dinner, I like/have83Groupwork:Howmanyotherwordscanyouaddtothelists?(四人一组写出其它单词,可用词典,看哪组写得最多)842a1. orange 2. salad3. eggs 4. apple5. ice cream 6. hamburger7. banana 8. chicken9. rice 10 carrots852b Listen again and fill in the chart.86Job: runnerNam

30、e: Sandra Clark She eats lots of healthy food.running star87 Runner eats well! Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For break- fast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples. For lunch, she likes ham- burgers, salad and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, fo

31、r dessert, ice cream. Read the article below. Underline the fruits and circle the vegetables.3a88What does Sandra like for breakfast? How about her lunch?What does she like for dinner? How about her dissert? For breakfast she likes eggs, bananas, and apples.For lunch she likes hamburgers, salad, and

32、 oranges.For dinner she likes chicken, tomatoes and French fries.For dessert, she likes ice cream.89 For breakfast, Tom likes eggs, oranges, and bananas. For lunch, he likes _. And for dinner, he likes _. Write about what Tom likes to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.3boranges,hamburgersandcarrot

33、sbroccoli,salad,chickenandice cream903cWrite about what you like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.1.必做作业。介绍自己的饮食喜好。必做作业。介绍自己的饮食喜好。Im a _. For breakfast, I like _.For lunch, I like _.And for dinner, I like _.2.选做作业。选做作业。介绍爸爸或者妈妈的饮食喜好。介绍爸爸或者妈妈的饮食喜好。91饮食喜好:第三人称单数Myfathereatslotsofhealthyfood.Forbreakfas

34、t,helikeseggs,bananasandapples.Forlunch,helikeshamburgers,saladandoranges.Andfordinner,hehaschicken,tomatoes,Frenchfries.Fordessert,heeatsicecream.范例:921. good (副词副词) _ 2. eat (三单三单) _3. health (形容词形容词) _ 4. like (近义词近义词) _1.5. 饮食习惯饮食习惯 _ eatshealthylovewell按要求写出正确的单词或句子。按要求写出正确的单词或句子。eating habits9

35、36. 就早餐而言就早餐而言 _ 7. 就午餐而言就午餐而言 _8. 就晚餐而言就晚餐而言 _9. 体育明星体育明星 _ 10. 最后一个问题最后一个问题 _11. 我不想变胖。我不想变胖。_for breakfastfor dinnerI dont want to be fat.one last questionsports star for lunch94一、写出下列词组或句型。一、写出下列词组或句型。1. 生日晚餐生日晚餐 _ 2. 下一周下一周 _ 3. 考虑考虑 _ 4. 怎么样怎么样 _5. 听起来不错听起来不错 _ 6. 让我们让我们 _birthday dinnernext w

36、eekthink abouthow/what aboutsounds goodLets 957. 体育明星体育明星 _ 8. 饮食习惯饮食习惯 _9. 询问某人某事询问某人某事 _ 10. 就早就早/午午/晚餐而言晚餐而言 _11. 晚餐后晚餐后 _12. 我不想变胖。我不想变胖。_sports stareating habitsask sb. about sth.for breakfast / lunch / dinnerafter dinnerI dont want to be fat.96二、二、 选词填空。选词填空。1. Do you like _ (strawberry/strawb

37、erries)?2. Here are some nice _ (tomatos/tomatoes).3. Lets _ (have / has) apples and bananas.4. John likes _ (milk/milks) and bread.5. Sam _ (dont /doesnt) like vegetable salad.6. Lets play volleyball. _ (Sounds/ sound) good. 97()1._youlikeicecream?A.AreB.AmC.DoesD.Do2.Herearesometomatoes.Doyouliket

38、()?Domatoes3.Ilikestrawberryicecream,butIdontlike_(strawberry)strawberries4.LindaandTomlikeFrenchfries.(改成否定句)They_Frenchfriesdontlike98二、单项选择。二、单项选择。1. Do you have eggs _ lunch? No, I dont. A. on B. for C. at2. He likes salad, but he _ hamburgers. A. dont like B. likes C. doesnt like3. He has _ egg

39、 and _ orange for breakfast. A. an, an B. a, a C. an, a 4. We need lots of _ every day. A. vegetable B. banana C. healthy food BCAC995. Here is some _ on the table. A. tomato B. egg C. chicken 6. Does your son like carrots? _. A. Yes, she does B. Yes, he does C. No, she doesnt7. Her parents _ breakf

40、ast at home. A. doesnt have B. havent C. dont have 8. Lets _ some hamburgers. A. eat B. has C. does CBCA100三、读对话,填上正确的单词。三、读对话,填上正确的单词。 1. 比尔足球踢得很好。比尔足球踢得很好。 Bill _ soccer _. 2. 你喜欢什么水果?你喜欢什么水果? _ _ do you _? 3. 那听起来很好。那听起来很好。That _ _. 4. 早餐我喜欢鸡蛋和香蕉。早餐我喜欢鸡蛋和香蕉。 _ _, I like _ and bananas. 5. 我不喜欢桔子,你

41、呢?我不喜欢桔子,你呢? I _ like oranges. _ _ you? plays wellsounds goodWhat fruit likeFor breakfasteggsdont What about1011. Lets have some apples!2. Yes, I do. I like them, too.3. No, I dont like oranges. But I like apples. Do you like apples?4. Yes, I do. Theyre great. Do you like oranges?5. Lets have some f

42、ruit. Do you like bananas?6. That sounds great. 7. What about oranges? Do you like oranges?8. No, I dont like bananas. 正确顺序:正确顺序:5, _六、将下列句子排序,完成一段对话。六、将下列句子排序,完成一段对话。8 743 21610211.18翻译练习。翻译练习。1.我喜欢香蕉。我喜欢香蕉。2.我不喜欢香蕉。我不喜欢香蕉。3.Lily喜欢冰淇淋。喜欢冰淇淋。4.Peter不喜欢冰淇淋。不喜欢冰淇淋。5.Tom和他的爸爸喜欢薯条。和他的爸爸喜欢薯条。6. Tom和他的爸爸不喜欢薯条。和他的爸爸不喜欢薯条。7.你喜欢沙拉吗?是的,我喜欢。你喜欢沙拉吗?是的,我喜欢。8.他喜欢梨吗?是的,他喜欢。他喜欢梨吗?是的,他喜欢。9.她喜欢鸡蛋吗?不,她不喜欢。她喜欢鸡蛋吗?不,她不喜欢。10.他们喜欢鸡肉吗?是的,他们喜欢。他们喜欢鸡肉吗?是的,他们喜欢。103



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