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1、一、定语从句的翻译一、定语从句的翻译 二、状语从句的翻译二、状语从句的翻译三、名词性从句的翻译三、名词性从句的翻译翻译技巧十、翻译技巧十、 常见句型的翻译常见句型的翻译: Attributive clauses are widely used in English. In many cases, sentences are made very long because of attributive clauses. Hence it is important to have a correct comprehension and an accurate translation of attri

2、butive clauses. Different attributive clauses may express different meanings such as purpose, concession, result and so on. An attributive clause usually follows the word it modifies. This is different from Chinese. In Chinese there is no post-position attribute and there cant be too many modifiers

3、preceding the modified word. All this causes changes in translating some sentences which contain attributive clauses.一、定语从句的译法一、定语从句的译法I、译成前置定语、译成前置定语 一般说来,限制性的定语从句可提前译成定语。还有一些定语从句,虽然并不明显地带有限制性质,但本身较短,和被修饰语的关系紧密,也可译成前置定语。1. To be sure, a great rebuilding project would give jobs to many of those peop

4、le who need them.诚然,一个宏伟的重建计划也许能为许多需要工作需要工作的的人提供就业机会。2. This is the solider who just returned from the front. 这是刚从前线回来的刚从前线回来的战士。3. ChengduA city you will never want to say goodbye after arrival.成都 一个你来了就不想离开的城市。 4. In recent years, however, people have begun to become aware that cities are also are

5、as where there is a concentration of problems.可是,近几年来人们开始意识到城市也是问问题成堆的题成堆的地方。 当然,有些起附加说明作用的非限制性定语从句,对先行词也有不同程度的修饰限制作用,有时也可以译为前置定语。5. The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.那个整天躲在云层里的那个整天躲在云层里的太阳,现在又光芒四射地露面了。6. He liked his sister, who was warm and pleasant, but he did no

6、t like his brother, who was aloof冷漠 and arrogant高傲.他喜欢热情愉快的热情愉快的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的冷漠高傲的哥哥。II . 译成后置定语译成后置定语 A、一些结构比较复杂,或者意思上有较强的独立性的限制性定语从句,通常可译为后置的并列句。采取这种译法往往要重复关系代词所代替的词,比如:有时可在此词之前加指示词“这”、“这些”或人称代词“他”、“他们”等等,来使译文明确。7. This volume is prepared as examples for writing compositions which, as it were, has

7、been taken as a difficult task. 本书旨在为写作提供范例,可可以以说说这这一一直直是是一一个个难难题。题。8. Matter is composed of molecules that are composed of atoms.物质是由分子组成的,而分子又是由原子组成的。而分子又是由原子组成的。9. But listen, I met a man, who said you could solve this problem.听着, 我遇见一个人,这这个人说你是有权解决这个问题的。10. Day light comes from the sun, which is

8、 a mass of hot, glowing gas. 日光来自太阳,太阳是一团炽热、发光的气体太阳是一团炽热、发光的气体。B、 非限制性定语从句与先行词的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词加以说明,描述或解释,或对整个句子所陈述的事实或现象加以总结、补充说明,其前都有逗号分开。在汉译时一般译为后置并列分句后置并列分句。如:11.He blamed me for everything, which I thought very unfair.他把一切错误都归罪于我,我认为这很不公平。我认为这很不公平。12. These books, which are only a small part of m

9、y collection, I picked up in American. 这些书是我在美国买,它它们们在在我我的的藏藏书书中中只只占占一一小小部部分分。13. She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was. 她对孩子们很耐心,而她丈夫却很少这样她丈夫却很少这样。14. They seem to enjoy those rewards which they had purchased by a course of unmerited fatigue, and by victories which

10、 almost exceeded belief.他们对那些酬劳看来是很得意的,那些酬劳是他们历经那些酬劳是他们历经千辛万苦,通过取得令人难以置信的胜利得来的千辛万苦,通过取得令人难以置信的胜利得来的。 15. I told the story to John, who(=and he) told it to his brother. 我把这件事告诉了约翰,约翰又告诉了他的弟弟。这种采取后置的办法来处理非限制性定语从句,一般也使用指示代词来重复英语关系代词所代表的含义。(如例13) 16. There are many people who want to select this major.

11、许多人要选这个专业许多人要选这个专业。17. There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.楼下有人要见你有人要见你。III、溶合译法、溶合译法溶合法就是把原句子中的主语和定语从句溶合在一起译成一个独立句子的翻译方法。另外,由于限制性定语从句与主句的关系密切,所以,限制性定语从句似乎更适合采用溶合法。英语中突出的 “there be” 句型就是这样处理的。 18.You are the only person who could do it.只有你才能做这件事。 19. He has a son of twenty who is now at t

12、he college.他有个二十岁的儿子现在正上大学二十岁的儿子现在正上大学。 20. This was the first time I had serious trouble with my leader. 这是我第一次和领导发生严重纠葛。和领导发生严重纠葛。IV. 译成状语译成状语 有些定语从句从形式上看是定语,但在意义上与主句有逻辑状语关系,对主句其原因、结果、目的、条件、让步等状语作用,翻译时应尽可能按照其语法功能,译成与汉语相对应的复句。21. The computer, which seems to play the role of a human brain, is often

13、 called an electronic brain.由于计算机起着类似人脑的作用,所以常常被称作电脑。(译成原因状从)22. She insisted on buying another pair of roller skates, which she had no use of.她坚持要买多一双旱冰鞋,结果却一点用处也没有。23. Rose took Chinese medicine which relieved her symptoms.罗斯服了中药,结果缓解了症状。(译成结果状从)24. There is no bad habit that may not be cured by a

14、 strong willpower.只要有坚强的意志,就没有什么坏习惯改不掉。(译成条件状从) 25. The newswoman wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to shipwreck.这位女记者想写篇文章, 以便能够引起公众对那起沉船事件的注意。(译成目的状语从句)1.A rocket engine can work in space where there is no air.2.She has invited me to visit her family, which is very kind

15、 of her .3.He would be a short-sighted man who did not look beyond.4.Here is the man whom you have been looking for.5.Our two countries are neighbors whose friendship is of long standing.定语从句翻译练习:定语从句翻译练习:翻译练习答案1. 火箭发动机能够在太空中缺乏空气的状态下运行。2. 她善意地邀请我去她家。3. 没有洞察力的人等于近视。4.这就是你一直在找的人。5. 我们两国是有着长久友谊的邻邦。 I.

16、按照原文顺序译出状语从句按照原文顺序译出状语从句1. If you do not mind, I will turn off the heating. 如果你不介意,我就把暖气关上了。2. As far as I know, there isnt such a word in English. 据我所知, 英语里并没有这个单词。二、状语从句的翻译二、状语从句的翻译3. Where water resources are plentiful, hydroelectric power stations are being built in large numbers.哪里有充足的水源,哪里就在兴建

17、大批的水电站。4. Wherever you work, you must always serve the people whole-heartedly. 不论你在哪里工作,你一直都要全心全意地为人民服务。状语从句的翻译5. Though he was defeated in the election, he became famous for his fiery speeches against slavery.虽然他竞选失败了,却以其反对蓄奴制度的激烈演说而出了名。II. 状语从句译在主句之前状语从句译在主句之前6. She is sure to come unless she has

18、some urgent business.除非她有急事,她一定回来的。状语从句的翻译7. Please turn off the light when you leave the dormitory. 离开宿舍,请关上电灯。8. I will never give in, no matter what happens. 不管怎么样,我永远也不会屈服。9. You should not get off until the bus stops.车未停稳之前,你不要下车。10. They started out as soon as the rain stopped.雨一停,他们就出发了。状语从句的

19、翻译III. 状语从句转译成其他类型的状语从句状语从句转译成其他类型的状语从句11. Skill and patience will succeed where force fails.在体力做不到的时候,技巧和耐心会帮助人成功。(地点(地点状从译为时间状从)状从译为时间状从)12. Though not in substance, yet in form, economic reforms are at first a nation-wide revolution.如果不就内容而就形式而言,经济改革首先就是一场全国性的革命。(让步状从译为条件状从)(让步状从译为条件状从)13. Why di

20、d you give up when you could make it?既然你能成功,干嘛要放弃呢?(时间状从译为让步状从) 状语从句的翻译14. She sang resonantly, if slightly nasally. 她唱歌声音洪亮,尽管鼻音略显重了些。(条件状从译为让步状从) IV. 状语从句译成非状语从句状语从句译成非状语从句15. The boy shouted as he ran.那个男孩一边跑,一边喊。(译成并列句)状语从句的翻译16. If you melt two or more metals together, you can get a new metal.将

21、两种以上的金属熔化在一起,就可以产生一种新金属。(译成复合句的主语)18. The monkey was feeling a bit scared when suddenly the crocodile dived under the water.猴子正感到有点儿害怕,鳄鱼突然向水下潜去。19. As he had lots of time, he decided to go to the embankment first.时间还早,他决定先到河岸大道去一下。(内含因果关系的并列句)20. I was just going to explain, when the bell rang.我正要解

22、释,铃声响了。(译成并列句)21. They asked her to stay where she was.他们让她呆在原处。(译成宾语)22. The greedy officials dared to accept any presents, whoever sent them.无论是谁送给他们的礼品无论是谁送给他们的礼品,这些贪官都敢收下。这些贪官都敢收下。(译为定语)1.You may do as you please. (译成谓语)2.When you have tanks of air on you, you can stay in deep water for a long t

23、ime. (时间状从译成条件状从)3.Where there is a will, there is a way. (地点状从译成 条件状从)4.We left in such a hurry that we forgot to lock the door. (直译)5.Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life. (倒译)练习:练习:1. 你愿意怎么做都行。(译成谓语)2. 如果你背着空气袋,你就能长时间地呆在深水中。(时间状从译成条件状从)3. 有志者事竟成。(地点状从译成 条件状从)4. 我们

24、走得很匆忙,结果门都忘锁了。5. 生活中既有悲剧,文学作品就可以写悲剧。状语从句的翻译 练习答案n主语从句的常见译法主语从句的常见译法n宾语从句的常见译法宾语从句的常见译法n表语从句的常见译法表语从句的常见译法n同位语从句的常见译法同位语从句的常见译法 英语名词性从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。在翻译时,词序一般不变,但有时也需采取一些其他处理方法。三、名词性从句的翻译三、名词性从句的翻译名词性从句的翻译.“It+被动语态被动语态+that”句型句型这种句型通常要译成汉语里的主动句,并增译出这种句型通常要译成汉语里的主动句,并增译出“大家大家”“我们我们” “有人有人” “人

25、们人们”等泛指等泛指性的主语。该译法的特点保留了原文句子结构性的主语。该译法的特点保留了原文句子结构的前后顺序,即:先主句,后从句。有时也可的前后顺序,即:先主句,后从句。有时也可译为译为“据据”的句型。如:的句型。如:It is reported that the Summit Meeting will be held in December. 据报道,这个峰会将在月举行。据报道,这个峰会将在月举行。I. 主语从句的译法主语从句的译法2. It could be argued that the radio performs this service just as well; but on

26、television everything is much more living, much more real.可能有人会提出,无线电广播同样能够做到这一点;但是在电视屏幕上,每个节目都显得更加生动,更加真实。3. It is well known that alloy is a metal product containing two or more elements.众所周知(大家都知道),合金是一种含有两种或两种以上元素的金属产品。B. “It +谓语(表语)谓语(表语)+that”句型句型 这样的主语从句句型可处理为: (1) 先把主句的谓语或表语部分译成独立语,然后顺译出从句;(

27、2) 颠倒原文句子结构,先译出从句,再译出主句。如:4. It is strange that she have failed to see his advantages.真奇怪,她竟然没有看出他的优点。5. It goes without saying that plants cannot grow without sunshine.毋庸置疑,没有阳光,植物就不能生长。6. It is quite obvious that the girl still loves you deeply.很明显,这个女孩依然深爱着你。7. It is quite possible that someday J

28、ohn will come to see you again.总有一天约翰会来找你的,这是很有可能的哦!8. It is frequently the case that his car breaks down on the highway.他的车在路上抛锚,这是常有的事儿。9. It is a matter of common experience that bodies are lighter in water than they are in air.物体在水中比在空气中轻,这是一种(大家共有的)常识。 10.It follows that the Chinese comrades co

29、nsider Koreas cause as their own.由此得出,中国同志把朝鲜的事情看成自己的事情。比较上述各句,联系英汉民族思维差异:英语民族重直线思维,要点先给出,其他信息再一一增补;汉语民族重曲线思维,先侧面,外围,后点出信息的重点。因而,英语(前重心)是头短尾长,汉语是(后重心),头大尾小。C. 有有what, whatever, whoever, when, whether等等引导出的主语从句通常可按正常语序译出。如:引导出的主语从句通常可按正常语序译出。如:11. What is hard is to do good all ones life and never do

30、 anything bad.难得的是一辈子做好事而不做坏事。12. What the students find most difficult in English is its idiomatic usage.学生感到, 英语最困难的地方是它的习惯用法。主语从句的翻译13. Whatever was said here must be kept secret.这里说的每句话都应当保密。14. Who will monitor the class is not decided yet.谁当班长还没决定。15. When her parents will come hasnt been unde

31、r consideration.她的父母什么时候到来还没有(纳入)考虑。A.普通句型普通句型以从属连词、连接代词或介词引起的宾语从句汉译时,词序一般不变。如:16. I have not made up my mind as to what elective course I am to take next term.我还有决定下学期上哪些选修课。17. This shows that something unexpected may have turned up.这表明可能出现了意外情况。引导词的处理:that不译,疑问词译出,whether译为:“是否)。II.宾语从句的译法宾语从句的译法

32、18. Lei Feng always thought how he could do more for people.雷锋总是想到怎样为人民做更多的事。19. She was never satisfied with what she had achieved.她从不满足于她取得的成就。20. Zhang San replied that he was very sorry.张三回答说说,他感到很遗憾。B. 用用it 作形势宾语的句子,汉译时,宾语从句可按原文作形势宾语的句子,汉译时,宾语从句可按原文译出,但译出,但it 可省译。可省译。21. I leave it to your own

33、judgment whether you should do it.我让你自己判断,这件事该不该做。22. I made it clear to the students that they must hand in their assignments before 11 a.m.我给学生讲明,他们必须在上午11点前交作业。23. I think it quite true that he ventured out to Shangri-la.他又冒险去香格里拉了,我觉得这件事千真万确。 C.英语中有时为了修辞强调,英语中有时为了修辞强调, 把宾语从句置于主把宾语从句置于主句前,汉译时句前,汉

34、译时 也可遵从该修辞效果,顺序译出。也可遵从该修辞效果,顺序译出。如:24. Whether they like it or not, I dont care.他们喜不喜欢,我可不管。25. What they were asked to do in 10 days, they finished in two.让他们是天做的事,他们两天就做完了。一般情况可以按原文译出。26. Thats what we should do. 这正是我们的本分(应该做的事)。27. The question which worries everyone today is: how long will these

35、 fuels last?今天人人都担心的问题是:这些燃料能维持多久?28. “If I have seen farther than other man, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants” (Newton)“要说我比别人望得远了一点,那是因为我已经站在了巨人的肩旁上。”(牛顿)III. 表语从句的译法表语从句的译法极少数的表语从句也可以按照汉语的表达习惯,把表语从句提前。29. That is why the “know-all” is ridiculous.“万事通”之所以可笑,原因就在于这个地方。30. That

36、is why she is so happy.她如此高兴的原因就在这里。表语从句句型译法总结:表语从句句型译法总结:1、在、在 “that (this) is why”结构中,如先译主句,后译从结构中,如先译主句,后译从句就成了句就成了“这就是为什么这就是为什么” , “ 这就是为什么这就是为什么的的原因原因 (缘故)(缘故)”;如先译从句,后译主句,常译为;如先译从句,后译主句,常译为“ 的原因(理由)就在这里的原因(理由)就在这里”。2、在、在 “that (it) is because”句型中,常先译主句,后句型中,常先译主句,后译从句,成为译从句,成为“这是因为这是因为”,“这是因为(

37、由于)这是因为(由于)的缘故的缘故”。3、在、在“This is what”结构中,先主后从就译为结构中,先主后从就译为“这就是这就是的(内容);若先从后主就译为的(内容);若先从后主就译为“ 就是这个道就是这个道理(意思)理(意思) ”。 英语中的同位语从句与其所修饰的名词(代词)处于同等地位,对其作进一步的解释。当然,同位语可以是单词、短语或从句。一般有三种处理方式:A.同位语从句不提前31. There can be no doubt that he is qualified for the job. 毫无疑问他能胜任这项工作。32. Can you produce any eviden

38、ce that he was not at college that night? 你能不能提出证明,断定那天夜里他不在这儿。IV.同位语从句的翻译同位语从句的翻译33. I had no idea that you were here. 我不知道你也在这儿。B. 同位语从句提前34. There can be no doubt that she is competent for this job. 她能胜任这项工作,这是毫无疑问的。35.This is a certainty that socialism will replace capitalism. 社会主义将代替资本主义,这是必然的事

39、。36. Do away with the mistaken metaphysical notions that “Gold must be pure.” 要打破“金要足赤”的形而上学的错误思想。C.把同位语译成独立的句子,在其前加“即”,或在名词之后用冒号或破折号引出同位语从句。37. We are familiar with the idea that all matter consists of atoms.我们都熟悉这样一个概念,即一切物质均由原子组成。38. Through many years practice of teaching foreign language, I hav

40、e derived a new experience that translation is the best possible approach to studying English.通过多年的外语教学经验,我获得了一条新经验:翻译是学习英语的最好办法。39.They marvel at the fact that China did it all on its own.他们对这个事实感到十分惊讶所有一切都是中国凭自己的力量完成的。40. He was allowed to go climbing on condition that he kept near his teachers an

41、d classmates.允许他去爬山的条件是不能离开老师和同学。1.That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind. 2. It is a common knowledge that weight is a pull exerted on an object by the earth.3. Have you decided whom you are to nominate as your candidate?4. That is where you are wrong.5. We had to face the fact that our prospects were less than good.名词性从句的翻译 练习1、理论联系实际一直是我们的准则(原则)。2、重量是地球作用在物体上的引力,这是大家都知道的。3、你是否已决定提名谁当候选人了?4、这正是你错的地方。5、我们不得不正视这样的事实:我们的前景并不妙。名词性从句的翻译 练习答案



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