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1、 TranslationBy Leilent中译英1. 简介 在四级新题型考试中,翻译题所占分值为10。由5个句子组成,要求考生将句子的一部分由中文翻译成英文。它考查的内容主要包括两部分,一是意群的表达,二是句法。或者说是:词组和固定搭配,时态和语态,以及简答从句的掌握。对单词的考察不是降低了,而是提高了,不仅要能认识单词还要会拼写,并知道其用法。2. 题型分析:翻译部分的题目从形式来说,可以考查:1) 主句2) 从句3) 介词结构4) ing 形式5) 不定式6) 其它中译英3. 步骤:第一步:快速浏览句子,先看英文不看中文,判断划线处所填句子的形式(1.词组固定搭配:不定式、分词、动名词、

2、从句 2.虚拟 3.被动),时态(根据前后已经给出的英语句子判断所填时态)。第二步:看括号里的汉语内容,确定关键词。第三步:先译主谓宾,后译定状补,勿对应翻译,应重新组合。动词注意时态,名词注意单复数。中译英4. 解题技巧1) 确定关键词(一般由两个词或词组组成),寻找可能的英文相应表达;2) 利用相应的语法结构或功能连接方(connectives)将两个英文词或词组连接起来;3) 结合待翻译的文字在句子中所处的位置与功能,根据句法结构理顺语言。5.实战演练以四级新题型样题中的翻译题为例,说明翻译题型的解题步骤与方法。例:四级新题型试点考试样卷翻译翻译87. The substance doe

3、s not dissolve in water_(不管是否加热).关键词加热heat;不管是否(no matter) whether or not连 接heat与其逻辑主语substance 之间需采用被动被动连接,即heat加ed优 化whether (it is) heated or not. 注意,it is可省略点 评如果heated or not 放在句首,whether也可以省略。翻译88. Not only_(他向我收费过高),but he didnt do a good repair job either.关键词收费过高overcharge, charge too much/h

4、igh 连 接句首的 Not only 决定了倒装连接,下文用了过去时态,因此这里需在he 之前加did优 化(Not only) did he charge me too much/high,/did he overcharge me,点 评如果未能想出用overcharge/charge too much 表示“收费过高”,也可以将其含义“化解”掉,用 ask for too much 来表达,答案可以是did he ask me for too much。89. Your losses in trade this year are nothing_(与我的相比).关键词相比 compar

5、e (with), in comparison with;我的mine, my losses连 接compare 与其逻辑主语 Your losses 之间需采用被动连接优 化in comparison with mine 或compared with mine 点 评此处最好用介词词组,如果用compared with mine 放在句首更合适。翻译90. On average, it is said, visitors spend only_(一半的钱)in a day in Leeds as in London.关键词一半half;钱money连 接注意后文的 as,此处需用一比较连接词

6、as,并在 as 后需增添一形容词或副词优 化half as much money 点 评这里因为前文有 spend,这里可以省略 money;此处如果先把“一半”的意思。先撇开,更易“化解”原文,即先译出“一天里在利兹和在伦敦花同样多的钱”,spend as much (money) in a day in Leeds as in London,然后将“(只有)一半”加进去,这样来看(only) half 只能放在as much 前。o“倍数 + as + adj./ adv. + as”翻译91. By contrast, American mothers were more likely

7、_(把孩子的成功归因于)natural talent.关键词孩子的成功childrens success / success of the children;把归因于attributeto / oweto连 接上文的 were more likely 后需 to优 化to attribute their childrens success /success of their children to点 评“把归因于”也可以化解为“相信的原因是”,即believe that their childrens success is due to/ the main factor for their c

8、hildrens success is翻译常考要点:1. 动词短语,形容词等的固定搭配2. 时态:11种常用时态3. 语态:主动或被动4. 虚拟语气5. 比较级,最高级6. 倒装句等句型7. 从句知识8. 非谓语结构:现在分词或过去分词固定搭配比较结构 compare with ; identical with/to ; as much+ n.+ as; the er, the er, 状语从句 as, though, if, unless, until, no matter, so as to, since, whether, once 定语结构 名词从句 虚拟语气 分词或不定式状语, on

9、ly to, concerning, given that 并列句: or, on the other hand, 虚拟语气第一种:由 “ if ”引导的虚拟句子与现在的事实相反:If were/did-, - + would do-e.g. If I were you, I would marry him. 与过去的事实相反:If - + had done-, - +would have done-e.g. If you had worked hard, you would have passed the exam.与将来的事实可能相反:If -+ should do-, -+ would

10、do- e.g. If it should rain tomorrow, what would you do ?虚拟语气第二种:用在表示要求、建议、命令等的名词从句中,从句谓语形式为:“-(should ) + do sth”类似用法的动词有: insist , suggest , order , propose , demand , command , advise , desire , request , require , ask , prefer (宁愿), recommend(推荐) , arrange , advocate ( 拥护、提倡) ,maintain(坚决主张)等后面的宾

11、语从句中。第三种:用在“It + be + important (necessary , natural , essential , strange , absurd , amazing , annoying , desirable, surprising , vital , advisable , anxious , compulsory , crucial , imperative , eager , fitting , possible , impossible , improper , obligatory , probable , preferable , strange , urg

12、ent 等, 以及insisted , suggested , ordered , requested , arranged , recommended 等) + that -”结构中的that 引导的主语从句中。第四种:用在It is time that - 结构中, 表示“该干某事了”, 含建议的意思, 用动词过去式。e.g. It is time (that) we went to bed.固定句子和短语结构的考查固定句子和短语结构的考查 o表因果关系短语表因果关系短语:thanks to-, attribute to -(归因于) result in -, originate from

13、-,be responsible for-,contribute to -(促使,有利于)o动词短语动词短语: eg. Convince sbof sth,(说服某人做某事), come into effect (实施,生效) , get involved into sth(参与,卷入某事), adapt to -(适应-),take sth into consideration (考虑,顾及到- )take advantage of-(利用-),be entitled to -(对-享有权利,有-资格), approve of-(赞成-), inform sb of sth-(告知某人某事)

14、take -for(把认为是-)to make the best of -(充分利用-), apply sth to-(运用于-) resort to-(求助于)take the trouble to-(不辞辛劳地) consist of- (由-组成),to keep space with (与并肩前进), take -for granted,(认为-理所当燃。) to take side with-(支持-, 站在-方面)。convert from-to- o介词短语介词短语: for pity sake-(出于同情), in case of-(假使,万一-), on behalf of

15、-(代表-,), in charge of-(管理,负责-, for the sake of -(为了-起见,看在-分上), on the point of -(正要-之际) in honor of -(为纪念-,为向-表示)in(out of) contact with-(和有/无联系),at the age of-(在-岁时)固定句子和短语结构的考查固定句子和短语结构的考查o名词短语名词短语:domestic market(国内市场)severe earthquake(严重的地震灾害 )o形容词短语形容词短语:eg. be concious of - (意识到-) be concerned

16、 about-(), be ashamed of -(为感到羞愧,耻辱) be accustomed doing-(习惯于-), be superior/(inferior) to-(比-优/劣). Be relevant to-(与-相关) be uneasy about-(忧虑-), be worried about -, be content with-(满足于-), be critical of -(对-批评,挑剔), be consistent with-(与-一致) , contary to-(与-相反)o固定表达固定表达:When it comes to, -(当提到-), so

17、 much so that-(到如此程度,以至-), it occurs to sb-(某人想到-), as to sb(至于-),might just as well-(不妨-)o易混淆的词易混淆的词: considerate/ considerable continual/ continous economic/ economical oeffective/effcient source/ resource historic/ historical award/ reward preserve/ reserveotransfer/ transform/ transmit intensive

18、/ extensive/excessive electrical/ electric/electrnicoinform/ reform attribute/contribute/distribute confirm/ conform assure/ ensure/ insure倒装句1. _(我刚刚到家) than the telephone rang.2. If you wont agree to our plan,_( 他们也不会同意 ).3. Only after I slapped him on the back ( 他才发现我并高兴得叫起来 ).4. Not until people

19、 can completely trust you_(你才能对他们产生积极的影响) .倒装句1.Pinned to their drawing boards are blue prints for improved quake-resistant buildings.2.As worrying, though, is the passenger who cant hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the musics too loud.倒装句3. Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them.4. Of major concern to Amtrak and its advertising agency DDB Needham, were the long-distance western routes where ridership had been declining significantly.



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