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1、Translationof Contracts合同的文体特点n合同是为搞好协作而拟定的一种凭证,涉及当事人经合同是为搞好协作而拟定的一种凭证,涉及当事人经济、技术、法律问题。济、技术、法律问题。n从语言上看,比较正式严格、详尽准确、复杂艰深;从语言上看,比较正式严格、详尽准确、复杂艰深;n从内容上看,它针对特定的事务、内容、项目、场合,从内容上看,它针对特定的事务、内容、项目、场合,只与当事人和相关人员有关;只与当事人和相关人员有关;n从结构上看,合同由前言、正文、和最后条款组成,从结构上看,合同由前言、正文、和最后条款组成,其中前言包含当事人名称和缔约目的原则等,正文明其中前言包含当事人名称

2、和缔约目的原则等,正文明确规定当事人的具体权利和义务、违约赔偿、争议解确规定当事人的具体权利和义务、违约赔偿、争议解决、适用法律等,最后条款包括合同的法定地址、效决、适用法律等,最后条款包括合同的法定地址、效力范围、有效条件、双方代表签字等;力范围、有效条件、双方代表签字等;合同的文体特点n从句式结构看,合从句式结构看,合同的句子都比较长,中间插入同的句子都比较长,中间插入成分较多,一个句子就是一段的情形随处可见。成分较多,一个句子就是一段的情形随处可见。n例如:例如:Technical Documentation means the technical literatures, drawin

3、gs, pictures, tapes, that Party B possesses and has applied or developed for its own production as well as in its current manufacture during the validity term of the contract for designing, calculating, manufacturing, qulaity control, assembling installations, maintaining and testing of the Contract

4、 Products (hereinafter referred to as Documentation).合同的文体特点n技术文件指的是乙方所持有的并在生产中加以应用和开发的技术文献、技术文件指的是乙方所持有的并在生产中加以应用和开发的技术文献、图纸、照片、磁带等,在合同有效期内仍在当前的制作过程中,用于图纸、照片、磁带等,在合同有效期内仍在当前的制作过程中,用于对合同的产品进行设计、计算、制造、质量控制、安装、维护、测试对合同的产品进行设计、计算、制造、质量控制、安装、维护、测试等(一下称文件)等(一下称文件).n从指称上看,合同通篇使用间接指称代词,例如:从指称上看,合同通篇使用间接指称代

5、词,例如:nBoth party agree that. Party A, Party B, a third party, the Seller, the Buyer, the Recipient Party, the Supplyingn从表达上看,合同具有条理性,一般包括纲目、条款、细则。从表达上看,合同具有条理性,一般包括纲目、条款、细则。n从措辞上看,合同规定了双方的权利和义务具有法律约束力。为避免从措辞上看,合同规定了双方的权利和义务具有法律约束力。为避免产生歧义误解,行文必须严谨,措词准确。产生歧义误解,行文必须严谨,措词准确。thereof(关于(关于.; 由此由此, 因此)因此

6、), aforesaid(上述的(上述的; 前述的)前述的), herein(在此处(在此处, 鉴于鉴于, 如此)等古词常用于合同,如此)等古词常用于合同,shall一词也是特定法律词汇,表示下面一词也是特定法律词汇,表示下面的情况属法定范围。的情况属法定范围。合同翻译的步骤及注意事项n翻译合同常常涉及国际贸易、国际汇兑、会计学、运输学、保险学、翻译合同常常涉及国际贸易、国际汇兑、会计学、运输学、保险学、法学等专业知识。需遵循的翻译步骤如下:法学等专业知识。需遵循的翻译步骤如下:n首先,要通读全文,以求全面理解和掌握合同内容,了解合同的总体首先,要通读全文,以求全面理解和掌握合同内容,了解合同

7、的总体概貌和结构;概貌和结构;n第二,仔细研读各章节。契约的条款具有相对独立性,可以逐字、逐第二,仔细研读各章节。契约的条款具有相对独立性,可以逐字、逐句、逐条、逐段、逐节、逐章仔细研读,反复推敲。句、逐条、逐段、逐节、逐章仔细研读,反复推敲。n第三,准确表达。翻译时,要求译文与原文内容等值,避免差错和误第三,准确表达。翻译时,要求译文与原文内容等值,避免差错和误解。解。n第四,在准确表达的前提下,力求是译文的格式和文体符合合同规范第四,在准确表达的前提下,力求是译文的格式和文体符合合同规范要求。要求。n TRADE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE nGOVERNMENT OF TH

8、E PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA n AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF .nThe Government of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as China) and the Government of the Republic of .(hereinafter referred to as .), in pursuance of the Trade and Payments Agreement signed between the two gove

9、rnments on 14th September, 1995, have, through friendly negotiations on the trade for the first agreement year (1996) between China and ., entered into the following agreement:n Article 1nThe Peoples Republic of China shall, according to its requirements, import from .commodities enumerated in List

10、A for a total amount of $.(U.S. dollars)n Article 2nThe Republic of . shall, according to its requirements, import from Chian commodities enumerated in List B for a total amount of $. (U.S. dollars)n Article 3nThe quality and prices of the commodities to be exchanged between the importers and export

11、eres in the two countries shall be acceptable to both sides and the prices shall be fixed in accordance with wolrd market prices.n Article 4nIn accordance with the stipulation mentioned in Article 16 of the Trade and Payments Agreement referred to above, the credit line shall be $ .(U.S. dollars)n T

12、his contract shall become operative from the date on which the Trade and Payments Agreement comes into force and shall be valid for one year.n Done in duplicate in Beijing on the 14th day of September, 1995 in the English and Chinese languages, both texts being equally authentic.n For the Government

13、 For the governmentn of the Peoples of the Republicn Repulic of China of .n . .n (signiture) (signiture)n译文:n中华人民共和国政府和。共和国政府中华人民共和国政府和。共和国政府n贸易合同贸易合同n 中华人民共和国政府(下文简称中国)和。共和国政府(下文简称。中华人民共和国政府(下文简称中国)和。共和国政府(下文简称。),根据。),根据1995年年9月月14日签订的两国政府贸易和支付协定,就第一个协日签订的两国政府贸易和支付协定,就第一个协定年度(定年度(1996年)的贸易进行了友好商谈,达

14、成如下协议:年)的贸易进行了友好商谈,达成如下协议:n 第一条第一条n 中国根据需要从。进口附表中国根据需要从。进口附表“甲甲”所列的商品,总值为。美元。所列的商品,总值为。美元。n第二条第二条n 。根据需要从中国进口附表。根据需要从中国进口附表“乙乙”所列的商品,总值为。美元。所列的商品,总值为。美元。n第三条第三条n 本合同的附表本合同的附表“甲甲”和附表和附表“乙乙”为本合同的组成部分。对未列入上述为本合同的组成部分。对未列入上述附表内的商品的交换,并无限制之意。附表内的商品的交换,并无限制之意。n第四条第四条n 两国进出口公司所交换的商品的质量和价格应是双方都能接受的,价格两国进出口公

15、司所交换的商品的质量和价格应是双方都能接受的,价格应按照国际市场的价格确定。应按照国际市场的价格确定。n第五条第五条n 根据上述的贸易和支付协定第根据上述的贸易和支付协定第16条规定,透支额为。美元。条规定,透支额为。美元。n 本合同将于贸易和支付协定生效之日起执行,有效期为一年。本合同将于贸易和支付协定生效之日起执行,有效期为一年。n 本合同于本合同于1995年年9月月14日在北京签订,一式两份,用中文和英文日在北京签订,一式两份,用中文和英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。写成,两种文本具有同等效力。n中华人民共和国政府代表中华人民共和国政府代表 。共和国政府代表共和国政府代表n 。(签字)。

16、(签字) 。(签字)。(签字)练习:n将下列合同译成中文:将下列合同译成中文:nCONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENTn The Pharmacology Department of . Medical College (the engaging party) has engaged Dr. . (the engaged party) as a teacher of pharmacology. The two parites, in the spirit of friendship and coopertaion, have agreed to sign and comply with

17、the below stated conditions:n 1. The term of service is one year, beginning September 1, 1988 through August 31, 1989.n 2. The duties of the engaged party is mutually agreed to be:n a. Training teachers of pharmacology and students taking refresher courses.n b. Conducting pharmacology classes and ad

18、vising students and teachers on pharmacological activities.练习n c. Compliling pharmacology textbooks and supplementary teaching material, undertaking other work connected witht the pharmacology.n d. Having 18 up to 20 teaching periods in a week.n e. The engaged party works five days a week and eight

19、hours a day. The engaged party will have legal holidays as prescribed by the Chinese Government. The vacation is fixed by the school callendar.n 3. The engaging party agrees to pay the engaged party a monthly salary of nine hundred yuan (Chinese currency) and provide him with various benefits.n 4. T

20、he engaged party must observe the regulations of the Chinese Government connecting residence, wages and benefits, and travel for foreigners when entering, leaving and passing through the PRC territories, and must follow the work练习nschedules of the engaging pary.n 6. Neither pary shall, without suffi

21、cient cause or reason, cancel the contract.n If the engaging pary finds it imperative to terminate the contract, then, in addition to bearing the corresponding expenses for wages and benefits, it must pay the engaged pary one months extra salary as compensation allowance, and arrange for him and his

22、 familys return to their own country within a month.n If the engaged party submit his/her resignation within the contract period, the engaging party will be relieved of the responsibility for wages and benefits as of the date the engageds resignation is accepted and approved by the engaging party. I

23、n addition, the engaged party must provide 练习nfor his and his familys return to the country of origin without expense to the engaging institution.n 7. The present contract becomes effective on the first day of service herein stipulated and ceases to be effective on the last day of service. If either

24、 party wishes to renew the contract, negotiations must be entered prior to the expiration of the original contract. Upon agreement by both parties through consultation a new contract may be signed.n 8. Should any matter, not provided for in this contract, arises during the course of performance, it will be settled through consultation by the two parites.n 9. The Chinese translation of this contract will faithfully represent the spirit of the English version and shall be binding on both parites.练习n. .n(the engaging party) (the engaged party)



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