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1、塑造领导艺术塑造领导艺术如何使自己成为卓越的领导人如何使自己成为卓越的领导人如何使自己成为卓越的领导人如何使自己成为卓越的领导人from from The 21 irrefutable laws of leadershipThe 21 irrefutable laws of leadershipBy John C. MaxwellBy John C. Maxwell 领导地位True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from influence, and that cant be manda

2、ted; It must be earned. The only thing title can buy is a a little timeeither to increase your level of influence with others or to erase it.Its not the position that makes the leader; its the leader that makes the position.智商和领导能力没有必然联系You can visit any major university and meet brilliant research

3、scientists and philosophers whose ability to think is so high that its off the charts, but whose ability to lead is so low that it doesnt even register on the charts. IQ doesnt necessarily equate to leadershipWherever you look, you can find smart, talented, successful people who are able to go only

4、so far because of the limitations of their leadership. 权力的比喻Being in power is like being a lady, If you have to tell people you are, you arent. .(Margaret Thatcher)领导与管理The main difference between the two is that leadership is about influencing people to follow, while management focuses on maintaini

5、ng systems and processes.领导者的前四个重要能力Credibility is the foundation of leadership. People look for and admire in their leaders: HONEST, FORWARD-LOOKING, COMPETENT, INSPIRING. If you dont believe in the messenger, you wont believe the message. To believe in the exciting future possibilities leaders pre

6、sent, constituents must first believe in their leaders trustworthiness, expertise, and dynamism领导人如何赢得尊重When you dont have strength within, you cant respect without. And respect is absolutely essential for lasting leadership. How do leaders earn respect? By making sound decisions, admitting their mi

7、stakes, and putting whats best for their followers and the organization ahead of their personal agendas.When people respect someone as a person, they admire him, when they respect him as a friend, they love him, when they respect him as a leader, they follow him.人格与领导力Character makes trust possible,

8、 and trust makes leadership possible. That is the law of solid ground.You cant move people to action unless you first move them with emotion. The heart comes before the head.To lead yourself, use your head; to lead others, use your heart.Effective leaders know that you first have to touch peoples he

9、arts before you ask them for a hand.领导的授权The peoples capacity to achieve is determined by their leaders ability to empower.When a leader cant or wont empower others, he creates barriers within the organization that people cannot overcome. If the barriers remain long enough, then the people give up,

10、or they move to another organization where they can maximize their potential.领导者与追随者关系The leader finds the dream and then the people. The people find the leader and then the dream.People dont at first follow worthy causes. They follow worthy leaders who promote worthwhile causes.He who thinks he lea

11、ds but has no followers, is only taking a walk.用生动的故事来领导Use stories, analogies, and metaphors, the timeless way to teach virtues. Statistical summaries, facts, and policy statements, because they are typically abstract and bland, lack impact and are treated as uninformative. In contrast, stories, an

12、alogies and metaphors have a substantial impact on decision making承担责任,放弃权利When you become a leader, you lose the right to think about yourselfAs you rise in leadership, responsibilities increase and rights decrease.If leaders have to give up to go up, then they have to give up even more to stay up.

13、给别人荣誉Great things can happen when you dont care who gets the credit. The greatest things happen only when you give others the credit.人们不仅仅为钱工作Dont make the mistake of assuming that individuals respond only to money. Although salary increases or bonuses are certainly appreciated, individual needs for

14、 and appreciation of rewards extend much further. Verbal recognition of performance in front of ones peers and visible awards, such as certificates, plaques, and other tangible gifts, are powerful indeed and almost unlimited领导与危机Leadership experiences are voyages of discovery and adventures of a lif

15、etime. Theyre challenging explorations under rigorous conditions, and they require pioneering spirits. You can see that spirit in the smiles on their faces Leaders learn by leading, and they learn best by leading in the face of obstacles. As weather shapes mountains, problems shape leaders错误决策的后果If

16、you make one bad decision after another, you keep paying out change. Then one day, after making one last bad decision, you are going to reach into your pocket and realize you are out of change. When youre out of change, youre out as the leader.Our evidence suggests that acting in ways to hide mistak

17、es will be much more damaging and will, in fact, erode credibility正确的时间做正确的决策If a leader repeatedly shows poor judgment, even in little things, people start to think that having him as the leader is the real mistake.When leaders do the right things at the right time, success is almost inevitable.Whe

18、n the right leader and the right timing come together, incredible things happen.倾听别人Listen deeply to others: The first task in enlisting others is to identify our constituents and find out what their common aspirations are. No matter how grand the dream of an individual visionary, if others dont see

19、 in it the possibility of realizing their own hopes and desires, they wont follow压制思想的恶果When confronted with change, some tend to respond like firefighters hosing down a firethey douse ideas before they can flare upand thereby extinguish enthusiasm and spiritTo push people down, you have to go down

20、with them.控制型经理不会被信任 People who work for more controlling managers are more likely to keep information to themselves, not reveal the truth, not be honest about what is going on. They know that little good comes from telling the truth. Controlling managers have low credibility. Highly controlling beh

21、aviorsinspecting, correcting, checking upsignal lack of trust. How do you respond to people who dont trust you? You dont trust them人们先抛弃领导后抛弃组织Its equally important in why people leave organizations. People, in fact, dont generally quit organizations, they quit their leaders。人员、关系、结构、远见、领导Personnel determine the potential of the organization. Relationships determine the morale of the organization. Structure determines the size of the organization. Vision determines the direction of the organization. Leadership determines the success of the organization.



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