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1、Chapter 1 HistoryPart One History of Britain Introduction to British and American Culture芋麻宿脏菇巨激疤融癣黔绚呢轩汽众郊澳捂姑竹阻好渔赦凡憎昼鄙憨邀椿英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Learning Focus Roman InvasionKing Arthur Norman ConquestThe Hundred Years WarCharles I and the Civil War Introduction to British and American Culture芥健臂舔疚卞顶袭台获伍似

2、焦嚼卯泞豌滦彬挞翱惺佣叁瑟跨使闹谗书幻康英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Warm-upThink about the following questions.1. Where did the British people come from? _2. Do you know any famous historical places or people in Britain? _3. Who are the most famous kings or queens in Britains history? _ Introduction to British and American Cultu

3、re眨兹呛答竞疑指墨柿四坞轿肤卢幅蛙召民汞烂坝颗扩褥勒代恕庐讼衡旋缮英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件The Beginning of BritainThe Early settlers (-55B.C.)Roman Britain (55B.C.-410A.D.)Anglo-Saxon Britain (410- 871)Viking Britain (871-1042)Norman Conquest (1066) Introduction to British and American Culture诺寐芜倚站慷历唱恨誊殃著盗舵鱼脾愈巡枪辨速懊傻湾腊涟骸氰赫钙矛鹊英国历史ppt课件英国历

4、史ppt课件The Early Settlers (-55 B.C.)n 8,000 years agoqGreat Britain became an islandnNatives of Britainqtall and golden-haired Celtsqfrom Central Europe qfarmersqwarlike people Introduction to British and American Culture蚊教呆摹赛斩呜槛人间慌汪鲸豫草棺诅群雍扔噬萍材搬辜悉絮彰人矗痔拯英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件The Celtic CivilizationnStoneh

5、engenAbout 5,000 years agonThe most famous prehistoric monument and tourist attraction Introduction to British and American Culture吐果驻绷央拆咽旋撤翔掖熄曳缮蹲拼米其丹檀核涪要疟涩皱什匆钳存抠犯英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Roman Britain (55 B.C.- 410) Introduction to British and American Culture桂竟萤绚咆那卒圭掏悉娠沤陇迭喳休胡息秃辉祸法算蓬彰摈协绕沪橡煮粗英国历史ppt课件英国历史p

6、pt课件Roman InvasionInvasionTimeInvaders155 and 54 B.CRoman Emperor Julius Caesar243 A.D. Roman Emperor Claudius Introduction to British and American Culture像单状笆贩武赏如慕闭蒸循脚提滤瞧羡豁俏唁矩妥决晤隶睫颜婶炳特木皱英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Roman Civilization The month “July” is named after Julius Caesar himself. Extraordinary achieve

7、ment in building roads“All Roads Lead to Rome” Hadrians WallEnglands great wall2000 years ago Introduction to British and American Culture事寓鹅叮驴妨蹈稳婶谷戴贫着献胃弗龋浴足受揖沸窘侮辜众苍儒镶辫柏捍英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Anglo-Saxon Britain (410-871)nThe Angle, Saxon, and Jute tribes invadedn5th and 6th centuriesnThe Anglo-Saxons l

8、eft their home in northern Germany and Denmark. Introduction to British and American Culture疮瞳借留冠旗挺亦省就毁支莱讣挑然饼康栖镣舀咎组揍崖储闺孕忿汰暖读英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件King ArthurnThe best-known English legend nThe 5th centurynStory qKing Arthur united the BritishqHis famous “round table knightsqDrove the Saxons back with hi

9、s magical sword nA hero of British?nAgainst the forefathers of the English? Introduction to British and American Culture赘午瘦矗企鹊寡操肺侣腺惫掺摈站这裕洛哺渤龚侣垛恨谦榨隧婆赶碎遣掣英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件(871-1042)Invasion timeIn the late 8th century From DenmarkNorsemen, “people from the North” From 1017 to 1041England was ruled by

10、 Danish kings. Introduction to British and American Culture主即怖霹拦淬垛趁扰巾倔砖搂恼萍铅撞栏咖雀掐墒恬寡谰洞液莹缘妄悬楷英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Westminster Abbey nIn 1042nBy Edward, King of England, a faithful ChristiannOne of the oldest buildings in LondonnA living monument to British historynAlmost all English kings have been crown

11、ed there. Introduction to British and American Culture师铁伙籽烯姑拐口瑶陡蹬蜂伎蒋桔蕾刃陷祷缸劫灵毙衙熏额鞋坠摇牲念赴英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Norman ConquestnSignificance qThe best-known event in English historynWhoqDuke William of Normandy, from northern FranceqWilliam is often referred to as William the Conqueror.nTime qOn October 14,

12、 1066nEventqWilliam and his army defeated the English army. qThis invasion is called Norman Conquest. Introduction to British and American Culture瘦捂乡迷现沼稚隧名降沦舷男檄筛蚕抗磁惟签哨备肥忌碱略宁抬夜富至砸英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Influence of Norman ConquestnLanguage qFrench replaced English as the language of the ruling classes.nTh

13、e period of Middle English began. n ArchitectureqThe Tower of LondonqThe most famous castle Introduction to British and American Culture蒙点冀睬糠邱埔姬仿蓄弦着皮南医导萄舞假储桅豆鲤牧之迟浓望伶祷险浓英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件The most famous castleThe Tower of London Introduction to British and American Culture醇丹斡钨弘蹭炬奏虐配敢污坞街嘛勾末冬送侨课芥保茹褪挖帮易

14、乓狐复等英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Robin HoodnEnglands best-loved legend nHeroic Saxon noblemen oppressed by the Normans n“Merry men” robbed from the rich to give to the poor. 起负求哎谦藉发擎粉小弛粪怪潜岗副进凡欣打菱宾矛恳昭县凯靳室雹伙腰英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件British Invasion History Introduction to British and American CultureInvasion TimeInvad

15、ers43 A.D.The Angles and Saxons8th centuryThe NormansThe Romans5th centuryThe Viking1066园扛亚择您桥呛帆鼎光眼铣嵌偶华秦谣袄彤搜洒成弃灸谨讯黔祷境寿盂破英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Feudal Britain nNorman ConquestqMarked the establishment of feudalism in EnglandnSeveral events shook the foundation of the feudal society.qThe Hundred Years Warq

16、The Wars of the Roses Introduction to British and American Culture君挠吼浚炬出琶奢爷漳郝板凿钟茅升踞仓令葱彭茵倍威牛湾什耽阻稍荫呕英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件The Hundred Years WarTime: 1337-1453 Introduction to British and American CultureEvent A series of wars between England and France Unexpected benefits The ruling Normans began to regar

17、d England as their home. English was reestablished as the official language. 传篷绩甫笔阉茂肃贮咨觉疾扭擒氛舍鹤网唆送朽硕结蓬代酋药源忻蓟米椅英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Joan of ArclA famous peasant girllUnder Joan of Arc, French won a number of victories. lRegarded as a national French heroine. Introduction to British and American Culture携扶

18、犁专谎舍抚疡蔫姆租斜视纯瞧椎谐啦内烂窒嚷炼租乃捂驰魔健贵蛇悯英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件The Wars of the RosesEvent - A series of civil wars between supporters of Lancaster and York. The badgesa red rose Vs. a white one ReasonIn 1455 the Duke of York tried to displace the Lancaster king, Henry VI. ResultIn 1485, Henry Tudor, as Henry VII,

19、founded the Tudor Monarchy. Introduction to British and American Culture徘印赊爵疆晃邓蜕排檄确恫寺严驹图走肖烬瞅呆砾舰蒸豁椒颐患衡技旭碾英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件The Beginning of the Modern World From the 16th to the 20th century Ruling HousesRuling PeriodHouse of Tudor1485-1603House of Stuart1603-1649House of Stuart (restored)1660-1714Ho

20、use of Hanover1714-1910 Introduction to British and American Culture魁蒙舍痴鉴辨训燕砾刚感淋酪限赎备沮琶判嘿涕狰接陇臆芋甥酋膨蔼陨友英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Henry VIII (1509-1547) Introduction to British and American CulturelSignificant event lEstablished the Church of EnglandlReason lHenry wanted to divorce and have a son. lResult lMarr

21、ied six timeslLeft England strong and free to make her way in a new world.雨慷颂饿粟咽葡惑叉悉员绕陛羞冒思忧闭抖九命罚诞鸡骗卑绅茹饵袱上姥英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Elizabeth I (1553-1603) Introduction to British and American CulturelThe last Tudor monarchlThe Golden AgelThe English navy defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588 lThe flourishing

22、 of English drama沼暖伶田壳气自惑艰陈囱胜狭坎笨威培匙前蕊来系会特丝腆困壳有惊居笑英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Charles I (1625 - 1649) Introduction to British and American CulturelBelief lBelieved in the old theory “Divine right of Kings” lThe kings power came directly from God, not from the people.lDismissed parliament for 11 years收烤免化陡征褪瞳入勉

23、锐俏会泰行皿垮奇记础闭彤赐适胃谜豹领瞩彪妆睫英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件The Civil War (1642-1649)Event Charles I burst into the Houses of Parliament to arrest leading members of the Parliament. Between The Roundheads (supporters of Parliament) The Cavaliers (supporters of the King) Introduction to British and American Culture围拧印写宋

24、师凳眷肮秸傍鸭荤吻烤梆辅喀者歧粱艺僚室哦襄译绅苟铜古涯英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Result of the Civil War The execution of Charles IOliver Cromwell formed republican England, the Commonwealth of England.English monarchy was abolished. Introduction to British and American Culture马薛步伊套存不音撤耶偶灼劣袖杖摩孪驰炮露可昂缩销匡薄尼也腥妊卯兰英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Queen Vi

25、ctoria The last monarch of Hanover The longest reign Victorias TimeBritain became the most powerful and richest country in the world. British Empire reached its highest point and was called “the Empire on which the sun never sets”. Introduction to British and American Culture播徽贩酵屋惟轰驮误将拘盆肾檄柞头板杠确萎米贵澡元

26、甩乌薪灾难曰恋马英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Britain in World War I Result - Victorious- A huge national debt - Lost her sea supremacy- Overtaken by the United States Introduction to British and American Culture右苍墨昭床入恨阳走柳翻龄熊穿纪毯慈啄嗣侵锤泌爽获耍绘斡设沉汪嘴奋英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Britain in World War II Borrowed large amounts of debt fro

27、m the United States and Canada.Over 1,000 million pounds of overseas investments were sold.Economy slid from the 2nd largest economy to the 6th in the world. Introduction to British and American CultureResult昧损耸奋大续深贬礁澜伏闹系剂舍苹柴盗潦贩艳若豌春讥歧留裂熏蔡雕吧英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件家谊蒜呼脖糜桔穴触弊殿寻磊木夸袋沙浅牙期线使丽洞箕鲸猩晃蒜鲸幅穆英国历史ppt课件英

28、国历史ppt课件SummaryRoman InvasionKing Arthur Norman ConquestThe Hundred Years WarCharles I and the Civil War Introduction to British and American Culture残盈草归氯衔敦蜗辆迸荆兜冤沫窒琉稻扶阿遁呜惹伸姜镇沈袁驻距国氮悬英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件Thank you! Introduction to British and American Culture佐斤筐蒙杜申犁谦吻珐艺眨疆屏铣妮宪棱孪霜看萄么少抄蜂糟慈敖母划墅英国历史ppt课件英国历史ppt课件



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