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1、高考英语易考熟词生义1.address (熟义:v.写地址n.地址)Adaptive signals can make sure that the traffic demand is being addressed.(v.设法解决;处理) 2.advance(熟义:v.& n.前进,推进)The new assistant asked for an advance on her salary.(n.预付款)3.against (熟义:prep.反对;逆着;依靠;与竞争)The painting looks nice against the white wall.(prep.以为背景;映衬) 4

2、.age (熟义:n.年龄)Challenging work might help your brain stay sharp as you age.(v.变老)5.announce(熟义:v.宣布)Warm sunshine announces the approaching of the spring.(v.预示着)6.balance(熟义:v.& n.平衡)Make sure that you go and check your bank balance.(n.差额;余款)The school aims to balance the time spent on arts and scie

3、nce subjects.(v.权衡) 7.bar(熟义:n.棒,条;酒吧)Poor health may be a bar to success in life.(n.障碍) 8.back(熟义:adv.& n.后面)If you back your car out of the driveway, I can get mine in.(v.使倒退) Many of his friends backed his plan of creating another platform.(v.支持) 9.blue(熟义:adj.蓝色的n.蓝色)Your elder sister appeared b

4、lue when she failed in her experiment last time.(adj.忧伤的)10.build(熟义:v.建设)My personal bodyguard has a solid build.(n.身材;体形) 11.badly(熟义:adv.坏地,恶劣地)Both sides want to win the coming final so badly.(adv.很,非常)12.cause(熟义:v.致使)These young graduates are working for a great cause and I am proud of them.(n

5、.事业) 13.chance(熟义:n.机会)Im not sure of my success, but let me take a chance.(n.冒险) I chanced to see the famous scientist last Sunday.(v.碰巧)14.count(熟义:n.& v.计算,数)There are 10 people in the classroom counting two teachers.(v.包括) It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.(v.有价值;重要) 15.c

6、over(熟义:v.覆盖)The tourists had covered 20 miles before dark.(v.走完一段路)How many pages have you covered? (v.看完多少页书)Yesterdays discussion covered a lot of topics.(v.涉及) These doctors stories were covered in China Daily.(v.报道)The money will cover all your expenses in the university.(v.够付) 16.cross(熟义:v.跨越

7、,横穿n.十字)Dont be cross with him.After all, he meant to help.(adj.生气的) 17.cut(熟义:v.割)Buyers will try hard to cut the cost of the house they want.(v.削减)18.develop(熟义:v.发展;开发;研制)Did you have the films developed?(v.冲洗胶卷)After developing a strange disease, he developed an interest in medicine.(v.患病;逐渐形成)1

8、9.digest(熟义:v.消化n.文摘)I struggle to digest the news in todays newspaper.(v.理解,领悟)20.do (熟义:v.做)The shoes wont do for mountain climbing.(v.行,适合)What makes us relaxed is that everything is doing well.(v.进展)21.down(熟义:adv.向下,在下面)I have been down ever since I heard the news.(adj.情绪低落的)22.employ(熟义:v.雇用)T

9、he police employed force to open the door.(v.利用,使用)She was employed in preparing for the sports meet.(v.忙于) 23.escape(熟义:v.逃跑;逃脱)His name escapes me for the moment.(v.被忘掉;被忽视)24.even(熟义:adv.甚至)The room should be kept at an even temperature.(adj.均匀的,稳定的)The woman singer smiled, showing her small even

10、 teeth.(adj.整齐的)“I think you are mistaken,” my mother said in an even tone.(adj.平静的;平和的)25.express(熟义:v.表达)Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai? (n.快车) Ill express the sea food to my parents.(v.快递)26.fail(熟义:v.失败)Trapped in a traffic jam, he failed to catch the train.(v.未能) The professor is

11、failing in health./The professors health is failing.(v.衰退,衰弱)Words failed me to describe my inner feeling.(v.使失望;有负于;使无能为力)27.fine(熟义:adj.美好的,很棒的,晴朗的)The man will be fined if he parks the car there.(v.罚款)28.force (熟义:vt.强迫)The hostess forced her way through the crowd of reporters.(v.用力;强行移动)My head

12、teacher forced a smile when he saw me.(v.挤出) 29.fresh(熟义:adj.新鲜的)There is a shortage of fresh water on the island.(adj.淡的,无盐的)The newcomer is clearly quite fresh to office work.(adj.无经验的)30.fair(熟义:adj.公平的,合理的)My sixty-year-old grandma has long fair hair.(adj.浅色的,白皙的)An antique fair will be held in

13、the city of Qufu.(n.商品交易会,展销会)31.figure(熟义:n.数字,图形)I figured that if I took the night train, I could be in Scotland by the morning.(vt.认为;认定)Happily, my former deskmate is a leading figure in the music.(n.人物)32.gain(熟义:v.获得,赢得)Dont worry.My watch gains.We still have time.(v.钟表快) Just taking online l

14、essons at home, I have gained weight recently.(v.增加速度,重量) 33.go(熟义:vi.去;变得)The information goes to prove my point.(vi.对有帮助,有助于)This imported machine goes by electricity.(vi.机器运行,运转,工作)Does everything go smoothly these days?(v.进展)The story goes that she has been married 5 times.(v.(故事)发生情况如何) Frankly

15、, the curtain doesnt go with the carpet.(vi.搭配) 34.hit(熟义:v.击中,打击)The Indian film is quite a hit of this year.(n.成功;红极一时的人或事)I couldnt remember where Id seen him before, and then it hit me.(v.突然想起)35.hot (熟义:adj.炎热的)Were waiting for the hot news on the election results.(adj.最新的)She is one of our schools hottest young teachers.(adj.轰动的;走红的)36.ill (熟义:adj.生病的;坏的;不良的)The wild animals were obviously ill treated in this place.(adv.坏地,糟糕地) 37.inch(熟义:n.英寸)The slim waitress inched the table to the wall.(v.(使)缓慢移动)38.key(熟义:n.钥匙;答案)The key factor in the bridegrooms suc



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