初中英语新人教版七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Hello知识点讲解(2024秋)

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1、七年级英语上册Starter Unit 1知识点讲解班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、单词Starter Unit 1 Hello!序号词汇音标词性词义页码1unit/ ju:nt/n.单元P.12starter unit / st:t(r) /过渡单元P.13section / sek()n /n.部分;地区P.14greet/ grit /v.招呼;问候P.15everyone/ evriwn /pron.每人;所有人P.26start/ stt /v.开始;着手P.47conversation/ knvse()n /n.谈话;交谈P.48spell/ spel /v.用字母拼;拼写P.49oh

2、/ /interj.哦;啊P.410bell/ bel /n.铃(声);钟(声)P.411Helen/ heln /海伦P.112Ella/ el /埃拉P.113Emma/ em /埃玛P.114Peter/ pit(r)彼得P.115Brown/ bran /布朗P.216PLA/, piel e /abbr.中国人民解放军P.317VR/ ,vi(r) /abbr.虚拟现实P.318WHO/ ,dbljuet/abbr.世界卫生组织P.319PRC/, pi(r)si:/abbr.中华人民共和国P.320UN/,juen/abbr.联合国P.321Miller/ ml(r) /米勒P.4

3、二、词法1.greet (v.招呼;问候) greeting (n.问候) 2.spell (v.用字母拼;拼写) spelling (n.拼写)3.start (v.开始;着手) begin (同义词)4.greet (v.招呼;问候) 同音词 great 5.spell (v.用字母拼;拼写) 过去式 spelt 三、短语Section A 短语Section B 短语过渡单元Starter unit开始做某事start to do sthA板块section A开始对话start a conversation早上好good morning和某人对话have a conversation

4、with sb.下午好good morning称呼某人call sb晚上好good evening称呼我艾玛call me Emma对某人说你好say hello to sb很高兴遇见你nice to meet you拼写姓名spell name去上课go to class把和匹配match.with.让某人做某事let sb do sth练习做某事practice doing sth.让我们去lets go听listen to是时候做某事了Its time to do sth和某人说话say to sb.是某事的时间了Its time for sth编造一段对话make a conversa

5、tion跟读字母repeat the letters圈出字母circle the letters使用字典use a dictionary填空fill in the blanks按照字母顺序in alphabetical order下课Class is over.举办比赛have a competition唱歌sing a song和一样快as fast as四、语篇Section A 语篇Conversation 1对话1高老师: 同学们,早上好。班: 早上好,高老师。高老师: 请坐。Ms Gao: Good morning, class.Class: Good morning, Ms Gao

6、.Ms Gao: Sit down, please.Conversation 2对话2彼得: 下午好,高女士。高老师: 下午好。你的名字的是什么?彼得: 我叫彼得布朗。高老师: 你的名字怎么拼?彼得: P-E-T-E-R,彼得。B-R-O-W-N,棕色的。高老师: 你叫什么名字?艾拉: 我叫艾拉米勒。高老师: 你的名字怎么拼?爱拉: 爱拉,爱拉。M-I-L-L-E-R,米勒。Peter: Good afternoon, Ms Gao.Ms Gao: Good afternoon.Whatsyour name?Peter: My name is Peter Brown.Ms Gao: How d

7、o you spell your name?Peter:P-E-T-E-R, Peter.B-R-O-W-N, Brown.Ms Gao: Whats your name?Ella: My name is Ella Miller.Ms Gao: How do you spell your name?Ella: E-L-L-A, Ella.M-I-L-L-E-R, Miller.Conversation 3高老师: 下课了。再见,类!班: 再见,高老师。高老师: 明天见。同学们: 再见。Ms Gao: Class is over.Goodbye, class!Class: Goodbye, Ms

8、 Gao.Ms Gao: See you tomorrow.Class: See you.Section B 语篇Conversation 1对话1腾飞: 早上好。能告诉我你的名字吗?埃玛: 早上好。我叫艾玛米勒。腾飞: 你的名字怎么拼?埃玛: 埃玛,埃玛。M-I-L-L-E-R,米勒你可以叫我艾玛。腾飞: 很高兴见到你,艾玛。我的名字叫腾飞。埃玛: 我也很高兴认识你,腾飞。Teng Fei: Good morning.May I have your name?Emma: Good morning.My name is Emma Miller.Teng Fei: How do you spel

9、l your name?Emma: E-M-M-A, Emma.M-I-L-L-E-R, Miller You can call me Emma.Teng Fei: Nice to meet you, Emma.My name is Teng Fei.Emma: Nice to meet you too,Teng Fei.Conversation 2对话2海伦: 你好,王亚明! 你好吗?亚明: 嗨,海伦。叫我亚明。我很好,谢谢你。你好吗?海伦: 我很好,谢谢。亚明: 哦,那是铃铛。我们去上课吧。海伦: 再见!亚明: 再见!Helen: Hello, Wang Yaming! How are y

10、ou?Yaming: Hi, Helen.Call me Yaming.Im fine, thankyou.How are you?Helen: Im great,thanks.Yaming: Oh, thats the bell.Lets go to class.Helen: Goodbye!Yaming: Bye!五、核心知识start【用法】start作不及物动词时意为“出发”,作及物动词时意为“开始;启动”,作名词时意为“开始;起点”。start to do sth=begin to do sth“开始做某事”。【例句】Start to do new yourself.重新开始做全新的

11、自己。Think hard before you start to do something.仔细想想,然后再开始做一些事情。1Whats the weather like in Shenzhen tomorrow? It is said that it will start _.ArainBrainyCto raingreet【用法】greet作动词时意为“欢迎,和打招呼”,greet sb with sth“用迎接某人”,其名词为greeting,意为“问候”。【例句】Mom would greet us with a hug and kiss.妈妈会用一个拥抱和亲吻来迎接我们。Peopl

12、e often greet each other with light cheek kisses.人们常常用亲吻脸颊的方式问候对方。2 Do you know how the Chinese _ each other for the first time? They usually shake hands with each other.AbehaveBgreetCvalueSpell【用法】spell作动词时意为“拼写”,其过去式和过去分词分别为:spelt/spelled;spelt/spelled。名词spelling意为“拼写”。【例句】Ive never been able to s

13、pell.我一直不会拼写。Did I spell your name right?你的名字我拼得对不对?3How do you _ your name?J-O-H-N.AspellBdrawCputDhelpconversatio【用法】conversation作名词时译为“谈话,交谈;社交,交际”等。have a conversation with sb“与某人交谈”。【例句】The subject came up in conversation.谈话中提到了这个话题。Every person is a really good book to read, or to have a conversation with!每个人都是一本很好的书,可以阅读,也可以与之交谈!4Englishmen often talk about the weather to start a _.AmessageBlanguageCsentenceDconversationspell【用法】bell作名词时,意为“铃,钟;钟声,铃声”,door bell“门铃”,常与动词ring“响”连用。【例句】He heard the school bell ring.他听见学校的铃响了。



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