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1、Lesson 61Lesson 61A bad coldA bad cold新概念第一册第61课新概念第一册第61课巧克力需要鸡肉家庭有趣的牙齿西红柿想要找到能,会建筑物足球reaction在后面在下面树新概念第一册第61课Have a dictation:1.面包 2.打扫 3.牛奶 4. 水 6.清洗7.公园 8.建筑物 9.喜欢 10. 肉的总称 11.跑步 12.鸡肉 13. 家 14.找到 15.有趣 的新概念第一册第61课Important sentences1.她正在干什么?她在树底下。Whats she doing? Shes under the tree.2.踢足球怎么样?W

2、hat about playing football?3.他正在读杂志。He is reading a magazine.新概念第一册第61课4.河上有一些船。There are some boats on the river.5.这是我们学校的一张照片This is a photo of our school.6.我们正在写作业。Were doing our homework.7.他正在读一本有趣的书。Hes reading an interesting book.新概念第一册第61课feel v. 感觉look v.看(起来)must modal verb.必须call v.叫,请doct

3、or n.医生telephone n. 电话remember v.记得,记住mouth n.嘴tongue n.舌头bad adj.坏的,严重的cold n.感冒news n.消息New words新概念第一册第61课1.feel v.感觉,感到 指心理活动,用在主语后,后面跟形容词 I feel happy. I feel sad.After an exam, she feels bad.She feels ill. I feel much better now.feeling 感觉,感情新概念第一册第61课2.look (动词)看起来 He looks happy.She looks sa

4、d.The food looks good.He looks ill. It looks different.多指表象,用在主语后,后面跟形容词新概念第一册第61课感官动词: feel, look,smell,taste,sound 系动词包括:be动词,感官动词(后加形容词作表语)。 主语+系动词+表语The food smells delicious.This apple tastes good.It sounds great!表语是修饰主语的,说明主语的性质,品质,特征和状态的,位于系动词之后。新概念第一册第61课(2). look 表示看的动作 eg:She is looking at

5、 a picture. see表示看的内容,结果 ; eg:I can see 5 apples on the table. watch,表示观看,观看电视,比 赛,节目(动态) eg: Lucy likes watching TV.新概念第一册第61课other expressions: look at(有意识的看), look for(寻找的动作), look after(照顾),look forward to(期待,盼望),look over(仔细检查)新概念第一册第61课1. Please _ your homework.2. Can you _ the cat under the c

6、hair?3. My father _ the Evening News every evening.4. Tom _ unhappy!5. All the children are _ the teacher now.look atseewatcheslookslooking atlookwatchseelook at新概念第一册第61课情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度。情态动词的特点:1)有一定词义,但必须与实义动词原形一起出现;2)没有人称和数的变化;3. must modal verb新概念第一册第61课 情态动词有三个,can may must ,后 加动原别忘记。Can、

7、may 表能会, 征求对方的意见。May I 开头较婉转。must 表必须,否定回答 neednt。情态动词提前构成一般疑问句,情态动词后加not 构成否定句。新概念第一册第61课must表示义务,命令或必要性,意思是“应该、必须”。如: 你现在必须睡觉了。 must的否定句根据句意有两种变化, neednt表示不需要,mustnt,意思是“不应该、禁止”,语气较强烈。如: 你不许在图书馆里吸烟。 You must get up at 6:00from Monday to Friday.You mustnt smoke in the library.新概念第一册第61课She must do

8、her homework first.否定句: She neednt do her homework first.一般问: Must she do her homework first?Yes, she must. /No, she neednt.新概念第一册第61课must 必须 /推测 Its time to go to school, you must go now.She must be tired.We must study hard . You must stay in bed for three months.新概念第一册第61课must 表示主观,必须have to 表示客观,

9、不得不eg: I must be off.eg: I have to be there early.must VS have to新概念第一册第61课need (动词)需要 I need to water the flower.Fish need water.need to do sth.需要做某事need sth. 需要某物新概念第一册第61课call sb.给某人打电话call the doctor/police Call at+电话号码call at+地点 拜访某地call on +某人 拜访某人 4.call v.叫,请 我昨天去了诊所。I called at the doctors

10、yesterday.(地点)我昨天去拜访了医生。I called on the doctor yesterday.(人) 新概念第一册第61课5.remember v.记住,记得remember sb. / sth. eg.remember sb. / sth. eg.: remember to do remember to do 记得去做某事(未做)记得去做某事(未做)remember doing sth. remember doing sth. 记得做了某事(做完了)记得做了某事(做完了)remember me to sb.remember me to sb.代我向某人问好代我向某人问好

11、eg.:1.Remember to turn off the light when you leave the room. (现在还没有关灯) 3.Remember me to your mother.2.I remembered turning off the light when I left the room. (灯已经关了)新概念第一册第61课6.bad adj.坏的,严重的bad 一般性人或事物糟糕,严重ill 生病bad/illworse-worstbe bad/poor at 不擅长be bad for 对不利、有害处反义词组:be good at、be good for新概念第

12、一册第61课7.cold n.感冒cold adj. 寒冷的 n. 感冒have/catch/get a cold 得了感冒eg:I have a cold today. He/She has a cold today.on a cold night新概念第一册第61课8.news【uc】 消息 (来自N/E/W/S的消息) a piece of good news. No news is good news.newspaper 报纸cmagazine杂志Cread a /-S新概念第一册第61课Listen to the tape, then answer the question. 1.

13、Whats the matter with Jimmy today?2. Whats the doctors telephone number?3.Does Jimmy like school? 新概念第一册第61课Wheres Jimmy?Hes in bed.Whats the matter with him?He feels ill.新概念第一册第61课1.be in bed 躺在床上/卧病在床 on the bed 在床上 go to bed 上床睡觉Key points2.Whats the matter with sb.? 询问某人/物怎么了,什么状况 Whats wrong wi

14、th sb.? Whats up? (口语化) Whats the problem/trouble? What happened to you? 新概念第一册第61课3.feel ill, 感觉病了;自我感觉 look ill, 看起来有病。外表形象新概念第一册第61课He looks ill.We must call the doctor.Yes, we must.call the doctor = phone the doctor新概念第一册第61课Can you remember the doctors telephone number ?Yes.Its 09754.=the telep

15、hone number of the doctor新概念第一册第61课Open your mouth, Jimmy.Show me your tongue.say, Ah.祈使句,动词原形开头,表示命令,建议新概念第一册第61课动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物) 动词+直接宾语(物) +介词+间接宾语(人)直接宾语是指主语产生动作的承受者 双宾语 结构 七给一带跟双宾:give/pass/lend/show/send/write/hand/bring show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. show me your book.=Show your book to m

16、e新概念第一册第61课Whats the matter with him, doctor?He has a bad cold, Mr. Williams.So he must stay in bed for a week.新概念第一册第61课Thats good news for Jimmy.Good news?Why?Because he doesnt like school!新概念第一册第61课1. Jimmy is _ bed.(in/on)2. He _(feel) ill. 3. We must _ the doctor. 4. Can you remember the _ (doc

17、otors/doctor) telephone numeber?5. Whats the matter with_(her/she)?feelscallpractice新概念第一册第61课6. He has a _(bad/good) cold. 7. He must _ (live/stay) in bed _(for/at) a week. 8. Thats good news _(for/to) Jimmy.9.- Why? -_ he _ (不喜欢) school.新概念第一册第61课 Lesson 62 Whats the matter with them?What must the

18、y do? 新概念第一册第61课dentist n. 牙医 My brother is a dentist. 新概念第一册第61课have a /an+疾病 :表示患有某种疾病新概念第一册第61课新概念第一册第61课1. ache后缀,加在某个身体部位后表示哪儿疼2. 感冒 have a cold 重感冒 have a bad cold have flu 患流行性感冒 have a temputer 发烧 have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache 头疼 have an earchae 耳朵疼 have measles 患麻疹 have mumps 患腮腺炎了 3.

19、 take the medcine 吃药 have an aspirin 吃阿司匹林新概念第一册第61课She has a bad cold.She has a toothache.新概念第一册第61课See a doctor给出建议:You/She/He should/must do sth. 新概念第一册第61课Whats the matter with _ ? What _ they do?又要打针了!themmust新概念第一册第61课Whats the matter with you?I have a bad cold.What must you do?I must stay at

20、home.He has a bad cold.He must stay at home .I have a bad cold.I must stay at home.新概念第一册第61课He _ (have/has)a headache.He must _ (take/takes) an asprin.I have a headache.I must take an asprin.hastake新概念第一册第61课She _.She _ .I have an earache.I must see a doctor.仿写例句,注意第三人称单数形式. .新概念第一册第61课He _.So he _

21、 .I have a _ ache.So I must see a dentist.新概念第一册第61课She has a So she mustHe has a So he must新概念第一册第61课Make sentences:have/has a headache. take an aspirinhave/has an earache see a doctorhave/has a toothache see a dentisthave/has a stomachache take some medicinehave/has a temperature go to bedhave/has flu stay in bedhave/has measles call the doctor新概念第一册第61课 _. _ .I feel ill.So I cant go to school.新概念第一册第61课 He _. We_.I dont like doctor.She doesnt like doctor.变仿例句. .新概念第一册第61课



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