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1、Book 8 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Words preview yogurt radioactive radioactivity applaud accelerate arrestn. 酸乳酪;酸奶酸乳酪;酸奶adj. 放射性的;有辐射能的放射性的;有辐射能的n. 放射性放射性vi. & vt. 鼓掌欢迎;赞赏鼓掌欢迎;赞赏 vi. & vt. 加速;促进加速;促进vt. 逮捕;吸引逮捕;吸引n. 逮捕;拘留逮捕;拘留 relief division affection affectionate patient skilful punctuationn.

2、减轻或解除;减轻或解除; 减轻痛苦的事物减轻痛苦的事物n. 分割;分配;分界线分割;分配;分界线n. 恋爱;喜爱恋爱;喜爱adj. 充满深情的;有爱心的充满深情的;有爱心的 adj. 耐心的。忍耐的耐心的。忍耐的adj. 有技巧的;熟练的有技巧的;熟练的n. 标点符号标点符号Words previewExpressions preview look ahead 向前看;向前看;为将来打算为将来打算 Listening, Speaking Listening, Speaking and Readingand Reading 1. Listen to Part 1 of the tape and

3、fill the layers in the “wastepaper basket” diagram below. yogurt potsorange skinwastepaperused envelopesThe waste paper basketListen to Part 2 and complete the passage.It uses radioactivity to measure the amount of _ in the living things. The _ in a dead body _ at a _ rate. We know how long that tak

4、es, so we can measure the amount of _ and _ how old a bone is.carboncarbondisappearsfixedcarbonwork outLook at this archaeological drawing of a section showing buildings at different times and work out the order in which they were built. Answer key for Exercise 3: The oldest building is _,because it

5、 has no layers underneath it. The second oldest building is _, because it has one layer underneath it. That layer is the remains of the building in B. The most recent building is building _. It has two layers underneath. They are the remains of buildings B and C.BCATHE FEAST: 18, 000 BC What kind of

6、 food did Lalas family prepare for the feast?Key: nuts, fruit, fish, the deer and pig meat. ScanningPlease decide whether the statements are true or false.1 Lalas family groups usually lived together.2 Dahu was good at making tools.3 The family groups lived on hunting .4 Dahu went out to sharpen the

7、 scrapers to kill an enemy.FTTF_separately_scrape the fishSkimmingIn pairs work out which jobs Dahu did and which LaLa did.DAHU:LALA:catch fish, repair stone tools, make scrapers and axe-headscollect fruit and nuts, prepare foodRead the passage again and try to figure out the work divisions between

8、men and women.Mens tasksWomens tasks112 Fishing23344 Preparing food55Mens tasksWomens tasks1Making and repairing tools1 Collecting nuts, fruits and water2 Fishing2 Cutting up meat and fish for cooking3 Cutting down trees3 Preparing skins to make clothes4 Hunting animals4 Preparing food5 Protecting t

9、he group from harm5 Looking after children 北京猿人的化石首次发现于北京猿人的化石首次发现于19271927年年 19291929年年1212月月2 2日发现第一个完整的头盖骨日发现第一个完整的头盖骨 到到19371937年已发现的北京人的头盖骨共年已发现的北京人的头盖骨共5 5个。个。 19411941年年1212月太平洋战争爆发后月太平洋战争爆发后, ,在几个美在几个美 国人手里弄得下落不明。国人手里弄得下落不明。 19661966年又发现一个残破的头盖骨。年又发现一个残破的头盖骨。 总共发现了属于总共发现了属于4040多个个体的北京人化多个个体的

10、北京人化 石。时间距今约七十万年至二十万年。石。时间距今约七十万年至二十万年。北北 京京 人人 北京猿人的北京猿人的特征特征 能够制造和使用劳动工具能够制造和使用劳动工具 能使用天然火能使用天然火 摆脱了杂交的婚姻形态摆脱了杂交的婚姻形态 生活艰苦,寿命比较短暂生活艰苦,寿命比较短暂北京人头盖骨化石北京人头盖骨化石北北京京猿猿人人复复原原图图北京人使用过的石器北京人使用过的石器北北京京人人石石器器制制作作法法北京人生活想象图北京人生活想象图山顶洞人山顶洞人 距今时间:距今时间:1800018000年前年前 地点地点: :北京周口店龙骨山山顶洞穴北京周口店龙骨山山顶洞穴 体形体形: :同现代人大

11、体一样,脑容量:同现代人大体一样,脑容量: 1300150013001500毫升毫升 生产和生活:生产和生活: 开始采用磨制和钻孔技术制造石器、骨开始采用磨制和钻孔技术制造石器、骨 器制造骨针器制造骨针, ,缝制兽皮衣服产生了原始缝制兽皮衣服产生了原始 宗教仪式过着氏族公社的生活宗教仪式过着氏族公社的生活山山 顶顶 洞洞 人人 头头 骨骨山顶洞人山顶洞人 19331933年北京市房山年北京市房山县周口店龙骨山山顶洞县周口店龙骨山山顶洞出土。出土。 骨针长骨针长8.28.2厘米,孔厘米,孔径径0.31-0.330.31-0.33厘米。这是厘米。这是中国已发现的时代最早中国已发现的时代最早的骨针之

12、一,其针身保存完好,针孔处破的骨针之一,其针身保存完好,针孔处破裂,针尖锐利,表面有刮磨痕迹。针孔是用裂,针尖锐利,表面有刮磨痕迹。针孔是用尖状器刮挖而成。尖状器刮挖而成。山顶洞人的生活用具山顶洞人的生活用具骨针骨针Words and expressions 1. If only it could be just like last year! 要是能像去年那样就好了要是能像去年那样就好了! If only 但愿但愿.; 要是要是就好了。其就好了。其后一般用虚拟语气。后一般用虚拟语气。 If only she had looked ahead and planned better. If on

13、ly he had come v. to express approval of (someone or something) especially by such clapping. 赞赏赞赏, 鼓掌向鼓掌向(某人或某物某人或某物) 表示赞赏表示赞赏, 尤指鼓掌欢呼尤指鼓掌欢呼 Everyone applauded when the play ended. 演出结束时演出结束时, 大家都热烈鼓掌。大家都热烈鼓掌。 I applaud your decision. 我赞成你的决定。我赞成你的决定。2. applaud:( ) He felt so proud as the audience w

14、ere shouting loudly _ his performance.A. to applaud B. applauding C. cheering D. to cheer【解析解析】A 考查动词词义辨析及非谓语动词的用考查动词词义辨析及非谓语动词的用法。法。applaud 意为意为“赞许赞许”。从前文的。从前文的felt so proud 可以看出他的表演得到了观众的认可。可以看出他的表演得到了观众的认可。to applaud 是是shouting loudly 的目的。的目的。 Cheer “向向欢呼欢呼/喝彩喝彩”与与shout 意义重复。意义重复。 3. accelerate v

15、. to increase the speed of 加速加速, 目前您打算如何加快这方面的技术研发目前您打算如何加快这方面的技术研发? ? How do you plan to accelerate the development of these technologies? 他决定加快他的课程进度。他决定加快他的课程进度。 He decided to accelerate his courses.4. arrest: 吸引(某人的注意);逮捕吸引(某人的注意);逮捕花的艳丽色彩引起苏珊的注意。花的艳丽色彩引起苏珊的注意。The bright colors of the flowers ar

16、rested Susans attention( ) The criminals _ and would be soon sentenced to death. A. are arrested B. were arrested C. being arrested D. has been arrested【解析解析】B 考查动词的时态。由后半句考查动词的时态。由后半句的过去将来时推知罪犯已经被逮捕了的过去将来时推知罪犯已经被逮捕了, , 所以用一般过去时的被动语态。所以用一般过去时的被动语态。 having a whirling sensation and a tendency to fall

17、眩晕的眩晕的, 眼花的感到眩晕眼花的感到眩晕并要摔倒的并要摔倒的 a dizzy height 令人晕眩的高度令人晕眩的高度 The old woman was dizzied by the strong wind. 那位老太太被风吹得头昏眼花。那位老太太被风吹得头昏眼花。 The disaster dizzied his brain. 那场灾难弄得他头脑昏乱。那场灾难弄得他头脑昏乱。 5. dizzy: 6. Abruptly she sat down, only to bescooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna. 考点考点 onl

18、y to do 是不定式作结果状是不定式作结果状语,语, 表示意料之外的结果。表示意料之外的结果。考例考例 He hurried to the booking office only _ that all the tickets had been sold out. (陕西陕西2006)A. to be told B. to tell C. told D. telling 点拨点拨 tell与句子的主语与句子的主语he之间构成逻辑之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系。上的动宾关系。 Discuss with your group and practice using two or more adjectives to describe the Sanxingdui Ruins objects on page 44.SpeakingHomework :Write a paragraph about each object in a formal style. When you have finished, exchange your writing with your partner and help each other by making useful suggestions on content, grammar, spelling and punctuation.



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