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1、New Horizon College English Book I (Third Edition)Key to Unit Five C ContentsontentsSection ASection A Spend or save-The students dilemmaSection BSection B A $3,000 dictionaryC Contentsontents Section A Section A1. Words in use2. Word building3. Banked cloze4. Expressions in use5. Translationmanipul

2、ate contradict paradox perspective defysuspend tackle retain derive explicit3. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.1.The “discipline” message asks people to save, while the “enjoy yourself” message asks people to spend; ther

3、efore, they _ each other.2.It is a(n) _ that in some odd way world peace appears to depend on our spending millions of pounds on weapons that can kill us all.contradictparadoxWords in use3. It is far more effective for parents to allow for the childs _ and let him make his own choice rather than mak

4、e a decision for him. 4. When you are writing any directions for people, youve got to be direct and _ to make everything rightly understood.5. The new teaching program was _ last semester because the teachers in the department protested its demand for more intense work.manipulate contradict paradox

5、perspective defysuspend tackle retain derive explicit perspective explicitWords in usesuspendedWords in use6. He is a very considerate and generous person, and he is also one of those who can often _ pleasure from helping others.7. Many children are addicted to computers, so they often _ their paren

6、ts and play the computer games for hours every day.8. My roommate is always very optimistic, and thats why he still _ his good humor after all the setbacks.manipulate contradict paradox perspective defysuspend tackle retain derive explicit derivedefy retainsWords in use9. There is a widely held susp

7、icion that the politician, though retired, still has great power and is _ events behind the scenes.10. The organization has been working with local authorities as well as regional government and officials to _ the problem of climate change.manipulate contradict paradox perspective defysuspend tackle

8、 retain derive explicit manipulatingtackle5. Fill in the blanks with the newly-formed words in Activity 4. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.1.Public opinion was becoming more _ on environmental pollution problem; more and more people were discussing and arguing about

9、them.2.Martin Luther King is a(n) _ who worked for peace; he has shown the Western world that a struggle can be waged without violence.3.Every man ought not to steal, cheat, or destroy the property of others. There is no place for this sort of behavior in a(n) _ society.concentratedmessenger civiliz

10、edWord building4. The right to pursue happiness is promised to Americans by the US _, but nowadays no one seems quite sure what exactly is meant by happiness. 5. You will need to replace your old _ and install a new one. You will need this new software to view web pages.6. Rock music appealed to San

11、dy so much that she turned up the volume on the player, paying no attention to her fathers _. Constitution browserobjectionWord buildingWord building7. As a college student, you should learn things extensively and aim for a(n) _ of knowledge well beyond your area of specialization.8. Because women c

12、are much about their appearance and restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not _ enough iron-rich food.9. The problem is that most students dont really know the exact _ of plagiarism (剽窃) or its consequences, so they dont consider it a serious crime.expansion consumedefinitionW

13、ord building10. Garden _ of roses began about 5,000 years ago. They were used at celebrations, for medical purposes, and as a source of perfume.11. The talks next week will focus on economic development of the region and our immediate _ to the ever-worsening condition of the environment.12. The _ on

14、 the trade disputes between the two super large companies went on for years as neither side would give in.cultivation reactionnegotiation6. Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.A. charmed B. dilemma C. appetite D. explicit

15、 E. retainF. derive G. withdraw H. urgent I. manipulated J. obstaclesK. option L. implicit M. hinder N. suspend O. perspectivesTo spend or save is a question which many people have. There is always a(n) 1) _ whether one should spend the money that he has earned or save that money for the future. Wel

16、l, there is no 2) _ answer to the question as different people have different 3) _ on their life, and that is the reason why some people tend to spend all the money earned while others 4) _ control over their B. dilemmaD. explicitO. perspectivesBanked clozeE. retainA. charmed B. dilemma C. appetite

17、D. explicit E. retainF. derive G. withdraw H. urgent I. manipulated J. obstaclesK. option L. implicit M. hinder N. suspend O. perspectivemoney. People who spend all the money do not think much about the future. The only thing about they enjoy doing most is to 5) _ pleasure form spending money. For e

18、xample, if they like a particular car, mobile phone or laptop, they will buy it without giving it a thought. For them, the more important thing is to satisfy their material 6) _. People who have their first job or who havent married often fall in this category.F. deriveC. appetiteBanked clozeA. char

19、med B. dilemma C. appetite D. explicit E. retainF. derive G. withdraw H. urgent I. manipulated J. obstaclesK. option L. implicit M. hinder N. suspend O. perspectiveIn the long run, saving is a good 7)_ for ones life as saving helps an individual to plan for future 8)_ needs. That is also the reason

20、why many people save money for a rainy day. Individuals who can 9)_their spending save money successfully. Instead of buying on impulse, they delay their purchasing decision and wont be easily 10)_ by commercial ads. Individuals who have responsibility for their family belong to this category. K. op

21、tionH. urgentN. suspendBanked clozeI. manipulatedtake stock of put off at odds with on track take in consult with refer to do ones utmost7. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Each expressions can be used only once.1.People who work in offices are _

22、as “white-collar workers” for the simple reason that they traditionally wear a white shirt with a collar and a tie to go to work.2.When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence that was _ his earlier statement made a few hours ago. referred to at odds withExpressions in usetake stoc

23、k of put off at odds with on track take in consult with refer to do ones utmost3. In order to persuade his daughter to _ the marriage, the father quoted statistics showing mixed-race couples had higher divorce rates than same-race couples.4. The mother made the decision to give cough medicine and As

24、pirin to her sick child without _ the childs doctor.5. Both professional experts and school teachers say that children tend to _ when they see their parents making similar efforts.put offconsulting with do their utmostExpressions in usetake stock of put off at odds with on track take in consult with

25、 refer to do ones utmostExpressions in use6. As she entered the most dynamic period of her career, Kylie _ her success and tried to analyze the strong impact of her college education .7. The chief executive George Grey is confident that current growth levels can be maintained since all the groups de

26、velopment projects stay _ .8. It is very important for students to understand and _ new information. Besides, they should examine and judge information carefully and then make the right decision. took stock ofon track take in10. Translate the following paragraph into English.丝绸之路(Silk Road)是我国古代一条连接

27、中国和欧亚大陆(Eurasia)的交通线路,由于这条商路以丝绸贸易为主,故称“丝绸之路”。The Silk Road is a traffic route in the ancient times connecting China and Eurasia. This trade route focuses on the trade of silk, hence the name “the Silk Road”. Translation作为国际贸易的通道和文化交流的桥梁,丝绸之路有效地促进了东西方经济文化交流和发展,对世界文明进程有着深远影响。TranslationAs an internati

28、onal trade channel and a bridge of cultural exchanges, the Silk Road effectively improved the economic and cultural exchanges and development between the East and the West, exerting a profound impact on the progress of the world civilization.当前,在新的历史条件下,我国提出了“一带一路”(One Belt, One Road)(即“丝绸之路经济带”和“21

29、世纪海上丝绸之路”)的战略构想。TranslationNowadays, under the new historical circumstances, our country proposes the strategy of “One Belt, One Road” (namely the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road) .“一带一路”以合作共赢为核心,强调相关各国的互利共赢和共同发展。The strategy of “One Belt, One Road” focuses on coopera

30、tion and mutual benefits, emphasizing mutual benefits, win-win, as well as common development of the related countries.TranslationTranslation这一战略一经提出即受到沿线各国的积极响应。Once proposed, the strategy has received positive responses from the related countries along the road.C Contentsontents Section B Section

31、B1. Words in use2. Expressions in use3. Sentence structurefeature issue submit artificial prohibitprincipal impose crisis isolate remedy4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.1.Leaders in Europe, where most nations already _

32、 human cloning, began examining the moral implications of cloning other species.2.There are websites where students can _ math homework problems to a math expert and message boards where students with very specific needs can help each other.prohibited submitWords in use3. It appears that enough slee

33、p is of crucial importance to health; with a few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep, your health situation could have been _.4. Since the country didnt get along with the US, Washington _ economic sanctions on this country, so its economy has gone into a steep decline.5. Peoples Daily offers more ne

34、ws both at home and abroad, and its special emphasis on international events is a prominent _ that can never escape our attention.remedied imposed featurefeature issue submit artificial prohibitprincipal impose crisis isolate remedyWords in useWords in use6. The government is to launch a new buildin

35、g program in an attempt to solve the housing _, but they still face enormous other problems.7. According to the news media, the fifth generation computers, with _ intelligence, are being developed and perfected right now.8. Although there might be some other reasons, the _ reason for my recent job c

36、hange was that I found it difficult to get along with my boss.crisis artificial principalfeature issue submit artificial prohibitprincipal impose crisis isolate remedyWords in use 9. A study _ by the University of Washington shows that a lack of academic achievement is closely linked to improper beh

37、avior in the students social environment.10. Emily Dickinson, the great American poet, _ herself from society and was living a normal New England village life only with her family.issued isolatedfeature issue submit artificial prohibitprincipal impose crisis isolate remedy5. Fill in the blanks with

38、the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Each expression can be used only once.Expressions in usebe entitled to in accordance with shrug off out of the question tear at suffer from access to care about 1. Research shows that an increasing number of people in the high-powered job

39、s such as financial sectors are _ fatigue and stress-related illness. 2. The government should advocate a campaign to improve morality and let people be aware of morality and do things _ it. suffering from in accordance withExpressions in use3. Mr. Jacob _ the criticism, claiming he was working for

40、the taxpayers in general, not for special-interest groups and politicians.4. Although all California high school graduates ought to _ an education at the California State University, many cannot afford the ever-rising cost of tuition. shrugged off be entitled tobe entitled to in accordance with shru

41、g off out of the question tear at suffer from access to care about Expressions in use5. Since quite a few people have become successful without much education, many students perceive it as a good reason not to _ getting a college degree. 6. Hearing about the sudden death of her husband in the traffi

42、c accident, she began to scream high, sharp screams that _ her chest and hurt her throat. care about tore at be entitled to in accordance with shrug off out of the question tear at suffer from access to care about Expressions in use7. Fortunately, I soon got _ the necessary equipment, learned the te

43、chnology from a friend, and participated in the virtual classroom five days a week.8. It has been so cold and windy for more than 10 days that gardening has been _, so we have to put it off until the weather gets better and warmer. access to out of the question be entitled to in accordance with shru

44、g off out of the question tear at suffer from access to care about 6. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using “imperatives + and/or + statements” structure. Here the imperative sentence is similar to an “if” clause.Model: Your failure to pay is unacceptable. _

45、(马上支付,要不然你会有麻烦)。Your failure to pay is unacceptable. Pay immediately or youll be in trouble.Sentence structure1.It seems you got a bad cough. _ _ (照你医生的话去做,要不然你的咳嗽会更糟糕). Follow your doctors advice or your cough will get worse2. The oil painting hanging on the wall is too high. _ _ (站到那边去,你会看得更清楚). S

46、tand over there and youll be able to see it betterSentence structure3. Because of the rain, the road is extremely slippery. _ _ (出去走路小心,否则你可能会摔倒). Watch your step if you go out or you might fall7. Rewrite the following sentences by using “there is nothing more + a. + than” to practice the structure

47、of comparison. Make changes where necessary.Model: To exemplify a parents nightmare was much more terrifying to me than anything else. There was nothing more terrifying to me than exemplifying a parents nightmare.Sentence structure1.To be honest with everyone at school is much more important than an

48、ything else. There is nothing more important than being honest with everyone at school and at work.2. To improve my English skills, the Internet is much more helpful than anything else. There is nothing more helpful than using the Internet to improve my English skills.Sentence structure3. To communicate successfully with your colleagues is more encouraging and stimulating than anything else. There is nothing more encouraging and stimulating than communicating successfully with your colleagues.Sentence structure



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