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1、三个命题特点1 . 通常给出提示词为7 个空2 . 给出提示词的答案通常是1-2个词,给出动词时要考虑be done被动语态和have done现在完成时3 . 考点:每年都会考谓语、非谓语和词类转换;经常考查名词的复数形式和比较等级考点分析1. 给出词是动词时给出词是前时犍语动词( 句无有髓斓)done形 式 魏动, 动作己觥to do形 式 表目机雌袖( 名词: 默词的施觎触形容同时同性转换形容词: 给出词的后面能同时I 断 帕 词 、 形 容 词 和 酎 句 子 时1. (2020 年全国 I 卷) “because it means (mean) we have the chance

2、to obtaininformation about how the m o o n ( c o n s t r u c t ) ”2. (2020 年全国 II 卷 ) This is why decorating with plants, fruits and flowers(carry) special significance.3. (2020 年全国 III 卷 ) The artist was sure he would(choose), but when he presented his masterpiece to the emperors chiefminister, the

3、 old man laughed.4. (2021 年全国甲卷) A f t e r ( s p e n d ) some time looking at all thedefensive equipment at the wall, we decided it was time for some action andwhat better than to ride on a piece of history!5. (2020 年全国 II 卷 ) Chinese New Year is a ( c e l e b r a t e ) markingthe end of the winter

4、season and the beginning of spring.2 .给出词是形容词时觥耦 祓比漉轴同题容硼轴箭宥th a n批前有m u c h /e v e n等I黜熊版司加 +H超微1. (2019 年全国 I 卷 ) It is difficult to figure out a global population of polarbears as much of the range has b e e n ( p o o r ) studied.2. (2020 年全国 I 卷 ) The far side of the moon is of particular(intere

5、sting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters ( 环形山 ) .3. (2020 年全国 III 卷 ) Filled wi t h ( c u r i o u s ) , the artist packedhis bags and left.4. (2021 年全国甲卷) After spending some time looking at all the defensiveequipment at the wall, we decided it was time for some action and what(goo

6、d) than to ride on a piece of history!5. (2022 年新高考 I 卷 ) The GPNPs main goal is to improve connectivitybetween separate populations and homes of giant pandas, and(eventual) achieve a desired level of population in the wild.6. (2022 年全国乙卷) As a main promoter of the International Tea Day, thebirthpla

7、ce of tea and t he( l a r g e ) tea-producing country, Chinahas a ( r e s p o n s i b l e ) to work with other countries to promotethe healthy development of the tea industry.3 .给出词是名词向r小形喀翔 滕 土 美z3二 三 一- 形+ 名(m y,h is,th is,Jo h n $ ,few等) + 名榔院IS蒯3榭 福:m a n y , se v e ra l, d o ze n s o f, a to t

8、o fd i什e re n t等鹏施懒1鼠 f 厕 , 看 辘 岫 蹦 是 否 僦 蝴 , 如 黑 , 名词嬲期转 为 形 容 词物 前1. ( 2018 年全国 I 卷)Running is cheap, easy and its always(energy).2. (2018 年全国 I 卷 ) To avoid knee pain, you can run on soft surfaces, doexercises t o ( s t r e n g t h ) your leg muscles.3. (2019 年全国 III #)They also shared with us m

9、a n y ( t r a d i t i o n )stories about Hawaii.4. (2020 年全国 II 卷 ) T he ( be a ut y ) long branches coveredwith pink-colored buds ( 蒋蕾) make fantastic decorations.5. (2021 年全国乙卷) P r o v id e ( f in a n c e ) a id and other benefits forlocal peoples.6. (2022 年全国甲卷) Cao believes this will make the h

10、iking trip evenm o r e ( m e a n in g ) .4 .给出词是代词时作介词宾语1 .(2018 年卷 IlDWhen the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just gladto f i n d ( t h e y ) alive.2 .(2021 年全国乙卷) Ecotourism h a s ( it ) o r ig in with the environmentalmovement of the 1970s.3 .( 2020 年全国 I 卷) Data about the moon, s co

11、mposition, such as how muchice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide w h e t h e r ( it)plans for a future lunar ( 月 球的) base are practical.4 .( 2022 年全国乙卷) The Chinese Ancient Tea Museum was officially unveiled( 揭幕) at the ceremony, o p e n i n g ( it) first exhibition.纯空题考点总纲 定

12、冠 词不 定 冠 词r常 见 介 词 固 定 搭 配介 词 后 面 按 v -in g 或 名 词r并 列 连 词定 语 从 句名 词 性 从 句 一主 谓 、 其 谓 . 表 语 和 同 位 谓 从 句状 语 从 句 时 间 、 地 点 、原 因 、 条 件 、让 步 状 语 从 句 等主 格 、 宾 格 、 形 容 同 性 物 主 代 词 、 名 词 性 物 主 代 询 和 反 身 代 词冠词零冠词一也就是不用冠词a/an/the的情况: 郸图机球类名词和三餐名词前1. ( 2018 年卷 II) Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent

13、overpast 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent.2. ( 2019 年卷 I) Of nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations,three are declining, six are stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enoughdata.3. ( 2019 年卷 II) When we got a call saying she was short-listed, we thought itwas joke.4. ( 202

14、1 年卷 I) It took us about 3 hours to go all way around theXian City Wall.5. ( 2021 年 卷 II ) Due to growing popularity ofenvironmentally-related and adventure travel, various types of trips are nowbeing classified as ecotourism.6. ( 2020 年卷 II) The plum trees areis melting( 融化) .代词first to flower even

15、 as the snow代 词 主 格 ( 主 谓 ; 主 系 ) 在句子中充当主语. 如:you, I, he, she等代 词 宾 格 ( 动 宾 ; 介 宾 ) 一在句子中充当宾语. 如:you, me, him, her等形 容 词 性 物 主 代 词 相当于形容词, 修饰名词. 如:your, my, his, her等名 词 性 物 主 代 词 一相当于形容词性物主代词+ 名 词 . 如 :yours, mine, his.hers.反 身 代 词 - - - 通常以固定搭配的形式出现.如 :enjoy oneself, by myself.1 .( 2017 年卷 iDHowev

16、er, the railway quickly proved to be a great success andwithin six months, more than 25,000 people were using every day.2 .( 2018 年卷 l) lf you are time poor, you need run for only half the time to getthe same benefits as other sports, so perhaps we should all give atry.3 .( 2018 年卷 IlDWhen the goril

17、las and I frightened each other, I was just gladto f i nd( they) alive.4 .The Chinese Ancient Tea Museum was officially unveiled ( 揭幕)at theceremony, openi ng( it) first exhibition: The Avenue of Truth ASpecial Exhibition of Pu er Tea.介词常 见 介 词 一如: 加 on, b y,of,w ith, w ithout, from , for,as, lik e.

18、固 定 搭 配 一 如 :b e different from , search fo r, b e interested in, focu s o n .徜雕巾岫/ 名词/ 腌代词懿- 如 h ave trouble in doing sth; T hank you for your k in d n ess.判断考点公式:+ 动名词/ 代词宾格/ 名词判断依据:这些词在句中不作主语、表语和动词的宾语时1. ( 2018 年卷 II) Corn uses less water rice and creates less fertilizer( 化肥) runoff.2. ( 2018 年卷

19、I) While running regularly can, t make you live forever, thereview says it is more effective at lengthening life walking, cycling orswimming.3. ( 2020 年卷 I) The far side of the moon is of particular interest to scientistsbecause it has a lot of deep craters ( 环形山) , more so the familiarnear side.4.

20、( 2021 年卷 I) It was built originally to protect the city the Tangdynasty and has now been completely restored ( 修复) .5. ( 2021 年卷 II) It was not widely accepted as a travel concept thelate 1980s.6. ( 2022 年新高考 I 卷)Giant pandas also serve an umbrella species( 物 种 ) ,bringing protection to a host of p

21、lants and animals in thesouthwestern and northwestern parts of China.连词 瓶 ffl:and,or,but?一 踊 晌 - 瞬 : 箔 词q瓢加特点: 先施陵从神当臬- 蜘蹒 映 句 一魄撵从句, 麹 , 篇 和 解 酬 机 的 弗 推 , 麹 、 宾 语 和 同 位 语 )、一 篇从句一目解臧地点原因、 让 步 、 培枭域悔等1 .判断并列连词考点的公式:句子/ 短语/ 单词 句子/ 短语/ 单词2 . 判断定语从句考点的公式:1)人 / 物 t h a t 动词+ 其 他 ( 先行词在从句中作主语)2)人,w h o 动

22、词+ 其 他 ( 先行词在从句中作主语)3)物/ 句子, w hich动词+ 其他( 先行词在从句中作主语)1. ( 2019 年卷 II) I work not because I have t o , b e c a u s e I want to.2.( 2020 年卷 III) he asked the villagers on the banks of the riverwhere he could find the legendary ( 传奇的) artist, they smiled and pointeddown the river.3 . ( 2021 年卷 I) My b

23、ike was old and shaky did the job.4 .( 2022 新高考 I 卷)The GPNP is designed ( design) to reflect the guidingprinciple of “ protecting the authenticity and integrity ( 完整性) of naturalecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological bufferz o n e s ,le a v in g behind precious natural a

24、ssets ( 资产 )for futuregenerations .5 .( 2022 新高考 I 卷)The GPNP is intended to provide stronger protection forall the species live within the Giant Panda Range and significantlyimprove the health of the ecosystem in the area.6 . ( 2020 全国卷H I) In ancient China lived an artist paintings werealmost life

25、like. The artistr s reputation had made him proud.7. ( 2020 江苏卷)Many lessons are now available online, from students can choosefor free.8. ( 2020 海南卷)The Digital World is a set of volumesaim to describe how digital systems influence society and help readersunderstand the nature of digital systems an

26、d their many interacting parts.9. ( 2020 全国卷 I ) China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moonin a spot it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth.10. ( 2021 年浙江 1 月卷)BMI is an internationally recognized measurementtool gives an indication of whether someone is a healthyweight

27、.( 答案: that/which) 11. ( 2021 天津卷) William Hastie once suggestedthat history informs us of past mistakes we can learn withoutrepeating them .( 答案:that/which) 12. ( 2021 天津卷)At the Chinese artfestival, there are different stands artists demonstrate their skillsand teach the visitors.13. ( 2022 全 国 甲

28、卷 )On the 1,100-kilometer journey, the man CaoS h e n g k a n g , l o s t his eyesight at the age of eight in a car accident,crossed 40 cities and counties in three provinces.Summary 总结eg 田 itso H 寸t w i n七J S 开3 3 31日寸叁 台 田g-i印 日 中J S Q f七 UO定 冠 词不 定 通 词常 见 介 词固 定 搭 配介 词 后 面 接 v -in g 或 名 词并 列 连 词定

29、 语 从 句名 词 性 从 句 主 语 . 宣 谙 、费 诏 和 同 位 谓 从 句状 语 从 句 时 间 、地 点 、 原 因 、 条 件 、让 步 状 ifi从句等主 相 、 宾 相 、 形 容 询 性 物 道 代 词 、 名 词 性 物 主 代 词 和 反 身 代 词模拟演练(20223广东省一模) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 When was the last time you visited a museum inwhich almost every collection could be touched? American lawyer Mi

30、tchDudek built a private museum 56 visitors can have directcontact with all the exhibits on display in the ancient city of Suzhou.The museum 57 (name) Six Arts because it is about the sixsenses and stimulating all of your senses. You can touch things. You can smellthings. Its different from other mu

31、seums. Founded in 2018, the four-storeymuseum now 58 (house) more than 40, 000 Chinese antiquesdating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911), with another 60, 000items 59 (store) in warehouses (QM). Having neverseen or used such items in his own country, Dudek is filled 60strong admiration

32、of the delicate designs and complicated carvings of theseold items. I think they are just beautiful, and I should collect them, saidDudek, 61 (add) that these items may be ignored once62 (random) packed in the warehouses, but they could shineagain through restoration. As more and more Chinese unders

33、tand andoffer me some of their old 63 (belong), collections in themuseum have become more varied and abundant. Now I plan to invitescholars and craftsmen to discover more 64 (culture) andhistorical stories behind them, he said.The collections not only help revisitold times but also present 65 sense

34、of beauty, said Xu Yun, avisitor from Shanghai.(2022.3汕头一模) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Poetry, 56 universal form of literature, plays animportant role in ancient China. Poetry probably had its origins in traditionalfolk music tens of thousands of years ago. In that era, there were no TVs orfil

35、ms, and 57 (write) had not been invented, so peoplewould sit around the fire at night and sing songs 58(entertain) themselves. These songs reflected themes from the peoples daily59 (life), such as hunting animals or sowing crops. Since nothingwas set down, over the years different versions of these

36、songs developed, andeach area would have its own respective rhythm. In addition to this, peoplewould recite stories of past heroes. As these stories were often quitelong, they often had rhyme and rhythm to help people remember them more60 (easy). While in the beginning such songs and stories had ave

37、ry simple format, over time they became more complicated and 61(pretty). These were no longer the works of amateurs sitting around a fire,62 works of true poets who cared about their art and whosometimes made a living from it. Poetry plays with sounds, words,and grammar, 63 makes poetry difficult to

38、 write but veryinteresting to read. Poetry uses colors, feelings, experiences, and images topaint a picture in your mind. Today, many Chinese people 64(become) more interested in reading poems, no matter 65what language they are written. Translation is good, but being able to read inwhat language is

39、 best.答案:动词 l.is constructed 2. carries 3, be chosen 4. spending 5.celebration形容词 1. poorly 2. interest 3. curiosity 4. better 5. eventually 6. largest,responsibility名词 1. energetic 2. strengthen 3. traditional 4. beautiful 5. financial 6.meaningful代词 1. them 2. its 3. its 4. its冠词 1. the 2. the 3.a

40、 4.the 5. the 6. the代词 1. it 2. it 3. them 4. its介词 1. than 2. than 3. than 4. in 5. until 6. as连词 1. but 2. When/As 3. but 4. and 5. that 6. whose 7. which8. which/that9. Where 10. that/which 11. that/which 12. where 13. who 14.who 15. that 16. What广东省 where, is named, houses , stored, with, adding,randomly, belongings,Cultural, a汕头一模 a, writing, to entertain, lives, easily, prettier, but, which,are becoming/have become, in



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