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1、ReadingTv-turnoff-ReadingTv-turnoff-WeekWeekStep1: Lead-inAnswer the questions.1. Do you watch TV a lot?2. How many hours do you spend on TV every day?l据统计,全美儿童平均一年花在电视上面的时间 为10231023小时,比在学校的时间(900900小时)还要长。l美国家庭平均每天开着电视时间:7 7小时小时4040分钟分钟l美国人平均每天看电视时间超过超过4 4小时小时l6岁以下儿童每天看电视时间约为约为2 2小时小时l45%45%的家长表示,

2、如果自己有事,就会让孩子去看电视再来看看电视对人们生活造成的影响:再来看看电视对人们生活造成的影响:l美国父母与孩子谈心的时间平均每周只有只有38.538.5分钟分钟l在校儿童平均每年看电视时间超过超过每年在课堂上度过的时间l一个18岁的少年在其成长过程中在电视上看到的暴力打斗场面达到20万次,其中谋杀场面达到1.6万次。Step1: Lead-inA survey on TVTask1:Scan the passage and answer the question. What can people do in a week without TV?Step2: Reading (Scanni

3、ng):They can read, talk, play games, hike, think, or do any number of other activities.Task2: Listen and circle the correct answers.Step2: Reading (Skimming)1.According to the passage, people who watch a lot of TV_ . a. succeed in school b. harm their children c. are likely to become fat2.TV-Turnoff

4、 week _ . a. start in 2010 b. has more than 44 million participants since 1995. c. is getting everyone involved 3. Which of the following is true about TV-Turnoff Week ?_ a. Its great but its effect lasts only a week . b. Most of its participants choose to watch less TV c. Its participants find it h

5、ard to re-engage in real life.cbbTask3: Read the para2-3, and then fill in the form.Step2: Reading( Intensive reading)TV-turnoff week activityParticipantstellusthatlifeismoreenjoyablewithouttelevisionVespeCreateanchanceforchildrenandadultstolivealifewithouttelevisionOver44millionpeoplehaveparticipat

6、edsince1995.childrenandadults,richandpoor,blackandwhite-peoplefromeverybackgroundandallwalksoflifeTask3:Read the para4 together, and fill in the form.The impact of TV-turnoff weekStep2: Reading( Intensive Reading)changedtheirTV-viewingsaidthatthesechangemaylastforeverwatchlessTVincluding20percentwho

7、watchnoTVre-engageinreallife,andtheyread,talk,playgames,hike,think,ordoanynumberofotheractivitiesismucheasierthantheyexpectedStep2: Reading (Outline) Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Task4:Match the correct sentences with each paragraph. The development of the TV-Turnoff WeekThe popularity of the TV and its

8、bad effect on our livesThe impact of the TV-Turnoff WeekThe concept of the TV-Turnoff Week Mobile Phone /Cell PhoneStep3: Extension Advantages? Disadvantages?Task5: Work in groups. Talk about mobile phone.Step3: ExtensionTask5: Talk about mobile phone. Advantages:We can contact people at any time an

9、d in any places It has many functions: send short messages listen to music, watch videos take photos surf the Internet look up the words buy things online play games read electric books Disadvantages:Expensive to buy and costly to pay the billsBad for our health ( mobile radiation)Affect our learnin

10、g and working We have fewer chances to communicate with each other face to face Every coin has two sides .Doyouhavenomophobia?(no-mobile-phone phobia无手机焦虑症)Step3: ExtensionFor about 66 per cent of us, being with your phone at all times is an obsession that occupies every waking minute. If you think

11、you may suffer from nomophobia - or no mobile phone phobia then the warning signs are: An inability to ever turn your phone off; Obsessively checking for missed calls, emails and texts; Constantly topping up your battery life; Being unable to pop to the bathroom without taking your phone in with you

12、. The number of people afflicted with nomophobia revealed in a recent study shows a rise from a similar study four years ago, where 53 per cent of people admitted the fear of losing their phone. 我们中大约有66%的人,时时刻刻都离不开手机只要眼睛睁着,就得和手机形影不离。 如果你有以下“症状”,你可就得提高警惕,看看自己是否得上了这种“无手机焦虑症无手机焦虑症”: 从来都不关手机; 时不时地查看有无漏

13、接的来电、邮件和短信; 频繁地为手机充电; 上厕所、洗澡,都得要把手机带在身边。 据最近公开的一项研究显示,患上“无手机焦虑症”的人数相比四年前的一次类似调查,已有所上升。在四年前的那次调查中,就已有53%的人承认自己很担心会丢失手机。 Step3: Extension Task6: An offer on “ Mobile phone-turnoff week”Step3: Extension Task6: An offer on “ mobile phone-turnoff week”Do you think its time for us to do something about th

14、e peoples dependency upon the mobile phone?Have you ever thought about how to spend your time if you turn off your mobile phones?Discuss in groups:Mobilephonehasbecomeoneofthemostpopulartechnologiesallaroundworld.Itbringsusalotofconvenience.Atthesametime,Mobilephoneswastepeopletoomuchtime.weheavilyd

15、ependonthemobilephonethatitdeeplyrootedinourdailylife.Inconclusion,therearesomebenefitsanddrawbackstomobilephones.Themostimportantthingishowtousethephonesinarightway.Yetsincethemajortaskofstudentsisstudy,itisadvisablethatweshouldfocusontheteachersandoursubjects.Inthiscase,alltechnologiesarebeneficial!Step4:Conclusion“mobile phone-turnoff week”Step5:Homework1.Make a plan- “mobile phone-turnoff week”2. Prepare for the writing What will happen if we turn off the mobile phone?3.Exercisebook: Reading part结束!结束!



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