2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 2 The Olympic Games课件 新人教版必修2.ppt

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1、Unit 2The Olympic Games核心单词ancientpetepetition1_ adj.古代的;古老的petitor2_ vi.比赛;竞争_ n竞争_ n竞争者;对手_ adj.竞争的3_ adj.巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的_adv.有魔力地petitivemagicalmagically4_ n志愿者;志愿兵adj.志愿的;义务的 vt.&vi.自愿_ adj.志愿者;自愿的volunteervoluntary5_ adj.规则的;定期的;常规的_ adj.没有规律的;不规则的_ n规律性6_ n(pl bases)基础;根据_ vt.根据7_ vt.& vi.容许;承认;接

2、纳_ n承认;允许;进入;入场费basisbaseadmit8_ n奴隶_ n奴隶制度9_ adv.现今;现在admission10_ n责任;职责_ adj.负责的11_ vt.取代;替换;代替_ n更换;代替slaveslaverynowadaysresponsibility12_ adj.快的;迅速的regularirregularregularityresponsiblereplacereplacementswift13_ vt.& vi.收费;控诉n费用;主管14 _ adj. 物理的;身体的_ n 物理_ n物理学家chargephysical15_ vt.& vi.做广告;登广告

3、_n广告physicsphysicistadvertise16_ n光荣;荣誉_ adj.光荣的17_ vi.讨价还价;讲条件n便宜货18_ adj.没有希望的;绝望的19_ adj.愚蠢的;傻的20_ n疼痛;痛苦21_ vi.& vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得advertisementglorygloriousbargainhopelessfoolishpaindeserve常考短语partstandeveryyears1take _ in 参加;参与2_ for 代表;象征;表示regularbasis3_ four _ 每隔四年4on a _ _ 依照常规5_ the agreed _

4、 达到统一标准6be _ as 作为被接受7_ a _ in 在中起作用8as _ 也;又;还reachstandardadmittedplayrolewellmatterfactchargewinmedal9as a _ of _ 事实上10in _ 主管;看管makebargain11_ a _ 赢得奖牌12_ a _ with 与达成协议13_ of 听说hearpick14_ up 捡起来15_ after _ 陆续地;一个接一个地oneanother16_ from 除了 apart经典佳句Itsthatnorcould1_ in the Summer Olympics _ you

5、have the runningraces, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports. 跑步、游泳、划船和所有的团队项目是在夏季奥运会上进行。2 No other countries could join in, _ _slaves or women!别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加!3Women are _ _ allowed, _ play avery important role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and.妇女不仅被允许参加,而且她们还在体操、竞技和团队

6、等比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用notonlybut课文回顾interviewingoursurprisedSuppose a writer living 2,000 years ago is 1._(interview) Li Yan, a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games.Hewants to know more information about the modern Olympics.Firsthe asks how often we hold 2._ (we) Games and he is3._ (surprise) to know about

7、 the Winter Olympics.When it es to the athletes, he is happy 4._ (find) everycountry has 5._ (equally) right to pete in the Olympics.And 6._ his surprise, women are not only allowed to taketo findequaltobutwas heldproudoverpart, 7._ play a very important role in the petition.LiYan also tells him the

8、 2008 Olympics 8._ (hold) inBeijing, China and all the nation are 9._ (pride) of that.Inthe eye of the writer, the Olympics have changed quite a lot10._ time.单句语法填空1It was _ (fool) of you to refer to your notes in suchan important test.foolishwhatfor2(2017 年江苏卷单项填空)We choose this hotel becausethe pr

9、ice for a night here is down to $20, half of _ it usedto charge.3Its even easier to follow if we know what all of those stand_.4I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise_ (regular)regularly5 It has helped me bee stronger, both mentally and_ (physical)physicallyadvertised6Id like to apply

10、 for the position _ (advertise) inyesterdays newspaper.responsibility7There, lets take the _ (responsible) to buildup a low-carbon city by riding bicycles.witha8Its not a good idea to miss meals and replace them _snacks.cheating/having cheated9Look, this coat is cheap; it is _ real bargain.10 Little

11、 Tom admitted _(cheat) in the examination.1pete vi.比赛;竞争;对抗pete for 为而竞争pete with/against sb.与某人对抗/竞争pete in 在中进行竞争petition n比赛petitor n竞争者;对手petitive adj.有竞争力的【名师指津】to petewith/against不及物动词 pete 后必须接介词,再接宾语。运用单句语法填空pete(1)(2017 年新课标卷阅读理解 B)Bradford said that largemodern theaters in the city made it

12、 impossible for the Plaza_ (pete)petitive(2)We can pete _ students from otheruniversities in debate contests or speech contests.(3)Life is like a race where we _ (petition) withothers to go beyond ourselves.(4)Nobody can entirely keep away from this _(pete) world.2admit vt.& vi.容许;承认;接纳;准许进入admit th

13、at-clause 承认admit (doing) sth.承认/供认/招认(做过)某事admit sb./sth.to be 承认某人/某物admit sb./sth.into/to 准许某人/某物进入;接收某人(入院或入学等)be admitted to 被接纳进入,被录取到admission n准许进入;入场费;承认【写作佳句】Women were only admitted into the club last year.这家俱乐部去年才接收女会员。运用 单句语法填空(1)The young man had to admit _ (drive) without adriving per

14、mit.(2)The exams are likely to work out as expected and mydream _ (admit) to my favourite university wille true.drivingto be admittedadmityourmistakes一句多译,每空一词(3)你应当有勇气承认错误。admitmakingYou should have the courage to _ _.(admitn.)havingmademistakes You should have the courage to _ _ /_ _ _.(admit doin

15、g sth.) You should have the courage to _ _ _ _ _.(admit that-clause)admitthatyouhavemademistakes3replace vt.取代;替换;代替;把放回原处replace sth.with/by sth.用替换replace sb.as.取代某人而成为replacement n代替;替换replaceable adj.可更换的【联想发散】replace 相当于 take the place of/take the seat of.,表示“代替”的词组有:in place of/in ones place,

16、take ones place, insteadof 等。replacethemwith运用完成句子,每空一词(1)不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。It is not a good idea to miss meals and _ _ snacks.(2)你离开之前必须把书放回书架上。You have to _ _ _ on the shelvesbefore you leave.replacethebooks(3)然而一个电话永远不能代替妈妈在身边,有时不感到孤独是很困难的。replacemotherspresenceA phone call , however , could nev

17、er _ _ and it was difficult not to feel lonely at times.(4)人们普遍认为课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。It is generally believed that teachers will never _ _ _ in class.bereplacedwith/byputers4deserve vi.& vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得;应得deserve to do sth.应该做;值得做deserve to be donedeserve doing sth.值得被做deserve consideration/attention 值得考虑

18、/注意【名师指津】当句子的主语与后面的 do 是主谓关系时,deserve 常接 todo,即动词不定式的主动式;当句子的主语与后面的 do 是动宾关系时,常接 doing,主动形式表被动意义,相当于动词不定式的被动式。类似用法的动词有 need,want,require。to achieverespecting/to be respected运用单句语法填空(1)Mike is constantly making efforts; she deserves _(achieve) the goal of entering the key university.(2)It is those wh

19、o are willing to give rather than receive thatdeserve _ (respect)(3)With many wild animals gradually dying out, the presentsituation deserves _ (pay) attention to.paying/to be paid1take part in 参加;参与(活动、比赛、会议等)take part 参加,参与take apart 拆开;拆卸;拆散;分辨part with 与分开;舍弃part of 部分的;一部分【名师指津】take part in 表示“

20、参加”,后面接各类活动等。辨析take part in, join, join in 和 attend(1)take part in 指参加群众性的活动、会议、比赛、游行等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,发挥一定的作用。(2)join 指加入某党派、组织或社会团体,以及参军等。(3)join in 通常指参加小规模的活动(如球赛、游戏等),尤指和其他人一起参加。当表示“与某人一起做某事”则用 joinsb.in sth./doing sth.。(4)attend 指参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼,或去上课、上学、听报告等,参加者只是去听、去看,自己不一定起积极作用。join inattendedta

21、king part in运用用上面的辨析词或短语的适当形式填空(1)Come along, and _ the ball game.(2)On our graduation day in 1972, Frank and I _the ceremony at Yale.(3)Thank you very much for _ our Englishactivities.(4)When I graduated from high school, I _the army.joined2stand for 代表;象征;表示;主张stand by 袖手旁观stand by sb.支持某人;站在某人的一边

22、stand out (from) (从中)脱颖而出;突出stand up 站立;站起来stand on ones own feet 自立;不依靠他人(cant/couldnt) stand doing sth.(无法)忍受做某事【一词多义】(1)I will not stand for behavior of that kind in my house.容忍(2)We should respect people of all faiths and stand forreligious freedom.主张(3)In China, these knots stand for friendship

23、 ,love and goodluck.代表forbyout运用用适当的介词或副词填空(1)Its outrageous, and we wont stand _ it any more.(2)Ill stand _ you whatever happens.(3)After several rounds of petition, the little girl stands_ because of her excellent spoken English and quickresponse ability.3as well 也;又;还just as well 无妨;幸好and as well

24、 以及;也;又it is just as well (that) 正好();幸好()may/might (just) as well do sth.做倒也无妨;只好做某事【名师指津】(1)as well 表示“也”,置于肯定句末。(2)as well as 可以用来表示比较,做状语,意为“和一样好”。(3)as well as sb./sth.意为“除之外;也;还”。当 as wellas 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和它前面的名词保持一致。aswellaswellas运用完成句子,每空一词(1)我自己写歌,也弹吉他。I write my own songs and I play the gui

25、tar _ _.(2)现在学校里男女学生都学烹饪。Boys _ _ _ girls are taught cookeryin school these days.aswellas(3)我们不仅可以更多地了解伟人的生活而且可以了解其他国家的历史和文化。We can know more about the life of great people _ _ history and cultures of other countries.(4)天气太糟了,我们倒不如待在家里。The weather is so bad that we _ _ _stay at home.mightaswell4in c

26、harge 主管;看管in charge of 掌管;负责in the charge of 在看管下take charge of 掌管;负责【名师指津】in charge of 与 in the charge of 做表语时,主语与 of 后的宾语刚好对调。如:His brother is in charge of the elder business.The business is in the charge of his elder brother.他的哥哥掌管着生意。inthechargeof运用一句多译,每空一词他不能掌管那家电脑公司,因为这超出了他的能力。The puter pany

27、 cant be _ _ _ him because it is beyond his ability. He cant _ _ _ the puterpany because it is beyond his ability. He cant be _ _ _ the puterpany because it is beyond his ability.takechargeofinchargeof原句 1Thats why theyre called the Winter Olympics. 那就是为什么把它们叫做冬季奥运会的原因。“Thats why.” 表 示 “ 那 就 是 的原因 ”

28、。“Thatswhy.”中 why 引导表语从句,强调结果;“Thats because.”中 because 引导表语从句,强调原因;“Thats the reason why.”中 why 引导同位语从句。运用单句语法填空(1)He got angry with me.Thats _ he didnt understandme.becausewhywhy(2)That is the reason _ all the petitors must reachthe agreed standard.(3)(2017 年北京卷 七选五型阅读理解)Thats _students do better

29、in tests if they get a chance to sleep afterlearning.原句2No other countries could join in, nor could slaves orwomen!别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加!“nor/neither助动词/系动词/情态动词主语”是一个固定句型,往往用在一个否定句后,表示前面提到的情况也适合于后者,意为“某人也不”。注意:(1)如果前面是肯定句,就用“so助动词/系动词/情态动词主语”;(2)如果前面句子的谓语既有肯定又有否定,或者形式不同,就用句型“So it is with./It is the

30、same with.”。运用完成句子,每空一词neither/nor(1)我以前没有去过湖南,我妹妹也没有去过。I havent been to Hunan before and_ _ _.hasmysister(2)如果你们今晚去看电影,我也去。sowillIIf you go to the cinema tonight, _ _ _.(3)他们想看看那场有名的篮球赛,我也想去看。They want to see the famous basketball match and _ _.sodoI(4)这个女孩很聪明,但是她不认真学习。她哥哥也是如此。The girl is clever, b

31、ut she doesnt study hard.It is _ _ _ her brother.thesamewith原句3Women are not only allowed, but play a veryimportant role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and.妇女不仅被允许参加,而且她们还在体操、竞技和团队等比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用“not only.but (also).”意为“不仅而且”,用来连接并列成分。注意:(1)当它引导两个句子且 not only 放句首时,not only引导的句子要用部分倒装形式,但 but

32、also 引导的句子必须用正常语序。(2)如果not only.but also 仅仅连接两个并列主语时,句子不用倒装语序。但是谓语动词的单复数根据but also 后面的名词来确定。运用完成句子,每空一词(1)(2017 年天津卷完形填空)一位研讨会的领导人分享了她的成功故事,她不仅损失了 125 英镑,还为无家可归的儿童筹集了 25 000 美元。hadnotonlyA seminar leader shared her success storyshe _ _ lost 125 pounds ,but also raised $25,000 forhomeless children.no

33、tonlyreadthebook(2)他不仅读过这本书,还记得内容。He _ _ _ _ _, butalso remembered what he had read.(3)我不仅认识她,还是她最好的朋友。_ _ _ I know her, but I am her bestfriend.Notonlydo(4)他不仅是个歌唱家,而且他也是个画家。Not only was he a singer, _ _ _ a painter.buthewasalso运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵下来Zhang Minli was to take part 1._ the school sp

34、ortsmeeting in three 2._ (week) She would pete3._ the opponents from other classes in three eventsfor the 4._ (one) place.She promised that she would fightfor 5._ (her) as well as for the honor of her class.She knewit 6._ (play) an important role in victory to get good7._ (prepare) for the petitions

35、, so she asked theteacher for advice and then she took an active part in 8._inweekswith/againstfirstherselfplayedpreparationtraining(train)As a matter of fact, she did take the first place in the threeevents.When interviewed, she admitted 9._ the trainingwas boring and hard, but the honor of the cla

36、ss 10._(deserve) the struggle.thatdeserved阅读理解(三)阅读理解八个常考点解读之 5、6:5因果关系一般来说,考查因果关系的题目有两种形式,给出原因推出结果或是给出结果找原因。出题者为了考查考生的阅读能力和逻辑分析能力,经常会将因果颠倒,考生需要注意辨别实际的因果关系,防止受到迷惑。表示因果关系的词语有:because,because of, for, since, due to, thanks to, as a result of, as, so, thus,therefore, consequently, in consequence, as a

37、result, result from,result in, cause, lead to, attribute.to 等。有时候文章中虽然没有出现表示因果关系的标志性词语,但是在逻辑上也存在着因果关系,这个时候考生就需要自己进行判断和推理。【例】(2017 年新课标卷)I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and educationorganization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley.Trying to helpinjured, displaced or sick creatures can

38、be heartbreaking; survival isnever certain.However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.I got a rescue call from a woman in Muttontown.She hadfound a young owl(猫头鹰) on the ground.When I arrived, I saw a2-to 3-week-old owl.It had already been placed in a carrier forsafety.I examined the chick( 雏 鸟

39、) and it seemed fine.If I couldlocate the nest, I might have been able to put it back, but noluck.My next work was to construct a nest and anchor it in a tree.The homeowner was very helpful.A wire basket was found.Iput some pine branches into the basket to make this nest safe andfortable.I placed th

40、e chick in the nest, and it quickly calmeddown.Now all that was needed were the parents, but they wereabsent.I gave the homeowner a recording of the hunger screams ofowl chicks.These advertise the presence of chicks to adults; theymight also encourage our chick to start calling as well.I gave theown

41、er as much information as possible and headed home to seewhat news the night might bring.A nervous night to be sure, but sometimes the spirits of naturesmile on us all! The homeowner called to say that the parents hadresponded to the recordings.I drove over and saw the chick in thenest looking healt

42、hy and active.And it was acpanied in the nestby the greatest sight of allLUNCH !The parents had done theirduty and would probably continue to do so.25Why was the author called to Muttontown?ATo rescue a woman.BTo take care of a woman.CTo look at a baby owl.DTo cure a young owl.解析:C 推理判断题。根据第二段“She h

43、ad found a youngowl ( 猫头鹰 ) on the ground.When I arrived, I saw a 2-to3-week-old owl.”可知有人给作者打电话是因为有只小猫头鹰掉在地上了,作者赶过去看看情况。 文中没有说小猫头鹰受伤了,作者只是过去看情况,所以 D 选项错误。故选 C。(2016 年东北三省四市教研联合体高考一模)The following simple exercise routine works as well asprescription medication (药物治疗) without side effects.A jog a day

44、 could keep your headaches at bay: Regular cardioworkouts (有氧锻炼) may prevent migraines (偏头痛), a growingbody of research suggesting.Migraine patients had fewer headaches after doing 40-minutecycling workouts three times a week for three months, according toa Swedish study.The exercise routine worked

45、just as well as one of the topmigraine-preventing drugs-topamiratebut without the side effectsof depression and tremors (颤抖)“Cardio workouts can help with regular headaches, too ,”says Alexander Mauskop, M D., director of the New YorkHeadache Center in Manhattan.There are a couple of theories on how

46、 it works.“Breaking a sweat may relieve stress , ” saysDr.Mauskop.Headaches are often triggered by stress, and if youremove the trigger, you will release the pain.The feel-good chemicals produced when you exercise actuallyblock your pain sensors, acting as a natural painkiller.Since headaches can be

47、 caused by many different factors likegenetics (遗传), lack of sleep, or certain foods, the cardio workoutwont be the solution for everyone.Dr.Mauskop says.But oneGerman study found that it helped 65 percent of patients, whichmakes it as effective as the best medicines on the market.Dr.Mauskop remends

48、 his patients do a half-hourreasonable intensity (强度) cardio workout, like jogging, biking, orswimming three times a week.These workouts are meant to be slowand steady, as opposed to high-intensity intervals that alternatebetween all-out runs and rest.Pushing yourself too much or increasing the inte

49、nsity tooquickly can trigger headaches in some people, so make sure yourheart rate doesnt jump above 150 BPM.If you dont have a heartrate monitor, then breathe only through your nose.Youll knowyoure going too hard if you cant keep up with that breathingpattern.Your migraines could start disappearing

50、 in a couple ofweeks.Dr.Mauskop says.1 The feel-good chemicals produced can help regularheadaches because _.Athey ease stressCthey prevent migrainesBthey help break a sweatDthey block your pain sensors解析:D细节理解题。根据第八段中的“The feel-goodchemicals produced when you exercise actually block your painsensors

51、.”可知选 D。6指代为了简洁明了地表达事物及其逻辑关系,作者常会利用各种代词、名词来代替前面提到过的人、物或事。当指代词前后的句子结构比较复杂、指代词与其代替的人、物或事相隔较远或指代词周围出现的多个事物时,这种指代关系往往不容易一下子区分清楚,因而这种题目常常受到出题人的青睐。【例】(2015 年湖南卷)Forget Cyclists, Pedestrians Are Real DangerWe are having a debate about this topic.Here are some lettersfrom our readers.Yes, many cyclists beha

52、ve dangerously.Many drivers aredisrespectful of cyclists.But pedestrians are probably the worseoffenders.People of all ages happily walk along the pavement with eyesand hands glued to the mobile phone, quite unaware of what isgoing on around them.They may even do the same thing whilecrossing a road

53、at a pedestrian crossing or elsewhere.The rest of ushave to evade ( 避 让 ) them or just stand still to wait for theunavoidable collision.The real problem is that some pedestrians seem to be, at leastfor the moment, in worlds of their own that are, to them, muchmore important than the welfare of other

54、s.Michael HoranI loved the letter from Bob Brooks about cyclists(Viewpoints, May 29)I am afraid they seem to think they own theroads.I was walking across Altrincham Road one morning when acyclist went round me and on being asked what he was doing heshouted at me.The government built a cycle lane on

55、the road but it is hardlyused.The police do nothing.What a laugh they are!The cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanesand wear helmets, fluorescent ( 发 荧 光 的 ) jackets and lights atnight and in the morning.They should pay some sort of tax and befined for not wearing them.Carol Harv

56、eyCyclists jump on and off pavements (which are meant forpedestrians), ride at speed along the pavements, and think theyhave a special right to go through traffic lights when they are onred.I was almost knocked down recently by a cyclist riding on thepavement when there was a cycle lane right next t

57、o him.Other road users, including horse riders, manage to obey therules so why not cyclists?Its about time they had to be registered and insured, so whenthey do hit a pedestrian or a vehicle, or cause an accident, at leastthey can be traced and there might be an opportunity to claim.JMLWrite to View

58、points of the newspaper.59 The underlined word “they” in the third letter refers to_.AaccidentsCpedestriansBvehiclesDcyclists解析:D 词义猜测题。最后一段“Its about time they had tobe registered and insured, so when they do hit a pedestrian or avehicle, or cause an accident, at least they can be traced and therem

59、ight be an opportunity to claim.”可知 JML 希望对自行车拥有者进行登记,当他们撞到行人或者车辆、制造出车祸的时候,他们能够被追查到,所以 they 在此指的是 cyclists,故选 D。(2016 年淄博高三 5 月二模)Daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time.Or it wasconsideredanunhealthyescapefromreallifeanditsduties.Daydreaming has always had a bad reputation, but nowscientific rese

60、arch has showed that daydreaming may actuallyimprove your mental health and creativity.It can even help youachieve your desired goals.Now some people are taking a fresh look at daydreaming.Some think it may be a very healthy thing to do.Researchers arefinding daydreaming, they tell us, is a good mea

61、ns of relaxation.But its benefits go beyond this.A number of psychologists haveconducted experiments and have reached some surprisingconclusions.Dr.Joan T Freyberg has concluded that daydreamingcontributes to intellectual growth.It also improves concentration,attention span, and the ability to get a

62、long with others; she says.Inan experiment with school children, the same researcher found thatdaydreaming led the children to pay more attention to details.They had more happy feelings.They worked together better.Another researcher reported that daydreaming seemed to produceimproved self-control an

63、d creative abilities.But thats only part of the story.The most remarkable thingabout daydreaming may be its usefulness in shaping our futurelives as we want them to be.Industrialist Henry JKaiser believedthat much of his success was due to the positive use ofdaydreaming.He maintained that “you can i

64、magine your future” Florence Nightingale dreamed of being a nurse.The youngThomas Edison pictured himself as an inventor.For these famousachievers, it appears that their daydreams came true.Of course daydreaming is no substitute ( 代 替 者 ) for hardwork.You have to work hard to develop skills.Daydream

65、ing alonecant turn you into your hearts desire.But in bination with themore usual methods of self-development, it might make a criticaldifference.And who knows: You might see your own daydreamse true.2What does “the story” in Paragraph 4 refer to?AThe attention.CThe contribution.BThe conclusion.DThe concentration.解析:B短语猜测题。第三段主要陈述了 Joan TFreyberg博士的结论:白日梦有助于改善人的注意力。根据第四段所举的例子可知,有关白日梦最值得注意的地方也许是它按照我们的愿望去塑造我们未来生活的作用。由此可知,第三段提到的内容只是结论中的一部分,所以“the story”指的是结论。故选 B。



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