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1、书面表达-记叙文型书面表达专题一专题一 记叙文型书面表达记叙文型书面表达专题一专题一记叙文型书面表达记叙文型书面表达专题一专题一 专题导读专题导读英英语语记记叙叙文文的的书书面面表表达达一一般般要要求求考考生生根根据据所所给给的的情情景景组织语言材料。要想高分完卷,组织语言材料。要想高分完卷, 必须注意:必须注意:1作作文文前前要要根根据据要要求求或或暗暗示示确确定定好好用用什什么么人人称称。一一般般来来说说, 英英语语记记叙叙文文要要以以“第第一一人人称称(I /we)和和第第三三人人称称(He/ She/ It/ They)”展展开开叙叙述述。第第一一人人称称是是从从“参参与与者者”的的角

2、角度度进进行行叙叙述述;第第三三人人称称是是以以“观观察察者者”的的身身份份展展开开叙叙述述。要要就事论事,就事论事, 不要画蛇添足,不要画蛇添足, 节外生枝。节外生枝。 专题导读专题导读专题一专题一 专题导读专题导读2交交代代清清楚楚记记叙叙文文写写作作的的基基本本要要素素:人人物物(who/whom)、时时间间(when)、地地点点(where)、事事由由(what)、原原因因(why)。注注意意从从具具体体的的材材料料中中提提炼炼中中心心, 并并根根据据中中心心思思想想选选择择材材料料, 合合理安排情节,理安排情节, 注意写作的顺序以及记叙的详略。注意写作的顺序以及记叙的详略。3注注意意

3、选选择择合合适适的的时时态态和和叙叙述述的的方方法法。记记叙叙文文一一般般是是叙叙述述已已经经发发生生过过的的事事情情, 因因此此其其基基本本时时态态应应该该是是一一般般过过去去时。其记叙的顺序包括:时。其记叙的顺序包括:专题一专题一 专题导读专题导读(1)以以时时间间为为线线索索, 按按时时间间的的顺顺序序展展开开。常常用用的的话话语语标标志志有有:afterwards, at the same time, first, then, next, finally, soon, immediately, following等。等。(2)以地点为线索,以地点为线索, 以地点的转移为顺序。以地点的转

4、移为顺序。(3)以事件的发展为线索,以事件的发展为线索, 或以人物的出现先后展开。或以人物的出现先后展开。4记记叙叙事事情情时时, 要要注注意意主主题题鲜鲜明明突突出出, 内内容容感感人人深深刻刻。写写人人时时, 要要抓抓住住典典型型事事例例、典典型型行行动动和和表表现现。对对中中心心事事件件和和最最能能表表现现中中心心思思想想的的地地方方, 要要详详细细叙叙述述;次次要要的东西就少写或不写。的东西就少写或不写。 专题一专题一 真题典例真题典例 2011北北京京卷卷 假假设设你你是是红红星星中中学学高高二二(1)班班的的学学生生李李华华。下下面面四四幅幅图图描描述述了了近近期期发发生生在在你你

5、们们班班的的一一个个真真实实故故事事,请请根根据据图图片片的的先先后后顺顺序序,为为校校刊刊“英英语语园园地地”写写一一篇篇短短文文。词词数数不不少少于于60。 真题典例真题典例专题一专题一 真题典例真题典例【解析解析】 One possible version: Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class when the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were all worried about her. One of the boys carried her on the back, with

6、the help of some others, to the clinic immediately. It turned out that her right leg was broken and she had to stay in the hospital. The following day, we went to visit her with flowers and fruit. 专题一专题一 真题典例真题典例Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapped in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hope

7、d that she would recover soon. This Thursday she returned to the class on a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all deeply moved and proud of having such a responsible teacher. 专题一专题一 新题预测新题预测 (一一)假假设设你你是是红红星星中中学学高高三三(1)班班的的李李华华, 上上周周六六在在颐颐和和园园做做了了一一件件好好事事救救了了一一名名落落水水儿儿童童。请请根根据据以以下下四四幅幅图图的的先先后后顺顺

8、序序, 写写一一篇篇英英文文周周记记, 叙叙述述事事情情发发生生的的全全过过程程并并简简要谈谈自己的感受。要谈谈自己的感受。注意:注意:1.周记的开头已为你写好周记的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数不计入总词数)。2.词数:词数:100左右。左右。 新题预测新题预测专题一专题一 新题预测新题预测 It was sunny last Saturday. I went to the Summer Palace to spend my weekend as usual._专题一专题一 新题预测新题预测【解析解析】 (一一)One possible version: It was sunny last S

9、aturday. I went to the Summer Palace to spend my weekend as usual. At about noon,I was enjoying my reading in a pavilion near a lake when suddenly I heard someone crying for help. I jumped up to see what was happening and was shocked by the scene. In the distance a little kid was struggling in the w

10、ater,while many 专题一专题一 新题预测新题预测people were standing by without doing anything. Believe it or not,I even heard some people say that it was none of their business and it was freezing cold after all. Without hesitation,I pushed through the crowd as I took off my coat,and jumped into the water quickly.

11、Cold as the water was,I managed to reach him and held him back to the bank. To my great relief,the kid was saved in time. I was proud of what I had done. I hope everyone can give a hand when someone else is in need.专题一专题一 新题预测新题预测 (二二)今今年年4月月14号号, 北北京京的的部部分分高高校校开开展展了了校校园园开开放放日日活活动动, 你你和和你你的的父父母母前前往往

12、一一所所你你向向往往的的大大学学参参观观咨咨询询。请请根根据据下下面面四四幅幅图图的的先先后后顺顺序序, 写写一一篇篇英英文文日日记记, 叙叙述述你你们们这这一一天天的的活动及感受。活动及感受。注意:注意:1日记的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;日记的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2词数不少于词数不少于100。专题一专题一 新题预测新题预测 April 14Saturday Sunny Today some universities were open to the public._专题一专题一 新题预测新题预测 【解析解析】 (二二)One possible version:April 14

13、Saturday Sunday Today some universities were open to the public. Its a good chance for me to know more about my dream university. So, I,accompanied by my parents,went to Peking University. Early in the morning,we arrived there excitedly. To our surprise,many students had already been there. Directly

14、 we went to the stands where teachers and专题一专题一 新题预测新题预测voluntary students of different departments made introduction and answered questions. Since I intend to choose English as my major,we spent lots of time asking the teachers for detailed information and advice. I was deeply impressed by the wond

15、erful courses and learned professors. 专题一专题一 新题预测新题预测Then we were attracted by the stands of various clubs. It was really amazing that they have organized such colorful activities I just cant wait for such a wonderful college life! Inspired by what I saw during the day, I am determined to try my best to get admitted to the university.



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