高中英语 Unit2 King Lear Listening课件1 新人教版选修10.ppt

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1、Discuss the pictures.In part 4 of the play, Lear arrives at the castle of his other daughter, Regan, to find his servant (Kent) has been put into the stocks and his daughter is refusing to see him. When they finally meet, Regan agrees with her sister and suggests Lear return to Goneril without his s

2、oldiers. Upon Gonerils arrival at Regans castle, both sisters insult Lear, who rushes out into a storm. 1 Who do you think the man with the sword is?For hitting the other man (Regans servant) with a sword.Kent disguised as Caius.2 Why do you think he has been placed in the stocks(被带上足枷)(被带上足枷)?3 Wha

3、t do you think King Lear is saying to his daughter and her husband? Open.1. Why was the Duke of Kent put into 2. the stocks?Listen to Part 4 of the play and answer the questions.He had an argument with Regans servant, and hit him with the flat side of his sword.2. What happens when Lear asks to see

4、his daughter?Regan tells Lear he should return to Goneril and apologize. 3. What does Regan tell the king to do? Regan at first pretends she is too tired to see Lear. Goneril and Regan tell Lear that he is selfish and that he should dismiss all his soldiers except for a few old men. 4. When Goneril

5、arrives what do the sister tell King Lear to do?5. What happens to King Lear next?Lear becomes angry and says he will not live with either of his daughters. Then he rushes away from the castle into an approaching storm.The notes on the next page, about the plot of Part 4, are out of order and two of

6、 the incidents didnt happen. Listen again and cross out the ones that didnt happen and number the others in order.( ) A Kent gets into an argument with Oswald and is put in the stocks.( ) B At first Regan and her husband refuse to see Lear.24( ) C Lear runs out into the storm.( ) D Kent demands that

7、 Regan apologize to him for putting him in the stocks.( ) E Kent goes to Regans castle to tell her Lear is coming.71( ) F Goneril arrives at the castle and she and Regan tell their father hes a silly old man.( ) G When Lear arrives and finds Kent in the stocks he is very angry.63( ) H When she final

8、ly comes to see Lear, Regan tells Lear to return to Goneril and apologize.( ) I Kent tells the king he is Kent disguised as Caius, his servant.51 How does King Lear feel when he finds Kent / Caius in the stocks?Listen again and answer these questions in groups.He is angry and sees the punishment of

9、his personal servant as an insult to himself.Being put in stocks and left on public display would be shameful. Passersby could laugh, call out insults or even throw things like rotten food at him. 2 Why do you think being put in the stocks is a terrible punishment?3 Why do Regan and her husband fina

10、lly come out of the castle to meet Lear?Lear threatens to go into their bedroom to talk to them.4 What does Regan say that shows the audience she has no sympathy for Lear?She says that Goneril is not that bad and then she suggests Lear return to Goneril and apologize to her. 5 Why do you think it is

11、 so important for King Lear to keep his troop of one hundred soldiers?The hundred soldiers act as an “honour guard” to show that be is still an important person. Without his troop he would be just an ordinary person of no importance. 1 Study the pictures and discuss with a partner what is happening

12、in each picture. Try to work out who each person is.Caius and another man are taking the King somewhere. It is raining.Picture A:Gonefils husband, the Duke of Albany is leaving the castle on his horse.Picture B:Lear seems to be mad. He is pointing at a chair and seems to be talking to it.Picture C:C

13、aius is leading Lear to some place (probably the French army). Lear does not look well. Picture D:King Lear has probably just left Regans castle and is walking around alone in the rain. Picture E:2 Listen to Part 5 of the play and number pictures A-E to show the order of the events.1E 2A 3C 4D 5B3 L

14、isten again and answer the questions.1 Where do the Duke of Gloucester and Kent take Lear?To the Duke of Gloucesters castle.2 What strange thing does Lear do that shows he is mad? What reason do they give for his madness?Lear thinks the chair and the stool are his daughters. They say he has gone mad

15、 because he has lost everything.3 What news does the servant give Gloucester? What do they decide to do?There is a plan to kill the king. They decide to take Lear to Cordelia and the King of France. 4 Summarize what has happened to each of the following characters.A Goneril and ReganGoneril, Regan and their husbands get ready to go to Dover in order to fight the French army.B Regans husbandRegans husband is killed in a fight.Gonerils husband, the Duke of Albany, leaves his wife and goes to join the French army.C Gonefils husband, the Duke of Albany



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