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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索人教版人教版 必修必修1Nelson Mandelaa modern heroUnit 5Section Unit RevisionUnit 5写作技巧指导写作技巧指导2课堂达标验收课堂达标验收3课前新知预习课前新知预习1课课 时时 作作 业业4课前新知预习课前新知预习1_vt.(与介词to连用)献身;专心于2_vt.建立;建设3_vt.& vi.投票;选举n.投票;选票4_vt.进攻;抨击5_vi.逃脱,逃走;泄露6_vt.教育;训练7_vi.请求;祈求8_vt.判决;宣判9_n质量;品质;性质10_n自我;


3、dj.慷慨的;大方的27_adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的28_adj.法律的;依照法律的29_adj.怀有希望的;有希望的30_adj.相等的;平等的31_adj.乐意的;自愿的relativerewardopinionmeanactivegenerouspeacefullegalhopefulequalwilling1_失业2_事实上3_在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等处境中4_丧失勇气或信心5_设立;建立6_使充气;爆炸7_求助于;致力于8_当权;上台9_被判处(徒刑)out of workas a matter of factin troublelose heartset upblow upt

4、urn tocome to powerbe sentenced to1是的第几个人He was the first man_ in July 1969.1969年7月他成为第一个登上月球的人。2“only状语”引导的倒装结构I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ studies.上学期期末考试我不及格,只有那时我才意识到学习的重要性。3. The time when.The time_was a very difficult period of my life.第一次见到纳尔逊曼德拉的时候,是我一生中非常艰难的时期

5、。4名词短语用作连词引导时间状语从句He liked the dog_.他第一次看到这条小狗,就喜欢上了它。答案:1.to land on the moon2.did I realize the importance of3.when I first met Nelson Mandela4.the first time he saw it定语从句(二)(以关系副词when, where, why以及“介词which/whom”引导的定语从句)用when, where, why填空1That was the period _ we worked together.2What is the nam

6、e of the place _ we stayed yesterday?3I dont know the reason _ he left.用“介词which/whom”结构填空4Light is the fastest thing all over the world, the speed _ is 300,000 kilometres per second.5This is the reason _ he cried.6Please tell me the way _ you did the job.7Is that the boy _ you handed that letter?8D

7、o you know the person _ we learned the news?答案:1.when2.where3.why4.of which5.for which6in which7.to whom8.from whom写作技巧指导写作技巧指导写一篇题为Paul Robeson的短文,词数100左右。提示:1Paul Robeson出生于美国一个贫苦的黑人家庭,12岁开始做工,先在农场干活,后在工厂做工。2Paul Robeson喜爱音乐,每天得做重活,但只要有时间就练习唱歌。他有一副好嗓子,不久他成为一名著名的歌唱家,为自己的民族歌唱,为自由歌唱。3全世界都知道他的名字,深受青年人

8、的喜爱。思路点拨:这是一篇写人的记叙文。在写作时要注意抓住其时间、地点、主要事迹、人们的评论等进行叙述。文章一般分为三个部分:第一部分陈述其出生的时间、地点和家庭背景等;第二部分列举其主要的经历、事迹和成就等;第三部分列举人们对他的评论或发表个人的感受或评论等。常见表达如下:1.文体:写人的记叙文。2.时态:主要时态用一般过去时,评价用一般现在时。3.人称:第三人称。参考词汇:1.出生于贫苦的黑人家庭:be born in a poor black family2.在农场干活:work on a farm3.喜爱音乐:be fond of/love music4.每天做重活:do heavy

9、work every day5.练习唱歌:practise singing songs6.有一副好嗓子:have a wonderful voice7.为自己的民族/自由歌唱:to sing for his own people/for freedom_参考答案:Paul RobesonPaul Robeson was born in a poor black family in the United States. He began to work at the age of twelve. He first worked on a farm, then in a factory.Paul

10、Robeson was very fond of music. Although he had to do heavy work every day, he practised singing whenever he was free. He had a wonderful voice. Soon he became a famous singer. He sang for his own people and for freedom.His name is known to the whole world and he is loved by the young people.课堂达标验收课

11、堂达标验收.根据汉语或首字母提示,用本单元所学的单词完成下列句子1The town was _(建立)by French settlers in 1869.2Mary is very a _ and she likes to take part in all kinds of activities.3He won the election because he got most v_.4The murderer was s_ to prison for he killed his girlfriend.5She was a well e_ woman,who would never say t

12、hose dirty words.6This is a matter of_(原则), so you must take it seriously.7The blind man b_ for a living.8How many metres is e_ to a kilometre?One thousand metres.答 案 : 1.founded 2.active 3.votes 4.sentenced5.educated6principle7.begged8.equal.根据汉语提示完成句子1_(过去的三十年见证了) great changes that have taken pla

13、ce in China.2I will give you a present in _(报答你的帮助)3 Winter is the season of year _ _ (昼短夜长的季节)4Jane _(吹灭生日蜡烛) and made a wish for herself.5Courage is one of _(优秀士兵的品质)答案:1.The last/past thirty years has seen2reward for your help3when/in which the day is short and the night is long4blew the birthday

14、 candles out5the qualities of a good soldier.选词填空(be) put in prison,in trouble,set up,out of work,be sentenced to death, come to power, lose heart, turn to1He will _ his teacher for help when he meets some difficulties in English.2I just cant understand why he is _ again. He has done so many kinds o

15、f jobs.3You cant _ in face of any difficulty.4 Boys and girls, lets do our best to help those _.5It is reported that the new president will _next month.6 Its said that a new factory will _ in my hometown.7The murderer will _ for killing a few young girls in a college.8 The thief will _ for stealing

16、quite a few expensive cars.答案:1.turn to2.out of work3.lose heart4.in trouble5come to power6.be set up7.be sentenced to death8be put in prison.语法单句填空1At that time _ I saw him, he was quite young.答案:when考查定语从句。题干中出现了两个句子,又因为有time出现,故使用when引导定语从句,he was quite young为主句。2As there was no one she could tur

17、n_, she felt very helpless.答案:to考查动词短语辨析。turn to sb意为“求助于”,此处she could turn to作定语从句,引导从句的关系代词whom省略了。3The National Education Department says again school safety has set off alarm bells with frequent serious accidents _ students got injured or even killed.答案:where考查定语从句。句中的先行词是accidents,在从句中充当地点状语,所以

18、用where引导。4Many soldiers are fighting _ the local people _ the natural disaster in the south.答案:with; against考查动词短语辨析。fight with与并肩战斗;fight against抗击,与斗争。5When the new president came_power at the beginning of the year, the government faced a lot of difficulty.答案:to句意:当新总统在年初上任时,政府面临着很多困难。come to powe

19、r执政,掌权。6As we all know, the police arent allowed _ (accept) any reward.答案:to acceptaccept the(any)reward意为“收酬金”。7I think everyone should be kind to others for kindness is a human quality_ everyone admires.答案:which/that这里指“善良是每个人都敬佩的品质”。8 _ when he went abroad did he realize the importance of learning foreign languages.答案:Only考查倒装结构。only后接时间状语提到句首,主句要用部分倒装结构。



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