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2、R TERRORISM AND VIOLENT EXTREMISM CONDUCIVE TOTERRORISM (VECT)TERRORISM (VECT)作为国家领导人,确保公民安全是我们最重要职责之一。各国应在防止和作为国家领导人,确保公民安全是我们最重要职责之一。各国应在防止和打击恐怖主义方面发挥主导作用。我们在大阪重申将采取行动,保护我们的人打击恐怖主义方面发挥主导作用。我们在大阪重申将采取行动,保护我们的人民免受恐怖主义和暴力极端主义利用网络产生的危害。我们发表此声明,要求民免受恐怖主义和暴力极端主义利用网络产生的危害。我们发表此声明,要求网络平台进一步增强履行其职责的意识。网络平台

3、进一步增强履行其职责的意识。As leaders, one of our greatest responsibilties is to ensure the securityAs leaders, one of our greatest responsibilties is to ensure the securityof our citizens. It is the states role, first and foremost, to prevent andof our citizens. It is the states role, first and foremost, to pre

4、vent andcombat terrorism. Here in Osaka, we reaffirm our commitment to act tocombat terrorism. Here in Osaka, we reaffirm our commitment to act toprotect our people from terrorist and VECT exploitation of the internet. Weprotect our people from terrorist and VECT exploitation of the internet. Weissu

5、e this statement to raise the bar of expectation for online platforms toissue this statement to raise the bar of expectation for online platforms todo their their part.我们二十国集团领导人重申,最强烈谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主我们二十国集团领导人重申,最强烈谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主义。通过网络进行直播的克赖斯特彻奇恐怖袭击及近期其他暴行凸显了全面落义。通过网络进行直播的克赖斯特彻奇恐怖袭击及近期其他暴行凸显了全

6、面落实联合国有关决议、联合国全球反恐战略以及实联合国有关决议、联合国全球反恐战略以及 20172017 年二十国集团领导年二十国集团领导人汉堡峰会反恐声明等文件的急迫性。人汉堡峰会反恐声明等文件的急迫性。1We, the leaders of the G20, reaffirm our strongest condemnation ofWe, the leaders of the G20, reaffirm our strongest condemnation ofterrorism in all its forms and manifestations. The livestreamed C

7、hristchurchterrorism in all its forms and manifestations. The livestreamed Christchurchterrorist attacks, and other recent atrocities, demonstrate the urgency withterrorist attacks, and other recent atrocities, demonstrate the urgency withwhich we must fully implement relevant UN resolutions, the UN

8、 Globalwhich we must fully implement relevant UN resolutions, the UN GlobalCounter Terrorism Strategy and other instruments, including the 2017Counter Terrorism Strategy and other instruments, including the 2017Hamburg G20 Leaders Statement on Countering Terrorism.Hamburg G20 Leaders Statement on Co

9、untering Terrorism.为使所有人从数字化中获益,我们致力于构建开放、自由、安全的网为使所有人从数字化中获益,我们致力于构建开放、自由、安全的网络。网络不能成为恐怖分子招募成员、煽动或筹备恐怖活动的庇护所。为此,络。网络不能成为恐怖分子招募成员、煽动或筹备恐怖活动的庇护所。为此,我们敦促网络平台遵循汉堡峰会强调的核心原则,即法治在线上线下同等适我们敦促网络平台遵循汉堡峰会强调的核心原则,即法治在线上线下同等适用。这一目标必须通过符合国内法和国际法的方式实现,包括尊重人权及言论用。这一目标必须通过符合国内法和国际法的方式实现,包括尊重人权及言论自由、信息获取等基本自由,我们对此高度

10、重视。我们承诺就此同各国、国际自由、信息获取等基本自由,我们对此高度重视。我们承诺就此同各国、国际组织、业界和民间社会合作。组织、业界和民间社会合作。For us all to reap the rewards of digitalisation, we are committed toFor us all to reap the rewards of digitalisation, we are committed torealising an open, free and secure internet. The internet must not be a saferealising a

11、n open, free and secure internet. The internet must not be a safehaven for terrorists to recruit, incite or prepare terrorist acts.To this end, wehaven for terrorists to recruit, incite or prepare terrorist acts.To this end, weurge online platforms to adhere to the core principle, as affirmed inurge

12、 online platforms to adhere to the core principle, as affirmed inHamburg, that the rule of law applies online as it does offline. This must beHamburg, that the rule of law applies online as it does offline. This must beachieved in a way that is consistent with national and international law,achieved

13、 in a way that is consistent with national and international law,including human rights and fundamental freedoms such as freedom ofincluding human rights and fundamental freedoms such as freedom ofexpression and access to information - we hold these in high regard. Weexpression and access to informa

14、tion - we hold these in high regard. Wecommit to collaborate with states, international organisations, industry, andcommit to collaborate with states, international organisations, industry, andcivil society in this endeavour.civil society in this endeavour.我们敦促网络平台满足公民的期待,不能允许网络平台被用于支持恐怖主我们敦促网络平台满足公

15、民的期待,不能允许网络平台被用于支持恐怖主义和暴力极端主义。网络平台对保护其用户负有重要责任。我们面临复杂的挑义和暴力极端主义。网络平台对保护其用户负有重要责任。我们面临复杂的挑2战,犯罪分子滥用网络的水平日益提升,网络平台不能忽视阻止伤害社会的恐战,犯罪分子滥用网络的水平日益提升,网络平台不能忽视阻止伤害社会的恐怖主义和暴力极端主义内容扩散。怖主义和暴力极端主义内容扩散。We urge online platforms to meet our citizens expectations that theyWe urge online platforms to meet our citizen

16、s expectations that theymust not allow use of their platforms to facilitate terrorism and VECT.must not allow use of their platforms to facilitate terrorism and VECT.Platforms have an important responsibility to protect their users. ThePlatforms have an important responsibility to protect their user

17、s. Thecomplexity of the challenge - and increasing sophistication of the criminalscomplexity of the challenge - and increasing sophistication of the criminalswho would misuse the internet - does not lessen the importance ofwho would misuse the internet - does not lessen the importance ofplatforms mi

18、tigating the proliferation of terrorist and VECT content, whichplatforms mitigating the proliferation of terrorist and VECT content, whichharms society, via their platforms.harms society, via their platforms.我们敦促网络平台提升雄心水平,我们敦促网络平台提升雄心水平, 作出更大努力,作出更大努力,阻止恐怖主义和暴力极端阻止恐怖主义和暴力极端主义内容被播放、上传或重新上传。我们强烈鼓励各方共

19、同努力,制定、执行、主义内容被播放、上传或重新上传。我们强烈鼓励各方共同努力,制定、执行、落实好相关服务条款,落实好相关服务条款, 以便发现和阻止网络平台出现恐怖主义和暴力极端主义内以便发现和阻止网络平台出现恐怖主义和暴力极端主义内容。容。这一目标可以通过技术发展等手段实现。这一目标可以通过技术发展等手段实现。我们强调,我们强调,当恐怖主义内容被上传当恐怖主义内容被上传或直播时,或直播时,有关网络平台应及时采取措施防止其扩散,有关网络平台应及时采取措施防止其扩散,同时保存证据记录。同时保存证据记录。我们我们欢迎网络平台作出承诺,根据其政策和程序,提供定期、透明的公开报告。欢迎网络平台作出承诺,

20、根据其政策和程序,提供定期、透明的公开报告。We urge online platforms to step up the ambition and pace of theirWe urge online platforms to step up the ambition and pace of theirefforts to prevent terrorist and VECT content from being streamed,efforts to prevent terrorist and VECT content from being streamed,uploaded, or r

21、e-uploaded. We strongly encourage a concerted effort to setuploaded, or re-uploaded. We strongly encourage a concerted effort to setout, implement and enforce terms of service to detect and prevent terroristout, implement and enforce terms of service to detect and prevent terroristand VECT content f

22、rom appearing on their platforms. Amongst otherand VECT content from appearing on their platforms. Amongst othermeasures, this may be achieved by developing technologies. Where terroristmeasures, this may be achieved by developing technologies. Where terroristcontent is uploaded or livestreamed, we

23、underline the importance of onlinecontent is uploaded or livestreamed, we underline the importance of onlineplatforms addressing it, in a timely manner, to prevent proliferation, whileplatforms addressing it, in a timely manner, to prevent proliferation, whileensuring that documentary evidence is pr

24、eserved. We welcome onlineensuring that documentary evidence is preserved. We welcome onlineplatforms commitment to provide regular and transparent public reporting,platforms commitment to provide regular and transparent public reporting,as set out in their policies and set out in thei

25、r policies and procedures.3我们注意到全球反恐互联网论坛在这一重要跨行业问题上正在开展的工作,我们注意到全球反恐互联网论坛在这一重要跨行业问题上正在开展的工作,包括在危机应对等方面,包括在危机应对等方面,同时认为论坛需要进一步采取紧急行动。同时认为论坛需要进一步采取紧急行动。我们鼓励论坛我们鼓励论坛同业界、媒体、研究人员和民间社会加强协作,加强论坛作用,并扩充其成员,同业界、媒体、研究人员和民间社会加强协作,加强论坛作用,并扩充其成员,使之更具包容性。使之更具包容性。这有助于提升行业间的理解和协作,这有助于提升行业间的理解和协作,并提升大小企业防范恐怖并提升大小企业防

26、范恐怖和暴力极端分子利用其网络平台的能力。和暴力极端分子利用其网络平台的能力。We note the ongoing work of the Global Internet Forum to CounterWe note the ongoing work of the Global Internet Forum to CounterTerrorism (GIFCT) to drive this important cross-industry agenda, includingTerrorism (GIFCT) to drive this important cross-industry ag

27、enda, includingto respond to crises. However, further urgent action is needed. Weto respond to crises. However, further urgent action is needed. Weencourage collaboration with industry, media outlets, researchers and civilencourage collaboration with industry, media outlets, researchers and civilsoc

28、iety to strengthen GIFCT and expand its membership to be moresociety to strengthen GIFCT and expand its membership to be moreinclusive. A strengthened GIFCT would enhance crossindustryinclusive. A strengthened GIFCT would enhance crossindustryunderstanding, collaboration and the capability of big an

29、d small companiesunderstanding, collaboration and the capability of big and small companiesto prevent terrorist and VECT exploitation of their prevent terrorist and VECT exploitation of their platforms.我们将继续在本国并通过国际论坛和倡议合作应对这一挑战,我们将继续在本国并通过国际论坛和倡议合作应对这一挑战, 包括分享国内包括分享国内经验。经验。加强反恐正面宣传是上述努

30、力的重要方面。加强反恐正面宣传是上述努力的重要方面。我们将关注业界进展,我们将关注业界进展,并敦促并敦促民间社会、消费者和投资者作出同样的努力。民间社会、消费者和投资者作出同样的努力。We commit to continue working together to tackle this challenge -We commit to continue working together to tackle this challenge -including by sharing our domestic experiences - in our countries andincluding

31、by sharing our domestic experiences - in our countries andthrough international fora and initiatives. Positive narratives to counterthrough international fora and initiatives. Positive narratives to counterterrorist propaganda will continue to be an important element of this effort.terrorist propaganda will continue to be an important element of this effort.We will remain engaged with industry progress and urge civil society,We will remain engaged with industry progress and urge civil society,consumers and investors to do the same.consumers and investors to do the same.4



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