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1、影响听力的因素l1. 语音知识的不足l2. 语法知识的不足l3. 词汇知识的不足l4. 文化背景知识的不足l5.心理因素Lesson 1第一节 短对话部分解题技巧1、题型特征和解题技巧l【题型特征】l一般是一男一女对话l问题一般是特殊疑问句l8组对话,间隔15秒l提问内容涉及:原因、态度、细节、数字、场景、关系、言外之意等解题技巧解题技巧l把握听力关键词(转折、因果、时间、暗示等)把握听力关键词(转折、因果、时间、暗示等)W: I was greatly impressed by Franks oil paintings.M: But in the art of oil paintings,

2、Bill is above all the others.Q: What does the man mean? (D)A. Franks oil painting are not good at all.B. Franks oil painting are as good as Bills.C. Neither Franks nor Bills oil painting are good.D. Bills oil painting are better than Franks.l加强对关键句型的敏感度(反问、建议等)加强对关键句型的敏感度(反问、建议等)l1) 理解反问句式的陈述含义 W: W

3、here can I find a bottle of ink? M: Why dont you try the shop on campus? Q: What does the man mean?l2) 理解虚拟语气的相反含义W: Put your grandmother in an Old Peoples Home. They will look after her.M: They would if they could.Q: What does the man imply? (D)A: His grandmother will be taken good care of there.B:

4、 There are not enough Old Peoples Homes.C: His grandmother is not willing to be put there.D: His grandmother will not get what she needs most there.l忽略次要信息和混淆内容(反义疑问、量词、特殊疑问等)M: I wonder if Sue will be here by 5 Oclock.W: Her husband said she left home at 4:30.She should be here at 5:10, and 5:15 at

5、 the latest.Q: What time did Sue leave home? ( C )A. 5:15 B. 5:10 C. 4:30 D. 5:00l积累场景相关词汇(家庭、学习、生活、工作、娱乐、用餐、天气、购物、积累场景相关词汇(家庭、学习、生活、工作、娱乐、用餐、天气、购物、医疗、交通等)以及掌握一些口语中的常用短语、习语以及惯用法。医疗、交通等)以及掌握一些口语中的常用短语、习语以及惯用法。l例1M: I hear that the research center has chosen Frank as head of the team. Is that true?W:

6、You said it. But they must have been out of mind in the choice!Q: What does the woman mean? (B)A: The research center has made a good choice.B: The research center has made a stupid choice.C: The research center is enthusiastic about choosing the head.D: The research center hasnt made a choice yet.l

7、例例2M: lets go for a walk.W: Id love to, but I feel a bit under the weather.Q: What does the woman mean? (C)A: The weather is making her feel unwell.B: She would like to go for a walk.C: She doesnt feel well enough t go for a walk.D: Its not very nice weather for a walk.常用的口语词组、习语和惯用法常用的口语词组、习语和惯用法(A

8、)a baby in armsa big shota bird in the busha bird in the handa black sheepa blind alleya born losera bosom frienda good case in point absence of mind a chicken guya gay dog ahead of schedule a man of his worda man of meansa pawn in the game a piece of cakea plain Janean apple polisher answer the cal

9、l of nature any minute apply ones mind to as alike as two peas as good as as good as gold as right as rain at hand at a loss at any rate at somebodys back at the top of the ladder/tree具体地说,包括以下技巧:具体地说,包括以下技巧:l1.易混读音(见书P33)l2.表意功能强的词、短语和句式l3.常见话题中的短语与表达方式1).Where does this conversation most probably

10、take place?2).What does the man imply?3).What does the man mean?4).What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 题型分类1)地点与场所题l四级听力常考十大场景四级听力常考十大场景:学习选课场景、打工场景、天气场景、看病场景、图书馆场景、论文场景、租房场景、出行场景、餐馆场景、减肥场景。l判断对话发生的地点,或判断对话中某一方要去的地方,以及判断第三者所在的位置等。这类测试通常比较简单,提问的方式比较单一提问的方式比较单一,选择项特点明显,一般四个选择项都

11、是表示地点状语的介词短语。l常见的提问方式是常见的提问方式是: Where does the conversation most probably take place? Where are the two speakers now? Where do you think this conversation most probably take place ? Where is the man/ woman going ? Where is Mary now ?l相关词汇和表达:lHotel : room service , double room, reservation, book, fr

12、ont desk, bathroom reception, single room lRestaurant: menu , steak, order, salad, soft drink , dessert,soup, go Dutch , beef , mutton , reservationlLibrary : borrow , over-due, lend, fine, renew, catalogue, shelf, volumelPost office : mail , parcel , airmail, registered letter, post,postagelStore :

13、 size , fashion, color, cash , counter,check out , on sale, of the same price, bargainlBank: open an account, draw on ones account, current account, fixed depositlHospital: fever, pills, cough, tablet , headache , take medicine,stomachache , temperature, prescribelSchool: Bachelors degree, Masters d

14、egree, Doctors degree,dormitory , semester , required course, elective/ optional course,credit, exam.lPlane : flight , seat belt, take off , land ,boarding.例1lA ) At home. B ) At the riverside. C ) At the health center. D) At his office.lM : Hello, this is John Hopkins at the Riverside Health center

15、.Id like to speak to Mr. Jones. W : Im sorry , Mr. Hopkins, my husband isn t at home. But I can give you his office phone number. He wont be back until 6 o clock. Q : Where does Mrs. Jones think her husband is now ?例2lA ) In a bank. B ) In a school. C ) In a clothing store. D ) In a barbershop.lW :

16、You seem very confident about the job interview, dont you ? M : Yes, I feel ready for it. I bought a good suit in the clothing store. I had my hair cut. I have studied almost everything about finance and economics. Q : Where is the man probably going to work? (A)例3lA) At a booking office. B) In a Ho

17、ng Kong hotel. C) On a busy street. D) At an airport.lW : Can I help you , Sir? M : Yes. Can you show me the way to gate 9 for flight 901 to Hong Kong? Im quite confused here. Q : Where does the conversation most probably take place ? (D)2) 职业、身份和相互关系题l四个选项往往是4 种不同职业或是表示两个对话者之间关系的词。如husband and wife

18、, boss and secretary ,librarian and student 或customer and repairman等。l常见的提问方式是: Whats the man/ woman? What does the man/ woman do ? Whats the man s /womans job/ profession/ occupation ? Whats the probable relationship between the man and woman ? Whats the probable relationship between the two speake

19、rs?相关词汇和表达:l1 、营业员与顾客(shop assistant and customer ) What can I do for you ? / on sale/ Can I help you? / out of style/ready-made/ receipt/ check-out stand/ size/ color/ fitl2 、饭店服务员与顾客(waiter/ waitress and customer ) menu/ seasoning/ order/ treat/ go Dutch/ steak/ ham/ bill/ Dutch Treat/reserve/make

20、 a reservationl3 、图书管理员与学生( librarian and student) borrow/ renew/ library card/ library catalogue/ loan desk/ due/ overdue/finel4 、医生与病人( doctor and patient ) Whats wrong ?/ What seems to be the symptom?/ Whats the matter?/ indigestion/ stomach/ be operated on/ give an injection/ chest pain/ feel wo

21、rn outl5 、教师与学生( teacher and student) tuition/ registration/ required course/ compulsory course/ optional course/ elective course/ drop out/ quit school/ credits/ attendance/pass coursel6 、空姐与乘客(airhostess and passenger) take off/ board/ fasten seatbelt/ land/ depart/ departure time /extinguish ciga

22、rettesl7 、老板与秘书( boss and secretary ) copy/ make arrangement/ break down/ inform例1lA ) Husband and wife. B) Father and daughter C ) Doctor and patient. D) Teacher and student.lW : Have you found anything wrong with my stomach? M : Not yet. I m still examining. Ill let you know the result next week.

23、Q : What s the probable relationship between the man and the woman? (C)例2lA ) A railway porter. B) A taxi driver. C ) A bus conductor. D ) A postal clerk.lW : Excuse me, Sir, Im going to send this parcel to London. Whats the postage for it? M : Let me see. It s one pound and fifty. Q : Who is the wo

24、man most probably speaking to ? (D)l3)数字与计算题l常见的计算题包括时间、价格、年龄、距离、速度等。出题形式可分为计算型、辨认型和替换型。以加减计算题为主。l相关词汇与表达: more, less , late , early, fast , slow , ahead of schedule , delay, postpone , decrease , bring forward, times,twice , double , a quarter, a half , the day before yesterday , half an hour例1 lA

25、) $1.40 B) $4.30 C) $6.40 D) $8.60lW : Here is a ten-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonights show, please. M : Sure. Two tickets and here s a dollar forty cents change. Q : How much does one ticket cost? (D)4)观点态度与反应题l涉及的主要是对话中男女双方对某人某事的看法。选择项中往往出现 1.表示人的情感或态度的动词或形容词等。如:be afraid , think, beli

26、eve, feel , like 等。 2.表明人的喜、怒、哀、乐等情感的形容词,如:excited ,bored 等。 3.描述事物性质的词,如: big, small, cheap等。l常见的提问方式有: What does the man/ woman think of ? Whats their opinion of? How did the man /woman feel about ? How did the man / woman feel?例1lA ) On the whole , she liked the film. B ) She didn t see the film.

27、 C ) The film was very exciting. D ) The film wasnt as good as shed expected.lM : Did you like the film? W : Not particularly. I was rather disappointed. Id expected it to be much more exciting Q : What can we learn from this conversation ? (D)例2lA ) He wishes to have more courses like it. B ) He fi

28、nds it hard to follow the teacher. C ) He wishes the teacher would talk more. D ) He doesn t like the teachers accent.lW : You took an optional course this semester, didn t you ? How is it going ? M : Terrible ! It seems like the more the professor talks , the less I understand. Q : How did the man

29、feel about the course? (B)例3lA ) The man went to the concert,but the woman didnt . B ) The woman went to the concert,but the man didnt . C ) The speakers did not go to the concert. D ) Both speakers went to the concert.lM : You didn t go to the concert last night either , did you? W : No , I had a slight headache. Q : What can we learn from this conversation ? (C)课堂练习lP53l专项练习 Section A 11-18l听录音,校对并讲解。



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