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1、必修五必修五 Module6 ContentsAnalysis of the new curriculumAnalysis of the new curriculum standardstandardAnalysis of the teaching contentsAnalysis of the StudentsAnalysis of the ObjectsAnalysis of the Procedure课标要求:课标要求: 本模块的话题属于课标话题项目表中自然(Nature)项目的Animals中的Endangered animals一项,其中心话题是拯救濒危动物。通过本模块的学习,帮助学

2、生增强“拯救野生物,保护自然环境”的意识,学会简要分析珍稀动物濒临灭绝的主要原因。教材分析:教材分析: 本模块是高二英语必修5模块6,它以濒危动物东北虎、藏羚羊、世界自然基金会为话题,向学生介绍了一些濒危动物的现状。教学内容包括:有关保护濒危动物方面的词汇与表达;复习“定语从句”;相关话题篇章等。其中,正确使用定语从句较难掌握,除课堂教学外,引导学生进行课外自主学习,加深理解。通过本模块,帮助学生学会简要分析珍稀动物濒临灭绝的主要原因;同时了解我国乃至世界为保护濒危动物所做的努力;学习讨论采取何种措施进行拯救;增强学生“拯救野生物,保护自然环境”的意识。学情分析:学情分析: 本模块的教学对象是

3、高二上学期的学生,他们对濒临灭绝的动物有一定的了解但并不深刻。同时,他们已掌握了一定的英语词汇,有一定的阅读能力、理解能力和表达能力。能独立阅读一些英文读物,有一定的人生观,价值观,对待事物有自己的想法,有相对独立思考的能力。保护濒临灭绝的动物应该是学生感兴趣的话题。他们应该是乐于学习,乐于参与的。教学目标教学目标知识与技能:知识与技能: 1.识记本节课有关保护动物的词汇与句型(poacher, antelope, battle, plateau, ideal,etc)。 2.了解藏羚羊濒临灭绝的现状及导致这一现状的原因,以及人类为拯救藏羚羊所做出的努力,并提出自己的保护措施。 3.学会概括段

4、落大意,找寻细节等阅读能力。 4.运用本课所学单词和短语,介绍一种濒危动物的现状。 过程与方法:过程与方法: 1.运用略读和查读的策略,进行两人一组活动及多种形式的阅读活动,体验在阅读过程中,学会捕捉关键词和重要信息的学习方法; 2.感知英语情境,学会运用所学词汇,采取小组合作探究的学习方法绘制一份海报,介绍一种濒危动物的现状。情感态度和价值观:情感态度和价值观: 在阅读中学会使用阅读方法和技巧,提高阅读兴趣。增强“拯救野生物,保护自然环境”的意识。教学重点与难点教学重点与难点 重点重点:熟悉课文内容,学会运用与课文内容有关的词汇,了解藏羚 羊的现状。 难点:难点:概括每段段意并用英语完整地表

5、达出来。教学方法与手段教学方法与手段 方法方法:任务阅读法、合作讨论法 手段手段:多媒体课件 Step 1. Lead-in Step 1. Lead-in Saving the Antelopes 学生获取信息的方式学生获取信息的方式通过形象生动的图片14%通过听录音看视频38%通过具体的例子14%通过理解板书的内容展示16%通过教师清晰的指令18%设计意图设计意图 抓住学生的注意力,很快的进入文章的情境中,开门见山,同时激发学生回忆更多的关于动物的英语单词,培养学生的发散思维的能力,创设轻松愉快的学习氛围。 课标中提出“阅读教学的教学目的是,培养学生的阅读策略,培养语感,特别强调培养学生在

6、阅读过程中获取和处理信息的能力。”近几年的考纲和考试说明对阅读理解的要求如下:“能理解主旨要义和文中具体信息;根据上下文推断生词的词义;做出简单判断和理解;识别不同文体特征;理解文章的基本结构、作者的意图和态度;根据所读,用恰当的词语补全文章提纲、概括关键内容或做必要的词语转换。” 根据上述要求,可把阅读理解对应分为以下六类:主旨大意题,事实细节题,推理判断题,篇章结构题,信息匹配题。 结合布鲁姆的认知六层级论和吉尔福特的心智运算五层次论,我对文本从知识和思维两个维度和层面设计和整合如下:Part I :Part II : Part III :paragraph 1 paragraph 2-3

7、 paragraph 4-5 Jiesang gave his life to save the Tibetan antelope.The poachers shoot lots of antelopes because their wool can bring them huge profits .So the antelopes are in danger .The Chinese government began to take actions to protect the antelopes in the 1990s and the antelope population is on

8、the increase .Step 2.Skimming:Step 2.Skimming:设计意图设计意图 Skimming: 快读文章,匹配段意,把握文章主旨大意。方法指导:首段首段中的首句或尾句,结尾段中间段的首句或尾句。Numbers& datesWhat they refer to199450,000$5,0001975In 1994 Jiesang Suonandajie was killedby the cruel pochers.By the 1990s the number of antelopehas fallen to about 50,000.A shawl from

9、the wool can sell for $5000.The business is completely illegalthere has been a ban on the trade since 1975.Step Step 3.Scanning:3.Scanning:1382%3,0005,000meters1997A police raid on a shop in London found 138 shawlsAbout 1000 antelopesor2% percentof the world populationhad beenkilled to make them.Ove

10、r the next ten years about 3,000 poachers were caught and 300 vehicles confiscated.The volunteers are really for the difficult conditions of life at 5,000 meters.Since 1997 the antelope population has slowly began to grow again.设计意图设计意图 Scanning: 寻读文章,捕捉信息,本文出现大量的数字,根据数字很快能找出文章中完整的句子,客观地认识藏羚羊的现状,学生会

11、很自然地意识到保护它们的必要性,加深对文章的理解。Step 4.Careful Reading:Step 4.Careful Reading: 1.How did Jiesang Suonandajie die? Jiesang Suonandajie was looking for poachers who were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope.He shouted to them to put down their guns.There were gunfights, in which Jiesang Suonandajie was ki

12、lled.2give ones life to/for为献身,把一生献给He himself had determined to give his own life also to the same career.他本人已经决心把他的生命也投入到同样的事业中去。He gave his life to save the drowning child.他为拯救落水的孩子献出了自己的生命。2-3 Why are Tibetan antelopes in danger? The wool of the Tibetant antelope is the most expensive in the wor

13、ld.the ideal coat for an animal which has to survive at high altitudes.For poachers the profits can be huge.The poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes, leaving only the babies whose wool is not worth so much.The wool are taken to India, where it is made into the shawls.The profits canbe huge.3worth

14、 /worthy/worthwhile归纳拓展(1)worth adj.值钱的,值得的【链接训练】Everything_doing is worthy of_well.Aworthy;being done Bworthy;doingCworth;being done Dworth;doing【解析】空一考查be worth doing sth.“值得做某事”;空二考查be worthy of being done“做是值得的”。句意为:每件值得做的事情都值得做好。【答案】C4-5 What has the Chinese goverment done to help the antelopes

15、? In the 1990s the Chinese goverment began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve which is the main habitat of the antelopes.The small group of officials who work in the reserve are helped by volunteers who come from all over the country.Meanwhile,in those c

16、ountries where the shawls are sold,police are getting tough with dealers.设计意图设计意图细读文章: 逐字逐句读文章,边读边选,边选边对比,边对比编排除,正确答案自然露出庐山真面目了。学生会深层次地剖析文章,把握文章结构,理清作者的思路,为下一步输出做足铺垫。Step 5.Disscussion:Step 5.Disscussion: Make a poster to raiseMake a poster to raise public public awareness ofawareness of wildlife pr

17、otection.wildlife protection. 设计意图设计意图 小组合作,绘制海报,发起倡议,保护动物,水到渠成,也是很好的德育渗透。海报的绘制,要求学生超越对知识的简单回忆,运用自己的想象力和创造性思维对原有知识和经验进行重新整合和构建,促使学习者对将要输出的语言进行思考。小组合作,有利于活跃课堂气氛,全员参加,在开放的语境中,体验各自的成功,充分发挥学生的主体性,也是对本节课很有效的检测。 Step 6.Homework:Step 6.Homework: What should we do to protect the wildlife What should we do t

18、o protect the wildlife and our own earth ?and our own earth ?It is the worlds biggest land animal; a fully grown adult can weigh five tons.It can be found in part of Siberia and Northeast China.They feed mostly on insects and small reptiles, but also eat fish and frogs.The population is supposed to

19、be less than 5,000; some experts believe the figure could be nearer 2,000African African ElephantElephantSiberian Siberian TigerTigerNorthern Northern Bald IbisBald IbisBlue Blue WhaleWhaleTalk about these animals and find more information.You may do like this:A: What kind of animal is the Siberian

20、tiger?B: It is the largest member of cat family.A: Where can Siberian tigers be found?B: It can be found in Siberia of Russia and parts of Northeast China. What animal?-give a description of the appearanceWhere to live?-the habitatWhat to eat?- the foodWhy in danger?-the reasons How many left?-the f

21、acts or results设计意图设计意图 作业: 重新整合课本,有效地设计,将词块应用于写作教学中,能解决学生在写作中遇到的问题,提高学生的英语写作能力。分层布置作业,因材施教,共同进步。 1.How did Jiesang Suonandajie die? Saving the 2-3 Why are Tibetan antelopes in danger? Antelopes 4-5 What has the Chinese goverment done to help the antelopes?Jiesang Suonandajie was looking for poacher

22、s who were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope.There were gunfights,in which Jiesang Suonandajie was killed.The ideal coat for an animal which has to survive at high altitudes.The poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes, leaving only the babies whose wool is not worth so much.The wool are taken

23、to India, where it is made into the shawls.The Hoh Xil Nature Reserve which is the main habitat of the antelopes.The small group of officials who work in the reserve are helped by volunteers who come from countries.Meanwhile,in those countries where the shawls are sold,police are getting tough with dealers.学习目标学习目标目标定向个体自学引导学习明确目标同伴互助教师解难练习检测补充学习督促学习收集学情组织学习生成目标指导学习解决疑难评价学习巩固检测完善学习分类指导学生教师评价写作SkimmingScanning细读板报分析综合领会应用知道读前发散思维读中分析、比较、综合、概括读后归纳推理、创造性思维能力、批判性思维教材教材课标学生的思维能力教学策略提高学生的提高学生的综合语言运综合语言运用能力用能力



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