八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents作业课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 4Why dont you talk to your parents?1Im very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination (中考)Why not _ music?It can make you _.Alisten to;relaxedBto listen to;relaxedClisten to;relax Dto listen to;to relaxA【解析】why not后接动词原形,因此排除答案B和D。relax为动词,意为“(使)放松,(使)休息”;relaxed为形

2、容词,意为“放松的”。本题中用形容词relaxed做宾补,如果是make sb. do sth.的结构,relax后必须加宾语。因此答案为A。2The teacher says your answer to the question is _,so you have to do it again.ArightBwrong Csimple DdifficultB 【解析】right意为“正确的”;wrong意为“错误的”;simple意为“简单的”;difficult意为“困难的”。根据句意“老师说你这道题做的答案是,因此你必须要重做”可知wrong符合句意。因此答案选B。3I am not p

3、opular in my class.What _ I do?You _ be nicer than before.Ashould;could Bmust;couldCcould;may Dmust;mustA【解析】本题考查情态动词的用法。 must表示必须;may表示可能;should表示应该;could表示可以。第一句中问别人“我该怎么办?”,要用情态动词should,回答中给出建议,要用情态动词could。因此答案选A。4John _ with his brother about the pet dog just now.And they dont talk with each oth

4、er now.Ajoined Bthought Cargued DborrowedC【解析】join意为“加入”;think意为“想”;argue意为“争吵”;borrow意为“借”。根据后一句句意“他们现在相互之间不说话了”可知,他们刚才为宠物狗“争吵”过。因此答案选C。5When I went into the room,I found _ in bed.Ahim lying Bhe lyingChe lies Dhim was lyingA【解析】found为动词,后接人称代词的宾格,因此排除答案B和C;find sb. doing sth.意为“发现某人正在做某事”。was lying

5、为过去进行时,必须做谓语。因此答案选A。6Try to _.Do not depend on your dictionary all the time.Aknow Bachieve Chelp DguessD【解析】know意为“知道”;achieve意为“达到”;help意为“帮助”;guess意为“猜测”。根据句意“试着去,不要总是依赖你的字典”可知guess符合句意。因此答案选D。7Helen didnt know anything about it _ her father told her.Aif Bbecause Cafter DuntilD【解析】if意为“如果”;because

6、意为“因为”;after意为“之后”;until意为“直到才”。根据句意“海伦什么都不知道她父亲告诉她她才知道”可知until符合句意。因此答案选D。8Frank lives a simple life _ he has lots of money.Aalthough Bbecause Cso DifA【解析】although意为“虽然,尽管”;because意为“因为”;so 意为“因此”;if意为“如果”。根据句意“法兰克过着简朴的生活他有很多钱”可知although符合句意。因此答案选A。9May I borrow this book?Of course,please _ it in t

7、wo weeks.Aturn Breturn Cgive DdeleteB【解析】turn意为“使转动;使变化”;return意为“返回;送还”;give意为“给”;delete意为“删除”。根据句意“我能借这本书吗?”及“可以,请两周内它”可知return符合句意。因此答案选B。10Every evening,my mother _ magazines while my father watches sports TV programmes.Alooks after Blooks throughClooks at Dlooks upB【解析】look after意为“照顾”;look thr

8、ough意为“浏览”;look at意为“看着”;look up意为“查找;向上看”。根据句意“我的妈妈杂志”可知look through符合句意。因此答案选B。11We should learn how to _ well with people around us.Aget along Bget downCget to Dget upA【解析】get along (well)with sb.为固定搭配,意为“和某人相处(得好)”;get to意为“到达”;get up意为“起来;起床”;get down意为“下来”,因此答案选A。12He spoke clearly _ everybody

9、 understood him.Aso far Bso that Ceven if Dif onlyB【解析】so far意为“到目前为止”;so that意为“以便;结果”;even if意为“尽管”;if only意为“只要;但愿”。根据句意“他说的很清楚每个人都理解他说的意思”可知so that 符合句意。因此答案选B。13He speaks _ English _ French.Instead,he speaks German.Aeither;or Bnot only;but alsoCboth;and Dneither;norD 【 解 析 】 either.or.意 为 “或 者

10、或 者 ”; not only.but also.意为“不但,而且”;both.and.意为“两者都”;neither.nor.意为“既不也不”。根据后半句句意“相反,他说德语”可知,他应该是“既不说英语也不说法语”。因此答案选D。14You look very excited._?I passed all the exams.AWhats your name BHow are youCCan I help you DWhats the matterD【解析】Whats your name意为“你叫什么名字”;How are you意为“你好吗”;Can I help you意为“我能帮你吗”

11、;Whats the matter意为“怎么回事”。根据问句句意“你看起来很兴奋,”及答语句意“我通过了考试”可知Whats the matter符合句意。因此答案选D。15Would you please help me with my writing skills?_.You can come to my office every Saturday.AThats all right BNot at allCNo problem DNo,thanksC【解析】A项意为“不要紧,没关系”;B项意为“根本不”;C项意为“没问题”;D项意为“不,谢谢你”。根据答语后半句句意“你可以每个周六到我办公

12、室”可知回答者愿意帮忙,C项符合句意。因此答案选C。二、完形填空。(20分)Alice had an argument with her best friend,Judy last Sunday.She thought _16_ was really difficult and wanted to copy Judys homework.But Judy refused.They didnt talk to each other for a few days.Alice didnt know _17_ to face her math problems and she wondered if

13、she could get on well with her friend again.Yesterday afternoon,she saw a cool boy _18_ the violin happily by the road when she was walking home from school.The violin sounded so nice that she couldnt help stopping to listen to him._19_ Alice didnt know what music he was playing,it made her feel bet

14、ter.After he finished the music,Alice walked over to him and said,“Thank you _20_ your beautiful music.It gets me out of the really bad mood (心情)”Then she took out some _21_ and gave it to him.To her surprise,the boy asked her to take the money back.He explained that he wasnt making money by playing

15、 the violin.He just wanted to _22_ others.He hoped that the wonderful music could make people relaxed and happy.Thats why he played it by the road.What a _23_ boy he was.Then Alice told him about her trouble.He said, “You should learn to smile even if you are in difficulty.Listening to music is help

16、ful.So why not listen to music as _24_ as possible?Never lose heart!Believe in your friend!She has her reason.Believe in _25_!Everything will go well!”Hearing these words,Alice went home with a smile.She believed she could make it.16A.Chinese Bmath Cscience Dphysics17A.why Bhow Cwhen Dwhere18A.carry

17、ing BsellingCbuying Dplaying19A.Because BWhen CThough DWhether20A.for Bwith Cfrom Dexcept21A.music Bmoney Cfood Dwork22A.have Bleave Cgive Dhelp23A.tall Brich Ckind Dsafe24A.often Bquickly Csoon Dloudly25A.myself Bherself Cyourself Dhimself三、阅读理解。(15分)Fiona was popular at school.She was clever and h

18、umorous.She was kind and friendly to everyone.She invited all her classmates to her birthday party,and sometimes she gave presents (礼物) to her friends.She was a busy girl so she never spent time with only one friend.Everything changed on National Friendship Day.On that day,everyone bought three pres

19、ents and gave them to their three best friends.Fiona bought presents for three of her friends.But when all the students gave their presents to each other,Fiona was the only one who didnt get a present!She felt terrible,and spent hours crying.Why?When she came home at night,she asked her mother for a

20、dvice.“My dear,youre a nice girl,” said her mother,“but you cant be a close friend to everybody.You dont have enough time to be with all of them.So everyone can only have a few true friends.” Hearing this,Fiona changed her way.At last,she had some true friends.26What was Fiona like according to the

21、passage?AHumorous and friendly.BKind but unfriendly.CClever but unfriendly.DFriendly but not clever.27The underlined word “terrible” in Paragraph 2 means “_” in Chinese.A幸运的 B极坏的 C愉快的 D骄傲的28Why did Fiona feel terrible according to the passage?ABecause she had no friends at school.BBecause no one wan

22、ted to play with her.CBecause she didnt have money to buy presents.DBecause she didnt get a present on National Friendship Day.29Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AFiona never spent time with only one friend.BFiona didnt buy presents on National Friendship Day.CFiona had fun on

23、 National Friendship Day.DFiona didnt have any true friends at last.30Whats the best title for the passage?AHow to Make Many FriendsBHow to Buy PresentsCMake True FriendsDEnjoy Yourself四、词汇运用。(10分)31I wonder why Mary didnt answer my phone._ she was busy at that time.32Pass me that pair of glasses,pl

24、ease.I cant see the words _33Did you use to get _ when you saw the school report from your teacher?34There is something _ with my bike.I have to go to school by bus.35Beckham used to be a famous _ player.Perhaps clearly nervous wrong football 五、短文填词。(10分)push,instead,whatever,communicate,relation,fo

25、otball,offer,nervous,argue,usualMom and Dadtheyre two of the most important people in your life.36._ between you and your parents are important.Here are five ways to help you stay close with your parents.Spend time together.Dont just play computer games alone.37._,you should ask your parents to play

26、 with you.Go outside together,play 38._ or try a board game.If your parents are far from you,you can 39._ with them by talking on the phone or sending emails.Relations Instead football communicate Share your feelings and ask for help.You may need your parents help when youre upset or 40._But they mi

27、ght not know that youre having a problem.So,tell them when youre sad.Be kind.Little things might mean a lot to your parents.Before they 41._ you,it will be very lovely of you to 42._ to help fold the clothes or clean up your room.And if you try not to 43._ with your brothers or sisters,your parents

28、might be happy.Show your care.A(n) 44._ way is to kiss,hug (拥抱) and say “I love you.” Kids and parents can also show their love by understanding each other and being caring.Do your best at 45._ you do.You dont have to be perfect (完美的),but when you do your best,you make your parents proud.It makes th

29、em happy to see how youre turning into such a great kid.nervous push offer argue usual whatever 六、书面表达。(15分)假如你是某杂志社编辑Mr. Knowledgeable,根据中学生Bob的来信内容,给他写封回信,帮助解决他所遇到的问题。词数80100,开头已给出。Dear Knowledgeable,My problem is that I cant get on with my family.My parents always say “no” to my ideas without any

30、 reason.So I often quarrel (吵架) with them.Also,my brother is not very nice to me.He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show.Instead,he watches whatever he wants until late at night.I dont think this is fair.At home,I always feel lonely and nervous.Is that normal?What can I do?BobDear Bob,

31、Dear Bob,Its normal to have these feelings.Why dont you talk about these feelings with your family?First,its not right to quarrel with your parents.I dont think quarrelling can solve problems.Youd better have a talk with your parents.Tell them to have a discussion with you before saying “no” to your ideas.Second,why not sit down and communicate with your brother?You should explain that you dont mind him watching TV all the time.However,he should let you watch your favorite TV show.I hope things will be better soon.Knowledgeable



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