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1、吕中舌吕中舌 博士博士清华大学外语系教授英国诺丁汉大学客座教授地址:北京清华大学文南楼地址:北京清华大学文南楼211211室室邮编:邮编:100084100084电话:电话:6278496962784969传真:传真:62785568627855681 1清华大学博士生入学考试题型及各部分比例分配听力20%词汇10阅读40综合填充10%写作20%2 2清华大学博士生入学 考试考前辅导词汇部分清华大学外语系吕中舌清华大学外语系吕中舌3 3I. 攻读博士学位考试大纲词汇量要求:攻读博士学位考试大纲词汇量要求:清华大学博士生入学时其英语水平清华大学博士生入学时其英语水平原则上应达到原则上应达到原则上


3、词组。掌握一定数量的常用词缀,并能根据构词法和语掌握一定数量的常用词缀,并能根据构词法和语境意思识别常见的派生词。境意思识别常见的派生词。4 4II.词汇部分的考试形式及重点:词汇部分的考试形式及重点:形式:形式:1010个单句有下划线,选出同下划线意义相同的单词;个单句有下划线,选出同下划线意义相同的单词;1010个个单句选择填空以完成句子。单句选择填空以完成句子。题量题量: : 20 20个句子个句子(10%)(10%),每道题,每道题0.50.5分,共分,共1010分。分。重点重点:是对名词、动词、形容词、短语及固定搭配的判断:是对名词、动词、形容词、短语及固定搭配的判断和理解,其中包括

4、区分同义词、近义词、反义词等。如:和理解,其中包括区分同义词、近义词、反义词等。如:In order to In order to achieveachieve your goals, you must work hard. your goals, you must work hard.A. make B. accomplish C. require D. developA. make B. accomplish C. require D. developAs they cant afford to let the situation get worse, they As they cant

5、afford to let the situation get worse, they will take some necessary _.will take some necessary _.A. decisions B. sides C. directions D. stepsA. decisions B. sides C. directions D. stepsThe first, second, and third prizes went to Jack, Tom and The first, second, and third prizes went to Jack, Tom an

6、d Harry _.Harry _.A. equally B. differently C. similarly D. respectivelyA. equally B. differently C. similarly D. respectively5 5III.单词记忆方法:单词记忆方法:通过阅读记单词通过阅读记单词通过做练习题记单词通过做练习题记单词通过联想方式记单词通过联想方式记单词: : 邻近联想邻近联想:lightening-:lightening-thunder-storm; winter-freeze- snow-frost; thunder-storm; winter-fre

7、eze- snow-frost; spring-blossom-awake; spring-blossom-awake; 类比联想类比联想: result-effect-: result-effect-impact; because of, on account of, due to; impact; because of, on account of, due to; 对比对比联想联想: stupid-clever-smart; advance-backward: stupid-clever-smart; advance-backward等等. .。分类记忆单词:根据单词的词性、词义、读音分

8、类记忆单词:根据单词的词性、词义、读音等方式将单词分类。如按意义分类:等方式将单词分类。如按意义分类:vehicle, vehicle, truck, jeep, taxi truck, jeep, taxi 等。按单词词性分类:等。按单词词性分类:reduce, reduce, decline, decrease, fall, dropdecline, decrease, fall, drop等。等。掌握构词法:如,前缀、后缀、词根。掌握构词法:如,前缀、后缀、词根。6 6前缀:前缀:名词后缀:名词后缀:动词后缀:动词后缀:形容词后缀:形容词后缀:副词后缀:副词后缀:常见词根:常见词根:7

9、7IV.四种命题方式:四种命题方式:1近形词题目近形词题目:考单词辨认、近形词辨认的能力。如:The problem is caused _ by a lack of money.A. prominently B. profoundly C. primarily D. proportionallyThe new director of the television station wants to _ its program.A. divide B. decide C. diversify D. divert8 82 近义词题近义词题:词义相近、用法不同。如:Generally _, that

10、 city is less crowded than the others in the same state.A. talking B. speaking C. saying D. tellingIn the big flood, only 20 % of the people in that village _.A. remained B. stayed C. lived D. survived9 9语境词汇题语境词汇题:根据单词所处的具体语言环境,确定正确选项。In 400 A.D. Chinese children played with a fan-like toy that spa

11、n upwards and fell back to earth as _ ceased.A. rotation B. suspension C. emission D. motivationAs a good photographer, you must develop an awareness of the world around you and the people who _ it. A. innovate B. inhabit C. integrate D. inherit1010固定搭配固定搭配:动词与介词或副词的搭配,形容词与名词的搭配等。Not all persons arr

12、ested and _ with a crime are guilty, and the main function of criminal courts is to determine who is guilty under the law.A. sentenced B. accused C persecuted D chargedIf you are a member of a club, you must _ to the rules of that club.A. conform B. appeal C. refer D. access1111V.词汇部分的主要词类及要点词汇部分的主要

13、词类及要点在词汇考试中,考生应该重视主要性及其要点,如名词、动词、形容词和副词。1212名词:名词:名词是词汇考试的一个重要组成部分;考生应注意名词在不同的语境中所体现的不同含义和用法,同时需通过练习熟悉这批名词,以及了解名词的外延和内涵和一定量的同义词。 1、除了英语本族语及少量外来语等拼写简单的名词外,名词多数是由希腊及拉丁词根加上前缀、后缀构成。大量的名词后缀是表示性质、状态和行为的。参见III. e. 掌握构词法之名词后缀及成绩词根。13132 2)名词的复数)名词的复数)名词的复数)名词的复数(1) (1) 以以-f -f结尾的名词,构成复数时只加结尾的名词,构成复数时只加-s-s,

14、如:,如: cliffcliffs s(悬崖)(悬崖)gulfgulfs s(海湾)(海湾)proofproofs s(证据)(证据) safesafes s(保险箱)(保险箱) 有些有些-f -f结尾的名词可有两种复数形式。如:结尾的名词可有两种复数形式。如: dwarfdwarfsdwarvesdwarfdwarfsdwarves(侏儒)(侏儒) hoofhoofshooveshoofhoofshooves(蹄)(蹄)(2) (2) 源自拉丁语、希腊语及法语的一部分外来源自拉丁语、希腊语及法语的一部分外来词的词的 复数形式仍然保留不变。复数形式仍然保留不变。 1 1)来自拉丁语的:)来自拉

15、丁语的: stratum / stratum / startastarta(地层)(地层) larva /larvaelarva /larvae(昆虫的幼虫)(昆虫的幼虫) stimulus / stimulistimulus / stimuli(刺激)(刺激) bacterium /bacterium / bacteriabacteria(细菌)(细菌)1414 2)来自希腊语的:analysis / analyses(分析) hypothesis / hypotheses(假设)synopsis / synopses(概要,大意) thesis / theses(论文,论题) criter

16、ion / criteria (标准) phenomenon / phenomena(现象)1515 (3) 一些外来词兼有原有复数形式和英语规则复数形式。 外来词 原有复数 规则复数形式syllabussyllabus(拉)(拉) syllabi syllabusessyllabi syllabuses(大纲)(大纲)medium medium (拉)(拉) media mediumsmedia mediums(媒体)(媒体)symposiumsymposium(拉)(拉) symposia symposiums(symposia symposiums(研讨会)研讨会)1616(4) (4)

17、 复合名词的复数形式复合名词的复数形式 1 1)daughter-in-law / daughters-in-lawdaughter-in-law / daughters-in-law(儿媳)(儿媳) 2 2)looker-on / lookers-onlooker-on / lookers-on(旁观者)(旁观者) 3 3)stand-by / stand-bysstand-by / stand-bys(可依靠的人或物)(可依靠的人或物) (5) (5) 一些名词的单复数意义不同。一些名词的单复数意义不同。 anxietyanxiety(焦虑)(焦虑)/ anxieties/ anxieti

18、es(令人忧虑之事)(令人忧虑之事) securitysecurity(安全)(安全)/ securities/ securities(证券,债券)(证券,债券) kindness kindness (善意)(善意)/ kindnesses/ kindnesses(善行)(善行)1717(6) 有些名词的复数形式兼有单数形式的意义和新的意义。 letterletter字母;信字母;信letters letters 字母;信字母;信 / / 文学,学问文学,学问mannermanner方式,方法方式,方法mannersmanners方式,方法方式,方法 / / 礼貌礼貌pain pain 痛痛

19、pains pains 痛痛 / / 努力努力 color color 颜色颜色 colors colors 颜色颜色 / / 军旗军旗1818动词动词: 动词的测试重点:1) 动词的认知能力和辨别能力;2) 动词的用法;3) 动词的搭配关系。在考试大纲的词汇表中,约有五分之一是动词五分之一是动词。因此,掌握好这批词汇直接关系到考试成绩。 19191. As a result, they had to _ answering their letter by three days.A. decide B. refrain C. surpassD. delay2. The diplomatic r

20、elations between the tow countries have _.A. ticked awayB. gone outC. broken offD. rung up20201) 动词不规则词型变化动词不规则词型变化动词原形动词原形 过去时过去时过去分词过去分词abide abide 遵守遵守abode, abided abode, abided abode, abidedabode, abidedarise arise 升起升起arosearosearisenarisenawake awake 唤醒唤醒awokeawokeawokeawoke, awaken, awakenbi

21、d bid 表示表示bade, bidbade, bidbidden bidbidden bidbreed breed 繁殖繁殖bredbredbredbredcastcast 投、掷投、掷castcastcastcastcreep creep 爬爬creptcreptcreptcreptdwelldwell留居留居dwelt, dwelleddwelt, dwelleddwelt, dwelleddwelt, dwelledforbid forbid 禁止禁止forbade, forbadeforbade, forbadeforbiddenforbidden21212) 2) 动词词型相近,

22、词义不同动词词型相近,词义不同动词词型相近,词义不同动词词型相近,词义不同compliment compliment vtvt. . 赞美赞美He is complimented for his fine He is complimented for his fine plement complement vtvt. .补充补充They need to complement the They need to complement the factory with factory with more workers.more workers. affect affect vtvt. . 影响影响

23、award award vtvt. . 授予、给予授予、给予effect effect vtvt. . 产生、引起产生、引起reward reward vtvt. . 奖赏、报答奖赏、报答adapt adapt vtvt. . 使适应使适应contract contract vtvt. . 缔结、订约缔结、订约adopt adopt vtvt. . 采用采用contact contact vtvt. . 使接触,使接触,compress compress vtvt. . 挤压挤压confirm v. confirm v. 证实证实comprise comprise vtvt. . 包括包括co

24、nform v. conform v. 符合符合inquire inquire vtvt. . 打听、询问打听、询问compel compel vtvt. . 强迫、迫使屈从强迫、迫使屈从require require vtvt. . 要求、命令要求、命令 impel impel vtvt. . 促成、推动促成、推动ensure ensure vtvt. . 保证、担保保证、担保rescue rescue vtvt. . 援救、营救援救、营救insure insure vtvt. . 给给.保险保险secure secure vtvt. . 保护、使保护、使.安全安全extinguish ex

25、tinguish vtvt. . 熄灭熄灭respect respect vtvt. . 尊重尊重distinguish distinguish vtvt. . 区别,辨别区别,辨别suspect suspect vtvt. . 猜想猜想22223) 3) 动词词义相近,用法不同动词词义相近,用法不同动词词义相近,用法不同动词词义相近,用法不同arrive vi.arrive vi.该动词后面需采用该动词后面需采用 at, in, on at, in, on 等介词等介词He arrived in Beijing yesterday. He arrived in Beijing yesterd

26、ay. reach reach vtvt. .该动词为及物动词,直接跟宾语。该动词为及物动词,直接跟宾语。They reached the village yesterday.They reached the village yesterday.insist v. insist insist v. insist 后面需用介词后面需用介词on on He insisted on going to the hospital tomorrow.He insisted on going to the hospital tomorrow.persist v. persist persist v. per

27、sist 后面需用介词后面需用介词 in in He persisted in working on this experiment.He persisted in working on this experiment.consist consist vtvt. . 这个动词一般用于主动态这个动词一般用于主动态 This class consists of forty students.This class consists of forty pose compose vtvt. compose . compose 常用于被动语态常用于被动语态 This country is composed

28、 of ten nations.This country is composed of ten nations.23234) 动词后需用动名词动词后需用动名词bandbandenjoyenjoycompletecompleteimagineimagineconsiderconsiderdenydenypracticepracticeacknowledgeacknowledgeanticipateanticipateavoidavoiddelaydelayenvyenvyescapeescapemissmissmindmindriskriskappreciateappreciate favorf

29、avorfacilitatefacilitatepostponepostponequitquitresentresentresumeresumeincludeincludepermitpermitinvolveinvolveadmit favoradmit favor2424例如: denydenyHe will He will consider consider giving us a chance to do the giving us a chance to do the experiment.experiment. resumeresume permitpermit25255) 动词后

30、需用不定式动词后需用不定式 affordrefusedecideseekagreecarelearn expectintendpretendpromise managedesireconsent prepareresolvepresumeundertake 2626例如:She refused to offer her help. agreed intended consenteddecided27276) 动词后可用动名词或不定式动词后可用动名词或不定式continuedislikepreferbeginrememberregretproposelike continueintendforg

31、et deserve rememberneglectattempt28287) 7) 动词固定搭配动词固定搭配动词固定搭配动词固定搭配 1) 1) 动词与介词的搭配动词与介词的搭配 bring about bring about 产生,引起产生,引起 bring forward bring forward 提出,提议提出,提议 break out break out 逃出,爆发逃出,爆发 break throughbreak through突破,突围突破,突围 carry offcarry off夺取,夺去夺取,夺去 come bycome by得到,获得得到,获得 get across ge

32、t across 使人了解使人了解 get at get at 够得着够得着29292) 动词与名词的搭配arrive at a conclusion得出结论take into consideration 考虑到commit a crime犯罪make a decision决定,果断reach an agreement达成协break ones promise 违约take action采取行动keep balance 保持平衡30303) 动词与名词和介词的搭配make an apology to sb.向某人道歉make comments on sth. 评论谋事hold an inqui

33、ry into sth.对某事进行调查 express sympathy for对某人表示慰问3131形容词形容词: 形容词测试点包括:形容词测试点包括:1 1)形容词的认知能力和辨别能力;)形容词的认知能力和辨别能力;2 2)词形及词相近的形容词的区分;)词形及词相近的形容词的区分;)形容词和介词的搭配。)形容词和介词的搭配。 例如:例如:1. 1. All the off-shore explorers were in good mood when they All the off-shore explorers were in good mood when they read _lett

34、ers from their family.read _letters from their family.A. affectionateA. affectionateB. intimateB. intimateC. passionate C. passionate D. considerateD. considerate2. All the girls seem to be _ of her beauty and 2. All the girls seem to be _ of her beauty and intelligence.intelligence.A. enviousA. env

35、iousB. indifferentB. indifferent C. distinctC. distinctD. enthusiasticD. enthusiastic3232形容词应注意的要点形容词应注意的要点形容词应注意的要点形容词应注意的要点: : 1. 1.词形相近的形容词。如:词形相近的形容词。如: mechanized, minimized, standardized, modernized mechanized, minimized, standardized, modernized 2. 2. 同义词和反义词。同义词和反义词。 如如wonderful wonderful 的同

36、义词有:的同义词有:marvelous, excellent, extraordinary, remarkablemarvelous, excellent, extraordinary, remarkable等。等。如如generous generous 的反义词有的反义词有mean, stingy, selfish mean, stingy, selfish 等。等。3. 3. 形容词和动词的。如:形容词和动词的。如:indicate - indicative; indicate - indicative; receive -receptive; inquire - inquisitiver

37、eceive -receptive; inquire - inquisitive等。等。 4. 4. 名词和形容词的结合。如:名词和形容词的结合。如:defect -defective, intention - intentionaldefect -defective, intention - intentional等。等。5. 5. 以以 - -ly ly 结尾的单词的词性。名词加结尾的单词的词性。名词加 - -ly ly 多构成形容词。如:多构成形容词。如:friendly, heavenly, friendly, heavenly, womanly, worldly womanly, w

38、orldly 等。等。33336. 不规则形容词的比较级和最高级的变化形式。如: 原级 比较级 最高级bad worse worstgood better bestlittle less (lesser)leastfar farther (further) farthest (furthest) 34347 7形容词与介词形容词与介词of of 的搭配:的搭配: guilty , jealous, envious, ignorant, hopeful, aware, guilty , jealous, envious, ignorant, hopeful, aware, conscious,

39、considerate, thoughtful, desirous, short, conscious, considerate, thoughtful, desirous, short, irrespective, exclusive, independent, tolerant, worthy, irrespective, exclusive, independent, tolerant, worthy, capable, sure, certain, confident, critical, characteristic, capable, sure, certain, confiden

40、t, critical, characteristic, suspicious, wary suspicious, wary 等等。等等。8 8形容词与介词形容词与介词toto的搭配:的搭配:accessible, available, accustomed, adjacent, accessible, available, accustomed, adjacent, advantageous, beneficial, alert, alien, agreeable, advantageous, beneficial, alert, alien, agreeable, comparative,

41、 attentive, awake, relevant, subject, contrary comparative, attentive, awake, relevant, subject, contrary 等等。等等。9. 9. 形容词与介词形容词与介词with with 的搭配:的搭配:consistent, compatible, identical, popular, satisfied consistent, compatible, identical, popular, satisfied 等等。等等。3535副词副词:(1) (1) 副词的分类副词的分类副词的分类副词的分类副

42、词按其词义和作用副词按其词义和作用, ,可分为下列几类可分为下列几类: : 1) 1) 时间副词时间副词: : 如如now, yesterday, soon, next, last, before, now, yesterday, soon, next, last, before, already, yet, early, late, agoalready, yet, early, late, ago等等 2) 2) 频度副词频度副词: : 如如never, sometimes, often, usually, hardly, never, sometimes, often, usually,

43、 hardly, seldom, always, frequentlyseldom, always, frequently等等. . 3) 3) 地点副词地点副词: : 如如here, there, somewhere, everywhere, up, here, there, somewhere, everywhere, up, down, in, out, on, off, over, awaydown, in, out, on, off, over, away等等; ;4) 4) 方式副词方式副词: : 如如well, fast, quickly. slowly. togetherwel

44、l, fast, quickly. slowly. together等等5) 5) 程度副词程度副词: : 如如 very, so, too, enough, rather, fairly, very, so, too, enough, rather, fairly, much, little, quite, almost much, little, quite, almost 等等 6) 6) 疑问疑问. .连接副词连接副词: : 如如 when, where, why, how, howeverwhen, where, why, how, however等等3636(2) 副词的用法:副词

45、的用法:1) 修饰形容词::The flower is very beautiful.2) 修饰动词: He studies hard.3) 修饰其他副词:He works very hard.4) 修饰名词词组:Even a child can do it.5) 修饰全句: Probably he will come back.3737(3) (3) 副词的构成副词的构成副词的构成副词的构成1) 1) 大多数副词是由形容词加后缀大多数副词是由形容词加后缀- -ly ly 构成的构成的; ; 如如: politely, : politely, sadlysadly2) 2) 当形容词以当形容词

46、以-y -y 结尾时结尾时, , 在加在加 - -ly ly 之前之前, ,先变先变 y y 为为 i: heavily, i: heavily, busilybusily3) 3) 以以 -le -le 结尾时结尾时, , 去去e e 加加 -y -y 即可即可: simply, ably: simply, ably4) 4) 以以 - -ll ll 结尾时结尾时, , 只须加只须加 -y: dully, shrilly-y: dully, shrilly5) 5) 以以- -ic ic 结尾时结尾时 , , 则在则在- -ic ic 之后加之后加 -ally; economically,

47、-ally; economically, basicallybasically6) 6) 有些副词由介词或地点名词加后缀有些副词由介词或地点名词加后缀-ward (s)-ward (s)构成构成, , 意义是意义是 向向. . 如如: backward (s), downward (s), forward (s), : backward (s), downward (s), forward (s), northward (s), onward (s), upward (s) northward (s), onward (s), upward (s) 等等7) 7) 另外另外, , 有些副词是由

48、名词加后缀有些副词是由名词加后缀 -wise -wise 构成构成, , 表示方向表示方向, , 位置位置, , 状态状态, , 样子等样子等; ; 如如: clockwise, lengthwise : clockwise, lengthwise 等。等。3838(4) 与形容词同形的副词与形容词同形的副词有些形容词与副词同形, 但有着不同的句法功能。 如: We had an early breakfast We had breakfast early 有些表示时间的词可同时用作形容词和副词。 如:daily, weekly, quarterly, monthly, yearly 3939

49、(5) (5) 兼有两种形式的副词兼有两种形式的副词兼有两种形式的副词兼有两种形式的副词有些副词有两种形式有些副词有两种形式: : 一是与形容词同形一是与形容词同形, , 二是由二是由该形容词加该形容词加- -ly ly 构成。这两种不同的形式构成。这两种不同的形式, , 有些含有些含义相同义相同, , 有些略不同有些略不同, , 有些完全不同。如有些完全不同。如a) close a) close 作作 近近 解解: : He works close to his home. He works close to his home. He was following close behind.

50、He was following close behind.作其它解释时用作其它解释时用closely: closely: Watch what I do closely. Watch what I do closely. The prisons were closely guarded. The prisons were closely guarded.4040b) dead 作突然地 完全地 解: She stopped dead. 在非正式用语中作 完全地 直接地解: He was dead tired. / The wind was dead against us. deadly 作“死一般地” 或“非常”解, 例如: deadly pale, deadly serious, deadly dull 等。4141介词: 虽然介词不是实词,但因其用法非常活跃,跟不同的名词搭配有不同的意义;跟不同的动词搭配又有不同的意义,故很难掌握。介词的用法介词的用法:介词必须同名词或动名词或代词一起构成介词短语;on the street; with you 名词搭配:in proportion, in general, in school 动词搭配: depend on, 4242连词连词: 连词也是虚词,不能单独使用,只能用来连接词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子。4343



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