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1、Use Your HeadUse Your HeadText LearningAfter-reading exercises1 You know that strength training can help you build and tone your body, but youre missing out on some very important benefits if you dont engage your mind as well as your muscles in your weight training.2 First, you do have to engage you

2、r mind to get the most out of your strength training. Training with machines, free weights or other forms of resistance can make you stronger, improve your appearance, strengthen your bones, and make everyday activities easier and safer. But it wont do any of those things very well if you dont pay a

3、ttention to what youre doing.Use Your HeadT3 Proper technique is important to engaging the muscles you want to work and to prevent injury. If you dont know the proper technique for an exercise, get a knowledgeable trainer to teach you. If you dont know what muscles youre working find out. Dont make

4、any exercise part of your routine unless you can answer the question: Why am I doing this?4 If you try to read a magazine while youre working out, you may be doing more harm than good. (Some weight trainees who work out at body building gyms may be amazed at the idea of someone reading during a stre

5、ngth workout. Trust me, it happens.)TUse Your Head5 So far Ive discussed how your mind can help your muscles. Now lets consider what your muscles can do for your mind.TUse Your Head6 The essence of meditation is that you focus your mind. Far from being asleep, you are in a state of heightened awaren

6、ess. Although pure meditation is performed while sitting quietly, any activity can be performed in a meditative way with full attention to what youre doing. Some activities can more easily be done in a mindful, or meditative, way than others. Strength training is one of these, because, when done pro

7、perly, you are already engaging your mind. Also, each repetition only takes a few seconds, so its easier to keep your concentration than it would be for a longer activity.TUse Your Head7 The benefits of meditation have been recorded for centuries. These benefits cannot be predicted and will vary fro

8、m person to person.8When using weight training as meditation, though, you can be sure you are improving your ability to concentrate. Other benefits will come depending on what you need, if you remain open to them.99By concentrating and focusing on your training, you actually are in the present, doin

9、g one thing at a time. But on another level you are really doing two things: strengthening your mind as you strengthen your body.TUse Your Head1 1 力量训练可以帮助你塑造体形、提高身体素质,但是力量训练可以帮助你塑造体形、提高身体素质,但是如果在进行力量训练时不同时运用大脑和肌肉,你就如果在进行力量训练时不同时运用大脑和肌肉,你就会错失一些非常重要的益处。会错失一些非常重要的益处。2 2 首先,要想从力量训练中充分获益,就必须要利用大首先,要想从力量

10、训练中充分获益,就必须要利用大脑。机械式重量训练器训练、自由调节重量的举重训脑。机械式重量训练器训练、自由调节重量的举重训练或其他形式的阻抗训练能够使人们更强壮、更好看,练或其他形式的阻抗训练能够使人们更强壮、更好看,而且有更强的骨骼,同时做日常活动时也会更加轻松、而且有更强的骨骼,同时做日常活动时也会更加轻松、更安全。但是,如果你不能将注意力集中于所做的事更安全。但是,如果你不能将注意力集中于所做的事情,就难以取得以上的效果。情,就难以取得以上的效果。利用你的大脑利用你的大脑Text3 3 要想活动到你想锻炼的肌肉,而且避免受伤的话,要想活动到你想锻炼的肌肉,而且避免受伤的话,掌握适当的技巧

11、很重要。如果你在从事一项体育运掌握适当的技巧很重要。如果你在从事一项体育运动时不知道该用哪些技巧,那么就该找一位懂行的动时不知道该用哪些技巧,那么就该找一位懂行的教练来教你。如果你不知道你在锻炼哪些肌肉,一教练来教你。如果你不知道你在锻炼哪些肌肉,一定要找出答案。在将锻炼当作例行公事之前,你一定要找出答案。在将锻炼当作例行公事之前,你一定要能够回答这样的问题:我锻炼的目的是什么?定要能够回答这样的问题:我锻炼的目的是什么?4 4 在锻炼身体的时候看杂志会弊大于利。(一些在健在锻炼身体的时候看杂志会弊大于利。(一些在健身房锻炼的人听说有人会在进行力量训练时看书或身房锻炼的人听说有人会在进行力量训

12、练时看书或许会感到吃惊,但是相信我,确实有人这样做。)许会感到吃惊,但是相信我,确实有人这样做。)Text利用你的大脑利用你的大脑5 5 上面我谈了大脑是如何帮助肌肉练习的,现在我们上面我谈了大脑是如何帮助肌肉练习的,现在我们来讨论一下肌肉练习是如何提高人的思维能力的。来讨论一下肌肉练习是如何提高人的思维能力的。Text利用你的大脑利用你的大脑6 6 冥想的关键是集中注意力。这时你不会睡着,相反,冥想的关键是集中注意力。这时你不会睡着,相反,你是处于注意力高度集中的状态中。尽管纯粹的冥你是处于注意力高度集中的状态中。尽管纯粹的冥想是在静坐中完成的,但其实所有活动都能在冥想想是在静坐中完成的,但

13、其实所有活动都能在冥想中进行中进行只要全力关注于你所做的事情。一些活只要全力关注于你所做的事情。一些活动比其他运动更容易在全神贯注中进行,力量训练动比其他运动更容易在全神贯注中进行,力量训练是其中之一,因为当你用正确的方法练习时,你已是其中之一,因为当你用正确的方法练习时,你已经集中自己的注意力了。此外,每一次动作重复只经集中自己的注意力了。此外,每一次动作重复只需几秒钟功夫,所以比起耗时较长的活动,力量训需几秒钟功夫,所以比起耗时较长的活动,力量训练更容易保持你的注意力。练更容易保持你的注意力。Text利用你的大脑利用你的大脑7 7 数百年以来,冥想的益处一直为人称道。但是这些数百年以来,冥

14、想的益处一直为人称道。但是这些好处无法预测,也会因人而异。好处无法预测,也会因人而异。8 8 然而,当你将力量训练当作一种冥想时,你肯定能然而,当你将力量训练当作一种冥想时,你肯定能提高你的专注力。如果不排斥其他潜在的好处,那提高你的专注力。如果不排斥其他潜在的好处,那么你所需要的好处也会随之而来。么你所需要的好处也会随之而来。9 9 当你专注于锻炼时,表面上看你每次只做一件事情;当你专注于锻炼时,表面上看你每次只做一件事情;但是从另一层面看,你是同时在做两件事情,既锻但是从另一层面看,你是同时在做两件事情,既锻炼身体,又增强思维能力。炼身体,又增强思维能力。Text利用你的大脑利用你的大脑T

15、extYou know that strength training can help you build and tone your body. You know that weight training can make your body stronger and healthier. tone v. a)make sth. stronger, firmer 加强;使发达加强;使发达 e.g.e.g.He toned up his muscles by exercising.通过体育锻炼,他使自己的肌肉更发达。通过体育锻炼,他使自己的肌肉更发达。 b) to improve 改进改进 e

16、.g.e.g.She toned up her apartment by having it painted.通过油漆,她改进了她公寓的外观。通过油漆,她改进了她公寓的外观。 to tone sth. downto lessen the intensity of sth. 使温和;降低调子使温和;降低调子 e.g.e.g.The critic toned down her attacks on the government.评论家降低了对政府攻击的调子。评论家降低了对政府攻击的调子。 Texttone n. a) 音调音调b) 腔调;语气腔调;语气c) the firmness and fle

17、xibility of skin or muscles 皮肤或肌肉的发达皮肤或肌肉的发达 e.g.e.g.He speaks to his baby in soft tones.他用柔和的音调跟他的宝宝说话。他用柔和的音调跟他的宝宝说话。 Our meeting had a pleasant tone.我们的会议有一种愉快的气氛。我们的会议有一种愉快的气氛。 An athlete has good muscle tone.一个运动员有发达的肌肉。一个运动员有发达的肌肉。 Textmissv. to fail to catch, understand or recognize 未赶上;未能理解;

18、未认出未赶上;未能理解;未认出 e.g.e.g.She missed the train to Newcastle.她错过了去纽卡斯尔的火车。她错过了去纽卡斯尔的火车。 She missed the main point the teacher made.她未领会老师所讲的要点。她未领会老师所讲的要点。 The shoe store is on the corner straight ahead; you cant miss it .鞋垫在前方的拐角处,你不会看不到的。鞋垫在前方的拐角处,你不会看不到的。 CompareCompareThe purse my dad bought me las

19、t year is missing.The purse my dad bought me last year is lost.我爸爸给我买的钱包不见了。我爸爸给我买的钱包不见了。 TextFirst, you do have to engage your mind to get the most out of your strength training. You must get your mind involved in order to make full use of the strength training. Textengage v. a) to be involved, par

20、ticipate 参加;参与参加;参与 e.g.e.g.She didnt want to engage in the conversation.她不想参与谈话。她不想参与谈话。 b) to get and hold the attention of 吸引注意力吸引注意力 e.g.e.g.The professor engaged his students in the discussion.教授把学生的注意力吸引到讨论当中。教授把学生的注意力吸引到讨论当中。 c) to employ, hire 雇佣;聘用雇佣;聘用 e.g.e.g.The company engaged 50 new wo

21、rkers.这家公司雇佣了这家公司雇佣了5050个新工人。个新工人。 Textengage engagement n. a) an agreement to marry 订婚;婚约订婚;婚约 b) a meeting, appointment 会面;约会会面;约会 The engaged couple plan to get married in the spring.这对订婚的新人打算春天结婚。这对订婚的新人打算春天结婚。 e.g.e.g.engaged adj. a) having a formal agreement to get married 已订婚的已订婚的 b) busy, oc

22、cupied 忙的忙的 My boss is engaged right now, but she should be free in an hour. 我的老板现在在忙,不过她一小时后会有时间。我的老板现在在忙,不过她一小时后会有时间。 Textengage She has an engaging personality.她具有迷人的个性。她具有迷人的个性。 e.g.e.g.engaging adj. charming, captivating 令人着迷的,引人注意的令人着迷的,引人注意的 Textresistance n. a) rejection 阻力,抗拒阻力,抗拒b) holding

23、 back 忍耐力;抵制力忍耐力;抵制力c) the ability to fight against disease 对疾病的抵抗力对疾病的抵抗力 e.g.e.g.He met with resistance when he tried to kiss her.他试图吻她时遭到了拒绝。他试图吻她时遭到了拒绝。 He maintained his resistance against eating fattening foods.他坚持忍住不吃发胖食品。他坚持忍住不吃发胖食品。 She has good resistance against sickness. 她对疾病的抵抗力强。她对疾病的抵

24、抗力强。 Textresistance Stainless steel resists rust. 不锈钢防锈。不锈钢防锈。e.g.e.g.resist v. a) 抗拒;挡开抗拒;挡开b) 抵制;反对抵制;反对c) 忍住;按捺忍住;按捺 Conservative politicians resisted the reform plan.保守派政客抵制改革计划。保守派政客抵制改革计划。 He resisted eating the chocolate cake because it is too fattening.他忍住不吃巧克力蛋糕,因为它太容易使人发胖。他忍住不吃巧克力蛋糕,因为它太容易

25、使人发胖。 Textresistance This kind of medicine makes her resistant to many kind of diseases.这种药使她对许多种疾病有抵抗力。这种药使她对许多种疾病有抵抗力。 e.g.e.g.resistant adj. a) 抵抗的抵抗的b) immune to disease 对疾病有抵抗力的对疾病有抵抗力的c) not agreeable 不顺从的不顺从的 He is resistant to the idea of seeing a doctor even though he doesnt feel well.即使不舒服

26、,他也不愿去看医生。即使不舒服,他也不愿去看医生。 Textappear v. a) to become noticeable or to be present 出现出现, ,变成关注目标变成关注目标 e.g.e.g.He suddenly appeared in the doorway.他突然出现在门口。他突然出现在门口。 b) to seem 看上去象是看上去象是 e.g.e.g.Youve got to appear calm in an interview even if youre terrified underneath.尽管你内心害怕尽管你内心害怕, ,在面试中你必须表现得很镇静

27、。在面试中你必须表现得很镇静。 Both women will be appearing before magistrates later this week.下半周两位妇女会同时出现在地方法官面前下半周两位妇女会同时出现在地方法官面前。 It appears (that) she left the party alone.看上去她独自离开了晚会。看上去她独自离开了晚会。 Textappear It was his first appearance on television.这是他第一次在电视上亮相。这是他第一次在电视上亮相。 e.g.e.g.appearance n. an occasio

28、n when someone appears in public公开出现的机会公开出现的机会 Textinjury n. physical harm or damage to someones body caused by an accident or an attack 事故或攻击中造成某人身体的伤害或破坏事故或攻击中造成某人身体的伤害或破坏 e.g.e.g.a head/back/knee injury 头部头部/ /背部背部/ /膝盖伤害膝盖伤害 TextSeveral train passengers received/sustained serious injuries in the

29、 crash.在碰撞中几位火车乘客受到严重的伤害。在碰撞中几位火车乘客受到严重的伤害。 CompareCompare hurt既可以是肉体伤害,也可以是心灵、精神方面的伤害既可以是肉体伤害,也可以是心灵、精神方面的伤害 injury主要指肉体的伤害,常常是外在的。主要指肉体的伤害,常常是外在的。 so far until now 直到现在直到现在e.g.e.g.So far weve made thirty-two thousand pounds.到现在我们已挣了三万两千磅。到现在我们已挣了三万两千磅。 Textessence n. the basic or most important id

30、ea or quality of something 最重要的品质或思想最重要的品质或思想 e.g.e.g.The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout life.他的论点的核心是教育必须是终身教育。他的论点的核心是教育必须是终身教育。 Textessential adj. necessary; needed 必须的必须的, ,需要的需要的 in essence 在本质上在本质上 e.g.e.g.He is a businessman in essence, so he always take

31、s profits into first consideration.他本质上是商人,因此总是以利润为第一考虑。他本质上是商人,因此总是以利润为第一考虑。 TextFar from being asleep, you are in a state of heightened awareness. You are fully conscious instead of being asleep. heighten v. to increase or make something increase, especially an emotion or effect 特指情感或效果的增加特指情感或效果的

32、增加 e.g.e.g.The strong police presence only heightened the tension among the crowd.强有力的警察存在只能加剧群众紧张情绪。强有力的警察存在只能加剧群众紧张情绪。 Textconcentration n. the ability to think carefully about something you are doing and nothing else 专心致志考虑问题的能力专心致志考虑问题的能力 e.g.e.g.I find that yoga improves my powers of concentrat

33、ion.我发现瑜伽能使我更加专注。我发现瑜伽能使我更加专注。 Textconcentration concentrate v. a)to think hard about sth; or to focus ones attention 1.1. 集中注意力;集中精神集中注意力;集中精神2.b) to reduce the amount of sth and increase its strength3.3. 同同 “condense” 压缩,浓缩压缩,浓缩 e.g.e.g.During exams, students concentrate hard on answering the ques

34、tions.考试期间,学生们集中精力回答问题。考试期间,学生们集中精力回答问题。 Orange juice that is concentrated can be stored in the freezer.浓缩的橙汁可以放在冰箱中保存。浓缩的橙汁可以放在冰箱中保存。 Textvaryv. a) to change or modify 更改;改变;修改更改;改变;修改 e.g.e.g.The bank varies the interest rates every month.银行每个月调整利率。银行每个月调整利率。 Textb) to differ 使不同;变化使不同;变化 e.g.e.g.

35、Air fares vary from one airline to another.航空公司的票价各不相同。航空公司的票价各不相同。 c) to depart from the usual, synonyms: deviate 偏离;违反偏离;违反 e.g.e.g.The stock market varied form its upward trend and went down.股票市场一改上升趋势开始下滑。股票市场一改上升趋势开始下滑。 varyvariation n. a) change 改变改变, ,区别区别 b) a small difference 变动变动 e.g.e.g.T

36、he variation in the weather was from sunshine to rain.天气的变化,由晴天到下雨。天气的变化,由晴天到下雨。 A variation in the electrical current made the lights dim.电流的变弱使灯暗下来了。电流的变弱使灯暗下来了。 Textvaryvariable adj. a) changing, alternating 易变的;多变的;反复无常的易变的;多变的;反复无常的 e.g.e.g.The forecast is that we will have variable weather, wi

37、th rain and sunshine today.天气预报说今天天气多变,有时有雨,有时晴天。天气预报说今天天气多变,有时有雨,有时晴天。 b) changeable 可变的,可更改的可变的,可更改的 e.g.e.g.a variable interest rate 可变利率可变利率 Textvaryvariance n. a) an exception to a rule or standard 差异;不同差异;不同b) not in agreement with sb. or sth. 不和;有分歧;不一致;不相符不和;有分歧;不一致;不相符 e.g.e.g.The builders

38、plans were at variance with the limit on building heights because her building was too tall.建筑商的楼房设计过高,超过高度限制。建筑商的楼房设计过高,超过高度限制。 variant n. a different spelling of a word ( (单词的单词的) )异体异体 CompareCompareText当你专注于锻炼时,实际上你每次只做一件事情。当你专注于锻炼时,实际上你每次只做一件事情。 By concentrating and focusing on your training, y

39、ou actually are in the present, doing one thing at a time. In fact, you are doing one thing at a time by being fully attentive to your training. TextAfter-reading ExercisesTranslation力量锻炼力量锻炼 体育锻炼体育锻炼 动脑子动脑子 吸引注意力吸引注意力 增强体质增强体质 strength training physical training engage your mind engage attention bu

40、ild and tone your body 使肌肉发达使肌肉发达 build and tone the muscle After-reading ExercisesTranslation最大限度地得益于力量锻炼最大限度地得益于力量锻炼 充分享受你的假期充分享受你的假期 防止受伤防止受伤 防止战争防止战争 正确的技巧正确的技巧 get the most out of strength training get the most out of your holiday prevent injury prevent war proper technique 适用的工具适用的工具 proper to

41、ols After-reading ExercisesTranslation有专业知识的教练有专业知识的教练 有见识的经纪人有见识的经纪人 使锻炼成为习惯使锻炼成为习惯 常规训练常规训练 对这个主意感到惊讶对这个主意感到惊讶 a knowledgeable trainer a knowledgeable dealer make exercises part of your routine routine training be amazed at the idea 对这个消息感到惊讶对这个消息感到惊讶 be amazed at the news After-reading ExercisesTranslation冥想的本质冥想的本质 思想的本质思想的本质 高度清醒的状态高度清醒的状态 恶化的身体状况恶化的身体状况 因人而异因人而异 the essence of meditation the essence of thought a state of heightened awareness a state of physical decline vary from person to person 顺序传递顺序传递 pass from person to person



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