高考英语二轮复习与增分策略 专题四 语法填空 第三节 题组练习 题组3课件

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《高考英语二轮复习与增分策略 专题四 语法填空 第三节 题组练习 题组3课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语二轮复习与增分策略 专题四 语法填空 第三节 题组练习 题组3课件(53页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、题组3专题四语法填空 第三节题组训练1(2017福建泉州质检福建泉州质检)Beijing Opera roles require performers to paint 1._(they) faces in patterns and colors to represent different character types and 2._(quality)In Beijing Opera,facial painting can be quite complex.However,in the 3._(begin), only three colors were usedred, white, a

2、nd black.Now,many other colors,such 4._ yellow,purple,blue and green,are used for facial painting. 答案解析1解析2解析3解析4theirqualitiesbeginningasRed is a color for brave and loyal characters.Guan Yu,a general from the Three Kingdoms Period (A.D.220280),is a good example of this kind of character.He is famo

3、us 5._ being very loyal to his emperor,Liu Bei.White highlights all 6._ is bad in human nature.It 7._(suggest) dishonesty and betrayal(背背叛叛)One of the typical white-faced characters is Cao Cao,a 8._(power) and cruel prime minister from the Three Kingdoms Period.答案解析5解析6解析7解析8forthatsuggestspowerfulB

4、lack face paint is 9._(usual) used for someone who is fierce and violent.One typical example is General Zhang Fei from the classic novel,Romance of the Three Kingdoms.All these different colors are used in Beijing Opera facial painting 10._(provide) a clear picture of each character.答案解析9解析10usually

5、to provide语篇解读语语篇篇解解读读京京剧剧的的角角色色需需要要表表演演者者画画脸脸,而而脸脸谱谱的的颜颜色色以以红红色色、白白色色和和黑色为主。本文介绍了这三种颜色所代表的意义。黑色为主。本文介绍了这三种颜色所代表的意义。2(2017河南漯河高级中学月考河南漯河高级中学月考)In ancient China the kite was known as “Zhiyuan”.11._(original) regarded as a technology, it also featured in many art collections,and was considered to have

6、 unique artistic value.It first 12._(appear) in the ware of the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC476 BC).According to historical records, Mo Zi spent three years 13._(construct) a wooden kite which failed after one days flight.One book noted that the master carpenter Lu Ban also made some which 14._(

7、use) to spy on the situation of the enemy.答案解析11解析12解析13解析14Originallyappearedconstructingwere usedNow the basic procedure of making kites remains the same,but styles of kite-making vary 15._ different regions.These in the “World Kite Capital” of Weifang in Shandong Province are well known for 16._(

8、they) craftsmanship, materials, painting, sculpture and flexible flying movement.One of these kites,17._ was over 300 meters long, won first place in the International Kite Festival 18._(hold) in Italy.It is now housed in the Weifang Kite Museum.Even this year,the festival is held there and is expec

9、ted to draw many fans with a passion for flying kites. 答案解析15解析16解析17解析18intheirwhichheld19._ you are interested in flying a kite,you should choose a sunny and windy day so you can enjoy the open air,and take care to avoid electric wires and cars.You could take more than one with you and fly them ac

10、cording to the change of wind.And of course, a pair of sunglasses may prove useful in protecting your eyes 20._ bright sunshine.答案解析19解析20语篇解读语语篇篇解解读读本本文文是是一一篇篇说说明明文文。在在中中国国古古代代,风风筝筝被被称称为为“纸纸鸢鸢”,被被认认为为是是一一种种技技术术,它它在在许许多多艺艺术术收收藏藏品品中中出出现现,并并被被认认为为具具有有独独特特的的艺艺术价值,同时介绍了风筝的历史,就古代和现在的风筝作了比较。术价值,同时介绍了风筝的历史

11、,就古代和现在的风筝作了比较。Iffrom/against3(2017内蒙古赤峰二中模拟内蒙古赤峰二中模拟)The First World War postcard has 21._(final) been sent after many years.It is a very old postcard.This postcard was from a 19-year-old soldier,Alfred,during the First World War.He 22._(write) this postcard and sent it to his lovely sister Nell 23

12、._ January 1916.The postcard is dated 1916 and 24._ is a cartoon picture of a new solider on the front. 答案解析21解析22解析23解析24finallywroteinthereAlfred has written to his sister,“Dear Nell,just 25._ postcard to let you know I have not forgotten you.On the other side you will see our orders for next week

13、.I will need your pity.Write to me,your brother Alfred.” Sadly,Alfred 26._(kill) in a flight in 1918 before the card arrived.27._(year) later,his sister died in 1964. 答案解析25解析26解析27awas killedYearsThe postcard is marked 1916 and again September 2010 when it was stamped to arrive.But the postman coul

14、dnt find the 28._(receive) any more.The post office said it was out of the question that the card was with 29._(they) all the time.They regularly cleaned out their offices and post boxes.The 30._(postcard) history for the last 94 years is still a mystery.语篇解读语语篇篇解解读读文文章章讲讲述述一一战战时时一一名名战战士士给给妹妹妹妹邮邮寄寄了

15、了一一张张明明信信片片,直直到到2010年才收到,但是却找不到收信人了。年才收到,但是却找不到收信人了。receiverthempostcards答案解析28解析29解析304(2017山西晋中一模山西晋中一模)Felicity Miller,a 32-year-old British woman,31._ has a Chinese husband,still remembers the 32._(excite) when she first learned to use the “red packet” function on WeChat in 2015.She sent and gra

16、bbed some red packets in her Chinese familys group.The rule in her family was that the person who grabbed the 33._(high) amount sent the next.答案解析31解析32解析33whoexcitementhighestAttracted by the unique way of communicating, many foreigners 34._(join) in sending and grabbing red packets so far.Usually,

17、the money in each packet is random.Thus the amount of money one can grab 35._(large) depends on his or her luck,from 0.01 yuan to less than 200 yuan.Many foreigners get more familiar 36._ Chinese culture through “red packets”. .Two years ago,when Felicity Miller was sent 5.20 or 8.88 yuan red packet

18、s,she had no clue about the 37._(hide) meanings.Now,she has not only known about them,but also has sent a few.答案解析34解析35解析36解析37have joinedlargelywithhiddenHowever,the popularity of virtual red packets doesnt stop people sending paper red packets 38._(contain) real cash during the Spring Festival.It 39._(call) lucky money.In Chinese tradition,people take giving children lucky money as 40._ blessing. 答案解析38解析39解析40语篇解读语语篇篇解解读读本本文文是是一一篇篇说说明明文文,主主要要介介绍绍了了微微信信红红包包的的流流行行不不仅仅受受到到外外国人的欢迎,更让他们了解了中国的传统文化。国人的欢迎,更让他们了解了中国的传统文化。containingis calleda



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