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1、Lesson 15Good news The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.

2、 Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. Mr.Harmsworth, I said in a weak voice. Dont interrupt, he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! secretary n. 秘书 sekrtri (英)大臣(美)部长 secretary(秘书)(秘书)=secret(秘密秘密)+ ary(人)(人)theSecretaryofState(美

3、)国务卿secretarial adj. 秘书的, 书记的Newwordsandexpressionsafford v. 担负得起买得起,经受得住fd affordmoney/timeaffordsth.affordtodosth.nervous adj. 精神紧张的n:vs get nervous 变得紧张nerve n. 神经神经n:vnervous adj. 精神精神紧张的的be nervous about /of Nervous break down 神神经紧张 【口】【口】 Weak adj.1. 弱的2. 软弱的,懦弱的3. (能力等)弱的,差的4. (论据等)不充分的,无说服力的

4、interrupt v. 插话, interruption n 中断;中断;干扰干扰Disturb sb 打扰打扰某人某人Interrupt sb 打断打断某人的话某人的话Extraadj. 额外的ekstrNewwordsandexpressionsGrammarText&Keypoints他说:“我想吃冰激凌。”直接引语他说他想吃冰激凌。间接引语直接引述直接引述别人的话,叫“直接引语直接引语”;用自己的话转述转述别人的话叫“间接引语间接引语”;直接引语一般前后要加引号;间接引语不用引号。Hesays,“Iwantsomeicecreams.”Hesaysthathewantssomeice


6、论1.主句一般现在时,从句任何时态。15I think that he is awful.I thought that he was awful.He believes that Mary has been to the U.S.He believed that Mary had been to the U.S.结论2: 主句用过去时,从句用过去某个时态。总结主句现在时过去时从句一般现在一般过去现在完成过去完成一般将来过去将来一般过去过去完成总结:去掉逗号和引号,主从之间加that,人称代词要转换,谓语动词跟着变,时态一定要注意,主从变化要一致。直接引语改为间接引语时,人称代词和物主形容词应该



9、事实真理时态不变!直接引直接引语 (变化前化前)间接引接引语(变化后化后)一般疑一般疑问句句He asked me, “Do you like playing basketball?”他问我:他问我:“你喜欢打篮球吗你喜欢打篮球吗?”whether/if 引引导的的宾语从句从句He asked me if/whether I liked playing basketball.他问我,他问我,我我是否是否喜欢打篮球喜欢打篮球。2.2 疑问句疑问句Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语不同句式的转换规则直接引直接引语 (变化前化前)间接引接引语(变化后化后)特殊疑特殊疑问句句My siste

10、r asked me , “What do you think of the film?”他问我:他问我:“你感觉这部电影怎么样你感觉这部电影怎么样?”wh-词引引导的的宾语从句从句My sister asked me what I thought of the film.他问我,他问我,我我对这部电影感觉怎么样对这部电影感觉怎么样。2.3 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句Grammer - 2 直接引语转换间接引语不同句式的转变规则转换中的要点转换中的要点1-人称的转换人称的转换Grammar - 2 直接引语转换间接引语1. 直接引语中的第一人称,一般转换为第三人称,如:直接引语中的第一人称,一般转换

11、为第三人称,如: He said,“I am very sorry.” He said that he was very sorry. 2. 直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对转述人说的,转直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对转述人说的,转换为第一人称,如:换为第一人称,如: “You should be more careful next time,” my father told me. My father told me that I should be more careful the next time. 2.5 转换中的要点转换中的要点1-人称的转换人称的转换Grammer -

12、2 直接引语转换间接引语3 .直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对第三人称说的,直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对第三人称说的,转换成第三人称。如:转换成第三人称。如: She said to her son, “Ill check your homework tonight.” She said to her son that she would check his homework that night.4. 人称的转换包括人称代词、物主代词和名词性物主代词等人称的转换包括人称代词、物主代词和名词性物主代词等。如:如: He asked me, “Will you go to the s

13、tation with me to meet a friend of mine this afternoon?” He asked me whether I would go to the station with him to meet a friend of his that afternoon. 总之,人称的转换不是固定的,具体情况,具体对待,要符合逻辑。总之,人称的转换不是固定的,具体情况,具体对待,要符合逻辑。Text1.ThesecretarytoldmethatMr.Harmsworthwouldseeme.IfeltverynervouswhenIwentintohisoffi

14、ce.Tellsbsth告诉某人某事 2.He did not look up from his desk when I entered.AfterIhadsatdown,hesaidthatbusinesswasverybad.Hetoldmethatthefirmcouldnotaffordtopaysuchlargesalaries. look up表示先埋头干什么,之后抬头看。 反义词:look down 向下看 Look down on sb 瞧不起某人(词义非常重) lookround环顾,向四周看 lookout小心,注意 looklike看起来像 lookfor寻找1.so+a

15、dj./adv.+(可数名词单数可数名词单数)He is so kind (a man)that everyone likes him.2.such +a/an+(adj.)+可数名词单数可数名词单数He is such a kind man that everyone likes him.4.such +(adj.)+不可数名词不可数名词Ive never eaten such delicious food.3.such +(adj.)+可数名词复数可数名词复数They are such kind people that everyone likes them.3.Twentypeopleh

16、adalreadyleft.Iknewthatmyturnhadcome.Mr.Harmsworth,Isaidinaweakvoice.Dontinterrupt,hesaid. My turn has come.(书面语) Its my turn.(口语) in a . Voice 用的声音 in a loud(大声)/low(低声)/weak(强调心理不踏实)/strong (理直气壮)voice 4.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!表示“再”或“又”的词,注意用法: e

17、xtra, other, more, another最灵活的是moremore可以放数词和名词之间,甚至可以放在整个名词的后面。extra和other一定放在数词和名词之间, another一定放在数词前面记住几个短语:one extra thousand; two others; once more; another three days Key words and expressions秘书秘书感到紧张感到紧张进入他的办公室进入他的办公室从他的桌子抬头看从他的桌子抬头看进入进入负担得起做某事负担得起做某事薪水薪水用微弱的声音用微弱的声音插话,打断插话,打断收到收到secretaryfeel

18、 nervousgo into his officelook up from his deskenterafford to do sthsalaryin a weak voiceinterruptreceive The _ told me that Mr. Harmsworth _ see me. I felt very _when I _ into his office. He did not look up _ his desk when I _. After I had sat down, he said that _ was very bad. He told me that the

19、firm _ not afford to pay _ large salaries. _ people had already left. I knew that _ turn had come. I said _ a weak voice: “ Mr. Harmsworth.” But he told me not to _ him. Then he _ and told me I would _ an extra thousand pounds _ year!secretarywouldnervouswentfromenteredbusinesscouldsuchTwentymyininterruptsmiledreceivea



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