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1、专业英语专业英语黄黄 芪芪 Radix AstragaliEnglish Name Milkvetch Root1 1OriginsPlant MorphologyCollection and PreparationProduction and CommerceDescriptionMicroscopical CharactersChemical ConstituentsPhysical and Chemical IdentificationPharmacologyAction IndicationMain contents2 2vHuangqi(黄黄芪芪) is also called hu

2、angqi(黄黄耆耆) and was first recorded in Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing as a superior herb. According to Li Shizhen, the Chinese name huangqi(黄黄耆耆) consists of huang(黄黄) and qi(耆耆), huang meaning yellow, and qi meaning “leader”. It is one of the most important tonic herbs, and that is why it was given this nam

3、e.vIt is the dried root of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao or Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch. ) Bge. , family Leguminosae.Origins3 3 A perennial herb, 4080cm high. Main root stout, relatively long and straight. Stem erect, branched at the upper part. Leaves odd-pin

4、nately compound, alternate, with 1218 pairs of pinnae; stipules lanceolate. Plant MorphologyAstragalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge. ) Hsiao:odd-pinnately compound:奇数羽状复叶:奇数羽状复叶pinnae:小叶,由拉丁语转变而来,复数:小叶,由拉丁语转变而来,复数stipule:托叶:托叶lanceolate :披针形的:披针形的4 4 Flowers in axillary racemes; c

5、alyx campanulate, 5-toothed; corolla yellow or yellowish, 1.82 cm long; standard oblong-ovate; wings and keel clawed; stamens 10, diadelphous; ovary long stalked. Legume (pod),membranaceous, inflated to be semi-ovate, 1.11.5 cm in diameter, glabrous. Flowering season Jun. Jul. ; fruiting season Jul.

6、Sept. . racemes:总状花序:总状花序 calyx: 花萼花萼 campanulate:钟状的:钟状的 corolla:花冠:花冠 standard:旗瓣:旗瓣 wing:翼瓣:翼瓣keel:龙骨瓣:龙骨瓣 diadelphous:二体雄蕊:二体雄蕊 stalked:柄:柄5 5 Cylindrical, some branched, upper part relatively thick, 3090 cm long, 13.5 cm in diameter. Externally pale brownish-yellow or pale brown, with irregular

7、, longitudinal wrinkles and more transverse lenticel-like protrusions, cork easily exfoliated, exposing yellowish-white cortex, sometimes showing reticulated fibre bundles. Descriptioncylindrical:圆柱形:圆柱形 cork:木栓层:木栓层 exfoliate:脱落:脱落 cortex:皮部:皮部 reticulate:网状的:网状的 phelloderm6 6 Texture hard and tena

8、cious, uneasily broken, fracture highly fibrous and starchy, bark yellowish- white, wood pale yellow with radiate striations and fissures, the centre part of old root occasionally rotten-wood-shaped, blackish-brown or hollowed. Odour, weak; taste, slightly sweet and slightly bean-like on chewing.Des

9、criptiontenacious:粘性的:粘性的 striation:纹理:纹理 fissure: 裂隙裂隙slight7 7 Cork consisting of many rows of cells. Phelloderm, 35 rows of collenchymatous cells. Outer part of phloem rays often curved and fissured; fibres in bundles, walls thickened and lignified or slightly lignified, arranged alternately with

10、 sieve tube groups; stone cells sometimes visible near phelloderm. Cambium in a ring. Xylem vessels scattered singly or 23 aggregated in groups; wood fibres existing among vessels; stone cells singly or 2 4 in groups, sometimes visible in rays. Parenchymatous cells containing starch granules.Transve

11、rse sectionphelloderm:栓内层:栓内层 collenchymatous: 厚角组织厚角组织 lignified:木质化:木质化8 8 Yellowish-white. Fibres in bundles or scattered, 830m in diameter, thick-walled, with longitudinal fissures on the surface, the primary walls often separated from the secondary walls, both ends often broken to be tassel-lik

12、e, or slightly truncated. Bordered pitted vessels colorless or orange, bordered pits arranged closely. Stone cells occasionally visible, rounded, oblong or irregular, slightly thick-walled.Powder primary walls:初生壁:初生壁 tassel : 穗穗 bordered pitted vessels :具缘纹孔导管:具缘纹孔导管9 9(1) Flavonoids: formononetin,

13、芒柄花黄素芒柄花黄素 3-hydroxyformonontin (calycosin), 毛蕊异黄酮毛蕊异黄酮Chemical ConstituentsR R1 1H RH R5 5=OME=OME R R1 1H RH R5 5=OME =OME R4OH1010v2,3-dihydroxy-7,4-dimethoxyisoflavone: 3二羟基二羟基7,4二甲氧基异黄烷二甲氧基异黄烷 v3-hydroxy-9,10-dimethoxypterocarpane; 3羟基羟基9,10二甲氧基紫檀烷二甲氧基紫檀烷 Chemical Constituents1111(2) Saponins:

14、astragaloside 黄芪皂苷黄芪皂苷 soyasaponin 大豆皂苷大豆皂苷Chemical Constituents1212(3) Sugars: astragalan, D-glucose, D-fructose, sucrose; 多糖类:黄芪多糖,D葡萄糖,D果糖,蔗糖;(4) Others -sitosterol, choline, betaine, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, linoleinic acid, etc.谷甾醇,胆碱,甜菜碱,棕榈酸,亚油酸,亚麻酸等。Chemical Constituents1313 Physical and

15、 chemical Identification 理理 化化 鉴鉴 别别14143g powdersApply the filtrate to a prepared neutral aluminium oxide column methanol,20ml, boil,1helute with 100 ml of 40% methanolEvaporate the eluate on a water bath to dryness Dissolve the residue in 30ml of water and extract with 2 quantities of 20ml n-butan

16、ol saturated with water Dissovle the residue in 0.5ml of methanol as the test solution.Combine the n-butanol solutions and wash solution and evaporate the n-butanol solution to dryness on a water bath.1515v 取本品粉末取本品粉末3克,加甲醇克,加甲醇20毫升,置毫升,置水浴水浴上上加热回流加热回流1小时,过滤,滤液加于已处理好的小时,过滤,滤液加于已处理好的中性氧化铝柱中性氧化铝柱上上(10

17、0120目目,5克,柱内径克,柱内径1015毫米)。用毫米)。用100毫升毫升40%甲醇甲醇洗脱,收集洗脱,收集洗脱液洗脱液。水浴蒸干,残渣加。水浴蒸干,残渣加30毫升水溶解,用水饱和的毫升水溶解,用水饱和的正丁醇正丁醇萃萃取两次,每次取两次,每次20毫毫升,合并正丁醇溶液,用水洗涤,正丁醇液蒸干,升,合并正丁醇溶液,用水洗涤,正丁醇液蒸干,残渣残渣加加0.5毫升甲醇溶解作为供试品溶液。毫升甲醇溶解作为供试品溶液。1616vDissolve Astragaloside IV CRS in methanol to produce a solution containing 1 mg per ml

18、 as the reference solution.v另取黄芪甲苷另取黄芪甲苷对照品对照品,加甲醇制成每,加甲醇制成每1毫升含毫升含1毫克的溶毫克的溶液,作为液,作为对照品溶液对照品溶液。1717 Carry out the method for thin layer chromatography (TLC)(Appendix 6.3) using silica gel G as the coating substance and chloroform-methanol-water (65:30:10, lower layer) as the mobile phase. Apply sepa

19、rately to the plate, dry it in air, spray with 10% sulfuric acid in ethanol, and heat at 105 for 5 minutes. 1818v参照参照薄层色谱法薄层色谱法(附录(附录6.3)试验,)试验,吸取上述两吸取上述两种溶液各种溶液各2微升,分别点于同一硅胶微升,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,薄层板上,以氯仿以氯仿甲醇甲醇水(水(65:30:10,用下层溶液),用下层溶液)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以10%的硫的硫酸乙醇溶液,并于酸乙醇溶液,并于105加热加热5分钟显色。

20、分钟显色。1919 A brown spot in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution corresponds in position and color to the spot in the chromatogram obtained with the reference solution. Examine under ultra-violet light ( 365 nm ), orange-yellow fluorescent spots are shown in both chromatograms.2020 供供试试品品色

21、色谱谱中中,在在与与对对照照品品色色谱谱相相应应的的位位置置上上,显显相相同同的的棕棕色色斑斑点点。置置紫紫外外灯灯(365nm365nm)下下检检视视,供供试试品品色色谱谱与与对对照照品品色色谱谱在在相相同同的的位位置置上上均均显显橙橙黄色荧光斑点。黄色荧光斑点。 2121Pharmacology(1) Tonifying effects: Continuous administration of the decoction to mice for three weeks increase their body weight and prolongs swimming time. The h

22、erb is considered a qi tonic. 滋补作用:黄芪为补气药。小鼠连续给予其煎出液三周,能增加体重和延长在水中游泳时间。2222(2) Diuretic effect: In animal studies, oral ingestion or injection of the extract induces diuresis. 利尿作用:动物试验研究表明,口服或注射给予黄芪提取物均能引起尿量增多。2323(3) Effect on nephritis: It has been proven effective against experimentally-induced

23、nephritis, especially in treating proteuria. Patients with proteuria that are given the herb recover faster than those in the control group. 对对肾肾炎炎的的作作用用:黄黄芪芪被被证证明明对对实实验验性性肾肾炎炎有有效效,尤尤其其对对蛋蛋白白尿尿效效果果较较好好。由由肾肾炎炎引引起起蛋蛋白白尿尿的的患患者服用黄芪后恢复比对照组快得多。者服用黄芪后恢复比对照组快得多。2424(4) Cardiotonic effect: The herb increases

24、 contraction of normal hearts, its cardiotonic effect being even more dramatic in hearts exhausted by fatigue and poison. 强强心心作作用用:增增强强正正常常心心脏脏的的收收缩缩功功能能。对对于于劳劳累累或中毒所致心脏衰竭起效迅速,强心作用明显。或中毒所致心脏衰竭起效迅速,强心作用明显。2525(5) Vasodilation effect: It dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation of the skin, a

25、nd enhances nutrition. 舒舒张张血血管管:扩扩张张血血管管,改改善善皮皮肤肤血血循循环环,并并增增加加营养。营养。2626(6) Antibacterial effect: In vitro the herb has antibacterial action upon Shigella dysenteriae, Streptococcus haemolyticus. Diplococcus pneumonia, and Staphylococcus aureus. 抗抗菌菌作作用用:体体外外抗抗菌菌活活性性实实验验表表明明,黄黄芪芪对对痢痢疾疾志志贺贺菌菌,溶溶血血性性链

26、链球球菌菌,肺肺炎炎双双球球菌菌及及金金黄黄色色葡葡萄球菌均有抑制作用。萄球菌均有抑制作用。 2727(7) Hypotensive effect: In animal studies, the herb has been proven to lower blood pressure, probably through its vasodilation action. 降降压压作作用用:动动物物实实验验研研究究表表明明,黄黄芪芪具具降降低低血血压压的作用,可能与其舒张血管的作用有关。的作用,可能与其舒张血管的作用有关。2828ActionlTo reinforce qi and strengt

27、hen the superficial resistance, and to promote the discharge of pus and the growth of new tissue.l补气固表,排脓生肌补气固表,排脓生肌。2929IndicationsvDeficiency of qi with lack of strength; prolapse of rectum due to chronic diarrhea; spontaneous sweating; edema; prolapse of uterus; albuminuria in chronic nephritis, diabetes mellitus; abscess difficult to burst or heal.v气气虚虚乏乏力力,久久泻泻脱脱肛肛,自自汗汗,浮浮肿肿,子子宫宫脱脱垂垂,慢性肾炎引起的蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。慢性肾炎引起的蛋白尿、糖尿病、疮口久不愈合。3030



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