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1、Module TwoMy New Teachers外研社必修一module语言知识点Language Language pointspoints外研社必修一module语言知识点1. that first impressions arevery important.They say 据据说他又写了一本新他又写了一本新书。They say that he has written a new book. It is said that he has He is said to have written a .They sayIt is said/ reported/ believedsb. Is

2、said/ reported/ believed to do据据说外研社必修一module语言知识点impress vt.impress somebody with/by something We were very impressed by the beautiful scenery. The professor impressed us with her knowledge. I think the headmaster was quite impressed by our presentation. impress something on somebody Father impress

3、ed on me the value of hard work.Father impressed the value of hard work on me.外研社必修一module语言知识点ones (first) impression of 某人对的(最初)印象你对纽约的第一印象是什么?那座古老的教堂给汤姆留下很深刻的印象。What were your first impressions of New York?The old church made/ left a great impression on Tom. 外研社必修一module语言知识点2. I think perhaps sh

4、e was, it was her first lesson with us.asas的用法:的用法:Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses.As a student, I feel that more should be done to improve my handwriting.As time goes by, things will get easier.作为倍数随着外研社必修一module语言知识点King as he was,he was unhappy. 他虽是国王,但他并不幸福。 Child

5、 as he is,he knows to help other. 他虽是个孩子,却知道帮助别人。Strong man as he is, he is scared in front of the ugly monster.他虽然很坚强,但在这个丑陋的怪物面前胆怯了。 名名词 + as / though + 主主语语 + 动词动词 位于句首的名位于句首的名词前前习惯上不用冠上不用冠词,即使其前有形容词修饰也不用冠词。外研社必修一module语言知识点Successful as he is, he is not proud. 他虽然成功,但不骄傲。 Improbable as it seems,

6、 its true. 虽然看起来不太可能,但却是真的。Stupid as it sounds, I was so in love with her that I believed her. 尽管听起来很愚蠢,我是如此爱她竟然相信了她的话。 形容形容词 + as / though + 主主语 + 动词 外研社必修一module语言知识点Hard though they tried, they couldnt make her change her mind.尽管他们做了很大努力,却没法让她改变主意。 Fast as you read, you cant finish the book in tw

7、o days. 尽管你读得很快,你总不能在两天之内就读完这本书。 Much as I like you, I couldnt live with you. 我尽管很喜欢你,却不能和你在一起生活。副副词 + as / though + 主语 + 动词外研社必修一module语言知识点Try as he might, he couldnt solve the problem. 尽管他想方设法,却未解决这个问题。 Search as they would, they would find nobody in the house. 无论怎样搜查,他们在房子里仍然没有找到一个人。 动词原形原形 + as

8、 / though + 主语 + 动词 外研社必修一module语言知识点这类倒装倒装的让步状语从句可用 as, though 来引导,不能用 although 来引导;但是,未倒装未倒装的让步状语从句却可用 though, although 来引导,而不能用 as 来引导。也就是说, although 引引导让步状步状语从句从句时不能倒装,不能倒装,as 引引导让步状步状语从句从句时必必须倒装,而倒装,而 though 引引导让步状步状语从从句句时可以倒装也可以不倒装。可以倒装也可以不倒装。虽然很晚了,但我们还是继续工作。 正:Late as though it was,we still w

9、ent on working. 正:Though it was late,we still went on working. 误:Late although it was,we still went on working . 误:As it was late,we still went on working. 外研社必修一module语言知识点3. Ive always or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English. hated making mistakes hate + n.讨厌/憎恨某物hate doing sth.讨厌做某

10、事hate to do sth.不想/不愿做某事hate it when讨厌I hate it when kids cry. 我讨厌小娃儿哭。外研社必修一module语言知识点4. Shes kind and patient, and she explains English grammar even I can understand it!so clearly that 3. but Mrs Li just smiles, you dont feel completely stupid!so that Whats the difference between “so that” and “s

11、o that”? 外研社必修一module语言知识点The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mothers Day.She explains everything in English so that they feel it is difficult to understand her. The sunshine is so beautiful that Id like to go swimming today.When the football fans saw Beckham

12、, they got so excited that they cried out. 目的状目的状语结果状果状语结果状果状语结果状果状语外研社必修一module语言知识点so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是“因此;所以”。so形容词或副词that .引导结果状语从句。外研社必修一module语言知识点so that = in order that 引引导目的状目的状语从句

13、从句e.g. He got up early so that/ in order that he could catch the first bus.1) He is such a good student that we all like him.2) He is so good a student that we all like him.3) She made such rapid progress thatWhats the difference between “so that” and “such that”? 外研社必修一module语言知识点Correct the follow

14、ing sentences.1.He made such many mistakes that the teacher got angry. _2. He ate such little food that he was hungry again. _ _soso 当名词前有many,much,few,little(少) 时,不用such,而用so.3. I ate so much food that I was sick.4. They were little boxes that he could carry six once.such外研社必修一module语言知识点5. We say

15、a word unless she asks us to. 1) He dare not go home alone at night. 2) He doesnt dare to go home alone at night.Attention:dare可以用在情态动词,也可用作实意动词,做实意动词时后接带to的不定式。dont dare to 外研社必修一module语言知识点6. There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late. who keep coming= keeping coming1)Ther

16、e are lots of people who are waiting outside.2) There are lots of people waiting outside.外研社必修一module语言知识点7. I think that Ill the exam . do well / badly in 1) He does well in English. 2)We got out of the forest with the guide leading the way.do well in with Mrs. Chen teaching me外研社必修一module语言知识点with

17、的复合的复合结构:构:with + 宾语 + 宾语补足语With so much work to do, I have no time for a holiday.有如此多的工作要做,我度假的时间都没有。With so many things to deal with, I have to stay up late.有如此多的事情要处理,我不得不熬夜。With + 宾语 + to do 外研社必修一module语言知识点We found the house easily with the little boy leading the way.由于这个小孩儿带路,我们很容易就找到了这个房子。Li

18、u Bei was quite safe with Guan Yu standing behind him.因为关羽站在他身后,刘备相当安全。With + 宾语 + doing外研社必修一module语言知识点With all the things bought, she went home happily.所以东西都买齐后,她高兴地回家咯。With all the homework finished, she went to bed.做完了所有的作业,她就去睡咯。With + 宾语 + done外研社必修一module语言知识点He is used to sleeping with the

19、windows open.She left the room with all the lights on.He walked into the dark street with a stick in his hand.With + 宾语 + adj.With + 宾语 + adv.With + 宾语 + 介词短语.外研社必修一module语言知识点9. Mr. Wu us for two weeks. have / has been doing 现在完成进行时10. He loves it ,. in fact = as a matter of fact 实际上 1) As a matter

20、 of fact, I dont know the truth.2) He doesnt mind. In fact, hes pleased.has only been teaching in fact外研社必修一module语言知识点Exercise外研社必修一module语言知识点1.They started out early_they might get there in time. A.so that B.such that C.so as to D.in order to2.-Its unfair, sir! -How_speak to me like that? A.you a

21、re B.dare you C.do you dare D.are you dare to外研社必修一module语言知识点3.The woman is both kind_her students and strict _ them. A. to, to B. with, with C. to, with D. with, to4.It is_that I have to stay at home all day.A. so bad a day B. such bad a dayC. so badly a day D. such a badly day外研社必修一module语言知识点5.J

22、ohn shut everybody out of the kitchen_he could prepare his grand surprise for the party. A. which B. when C. so that D. as if6.The man will have to wait all day_the doctor works fast. A. if B. unless C. whether D.that7.I dont know the restaurant, but its_to be quite a good one. A.told b. said C. spo

23、ken D. talked外研社必修一module语言知识点8.-Hi , Tracy, you look tired. -Im tired. I_the living-room all day.(98) A.painted. B.had painted C.have been painting D.have painted 9.This term, Liu Ming has made _that he has been praised by the teacher several times.A.such many progress B.so many progressC.such much

24、 progress D.so much progress外研社必修一module语言知识点10.Can you believe that in_a rich country there should be_many poor people ? (95) A. such , such B. such , so C. so , so D. so , such11. Robert is said _abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. (99)A. to have studied B. to studyC.to be studying

25、 D.to have been studying外研社必修一module语言知识点1. (北京)_ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of2. (北京) Now that she is out of job, Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet. A. has considered B. has been considering C. considered D. is going to considerAB外研社必修一module语言知识点



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