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1、DELICIOUS FOOD !美食美食测控3班 孙燕 学号:201423030322C CO ON NT TE EN NT TS SChinese food culture Chinas top ten cuisinesForeign food End 有巢氏Diet is to eat birds and animals raw, do not belong to the diet culture.燧人氏Simulated flight cooked food, from now on, into the hot Stone Age. Chinese food culture 伏羲氏On

2、a diet, to knot recticulum teaching practice fish, a sacrifice to the kitchen. 神农氏taste for medicine, the invention LeiSi, grass bouquet of leisure farm.黄帝Emperor as a stove, beginning to kitchen唐宋Diet culture peak, pay attention to too much.汉China is rich in diet culture period周秦时期Food forming peri

3、od of Chinas food culture, the grain vegetable is the staple food明清Food culture is another peak, diet had the very big change有巢氏Diet is to eat birds and animals raw, do not belong to the diet culture.当时人们不懂人工取火和熟食。饮食状况是茹毛饮血,不属于饮食文化。Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametALorem ipsum dolor sit ametBLorem ipsum do

4、lor sit ametC燧人氏Simulated flight cooked food, from now on, into the hot Stone Age. The main cooking method: (1), namely fire drill to make pulp and burnt; (2) in clay pot: with mud wrapped after burn; (3) with a stone mortar water, food, with red-hot stones hot cooked food; (4) roasted: the flake ho

5、t, then put the seeds in the fire.钻木取火,从此熟食,进入石烹时代。主要烹调方法:炮,即钻火使果肉而燔之; 煲:用泥裹后烧; 用石臼盛水、食,用烧红的石子烫熟食物; 焙炒:把石片烧热,再把植物种子放在上面炒。On a diet, to knot recticulum teaching practice fish, a sacrifice to the kitchen.在饮食上,结网罟以教佃渔,养牺牲以充庖厨。伏羲氏伏羲氏神农氏 耕而陶,是中国农业的开创者,尝百草,开创古医药学,发明耒耜,教民稼穑。Plow and tao, is the pioneer of

6、Chinas agricultural, taste for medicine, the invention LeiSi, grass bouquet of leisure farm. Tao has enable people to have the cooking utensils and containers for the first time, provides a possible, fermentation production food such as wine, Hai, ideal (vinegar), dairy, juice, feels ashamed, etc. D

7、ing is one of the earliest cookers, PAWS because had no kitchen, and by its claw is hollow, Gui used for cooking wine.黄帝时期黄帝时期The diet of the Chinese nation has improved, the emperor as a stove, for kitchen, concentrated firepower save fuel, make the food cooked, and widely used in the qin and han d

8、ynasties, it was still, high kitchen gradually withdraw from the historical arena, valley of parboiled to drink, cook porridge for the first time because of the difference between food cooking methods, boiler invented, called retort. Evaporate salt was invented, the yellow emperor courtiers lodge sa

9、vary-gilliard from now on not only understand the cook do know, is good for people health.中华民族的饮食状况又有了改善,皇帝作灶,始为灶神,集中火力节省燃料,使食物速熟,而广泛使用在秦汉时期,当时是釜,高脚灶具逐步退出历史舞台,蒸谷为饮,烹谷为粥首次因烹调方法区别食品,蒸锅发明了,叫甑。蒸盐业是黄帝臣子宿沙氏发明,从此不仅懂得了烹还懂得调,有益人的健康。周周秦秦时时期期Food forming period of Chinas food culture, the grain vegetable is th

10、e staple food美美食食中中国国饮饮食食文文化化的的成成形形时时期期,以以谷谷物物蔬蔬菜菜为为主主食食。汉汉中国饮食文化的丰富时期中国饮食文化的丰富时期China is rich in diet culture period 归功于汉代中西(西域)饮食文化的交流,引进石榴、芝麻、葡萄、胡桃(即核桃)、西瓜、甜瓜、黄瓜、菠菜、胡萝卜、茴香、芹菜、胡豆、扁豆、苜蓿(主要用于马粮),莴笋、大葱、大蒜,还传入一些烹调方法,如炸油饼,胡饼即芝麻烧饼也叫炉桡。淮南王刘安发明豆腐,使豆类的营养得到消化,物美价廉,可做出许多种菜肴,1960年河南密县发现的汉墓中的大画像石上就有豆腐作坊的石刻。东汉还

11、发明了植物油。在此以前都用动物油,叫脂膏,带角的动物油叫脂,无角的如犬,叫膏。脂较硬,膏较稀软,植物油有杏仁油,奈实油,麻油,但很稀少,南北朝以后植物油的品种增加,价格也便宜。烧尾宴唐宋Diet culture peak, pay attention to too much.饮食文化的高峰,过分讲究。“素蒸声音部、罔川图小样”,最具代表性的是烧尾宴。明清时期明清时期Food culture is another peak, is the continuation and development of tang and song dynasty eat custom, it is filled

12、with the characteristics of Mongolia, diet had the very big change, man-han banquet represents the highest level of diet culture in qing dynasty.饮食文化是又一高峰,是唐宋食俗的继续和发展,同时又混入满蒙的特点,饮食结构有了很大变化,主食:菰米已被彻底淘汰,麻子退出主食行列改用榨油,豆料也不再作主食,成为菜肴,北方黄河流域小麦的比例大辐度增加,面成为宋以后北方的主食,明代又一次大规模引进,马铃薯,甘薯,蔬菜的种植达到较高水准,成为主要菜肴。肉类:人工畜

13、养的畜禽成为肉食主要来源。满汉全席代表了清代饮食文化的最高水平。Chinas top ten cuisines(15)Jiangsu cuisine 苏菜Shandong cuisine 鲁菜Hubei cuisine 楚菜Sichuan cuisine 川菜Cantonese cuisine 粤菜Jiangsu cuisine 苏菜Jiangsu cuisine featuresStrict election materials, production, refined taste moderate, the four seasons. On cooking is good at stewi

14、ng, stewed, nest, burning stew, fry, and pay attention to the soup, keep juice, flavor freshness, adaptation of wide and thick but not greasy, not thin, crisp rotten to take off the bone, tender crisp.苏菜特征选料严谨,制作精致,口味适中,四季分明。在烹调技术上擅长炖焖、烩、窝、烧、炒、又重视调汤,保持原汁,风味清鲜,适应面广,浓而不腻、淡而不薄,酥烂脱骨,滑嫩爽脆。苏菜苏菜烹调技艺以炖、焖、煨著

15、称;重视调汤,保持原汁。烹调技艺以炖、焖、煨著称;重视调汤,保持原汁。Is famous for its cooking skills to stew, braised, simmer; Attaches great importance to the soup, keep juice. Formerly jiangsu and zhejiang cuisine, is the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river region famous cuisines in China, its broad geographical coverag

16、e, including jiangsu, zhejiang, anhui and Shanghai today, and parts of jiangxi, henan, it has southeast first JiaWei, to the United States of the world reputation, reputation spread far from home and abroad.烹调技艺以炖、焖、煨著称;重视调汤,保持原汁。原为江浙菜系,是中国长江中下游地区的著名菜系,其覆盖地域甚广,包括现今江苏、浙江、安徽、上海,以及江西、河南部分地区,它有“东南第一佳味”、

17、“天下之至美”之誉,声誉远播海内外。 川川菜菜主要特点在于味型多样,变化精妙。辣椒、胡椒、花椒、豆瓣酱等是主要调味品,不同的配比,化出了麻辣、酸辣、椒麻、麻酱、蒜泥、芥末、红油、糖醋、鱼香、怪味等各种味型,无不厚实醇浓,具有“一菜一格”、“百菜百味”的特殊风味,各式菜点无不脍炙人口。川菜是中国最有特色的菜系,因此全国闻名。The main characteristic is that taste type diversity, changes subtlety. Chili, pepper, Chinese prickly ash, broad bean paste and so on are

18、 the main flavoring, the ratio of different, the spicy, spicy, pepper, sesame catsup, mashed garlic, mustard, red oil, sweet and sour fish, aroma, taste and other type, all thick richness, with a dish one case, special flavor of the food subway, all kinds of dishes all popular. Sichuan is Chinas mos

19、t distinctive cuisines, so famous in the country.Sichuan cuisine featuresHad enjoyed a dish one case, the food potpourri reputation. Sichuan cuisine in the cooking method, Fried, Fried, dry, Fried, smoked, bubble, stew, stewing, stewed, stick, and as many as 38 kinds of blasting. On the taste especi

20、ally pay attention to color, aroma, taste, shape, both north and south, is famous for its more flavor, wide, thick. Traditionally, there has been 7 (sweet, acid, hemp, hot, bitter, sweet and salty), eight zi (dry, acid, hot, sweet fish, stir-fry, odor, pepper, red oil).川菜特征素来享有一菜一格,百菜百味的声誉。川菜在烹调方法上,

21、有炒、煎、干烧、炸、熏、泡、炖、焖、烩、贴、爆等三十八种之多。在口味上特别讲究色、香、味、形、兼有南北之长,以味的多、广、厚著称。历来有七味(甜、酸、麻、辣、苦、香、咸)、“八滋”(干烧、酸、辣、鱼香、干煸、怪味、椒麻、红油)之说。川菜川菜Is the earliest local specialties in our country, from jinan, jiaodong, Confucius menu items of three parts. Shandong cuisine is formed the earliest cuisine, it has an important in

22、fluence on other cuisines, therefore the shandong cuisine for first eight regional cuisines.是我国最早的地方风味菜,由济南、胶东、孔府菜点三部分组成。鲁菜是形成最早的菜系,它对其他菜系的产生有重要的影响,因此鲁菜为八大菜系之首。Shandong cuisine 鲁菜Jiaodong local dishes, to cook a variety of fresh sea famous. Its cooking from fushan dishes, cooking methods, is good at

23、 critical, Fried, grilled, steamed, taste is given priority to with fresh, lay particular stress on light, intense, onion garlic, especially cooked seafood, soup, and a variety of animal internal organs for long. Jinan cuisine remakes soup, especially the use of clear soup, cream soup and boil has s

24、trict rules, dishes to clean fresh crisp said.胶东地方菜,以烹制各种海鲜菜驰名。它的烹调技术来自福山菜,烹调方法,擅长爆、炸、扒、蒸,口味以鲜为主,偏重清淡,味浓厚、嗜葱蒜,尤以烹制海鲜,汤菜和各种动物内脏为长。济南菜尤重制汤,清汤、奶汤的使用及熬制都有严格规定,菜品以清鲜脆嫩着称。鲁菜由济南和胶东两个地方清、鲜、脆、嫩著称Shandong cuisineTraditionally extensive materials, novel strange and champions league national dishes, therefore i

25、s called eating in guangzhou, a legendary. The main characteristic of cantonese cuisine in the cooking is famous for its Fried, stewed, baked, bureau, exquisite fresh, tender, bright, smooth, to taste, crisp, fresh, light mainly. Has a five zi (incense, pine, smelly, fat, thick), the six flavors (ac

26、id, sweet, bitter, salty, spicy, fresh).英历来以选料广博,菜肴新颖奇异而冠于全国,故有食在广州之称,名扬四海。粤菜的主要特点在烹调上以炒、烩、煎烤、局著称,讲究鲜、嫩、爽、滑、口味上以生,脆、鲜、淡为主。曾有五滋(香、松、臭、肥、浓)、“六味”(酸、甜、苦、咸、辣、鲜)之说。汉Cantonese cuisine 粤菜Cantonese cuisine 粤菜Guangdong factionFrom guangzhou dishes, chaozhou dishes and dongjiang dishes, in addition to flavor o

27、f hainan area.粤菜派系由广州菜、潮州菜、东江菜组成,此外还有海南地区风味。 Guangzhou dishes including the pearl river delta, shaoguan, zhanjiang and zhaoqing place names such as food, the most widely, materials widely, first material fine, fine work, good at changing, species diversity.广州菜包括珠江三角洲和肇庆、韶关、湛江等地名食在内地域最广,用料广泛,先料精细,技艺精

28、良,善于变化,品种多样。Cantonese cuisine 粤菜Hubei cuisine 楚菜Was documented in shiji chu rao terrain, no famine of. Hubei province is called the province of thousands of lakes, chu dishes based on hubei unique fresh water tree, give priority to, the fish delicious juice thick sauce mix, fresh spicy incense, pay

29、attention to color, flavor, rich dishes, the banquet is numerous, good steamed, stewed, Fried, burned, Fried cooking methods, such as characteristic is juice concentration, thicken thick, salty, taste pure, folk YaoZhuan to simmer soup, steamed vegetables, meat, cake, fish balls and rice products sn

30、acks as the main body, with rolling, rotten, fresh, alcohol, sweet, tender, foot seven. Represented by wuhan food.史记中曾记载了楚地地势饶食,无饥馑之患。湖北被称“千湖之省”,楚菜以湖北得天独厚的淡水河鲜为本,鱼馔为主,汁浓芡亮,香鲜微辣,注重本色、原汁原味,菜式丰富,筵席众多,擅长蒸、煨、炸、烧、炒等烹调方法,特点是汁浓、芡稠、口重、味纯,民间肴馔以煨汤、蒸菜、肉糕、鱼丸和米制品小吃为主体,具有滚、烂、鲜、醇、香、嫩、足“七美”之说。以武汉菜为代表。Hubei cuisine 楚

31、菜Chu food dishesSteamed wuchang fish, crab roe sharks fin, ribs lotus root soup, jingwuyangxiong duck neck, three steamed paper for Yang, dongpo pork,red bolt Fried bacon, Huang Bei triad and pimp eel, Huang Bei sugar steamed meat, oil level, shrimp Zha, zi ba fish, mariko glutinous rice, Fried lotu

32、s root folder and so on more than two hundred.楚菜名菜清蒸武昌鱼、蟹黄鱼翅、排骨藕汤、精武鸭脖、沔阳三蒸、东坡肉红菜苔炒腊肉、黄陂三合、皮条鳝鱼、黄陂糖蒸肉、油面、虾鲊、糍粑鱼、糯米圆子、炸藕夹等两百余种之多。Chinas top ten cuisines(610)Zhejiang cuisine 浙菜FHunan cuisine 湘菜GAnhui cuisine 徽菜HFujian cuisine 闽菜IBeijing cuisine 京菜JZhejiang cuisine Zhejiang cuisine 浙菜浙菜Zhejiang cuisin

33、e featuresVariety is rich, small and exquisite dishes, dishes delicious tender, crisp soft and relaxed, its characteristic is clear, sweet, crisp, fresh, tender, cool, with common four features: exquisite materials, unique cooking, pay attention to the flavor. Production of fine.浙菜特征品种丰富,菜式小巧玲珑,菜品鲜美

34、滑嫩、脆软清爽,其特点是清、香、脆、嫩、爽、鲜,具有共同的四个特点:选料讲究,烹饪独到,注重本味。制作精细。Mainly include hangzhou, ningbo, wenzhou, jinhua of four schools, each with a strong local characteristics.主要有杭州、宁波、温州、金华四个流派所组成,各自带有浓厚的地方特色。Zhejiang cuisine dishesThe west lake vinegar fish, the crab soup, dry fry ring, lotus leaf steamed pork w

35、ith rice flour, west lake water shield soup, Fried shrimps with longjing tea, hangzhou stewed chicken, fire heel hock, rock sugar turtle, boiler burning river eel, rotten bag yellow croaker, moss deep wihin small fang roast, fire cock, the lotus leaf steamed pork with rice flour, the color yellow cr

36、oaker, network center is wrapped foie gras, yellow croaker, fish maw, such as green moss drag yellow croaker thousands of species.浙菜名菜西湖醋鱼、赛蟹羹、干炸响铃、荷叶粉蒸肉、西湖莼菜汤、龙井虾仁、杭州煨鸡、火踵蹄膀、冰糖甲鱼、锅烧河鳗、腐皮包黄鱼、苔菜小方烤、火臆金鸡、荷叶粉蒸肉、彩熘全黄鱼、网油包鹅肝、黄鱼鱼肚、苔菜拖黄鱼等数千种。浙菜鲜嫩软滑,香醇绵糯,清爽不腻。ENGIs a long history of a local specialties in o

37、ur country. Hunan particularly exquisite flavor, especially heavy hot and sour, salty sweet, fragrant and fresh. Hot summer, the weight light, sweet taste delicious. The winter cold, hot, strong taste delicious. Its characteristic is oil heavy color thick, affordable, pay attention to delicious, spi

38、cy, tender, was known to heat food and preserved food. The most distinctive feature of the hunan food is hot, 2 is preserved.CHA是我国历史悠久的一个地方风味菜。湘菜特别讲究调味,尤重酸辣、咸香、清香、浓鲜。夏天炎热,其味重清淡、香鲜。冬天湿冷,味重热辣、浓鲜。其特色是油重色浓,讲求实惠,注重鲜香、酸辣、软嫩,尤以煨菜和腊菜着称。湖南菜最大特色一是辣,二是腊。Hunan cuisine 湘菜Hunan dishesEast Anglia chicken, group o

39、f temples sharks fin, steaming LaWei close, bread whole duck, spicy chicken, turtle soup sheep, jishou acid meat, five yuan spring chicken, rock sugar XiangLian hundreds of.湘菜名菜东安子鸡、组庵鱼翅、腊味合蒸、面包全鸭、麻辣子鸡、龟羊汤、吉首酸肉、五元神仙鸡、冰糖湘莲等数百种。湘湘 菜菜FOREIGNPay attention to fire power, good cooked venison, beneath the

40、heavy, simple, keep the original; Many dishes are small use charcoal fire, youdun, heat, and b. green, the original pan, fragrant; Do not fisheries in the south of anhui, but cooking curing of high-profile smelly fish. Cuisine represented by wuhu and anqing region along the river, later also to hefe

41、i area, it mainly good at cooking tree, animal, exquisite knife work, pay attention to the color, shape, use sugar to taste, especially in the smoked food having a unique style. Along the HuaiCai represented by bengbu, province in, fuyang, pay attention to in the salty and spicy dishes, soup color s

42、trong salty, also idiomatic parsley color and flavor.LOCAL讲究火功,善烹野味,量大油重,朴素实惠,保持原汁原味;不少菜肴都是取用木炭小火炖、煨而成,汤清味醇,原锅上席,香气四溢;皖南虽水产不多,但烹制经腌制的“臭桂鱼”知名度很高。沿江菜以芜湖、安庆地区为代表,以后也传到合肥地区,它以烹制河鲜、家畜见长,讲究刀工,注意色、形,善用糖调味,尤以烟熏菜肴别具一格。沿淮菜以蚌埠、宿县、阜阳等地为代表,菜肴讲究咸中带辣,汤汁色浓口重,亦惯用香菜配色和调味。Anhui cuisine 徽菜徽菜徽菜,中国八大菜系之一Cuisine dishesMai

43、n dishes are ham braised turtle, braised civet cat, salted fresh mandarin fish, huangshan stewed pigeon fresh mandarin fish, pickled, asked mountain bamboo shoots and tiger fur bean curd and so on hundreds of.徽菜名菜主要名菜有火腿炖甲鱼,红烧果子狸、腌鲜鳜鱼、黄山炖鸽、腌鲜鳜鱼、“问政山笋”、“虎皮毛豆腐”等上百种。Fujian cuisine is famous for cooking

44、 delicacies, its characteristic is freshness, flavor and alcohol, meat is sweet, not greasy, pay attention to color, delicious fresh. Good at cooking Fried, slip, Fried, stewed, steamed, Fried, etc. Taste is partial to sweet, sour, light, especially pay attention to the soup, the variety of the wide

45、 road, soup, taste, is a big characteristic, known as the ten become a soup.闽菜以烹制山珍海味而著称,其风味特点是清鲜、和醇、荤香、不腻,注重色美味鲜。烹调擅长于炒、溜、煎、煨、蒸炸等。口味则偏得于甜、酸、淡,特别讲究汤的制作,其汤路之广、种类之多,味道之妙,可谓一大特色,素有一汤十变之称。Fujian cuisine 闽菜闽菜名菜醉糟鸡、糟汁川海蚌、桔味加力鱼、佛跳墙、炒西施舌、东壁龙珠、爆炒地猴等数百种。闽菜闽菜以海味为主要原料,注重甜酸咸香、色美味鲜以海味为主要原料,注重甜酸咸香、色美味鲜Fujian cuisi

46、ne dishesDrunken chicken, bad juice sichuan sea clams, JieWei energise the fish, Buddha jumps over the wall, Fried antiquata, the east wall of the dragon, monkey for a while, such as hundreds of species.In Beijing cuisine full-flavored trout, simple sense is diversiform, food is various, clear four

47、seasons, has a perfect and unique cooking methods, to explode, fry, roast center, rinse, stewing, steaming, diving, cooking. Formed in Beijing cuisine features was the main reason for the national capital, Beijing, the spirit. The special mechanics remit the all over the country, and food raw materi

48、als, delicacies, seasonal vegetables.The royal prerogative of delicacies, is extraordinary, pay attention to very much. Characteristic is not fresh crisp sweet. In Beijing cuisine a lot use all kinds of plant roots and vegetables such as peppers, garlic, ginger, onion and guan dasey, etc. Due to the

49、 cold weather in Beijing, food is given priority to with can produce heat to keep warm the cold.京菜口味浓厚清鳟,质感多样,菜品繁多,四季分明,有完善、独特的烹调技法,以爆、炒、熘、烤、涮、焖、蒸、氽、煮见长。形成京菜特色的主要原因是北京为全国首府,物华天宝,人杰地灵。全国各风味菜技师多汇于此,菜肴原料天南地北,山珍海味、时令蔬菜应有尽有。王族专享的佳肴, 自是气派不凡,讲究非常。特点是别具脆嫩香鲜。京菜大量运用各种植物根和蔬菜,如辣椒、蒜头、姜、葱和莞茜等。由于北京天气寒冷,食物以能产生热量保暖驱

50、寒为主。Beijing cuisine Beijing cuisine 京菜京菜京菜京菜天子脚下,佳肴做工精良,在于北京菜品种复杂多元,兼容并蓄八方风味The western diet culture西方饮食文化French food 法国菜1Italian cuisine 意大利菜2British food culture 英国饮食文化3The U.S. food 美国餐4Russian cuisine 俄罗斯菜5Germanys food culture 德国饮食文化6French food 法国菜France is AD 476 the western Roman empire afte

51、r gradually built on the ruins of the state. It is before the Roman province, called Gaul. Then here are some famous chef in Athens and Rome, laid the foundation of French cuisine. Into the 16th century European Renaissance Italy in the stewed cattle he nuclear, Fried tender steak, and various produ

52、ction methods such as spread to France, the French food more abundant. Because generations of the French king advocate cuisine, the French chef, laid the French cuisine in the important position in the western food. But French is conservative, development is relatively slow.1法国是公元476年西罗马帝国灭亡后废墟上逐渐建立

53、起来的国家。在此以前它是古罗马省,称为外高卢。当时就有一些雅典和罗马的有名厨师来到这里,奠定了法国菜的基础。到16世纪欧洲文艺复兴时期意大利盛行的烩牛他核、煎嫩牛排及各种少司的制作方法等传到了法国,使法国菜更加丰富起来。由于历代法国国王崇尚美食,使得当时的法国名厨辈出,奠定了法式菜在西餐中的重要地位。但法餐却趋于保守,发展较为缓慢。2Most of the starters of home cooking is salad, soup and sauce, etc. Before senior food, food is heavy, imagination and creativity, e

54、merge in endlessly, different restaurants rarely repeated.家常菜中的前菜大多是沙拉、汤和肉酱等。而高级料理中,前菜其实是重头戏,想象力和创意层出不穷,不同餐厅极少重复。13Appetizing dot and cheese, good restaurants usually offer, not only appear in the family party.开胃小点和奶酪,好的餐厅一般都会提供,而并非只在家庭聚会上出现。2Main course are mainly big fish big meat, as well as star

55、ters.主菜主要是大鱼大肉,不如前菜那么花样繁多。4Aperitif wine is champagne and a variety of cocktails, more wine is red wine, white wine and champagne, after eating wine is cognac and whiskey.餐前酒多为香槟和各种调酒,配餐则是红酒、白酒和香槟,餐后酒才有干邑和威士忌登场。French foodApritifs + Amuse-Bouche / Entres / Plats / Fromages / Apritifs + Amuse-Bouche

56、/ Entres / Plats / Fromages / Desserts / Caf / DigestifsDesserts / Caf / Digestifs餐前酒餐前酒+ +开胃小点开胃小点/ /前菜前菜/ /主菜主菜/ /奶酪奶酪/ /甜点甜点/ /咖啡咖啡/ /餐后酒餐后酒意大利美食意大利美食Italian foodItaly is located in the southern of the peninsula, superior geographical conditions make Italian fertilization and food processing indu

57、stry is very developed, its with noodles, cheese, salad m sausages.The late 2nd century BC, Roman imperial cuisine has formed a huge team, and a very fine division of labor. Chef manager the identity of the same as the aristocratic minister, more perfect cooking methods, production methods and dozen

58、s of little purpose. Today, Italian food is still enjoys a high reputation in the world.ENG意大利地处南欧的亚平宁半岛,优越的地理条件使意大利的受精和食品加工业都很发达,其以面条,奶酪,色拉米肉肠著称于世。公元前2世纪后期,古罗马宫廷的膳房已形成庞大的队伍,并有很细的分工。厨师总管的身份与贵族大臣相同,烹调方法日益完善,并发明了数十种少目的制作方法。时至今日,意大利菜仍在世界上享有很高的声誉。汉Italian foodAperitivi / Antipasti / Primi / Secondi + Co

59、ntorni / Insalate / Formaggi e Frutta / Dolci / Caff / Digestivi餐前酒/前菜/第一道菜/第二道菜+配菜/沙拉/奶酪和水果/甜点/咖啡/餐后酒餐前酒会搭配一些常见的小食,而没有法国那样特别的开胃小点。The first dish is all kinds of noodles, rice and soup. These belong in French Entrees, Italy is divided into two courses, Antipasti and Primi.第一道菜是各种面、饭、汤。这些在法餐里都归属Entre

60、s,意大利则分为Antipasti和Primi两道菜。Dishes is tie-in main vegetables or potatoes. However, some restaurants and French, dishes directly into the main course, and does not provide a separate choice and plates.配菜是搭配主菜的蔬菜或土豆。不过一些高级餐厅和法餐一样,配菜直接归入主菜里了,而不提供单独的选择和盘子。The second course of French entrees, big fish big

61、 meat.第二道菜相当于法餐的主菜,大鱼大肉。After the main course is a big salad. Cheese and fruit is not common.主菜之后的是大份沙拉。奶酪和水果其实并不常见。British food culture 英国饮食文化01Britains agriculture has developed, food mainly imported each year, the British dont like French advocate food, so the British food is relatively simple, t

62、he British also often self-mockery himself well cooked. But British food breakfast is very rich, is well received in the western countries. In addition, the British people like drinking tea, habits around 3 o clock in the afternoon tea, usually a cup of tea or coffee and a snack. In case of friends

63、have sorrow, handing a cup of tea, is the best consolation to a friend.02英国的农业有发达,粮食每年主要靠进口,英国人也不像法国人那样崇尚美食,因此英式菜相对来说比较简单,英国人也常自嘲自己不善烹调。但英式菜的早餐却很丰盛,受到西方各国的普遍欢迎。另外,英国人喜欢喝茶,习惯在下午3点左右吃茶点,一般是一杯红茶或咖啡再加一份点心。如遇朋友有伤心事,递上一杯好茶,是对朋友最好的安慰。英式菜 “简单”British BreakfastAAfternoon teaBChicken breast with mash土豆泥和鸡胸肉也是

64、英国常见的一种菜肴类似的还有土豆泥和香肠的搭配。CBeef mince hotpotDThe U.S. food 美国餐ENGLISHCHINESEBecause the British immigrants in the United States is more, so American food is basically developed on the basis of British food. In addition, due to the short history, traditional, conservative thinking is less, on the habit

65、s and customs also not hidebound, americans rich local agriculture and animal husbandry products, combined with other European immigrants and the local indians living habits, formed a unique food culture in the United States. 由于在美国的英国移民较多,所以美式菜基本上是在英式菜的基础上发展起来的。另外,由于美国的历史短,传统、保守思想较少,在生活习惯上也不墨守成规,美国人

66、当地丰富的农牧产品,结合欧洲其他移民和当地印第安人的生活习惯,形成了独特的美国饮食文化。01Breakfast with bread, milk, eggs, fruit juice, cereal, coffee, sausage, etc. Mainly早餐以面包、牛奶、鸡蛋、果汁、麦片、咖啡、香肠等为主02Lunch is usually in the work place with fast food, fast food is the typical American diet culture, is very popular), usually have a sandwich, f

67、ruits, coffee, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc午餐一般在工作地点用快餐(快餐是典型的美国饮食文化,十分普及),一般有三明治、水果、咖啡、汉堡包、热狗等03Dinner is a dinner, a big, there are two dishes, such as steak, pork chops, roast pork, Fried chicken, with bread, butter, vegetables, fruits, snacks, etc晚餐是正餐,比较丰盛,有一二道菜,如牛排、猪排、烤肉、炸鸡等,配面包、黄油、青菜、水果、点心等The U

68、.S. foodDont pay attention to fine, the pursuit of quick and convenient, also not costly, more popular不讲究精细,追求快捷方便,也不奢华,比较大众化Russian cuisine 俄罗斯菜Russian cuisine are greatly influenced by French cuisine, some characteristics of Austria, Hungary and other national dish type, combined with their own ea

69、ting habits, gradually formed from characteristic of Russian cuisine.俄式菜受法式菜影响较大,奥地利、匈牙利等国菜式的一些特点,结合自己的饮食习惯,逐渐形成顾具特色的俄式菜。0.0Russian cuisineRussian cuisine Fine material widely, pay attention to production and processing, because of material technology, and pay attention to color, flavor diversity, s

70、trong adaptability, large and heavy oil选料广泛、讲究制作、加工精细、因料施技、讲究色泽、味道多样、适应性强、油大、味重Russian soup can be divided into clear soup, soup, fish soup and cream soup俄式汤可分为清汤、菜汤、鱼汤、奶汤等BRussias rich variety of cold dishes, including salad, macedoine cold dish, meat, etc俄罗斯冷菜丰富多样,包括沙拉、杂拌凉菜、肉等AMeat, poultry, dishe

71、s and all kinds of meat pie, have to be cooked right through to eat肉类、家禽菜肴和各种各样的肉饼,非得要烧得熟透才吃C德国是在西罗马帝国灭亡后由日尔曼诸部落逐渐建立起来的国家,中世纪时期一直处于分裂状态,直到1870年才真正统一。在生活上,德国人喜爱运动,所以食量较大,他们保留了以肉食为主的日尔曼遗风。德式菜看以丰盛实惠、朴实无华而著称。德国人用餐时也非常注重用餐礼仪。Germany is in the western Roman empire after all by the Germanic tribes graduall

72、y established, have been divided in the middle ages, the real united until 1870. In life, the germans love sports, appetite is big, so they kept the Germanic heritage is given priority to with meat. German type look great benefits, is famous for its simplicity. The germans when have dinner also is v

73、ery particular about table manners.Germanys food culture 德国饮食文化Dishes with beer用啤酒制作菜肴Taste is given priority to with acid salt口味以酸咸为主Eat fresh food食用生鲜菜肴In Germany there are many different kinds of meat and a lot German dishes are made with meat dishes德国的肉制品种类繁多,德国菜中有不少是用肉制品制作的菜肴Germanys food culture THANKS49 以以上上有有不不当当之之处处,请请大大家家给给与与批批评评指指正正,谢谢谢谢大家!大家!



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